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Maspari Journal : Marine Science Research Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (982.725 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/maspari.v9i2.4484


Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari fase terlarut menjadi fase padatan. Logam Pb, Cu dan Zn merupakan logam yang dalam konsentrasi tinggi membahayakan bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi model adsorpsi Pb, Cu dan Zn dalam sistem air laut-sedimen di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Sampel air dan sedimen diambil dari 7 stasiun. Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi Pb, Cu dan Zn, sampel air diekstraksi menggunakan larutan organic APDC_MIBK. Sedangkan untuk sampel sedimen melalui tahapan destruksi menggunakan asam chlorida (HCl) dan asam nitrat (HNO3) pada suhu 1000C selama 8 jam. Pembacaan nilai absorbansi dilakukan dengan AAS merk Shimidzu tipe 680 AA. Data yang didapat dikalkulasi berdasarkan model adsorpsi yaitu model Partisi, model Freundlich dan model Langmuir. Hasil perhitungan linieritas menunjukkan bahwa transfer ion logam Pb, Cu dan Zn ke dalam sedimen mengikuti model Langmuir dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) 0,72 untuk Pb, 0,96 (Cu) dan 0,73 (Zn). Sementara nilai kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum logam Pb (11,01-25,72), logam Cu (22,88-112,79) dan Zn (216,68-25.106). Kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum antara fase terlarut terhadap material partikel jauh lebih besar dibanding antara sistem terlarut terhadap sedimen.KATA KUNCI: Adsorpsi, Freundlich, Langmuir, model, partisi.
Toksisitas Partisi N-Heksan dan Etil Asetat pada Ekstrak Sargassum sp. terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Instar III Sari, Alfianisa Permata; Yudiati, Ervia; Sunaryo, Sunaryo
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1495.697 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v9i2.26528


ABSTRAK: Kejadian demam berdarah dengue pada awal 2019 tercatat lebih dari 17.000 kasus demam berdarah dengan angka kematian mencapai 169 jiwa di seluruh Indonesia. Sargassum sp. merupakan jenis rumput laut cokelat berlimpah namun belum dimanffatkan dengan baik. Sargassum sp  memiliki beragam aktivitas biologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui toksisitas ekstrak rumput laut cokelat Sargassum sp. larva Aedes aegypti instar III. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan cara maserasi sampel Sargassum sp. dengan pelarut metanol, dilanjutkan partisi dengan pelarut n-heksana dan etil asetat serta analisis fitokimia menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis. Sepuluh ekor larva nyamuk dipaparkan dalam 100 ml aquades dengan beberapa konsentrasi ekstrak (0, 50, 100, 250, 500 dan 1000 ppm), abate sebagai kontrol positif dan DMSO dengan tiga kali ulangan. Aktivitas larvasida ekstrak Sargassum sp. juga ditentukan dengan menghitung nilai LC50 pada jam ke-72. Perubahan morfologi diamati secara mikroskopis. Fraksi n-heksana dan etil asetat Sargassum sp. memiliki nilai LC50 berturut-turut sebesar 3129.15 ppm dan 996.28 ppm. Larva yang dipaparkan dengan ekstrak etil asetat Sargassum sp. memiliki kerusakan morfologi pada bagian kepala, siphon, saluran pencernaan, papila anal serta warna tubuh menjadi lebih gelap. Keseluruhan fraksi n-heksana dan etil asetat Sargassum sp. mengandung senyawa golongan fenolat dan terpenoid. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, fraksi etil asetat Sargassum sp. berpotensi sebagai larvasida.  ABSTRACT: In the early 2019, there has been 17,000 Indonesian people suffered and 169 died from Dengue epidemic. Sargassum sp. in Indonesian waters were plentiful, rich in biological activity and still unexpolitated. This study aimed to determine the 72-h LC50 of Sargassum sp. extract to Aedes aegypti instar III larvae. Extraction was done by maseration with methanol, partitioned with n-hexane and ethyl acetate, folowed by TLC  analysis. Ten larvae were exposed with 100 mL aqudest in a serial concentration (0; 50;100; 25; 500 dan 1000 ppm), completed with Abate® powder as positive, aquadest as negative control. All treatments were replicated three times. Observation on morphological aberration was done microscopically. 72-h LC50 of n-hexane and ethyl acetate fraction were 3129.15 ppm dan 996.28 ppm, respectively. There were larval morphologically damage in head, siphon, digestive tract and papilla anal and dark coloured body. Extract were composed with phenolate and terpeniod coumpoud. It is concluded that Sargassum sp.  extract was a good source for larvacide. 
Potential of Sodium Alginate in Sargassum sp. in Lotion Preparation to Treat Incision Wound in Mice Angelina, Amelia Cahya; Yudiati, Ervia; Pringgenies, Delianis
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 13, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v13i1.22539


Sargassum sp. is a known genus of brown seaweed whose dominant component is alginic acid or alginate. Various studies found that alginate having proinflammatory activity, so it may have potential to improve the wound healing process. This study aimed to obtain sodium alginate extract and to know the potency of the sodium alginate extract in incision wound treatment in mice abdomen. Lotion application was performed once a day in a span of five consecutive days. Observation on the wound was carried out to obtain data on blood coagulation, tissue reparation, and fibroblast development rate on the wound using histology. The results showed that the average yield from the Sargassum sp. extraction process was 31.3%. Quality control of the prepared lotion included organoleptic test; light brown coloration, lotion specific odor, semi- solid texture. The acidity of the lotion was measured as 6.61 with 6.731 cp of viscosity. The lotion adhesiveness test showed 0.21 seconds and the lotion was shown to be oil-in-water. Application of the lotion on incision wounds made in the abdomen of rats showed blood coagulation on the first day and onset of wound reparation process on the second day. Wound observation by the third day showed that the inflicted area had undergone a near-complete reparation. The study also showed that on the fifth day of reparation Sargassum sp. extract lotion treatment group showed fibroblast formation, as opposed to the non-extract lotion treatment group. Previous study use alginates as wound dressing material, but in this study alginate used as active ingredient in wound healing treatment. Therefore, this study concludes that sodium alginate in Sargassum sp. seaweed has a potential application in the field of medicine.
Maspari Journal : Marine Science Research Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (982.725 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/maspari.v9i2.4484


Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari fase terlarut menjadi fase padatan. Logam Pb, Cu dan Zn merupakan logam yang dalam konsentrasi tinggi membahayakan bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi model adsorpsi Pb, Cu dan Zn dalam sistem air laut-sedimen di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Sampel air dan sedimen diambil dari 7 stasiun. Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi Pb, Cu dan Zn, sampel air diekstraksi menggunakan larutan organic APDC_MIBK. Sedangkan untuk sampel sedimen melalui tahapan destruksi menggunakan asam chlorida (HCl) dan asam nitrat (HNO3) pada suhu 1000C selama 8 jam. Pembacaan nilai absorbansi dilakukan dengan AAS merk Shimidzu tipe 680 AA. Data yang didapat dikalkulasi berdasarkan model adsorpsi yaitu model Partisi, model Freundlich dan model Langmuir. Hasil perhitungan linieritas menunjukkan bahwa transfer ion logam Pb, Cu dan Zn ke dalam sedimen mengikuti model Langmuir dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) 0,72 untuk Pb, 0,96 (Cu) dan 0,73 (Zn). Sementara nilai kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum logam Pb (11,01-25,72), logam Cu (22,88-112,79) dan Zn (216,68-25.106). Kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum antara fase terlarut terhadap material partikel jauh lebih besar dibanding antara sistem terlarut terhadap sedimen.KATA KUNCI: Adsorpsi, Freundlich, Langmuir, model, partisi.
Difference in Diet and Water Quality Influencing the Growth of the Newly Introduced Penaeus merguiensis Larva Culture Mostafa Imhmed Ighwerb; Johannes Hutabarat; Ervia Yudiati; Rudhi Pribadi
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 3 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.3.197-206


The water quality found on the surface is usually better than that accumulated at the seabed and more bottomless sea. When recycled, water usually brings many materials along the path, all the way to reaching its end. Water quality varies from place to place, season, and different types of rock and soil it passes through also influences the possessed quality. By employing Penaeus merguiensis larvae produced by the Marine Research Center Hatchery owned by Jepara's government, this study analyzes varying effects in three nominal salinities (28, 32, and 36 ppt) and types of diets (Diet A: 100% live feed; Diet B: 100% FRIPPAK; Diet C: a combination of Diet A and Diet C, 50 % each) and finds the optimum water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature on the growth of the newly introduced Penaeus merguiensis larvae. The results show that two nominals of water salinities (28 and 32 ppt) with Diet A works well, supporting the growth from most Zoea to Postlarvae-1: Zoea-1 at 28 ppt with Diet A; Zoea-2 at 32 ppt with Diet A; Zoea-3 at 32 ppt with Diet A; Mysis-1 at 28 ppt with Diet A; Mysis-2 at 28 ppt with Diet C; Mysis-3 at 28 ppt with Diet A; Postlarva-1 at 28 ppt with Diet A. All shrimp prefers temperature ranging from 31-32.4 °C with dissolved oxygen of 4.9-5.74 ppm and pH 7.0-8.1. 
Profil Pigmen Polar dan Non Polar Mikroalga Laut Spirulina sp. dan Potensinya sebagai Pewarna Alami (Profile of Polar and Non-Polar Pigment from Marine Microalgae Spirulina sp. and Their Potential as Natural Coloring) Sri Sedjati; Ervia Yudiati; Suryono Suryono
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 17, No 3 (2012): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.275 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.17.3.176-182


Penelitian pigmen Spirulina sp. dilakukan untuk menentukan kandungan pigmen polar dan non polar dari Spirulina sp. dengan metode Spektroskopi UV-Vis. Pigmen polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan larutan buffer fosfat (NaOH-KH2PO4) pH 7, sedangkan pigmen non polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan aseton murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pigmen polar berwarna biru dan kadarnya adalah sebesar 42,272±0,05 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari fikosianin (29,159±0,29 mg/g), allofikosianin (9,363±0,20 mg/g), dan fikoeritrin (3,750±0,09 mg/g). Warna pigmen non polar adalah hijau terang dan kadarnya sebesar 4,498±0,06 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari klorofil a (3,349±0,03 mg/g) dan karotenoids (1,158±0,03 mg/g). Ekstrak pigmen polar Spirulina sp. kadarnya lebih tinggi dibanding pigmen non polarnya. Pigmen fikosianin berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai bahan aditif pewarna biru alami, karena: kadarnya paling tinggi, menghasilkan warna biru cerah dan cemerlang, bersifat nutrisi fungsional dan tidak beracun.Kata kunci: Spirulina sp., polar, non polar, pigmen, alamiResearch on pigments from Spirulina sp. powder has been done in order to determine polar and non polar pigments content by UV-Vis Spectroscopy method. Polar pigments were extracted using phosphate buffer (NaOH-KH2PO4) pH 7, while non polar pigments were extracted using pure aseton. The result showed that colour of polar pigment was dark blue and its content was 42,272±0,05 mg/g (dry weight), these pigments consist of phycocyanin (29,159±0,29 mg/g), allophycocyanin (9,363±0,20 mg/g), and phycoerythrin (3,750±0,09 mg/g). The colour of non polar pigment was light green and its content was 4,498±0,06 mg/g (dry weight), these pigments consist of chlorophyll a (3,349±0,03 mg/g) and carotenoids (1,158±0,03 mg/g). Due to the high content of pigments from Spirulina sp, showing a bright blue colour, having functional nutrition, and non toxic, the polar pigment phycocyanin have been found suitable for use as additif natural blue colorant.Key word: Spirulina sp., polar, non polar, pigment, natural
Dampak Pemaparan Logam Berat Kadmium pada Salinitas yang Berbeda terhadap Mortalitas dan Kerusakan Jaringan Insang Juvenile Udang Vaname (Litopeneus vannamei) Ervia Yudiati; Sri Sedjati; Ipanna Enggar; Irpan Hasibuan
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 14, No 4 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.139 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.14.4.29-35


Uji toksisitas akut dilakukan pada juvenil udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei dengan pemaparan jangka pendek (96 jam) berbagai konsentrasi logam kadmium. Uji statis digunakan sebagai teknik uji toksisitas. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis mortalitas dan kerusakan jaringan insang udang vaname yang didedah logam kadmium pada salinitas yang berbeda. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan toleransi udang vanamae terhadap logam kadmium menurun sejalan dengan penurunan tingkat salinitas. Tingkat toleransi yang rendah dan kerusakan jaringan terberat terjadi pada udang yang didedah pada salinitas 10 ppt (LC50 - 96 jam : 1,66 ppt Cd) diikuti berturut-turut salinitas 20 ppt (LC50 - 96 jam : 2,54 ppt Cd), 30 ppt (LC50 - 96 jam : 4,41 ppt Cd) dan  40 ppt (LC50 - 96 jam : 5,16 ppt Cd). Kata kunci : Kadmium, Mortalitas, Insang, Litopenaeus vannamei, salinitas Acute toxicity test was conducted on Litopenaeus vannamei on short term exposure (96 hours) to various concentration of cadmium at different salinity. A static test was applied as an acute toxicity test technique. The objective of this study was to assesst the mortality rate and the damage of gill tissue of L. vannamei exposed to cadmium at different salinity. Tolerance to these metal was decreased progressively according to the salinity level. The less tolerant salinity and the heaviest damage gill tissue was found at lowest salinity/10 ppt (96 h LC50 : 1.66 ppt Cd) and followed by 20 ppt (96 h LC50 : 2.54 ppt), 30ppt (96 h LC50 : 4.41 ppt), and 40 ppt (96 h LC50 : 5.16 ppt), respectively. Key  words : Cadmium, Mortality, Gill, Litopenaeus vannamei, salinity.
Producing Active Secondary Metabolite Against Pathogenic Vibrio spp. by Actinobacteria-Sodium Alginate Co-Culture Nuril Azhar; Ervia Yudiati; Subagiyo Subagiyo; Rabia Alghazeer
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 4 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.4.254-264


Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio harveyi have been found in aquatic environments and suspected as the primary trigger of WFD (White Feces Disease) outbreaks in aquaculture. This Vibrio spp. has an antibiotic resistance to Ampicillin, Co-Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Actinobacteria and Ciprofloxacin HCL. Actinobacteria and alginate have been reported to increase the marine biota resistance against diseases through prebiotic and probiotic mechanisms. This study aims to discover and increase the secondary metabolite production of Actinobacteria-Alginate and its ability as anti-vibrio. Alginate extraction in the samples dated September 2020 originally from Teluk Awur Bays, Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia (33.73±1.84%) was considerably higher than in May 2021 (22.67±0.3%). Samples were taken from sediment and mangrove root. Actinobacteria strains are macroscopically and microscopically similar to the genus Streptomyces. The most well-known antibiotics were produced by Streptomyces spp. The anti-vibrio test was carried out by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion. The results were observed by measuring the inhibition zone surrounding the paper disc using a digital calliper. Co-culture strain 90 together with alginate have an approved antibacterial activity against all Vibrio spp. in the concentration of 10.disc-1 mg and 5 mg.disc-1. Co-culture Actinobacteria with alginate has remarkably changed the green-yellow color to olive green/dark red-orange (strains 3, 62, 63, 72, and 90), indicating the transformation of the formation alginate with pigments into other compounds through the biosynthetic pathway. Therefore, alginate enables to support of Actinobacteria by induction the active secondary metabolite as an anti-vibrio to counteract the bacterial pathogen diseases.
Pengaruh Pengurangan Konsentrasi Nutrien Fosfat dan Nitrat Terhadap Kandungan Lipid Total Nannochloropsis oculata Widianingsih Widianingsih; Retno Hartati; H. Endrawati; Ervia Yudiati; Valentina R. Iriani
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 16, No 1 (2011): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1649.513 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.16.1.24-29


Fosfat dan nitrat mempunyai peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan dan kandungan nutrisi Nannochloropsis oculata. Kandungan lipid total dalam Nannochloropsis oculata sangat dipengaruhi oleh nutrien yang terkandung dalam media kultur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh  perbedaan komposisi nutrien fosfat dan nitrat  terhadap kandungan lipid total  mikroalga Nannochloropsis oculata. Anova satu arah dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan diterapkan pada penelitian ini.  Pelakuan perbedaan komposisi fosfat dan nitrat yaitu Kontrol (K, fosfat dalam NaH2PO4 20 g dan nitrat dalam NaNO3 100 g),  fosfat dan nitrat 75 % dari kontrol (A), fosfat dan nitrat 50 % dari kontrol (B), serta fosfat dan nitrat 25 % dari kontrol (C).  Pemanenan mikroalga untuk analisa  total  lipid  dilakukan  pada  fase  eksponensial  dan  stasioner.  Duaratus  limapuluh  mililiter  media bersalinitas 35 ‰ digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan sistem aerasi dan pencahayaan 3000 lux yang kontinyu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan komposisi nutrien (fosfat dan nitrat) pada media pemeliharaan  berpengaruh  terhadap  kandungan  lipid  total  pada  fase  stasioner  namun tidak pada  fase eksponensial. Kandungan total lipid terbesar 67,7 % dw ditemukan pada N. oculata yang dikultur pada media dengan fosfat dan nitrat 25 % dari kontrol dan yang terkecil 39,3 %-dw pada N. oculata yang dikultur pada nutrien Kontrol.  Pembatasan nutrien pada media pemeliharaan dapat meningkatkan kandungan lipid total pada kultur  N. oculata Kata kunci: Nannochloropsis oculata, Total Lipid, fosfat, nitrat Phosphate and nitrate play  important role on growth and nutrition value of Nannochloropsis oculata.  Total lipid content of microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata is influenced by nutrient content in the culture medium. This research was aimed to examine the effect of different depletion phosphate and nitrate composition on the total lipid of  Nannochloropsis oculata.  Anova One Way with 4 treatments and 3 replicates has been applied in this research. The treatment of differences phosphate and Nitrate composition as follows Nutrient control (Conway medium having  Phospate in NaH2PO4 20 g and Nitrate in NaNO3 100 g), Nutrient A (phosphate and nitrate 75 % nutrient control); Nutrient B (phosphate and nitrate 50 % nutrient control), Nutrient C (phosphate and nitrate 25% nutrient control) The volume of culture medium was 250 mL with salinity 35‰, continuous aeration and illumination 3000 lux. The present work revealed that the nutrient composition on culture medium affected the total lipid content of N. oculata  at the stationary and but not in exponential phase. The highest total lipid content (67,7%-dw)  was found in N. oculata cultured in media with the lowest phosphate and nitrate concentration, in the contrary the lowest total lipid content (39,3%-dw) was happened in Control medium.  Nutrient limitation in medium culture was able to increase total lipid content in the culture of  N. oculata. Key words: Nannochloropsis oculata; Total  Lipid, phosphate, nitrate
Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Metanol dan Pigmen Kasar Spirulina sp. Ervia Yudiati; Sri Sejati; Sunarsih Sunarsih; Rani Agustian
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 16, No 4 (2011): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.41 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.16.4.187-192


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur aktivitas antioksidan dan menguji toksisitas ketiga ekstrak. Penelitian dilakukan secara laboratoris. Ekstrak Kasar Spirulina sp didapatkan melalui proses maserasi dengan pelarut methanol. Ekstrak pigmen kasar diperoleh melalui partisi dengan pelarut methanol/aseton serta eter.  Aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan mengukur IC50 dengan metode spektrofotometri dengan DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) sedangkan kadar toksisitas dilakukan dengan menghitung LC50 dengan uji BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). Kromatografi Kolom Terbuka dilakukan untuk mengisolasi pigmen sedangkan identifikasi pigmen dilakukan dengan teknik Kromatografi Lapis Tipis dan metode spektroskopi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar metanol, ekstrak pigmen kasar methanol/aseton dan eter mempunyai nilai IC50 323,7; 51 dan 34,85 ppm. Nilai LC50 dari ekstrak methanol r, ekstrak kasar pigmen methanol/aseton dan eter berturut-turut adalah 113,20; 65,22 ppm dan 34,11 ppm. Hasil isolasi pigmen dan identifikasi pigmen menunjukkan bahwa pigmen mengandung β-karoten dan klorofil α. Hasil uji fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ketiga ekstrak positif mengandung senyawa golongan flavonoid dan sterol. Ekstrak pigmen kasar Spirulina sp. selain mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan yang tinggi juga mempunyai toksisitas yang tinggi terhadap nauplii Artemia sp. Kata kunci: Spirulina sp,ekstrak metanol, ekstrak kasar pigmen, IC50, LC50.  The aims of this research were to determine the antioxidant activities and level of toxicity of those three extracts. Spirulina sp crude extract has obtained by maseration technique with methanol solution while crude pigment extract has collected by partition technique with methanol/acetone and ether solution. The laboratory experiments of antioxidant activities (IC50) was determine by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and spectrophotometrical methods while the level of toxicity was done by BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). The pigment was isolated using the Couloumb Chromatography Methods while pigment identification was done by Thin Layer Chromatography Methods and confirmed spectrophotometrically. The data was analized descriptively. The results showed that IC50 of methanol extract, crude pigment methanol/acetone and ether were 323.7; 51 and 34.85 ppm, respectively. Furthermore, the toxicity level LC50 of methanol extract, crude pigment methanol/acetone and ether were 113.20; 65.22 and 34.11 ppm respectively. β-carotene and chlorophyll α was identified and isolated. Those three extract contains flavonoid and sterol. It is concluded that crude pigment extract of Spirulina sp. has a high antioxidant activity as well as toxicity to the nauplii of Artemia sp. Key words: Spirulina sp.,methanol extract, crude pigment extract, IC50, LC50
Co-Authors Abidin Nur II Adha Susanto Agung Sudaryono Agus Setyawan Akbar Harahap Alfi Satriadi Ali Djunaedi Ali Djunaedi Ali Djunaedi Ali Ridlo Alifia Nabilla Putri Alim Isnansetyo Alisa Sukma Adella Amalia Rachma Fatchiyyah Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Amelia Cahya Angelina Angelina, Amelia Cahya Annisa Afifah Nugroho Arief Taslihan Arumning T. Fauziah Arumning Tias Fauziah Avigail, Yolanda Ayunda Ainun Nisa Bambang Yulianto Bambang Yulianto Chika Velita Anindya Yulian Chrisna A Suryono Chrisna Adhi Suryono Chrisna Adi Suryono Danang Ambar Prabowo Dea Shinta Kharisma Adziana Dedi Setiawan DEDI SETIAWAN Delianis Pringgenies Delianis Pringgenies Delianis Pringgenies Desrina Desrina Diah Permata Wijayanti Diah Tri OktaviyantI Dieng Widawati Dina Ayu Magfirani Dinny Anjang Sari Diyah Putri Ambarwati Djoko Suprapto Dwi Wulandari Dwi Wulandari Edi Wibowo Endang Sri Susilo Endang Sri Susilo Endang Supriyantini Eny Heriyati Fadhliyah Idris Fanny Iriany Ginzel Gunawan Widi Santosa Gunawan Widi Santosa H. Endrawati Haeruddin Haeruddin Hidayati, Jelita Rahma Hilda Ayu Aprilia Hilda Ayu Aprilia Hotnida Junita Situmeang Insafitri, I Ipanna Enggar Irpan Hasibuan Irwani Irwani Ita Karlina Ita Riniatsih Ita Widowati Johannes Hutabarat Langkah Sembiring Lilik Maslukah Linggar Dirgantara Prasetyo Magfirani, Dina Ayu Mila Safitri Rizfa Mila Safitri Rizfa Mostafa Imhmed Ighwerb Muhammad Salauddin Ramadhan Djarod Muhammad Salauddin Ramadhan Djarod Muhammad Syaifudien Bahry Muhammad Syaifudien Bahry Natasya Erdza Aulia Nuril Azhar Nuril Azhar Nuril Azhar Patria Ami Wijaya Puji Norbawa Putri Hutari Girsang Rabia Alghazeer Rabia Alghazeer Rabia Alghazeer Raden Bagus Sugio Sumanta Rani Agustian Rani Agustian Rizkina Rani Agustian Rizkina Retno Hartati Ria Azizah T.N. Ria Azizah Tri Nuraeni Rini Widiyadmi Rudhi Pribadi Rustadi Rustadi Saniyatul Ulya Sari, Alfianisa Permata Sarjito - Sarjito . Shofa Farihah Simanjuntak, Sri Devi Sri Devi Simanjuntak Sri Sedjati Sri Sedjati Sri Sedjati Sri Sejati Subagiyo Subagiyo Subagiyo Subagiyo Sunarsih Sunarsih Sunaryo Sunaryo Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono The Michael Febrian Wijaya Tika Retnowati Triyanto Triyanto Valentina R. Iriani Widianingsih Widianingsih Widianingsih Widianingsih Yolanda Avigail Yulius Docang Casessar Zaenal Arifin Zaenal Arifin Zaenal Arifin Zaneb M. Ben Mansur