Ni Made Taman Sari
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, Universitas Warmadewa

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Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Kober Mie Setan Cabang Pulau Kawe Denpasar Rani; Rani Sukma Dewi; Ni Made Rustini; Ni Made Taman Sari
Warmadewa Management and Business Journal (WMBJ) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/wmbj.3.1.2021.41-48


Adapun perumusan masalah dalam penelitian iniadalah bagaimana pengaruh harga terhadap kepuasanpelanggan dan bagiamana pengaruh kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan dan harga terhadap kepuasanpelanggan pada Kober Mie Setan Cabang Pulau Kawe Denpasar. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan tiga variabelyang terdiri dari tiga variabel bebas yaitu kualitasproduk (X1), kualitas pelayanan (X2), harga (X3),sedangkan variabel terikat yaitu kepuasan pelanggan(Y). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumenKober Mie Setan Cabang Pulau Kawe Denpasar.Instrument penelitian di uji menggunakan uji validitasdan uji relibilitas. Teknik analisis data yangdipergunakan adalah uji asumsi klasik meliputi ujinormalitas, uji multikolinearitas, dan uji heteroskedastisitas dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengananalisis regresi linier berganda, uji f dan uji t.Berdasarkan hasil uji F diperoleh besarnya F-hitung36,802 yang lebih besar dari F-tabel 2,70 yang berartisecara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada Kober Mie Setan Cabang Pulau Kawe. Berdasarkan hasil uji t untuk variabelkualitas produk diperoleh besarnya t-hitung 3,901 yanglebih besar dari t-tabel 1,986, variabel kualitaspelayanan diperoleh besarnya t-hitung 2,049 yang lebih besar dari t-tabel 1,986, variabel harga diperoleh besarnya t-hitung 4,145 yang lebih besar dari t-tabel 1,986, yang berarti kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan dan harga secaraparsial berpengrauh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada Kober Mie Setan Cabang Pulau Kawe.
KRISNA: Kumpulan Riset Akuntansi Vol. 9 No. 1 (2017): Krisna: Kumpulan Riset Akuntansi (Available Online Since)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Program Studi Akuntansi, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1017.11 KB)


Abstract This study entitled "analysis of Cost Volume profit in the sales Room Planning to achieve the profit Target At The Legian hotels in Badung". The Legian Hotel is a company engaged in the field of hospitality. As for the consideration in the choice of this location because this company since its establishment have never done planning sales and profit planning. That is a staple of the problems in this study i.e., what is the volume of the sales room in rupiah at The Legian hotels in Badung in the position of breakeven or a BEP (Break Event Point) in 2015, the sales plan of how that should beachieved in order to make a profit target full length on The Legian hotels in Badung intends the year 2016, how secure the sales decline limit if at The Legian hotels in Badung in 2016 sales changes so that the hotel did not suffer losses, how many percentage the rate of change of the volume of sales against the ups and downs of EBIT(Earning Before Interest and Taxes) or income before interest and taxes The Legian Hotels in Badung. As for the goals of this research is to know how the volume of sales in dollars on The Legian hotels in Badung in the position of breakeven or a BEP(Break Event Point) in 2015, to find out product sales to be achieved in order to the planned profit target of profits last year can be met at The Legian hotels in Badung in 2016, to know the limits of safe if The Legian hotels in Badung in 2016 changing sales so that the company does not suffer any loss, to find out the percentage rate of change of the volume of sales against the ups and downs of EBIT (Earning Before Interest and § Taxes) or income before interest and taxes at The Legian hotels in Badung. And data analysis technique used is semi variable cost segregation into fixed costs and variable costs, breakeven, contribution margin or break event point (BEP), plan sales, margin of safety (MOS), the degree of Operating Leverage (DOL). The results showed that the sales room in rupiah i.e. Rp. 3,211,228,500,-, sales plan to be achieved Rp. 3,730,948,215,-, as well as the safe limit the sale for the year 2016 i.e. 14%, a percentage of the sales rate against the ups and downs of earnings before interest taxes (EBIT) amounted to 11.23%. Keywords: Break Event Point BEP), Margin Of Safety (MOS), Degree Of Operating Leverage (DOL), dan Earning Before Interest Taxes (EBIT) Abstrak Pulau Bali merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata dunia yang mampu memberikan peluang pasar yang sangat besar bagi investor. Peranan pariwisata dalam pembangunan negara dan garis besarnya berintikan tiga segi yakni ekonomis, segi social, dan segi kebudayaan. Masing-masing segi memiliki dampak positif dan negative. Dampak positif antara lain memberikan sumbangan devisa bagi negara yang akan dapat dipakai membantu neraca pembayaran luar negeri, penyediaan lapangan kerja, dan kesempatan berusaha, memperkenalkan kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia kepada wisatawan asing. Bagi wisatawan domestik wisata berguna mengasah rasa cinta tanah air dan meningkatkan disiplin nasional. Sedangkan dampak negative yaitu muncul pola hidup konsumtif dan masyarakat cenderung mengadopsi nilai-nilai budaya asing tanpa menghayati esensinya. Skripsi ini mengambil judul “Analisis Biaya Volume Laba Dalam Perencanaan Penjualan Kamar Untuk Mencapai Target Laba Pada The Legian Hotel Di Badung”. The Legian Hotel merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa perhotelan. Adapun pertimbangan yang menjadi dasar dalam pemilihan lokasi ini karena perusahaan ini sejak berdirinya belum pernah melakukan perencanaan penjualan dan perencanaan laba. Yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berapakah volume penjualan kamar dalam rupiah di The Legian Hotel di Badung pada posisi titik impas atau BEP (Break Event Point) tahun 2015, berapa rencana penjualan yang harus dicapai agar target laba yang direncakan pada The Legian Hotel di Badung dapat terpenuhi tahun 2016, berapa batas aman terjadinya penurunan penjualan jika pada The Legian Hotel di Badung pada tahun 2016 mengalami perubahan penjualan agar hotel tidak mengalami kerugian, berapa prosentase tingkat perubahan volume penjualan terhadap naik turunnya EBIT (Earning before Interest and Taxes) atau pendapatan sebelum bunga dan pajak The Legian Hotel di Badung. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa volume penjualan kamar dalam rupiah pada The Legian Hotel di Badung pada posisi titik impas atau BEP (Break Event Point) tahun 2015, untuk mengetahui penjualan produk yang harus dicapai agar target laba yang direncanakan dari laba tahun lalu dapat terpenuhi pada The Legian Hotel di Badung pada tahun 2016, untuk mengetahui batas aman jika The Legian Hotel di Badung pada tahun 2016 mengalami perubahan penjualan agar perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian, untuk mengetahui prosentase tingkat perubahan volume penjualan terhadap naik turunnya EBIT (Eaqrning Before Interest and Taxes) atau pendapatan sebelum bunga dan pajak pada The Legian Hotel di Badung. Dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pemisahan biaya semi variabel ke dalam biaya tetap dan biaya variabel, margin kontribusi, titik impas atau break event point (BEP), rencana penjualan, margin of safety (MOS), degree of Operating Leverage (DOL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penjualan kamar dalam rupiah yaitu sebesar Rp.,-, rencana penjualan yang harus dicapai Rp. . 3.730.948.215,-, serta batas aman penjualan untuk tahun 2016 yaitu 14%, prosentase tingkat penjualan terhadap naik turunnya earning before interest taxes (EBIT) sebesar 11,23%. Kata kunci: Break Event Point BEP), Margin Of Safety (MOS), Degree Of Operating Leverage (DOL), dan Earning Before Interest Taxes (EBIT)
Analisis SWOT Dalam Pengembangan Agrowisata di Desa Pelaga Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung Taman Sari; Ketut Selamet; Sri Purnami
WACANA EKONOMI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Akuntansi) Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1000.841 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/we.19.1.1575.1-9


Abstract-Plaga Village, located in Petang Subdistrict, is the regency of Badung Regency, Bali Province which has the most potential to be developed as an agrotourism object compared to other regions. The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) internal and external factors that hinder the development of agro-tourism in Pelaga Village; (2) internal and external efforts that can be made to develop sustainable tourism villages in Pelaga Village; and (3) stakeholder perceptions regarding the development of sustainable tourism villages in Pelaga Village.This research uses a qualitative approach. The research location was chosen purposively, with the consideration that the tourism resources in Pelaga Village are diverse, besides that, the regional development priority is agriculture so that it is possible to develop eco-friendly agro-tourism and ecotourism. Respondents in this research are stakeholders related to tourism development in Pelaga Village. Data collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The collected data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and supplemented by analysis of survey data (quantitative) for interpretation of results. The results of the analysis show that the internal factors that inhibit the development of agro-tourism in the village of Plaga are about the continuity of production results due to natural factors and soil fertility due to continuous cropping patterns on the same product, so that soil nutrients become reduced for the same crop products. Whereas on the other hand the quality of agricultural products, especially Asparagus products, has superior quality (it has even received the best recognition in ASEAN). Another factor that the variation of agricultural products seems slow in its development is because farmers are still reluctant to learn and experiment with new plants.Other inhibiting factors are the unavailability of comfort and adequate sanitation. Internally and externally, efforts that can be made as a form of promotion and at the same time can absorb agricultural products with certainty include the development of relationships or business networks on a continuous basis both through travel agents, hotels and restaurants. The strategic position of the village of Plaga agro-tourism in the evening district is in the hold and maintain position. The appropriate intensive strategies implemented are (1) market penetration strategies; (2) Product development strategy. Keywords: Agrotourism; CBT; internal factor; eksternal factor; tourism village; Abstraksi-Desa Plaga yang terletak di Kecamatan Petang merupakan daerah handalan Kabupaten Badung Provinsi Bali yang paling berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi obyek agrowisata dibandingkan dengan wilayah lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yang menghambat pengembangan agrowisata di Desa Pelaga; (2) upaya internal maupun eksternal yang dapat dilakukan untuk pengembangan desa wisata berkelanjutan di Desa Pelaga; dan (3) persepsi stakeholders terkait tentang pengembangan desa wisata berkelanjutan di Desa Pelaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive, dengan pertimbangan bahwa sumber daya pariwisata di Desa Pelaga beraneka ragam, selain itu, prioritas pengembangan wilayah adalah pertanian sehingga memungkinkan dikembangkan agrowisata dan ekowisata yang bersifat ramah lingkungan. Responden pada penlitian ini adalah stakeholders yang terkait dengan pengembangan pariwisata di Desa Pelaga. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi kepustakaan. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan dilengkapi analisis data survei (kuantitatif) untuk interpretasi hasil. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa dari faktor internal yang menghambat perkembangan agrowisata di Desa Plaga adalah perihal Kontinyuitas hasil produksi yang diakibatkan faktor alam maupun kesuburan tanah yang akibat pola tanam yang terus menerus pada produk yang sama, sehingga unsur hara tanah menjadi berkurang untuk produk tanaman yang sama. Padahal disisi lain kualitas produk hasil pertanian khususnya produk Asparagus telah memiliki kualitas unggul (bahkan telah mendapat pengakuan terbaik di Asean). Faktor lain bahwa variasi produk pertanian terkesan lambat dalam perkembangannya disebabkan petani masih enggan untuk belajar dan melakukan percobaan terhadap tanaman baru. Faktor penghambat lainnya belum tersedianya kenyamanan dan kebersihan sanitasi yang memadai. Secara internal maupun eksternal upaya yang dapat dilakukan sebagai bentuk promosi dan sekaligus dapat menyerap hasil pertanian secara pasti antara lain pengembangan relasi atau jaringan usaha secara kontinyu baik melalui biro perjalanan wisata, hotel dan restoran. Posisi strategik agrowisata Desa Plaga Kecamatan petang berada pada posisi Hold and maintain. Strategi intensif yang tepat diterapkan yaitu (1) strategi penetrasi pasar; (2) Strategi pengembangan produk. Kata Kunci: Agrowisata; CBT; faktor internal; faktor eksternal; desa wisata
Analisis Posisi Bersaing dan Strategi Bauran Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Kunjungan Pada Handara Golf and Resort di Bedugul Bali Rosalia Nita Aryani; Ni Made Rustini; Taman Sari
WACANA EKONOMI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Akuntansi) Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/we.19.2.2318.91-97


This research to determine the competitive position based on the Boston Consulting Group matrix, to find out internal variables including strengths and weaknesses as well as external variables including opportunities and threats and to find out relevant marketing mix strategies to increase the number of visits. The study was conducted at Handara Golf and Resort in Bedugul Bali. Data analysis techniques used are the Boston Consulting Group matrix analysis and SWOT analysis. The analysis shows that using BCG matrix analysis, the company is in the position of dogs with a growth rate of 7.09% and an analysis of market share of 0.17. Using a SWOT analysis shows that the most dominant external opportunity variable with the acquisition of 3.80 results. Where the opportunity indicator is an increase in the number of tourists, growth in online sales, buyers want more images in electronic commerce or e-commerce when buying a product, most of the time on mobile devices is used, social media plays a major role in the distribution of most of the time used on mobile devices, technological advances over the use of social media, per capita income growing in Indonesia, located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, new regulations from Bank Indonesia. While the threat indicator is providing alternative tourist attractions throughout Indonesia to tourists other than in Bali and losing followers in the social media, it can be concluded that companies need to implement a turn-around strategy because external opportunities are more oriented to supporting the company's Handara Golf and Resort Bali.
Pendampingan Penyusunan SOM dan SOP KSP “Amerta Bumi” di Desa Sampalan Klod Kecamatan Dawan Kabupaten Klungkung Ni Made Santini; Ni Made Taman Sari; Made Pratiwi Dewi
Community Service Journal (CSJ) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1595.994 KB)


The vision of the local government of Bali is Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali, which maintains the preservation and harmony of nature and its contents, to realize a prosperous and happy Balinese manners on the scale of a life that is politically sovereign and economically independent, one of the economic activities that can lead to nagun sat kerthi. loka bali is a movement from the Bali Province Cooperatives and SMEs Service that seeks to deliver on a mission (1) Creating quality and healthy Cooperatives (2) Fostering entrepreneurship of Cooperatives and SMEs (3) Facilitating financing and guarantees for Cooperatives and SMEs and (4) Increasing Partnerships Cooperatives and SMEs. Cooperatives can provide tremendous benefits that can reduce movements and missions, especially in Indonesia. If the cooperative can be managed properly, clearly, openly, and voluntarily in the name of the family, the cooperative that is running will be able to fulfill its main objectives. Cooperative performance is very important to pay attention to for the health of the cooperative itself. So that cooperatives can be sustainable in carrying out their activities, it is important for every buyer to have as an operational reference the SOM concept and SOP. The weakness of regional cooperatives is that most do not have a SOM and SOP so that in running a business there is no reference that is used as a guideline. Solutions to existing problems will be assisted in service activities. By providing assistance in “Preparing SOM and SOPs for Business Entities, Institutional SOPs, SOPs for Fund Distribution so that cooperatives can carry out their functions in accordance with SOM and SOPs according to applicable regulations. The implementation of service activities carried out with mentoring method activities is how to prepare SOM and SOP according to the guidelines from the Cooperatives, MSMEs and Trade Office.
Pengaruh Budaya, Tren dan Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Niat Pembelian Produk Fashion Online di Zalora Komang Ayu Krisnu Dania Murti; Ni Made Taman Sari; A. A. Sri Purnami
WACANA EKONOMI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Akuntansi) Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/we.22.1.2023.61-66


Research conducted which has gaps in previous research which has differences in previous research. Which aims to be able to test on all the research titles that have been done. As well as being carried out for consumers who can make online purchases on zalora in accordance with a sample of 96 taken using a purposive sampling method using the lemeshow formula. As well as using multiple linear to be able to get all the results for the test results. As well as research results to show answers 1) culture, trends and consumer behavior get positive answers. 2) while culture gets positive results, this means that the better the culture, the higher the purchase intention. 3) and according to the trend obtains positive results, this further increases the trend, the higher the purchase intention. 4) and consumer behavior gets positive answers and the better the consumer behavior, the higher the purchase intention.