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Applying System Dynamics Approach to the Fast Fashion Supply Chain: Case Study of an SME in Indonesia Lidia, Mariany W; Arai, Takeshi; Ishigaki, Aya; Yudoko, Gatot
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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The fashion industry is the biggest contributor among the 14 creative industries in Indonesia. Nowadays many apparel companies are shifting toward the vertical integration. Since speed is everything to be successful in the apparel industry, fast fashion retailers must quickly respond to the market demand. This papers aims to develop a model of the supply chain of a small and medium scale enterprise (SME) of an apparel company in Indonesia and to propose a decision support system using System Dynamics (SD) and helps the management to identify the best business strategy. Simulated scenarios can help the management to identify the most appropriate policy to be applied in the future. Case study method was used in this research where data were collected from a typical fast fashion firm in Indonesia that produces its own wares ranging from raw materials to be ready-to-wear clothes, has three stores, a warehouse and is running online sales system. We analyses the result of many simulations in a fashion company from an operational point of view and from them we derive suggestions about the future business strategy in a small and medium fashion company in Indonesia. Keywords: system dynamics, fast fashion, supply chain management, SME, Indonesia
Comparison of Environment Impact between Conventional and Cold Chain Management System in Paprika Distribution Process Putri, Eidelweijs A; Dowaki, Kiyoshi; Yudoko, Gatot; Koido, Kenji
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Pasir Langu village in Cisarua, West Java, is the largest central production area of paprika in Indonesia. On average, for every 200 kilograms of paprika produced, there is rejection amounting to 3 kilograms. This resulted in money loss for wholesalers and wastes. In one year, this amount can be approximately 11.7 million Indonesian rupiahs. Recently, paprika wholesalers in Pasir Langu village recently are developing cold chain management system to maintain quality of paprika so that number of rejection can be reduced. The objective of this study is to compare environmental impacts between conventional and cold chain management system in paprika distribution process using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and propose Photovoltaic (PV) system in paprika distribution process. The result implies that the cold chain system produces more CO2 emission compared to conventional system. However, due to the promotion of PV system, the emission would be reduced. For future research, it is necessary to reduce CO2 emission from transportation process since this process is biggest contributor of CO2 emission at whole distribution process. Keywords: LCA, environmentally friendly distribution, paprika,cold chain, PV system
Analisis Kebijakan Distribusi Bahan Baku Rotan Dengan Pendekatan Dinamik Sistem Studi Kasus Rotan Indonesia (Rattan Raw Material Distribution Using Dynamic System Approach: The Case of Indonesian) Dewi, Nurlaela Kumala; Miharja, Miming; Yudoko, Gatot
Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol 26, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : The ITB Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.828 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jpwk.2015.26.3.3


Penghentian ekspor bahan baku rotan, ternyata belum membuat industri mebel di Tanah Air mendapat pasokan bahan baku yang memadai. Sejumlah pengrajin di daerah asal bahan baku rotan seperti Cirebon, Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta dan daerah industri pengolah bahan baku rotan tetap mengeluh kekurangan bahan baku. Kalau pun ada, harganya sudah naik sampai 30%. Beberapa penelitian tentang cara pendistribusian bahan baku rotan sampai saat ini belum ada yang membahas tentang bagaimana cara mendistribusikan bahan baku dari upstream (hutan, asal bahan baku rotan) ke downstream (industri pengolahan baha baku rotan menjadi mebel rotan) sehingga masalah ini menjadi menarik dan seperti kita ketahui bahwa bahan baku rotan merupakan komoditi yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia sebagai penghasil rotan nomer satu dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun suatu model dinamika yang dapat menerangkan keterkaitan antar faktor di dalam jalur distribusi bahan baku rotan dalam upaya memahami interaksi dari sektor transportasi, logistic dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam mendukung industri rotan nasional. Dengan mengacu pada kebijakan yang telah ada maka dalam penelitian ini ingin dikaji apakah kebijakan pemerintah tersebut saat ini dapat meningkatkan kondisi bahan baku rotan tetap stabil dan meningkatkan perekonomian di daerah asal bahan baku rotan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah simulasi dinamika sistem. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan yang ada saat ini ternyata belum berpengaruh dalam menstabilkan kondisi pasokan bahan baku rotan dan meningkatkan perekonomian daerah penghasil rotan yang ada di Indonesia. Untuk itu disusunlah beberapa skenario yang diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan pasokan bahan baku rotan ke industri rotan nasiona. Adapun skenario itu adalah sebagai berikut : meningkatkan pendapatan petani dan pengepul dengan menitik beratkan pada investasi  dan skenario meningkatkan tingkat pendapatan daerah dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian sumber daya alam.Kata kunci. Dinamik Sistem, model dinamik, kebijakan transportasi, persediaan Export termination of rattan raw materials has not resulted in the local Indonesian furniture industry to have an adequate supply of raw materials. In areas of origin of rattan raw materials (such as Cirebon, Semarang, Surabaya, and Jakarta) and in industrial processing areas of rattan raw materials, craftsmen are still complaining about the lack of raw materials. Even if  the supply is there, the price has gone up with 30%. Up until now, researches on the distribution of rattan raw materials have not discussed how to distribute materials from ‘upstream’ (forest, origin of raw materials) to ‘downstream’ (processing of raw materials to rattan furniture), which is an interesting problem because rattan constitutes a commodity for Indonesia as the world’s number one rattan producer. The purpose of this study was to build a dynamic model that can explain the relationships between different factors in the distribution channel of rattan in an attempt to understand the interaction between the transportation sector, logistics, and government policies in support of the national rattan industry. With reference to existing policies, this study wanted to assess whether the current government policies can stabilize the supply conditions of rattan raw materials and improve the economy in the areas of origin of rattan raw materials. The approach used in this study was system dynamics simulation. The results show that the existing policies have not succeeded in stabilizing the supply conditions of rattan raw materials or improve the economics of the rattan raw materials producing areas in Indonesia. Therefore, some scenarios were drafted that are expected to be able to solve the problem of rattan raw materials supply in the national rattan industry. The scenarios are: improving the income of farmers and collectors by emphasizing investment and improving the level of regional income by maintaining the sustainability of natural resources.Keywords: dynamic systems simulation, dynamic models, transport policy, supplies
A Model of Manau Rattan Distribution Cost in Sumatra Dewi, Nurlaela Kumala; Pradono, Pradono; Miharja, Miming; Yudoko, Gatot
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 6, No 3 (2017): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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Currently, rattan raw material price is not stable because its price is influenced by the difficulties encountered in rattan raw materials distribution from the upstream to the downstream. Establishing a distribution model will help to improve Indonesian rattan distribution policy within the framework of the dynamic system. It also restores rattan market condition into the mechanism of rattan trading so that rattan businessmen will be more independent and be able to set their own trading system. It is expected that through this policy, they will experience a fairer and more competitive rivalry in this rattan industry.
Competitive Advantages of Small Medium Industry on the Islands in Indonesian Context Kurniawan, Muslim El Hakim; Yudoko, Gatot; Basri, Mursyid Hasan
Publisher : Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

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Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 10, No 1 (2008): JUNE 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.857 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.10.1.pp. 50-64


Small-scale industries play an important role in the betterment of society. Industrial cluster approach has been used by government as an alternative government policy to increase competitiveness of small-scale industries in Indonesia. An industry cluster consists of core enterprise(s) and related enterprises in which the core acts as a pulling agent for the other counterparts. Therefore, developing the core enterprises is expected to increase competitiveness of the whole cluster. This research is a strategy process research, aiming at identifying and modeling strategic behavior of a successful entrepreneur in a metal-making cluster industry at Kiara Condong Bandung, West Java. Based on the literature review, qualitative research methodology is used in this research by combining soft systems methodology (SSM) and grounded theory. The major findings of this research indicate four kinds of strategic behavior models, namely behavior model of strategy setting, behavior model of production operations, behavior model of research and development and innovation and behavior model of marketing operations. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Industri kecil mempunyai peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pendekatan klaster industri dicanangkan oleh pemerintah sebagai alternatif kebijakan pemerintah untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif di industri kecil. Di suatu klaster industri kecil yang terdiri dari unit usaha inti dan unit usaha penunjang, unit usaha inti merupakan gerbong penghela klaster. Oleh karena itu mengembangkan usaha inti sehingga mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif diharapkan dapat mengembangkan klaster secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian proses strategi (strategy process research) yang meneliti perilaku strategis manajer pemilik industri kecil dalam mengelola usahanya untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif dengan pendekatan berbasis sumber daya (Resource-Based View atau RBV) dan mengambil studi kasus pengusaha industri kecil yang berhasil di klaster Industri Kecil Tradisional Logam Kiara Condong. Paradigma penelitian yang digunakan adalah interpretatif-induktif-kualitatif dengan penggabungan antara soft systems methodology (SSM) dan grounded theory. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model konseptual yang menggambarkan proses Industri Kecil Logam di Industri Kecil Tradisional Logam Kiara Condong dalam membangun keunggulan kompetitifnya. Perilaku strategis yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari empat model, yaitu model perilaku penentuan strategi, model perilaku pelaksanaan produksi, model perilaku pelaksanaan litbang dan inovasi, serta model perilaku pelaksanaan pemasaran. Kata kunci:industri kecil, keunggulan kompetitif, perilaku strategis, resource based view (RBV), soft systems methodology (SSM), grounded theory.
Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Kreatif di Kota Bandung Simatupang, Togar Mangihut; Yudoko, Gatot; Handayati, Yuanita; Pascasuseno, Agung; Permadi, Krishna; Listiani, Wanda
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 1 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Industri kreatif didefinisikan sebagai industri yang berfokus pada kreasi dan eksploitasi karya kepemilikan intelektual seperti seni, film, permainan atau desain fashion, dan termasuk layanan kreatif antar perusahaan seperti iklan. Industri kreatif ini bersumber dari ide, seni dan teknologi yang dikelola untuk menciptakan kemakmuran. Sedangkan ekonomi yang bersumber pada kegiatan ekonomi dari industry kreatif dinamakan ekonomi kreatif. Dalam ekonomi kreatif, pemerintah (regulator) dan perusahaan (operator) memerlukan suatu paradigm tersendiri dalam penentuan kebijakan dan manajemen. Kota bandung dikenal sebagai kota seni yang masyarakatnya memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi, baik dalam hal rancangan busana yang unik, hingga kreasi makanan yang selalu mengalami perkembangan terbaru. Oleh karena itu terdapat keinginan untuk menjadikan Kota Bandung sebagai ikon kota kreatif di Indonesia. Dari hasil metode wawancara yang dilakukan kepada seluruh informan kunci, semua informan mempunyai kesamaan pandangan bahwa Bandung memiliki potensi sebagai kota kreatif. Umumnya potensi ini dilihat dari potensi sumber daya manusia di Bandung yang ditunjang oleh banyaknya institusi pendidikan dan tempat untuk menimba ilmu. Usulan perangkat kebijakan mengenai pengembangan Bandung sebagai kota kreatif yang ditemukan dari hasil analisis dan pengumpulan data menunjukan bahwa semua sebenarnya sudah terdapat instrumen-instrumen kebijakan yang bisa digunakan untuk menyokong industri kreatif. Hanya saja penerapan dari kebijakan tersebutlah yang sering kali tidak memuaskan. Salah satu usulan yang perlu dicermati adalah program jangka panjang yang membutuhkan komitmen dari semua pihak agar program berkesinambungan penegakan hokum dan sosialisasi juga menjadi kebijakan yang dapat mengefektifkan kebijakan lain. Kebijakan yang hampir selalu disebutkan oleh informan adalah penyediaan ruang public, infrastruktur dan hak paten. Katakunci:industri kreatif, kebijakan, kota kreatif, Kota Bandung
Production Plan for Wafer Stick Department Using Linear Programming Yudoko, Gatot; Mirzanti, Isti R
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 3 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Wafer Stick Department of a company located in Bekasi, Indonesia, produces 18 kinds of cookies daily to serve both domestic and foreign markets. All these products had the same production processes, namely warehousing of raw materials, mixing, drying, and packing. This department had its own production plan and would like to know whether the existing plan was a good plan or not. The purpose of this paper is to propose linear programming as a technique that can be used to formulate daily production plan for the Wafer Stick Department. In this paper, we compare the maximum profit obtained by the linear programming to that of the existing plan. The comparison was based on a five week schedule.Observations to the plant, especially at the Wafer Stick Department, interviews with the production planner of the Wafer Stick Department as well as the Marketing Department, and the collection of the required data were used to characterize parameters of the linear programming, namely profit contribution of each product, machine capacity, technological coefficients representing resource usage for producing each type of product in each machine, and other necessary requirements. We used WinQSB to solve our linear programming model which resulted in a feasible and optimal solution with a total profit for the five weeks 2.47 billion rupiahs and this is 0.73 billion rupiahs higher than the use of the existing production schedule.Keywords: production planning, linear programming, wafer stic
Integrated municipal solid waste planning and management ( IMSWPM ) in developing countries : The Feasibility analysis of a Case Study in the Municipality of Bandung Yudoko, Gatot
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 4, No 1 2005
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper is the second of two parts. In this part, the results of the analysis and evaluation of the proposed framework on integrated municipal solid wastem planning and management (IMSWPM) in developing countries in the Municipality of Bandung are presented. Feasibility analysis for IMSWPM in was hindered by difficulties in quantifying benefits and requirements. In general, our analysis indicated that waste reduction initiatives will be feasible if strong political commitment from the government and funds for conducting public education are available. Source separation initiatives will be feasible if PDK-Bandung is willing to adapt its collection and transportation operation system in particular the collection vehicles. The scheme for employing both local community organizations and the municipal cleansing enterprise in service provision is feasible because it has been implemented and enforced by a municipal law. The feasibility of the proposed arrangement for sorting and recycling centres will be determined by the willingness of the municipal government of Kotamadya Bandung and PDK-Bandung to provide land and to acknowledge waste pickers’ involvement. The feasibility of composting initiatives at household, community and municipal levels will depend upon the availability of funds to create and develop markets for compost. Sanitary landfill as a safe disposal option is feasible if additional revenue can be provided for PDK-Bandung. The use of incineration, meanwhile, seems currently infeasible. The sustainability of IMSWPM in the City of Bandung will be determined by several critical factors, such as stakeholders’ agreement on the common interest(s) such as vision and mission, availability of sufficient resources ( experts, money, support) capability of stakeholders in overcoming barriers to the implementation of IMSWPM, availability of enforcement mechanisms, and existing opportunies for the adoption and implementation of IMSWPM.
Strategi operasi tim supply chain management dengan pendekatan value-based management: studi kasus perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi Yudoko, Gatot; Susanto, Sony
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 9, No 1 2010
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dalam bisnis eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia memiliki sebuah unit organisasi yang disebut Tim SCM (Supply Chain Management) yang bertanggung  jawab  dalam  menjamin pasokan  barang-barang  sediaan  untuk  proyek-proyek dan kegiatan operasi harian. Masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh tim ini adalah makin meningkatnya jumlah barang sediaan untuk item-item MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), item-item untuk PCI (Project Common Items), item-item untuk DC (Direct Charged), dan  item-item yang lambat bergerak (slow-moving items). Di samping itu, juga terjadi kekurangan pasokan pada beberapa item MRO dan PCI.  Makalah  ini  bertujuan  merancang  strategi operasi  bagi  Tim  SCM  dengan  menggunakan pendekatan value-based  management.  Metode  penelitian  yang digunakan  untuk  memecahkan masalah  terdiri  dari  empat tahap,  yaitu  identifikasi  akar masalah (root  causes), penentuan  tujuan kinerja, penentuan kebijakan yang relevan, dan penyusunan matriks strategi operasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan lima akar masalah, dan diusulkan 10 kebijakan manajemen rantai pasok.Kata kunci: inventory, supply chain management, value-based management, strategi operasi