Irma M. Yahya
Universitas Muhammadiyah Manado

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Journal : Jurnal EduHealth

The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns And Self Confidence In Children Under Five Sri Wahyuni; Irma M. Yahya
Jurnal EduHealth Vol. 14 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal eduHealth, Periode Januari-Maret, 2023
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The family has a very important role in every stage of the development of family members. Toodlers 0-5 years is a golden age or golden age to form the foundations of personality, intelligence, skills, and sociability. Self confidence is an important part of a teenagerʼs life. According to Rohayati (2011), self confidence is a important source in toddlerhood because they become individuals who are able to control many aspects of themselves and set goals that lead to success. The purpose of this study is ti find out the relationship of parenting with self confidence in toddlers in Tumupa Satu Subdistrict Tuminting Manado City.Research uses quantitative methods using correlation research methods, which are methods that aim to determine the relationship between two variables. The time approach used is the cross sectional approach. The sample of respondent was as many as 40 people using sampling tercniques, namely the total sample. Data collection using questionnaire sheets, analyzed by Chy Square statistical test.The results of the most age research 26-35 years 26 respondents (65.0%), the most high school education 28 respondents (70.0%), the most jobs of housewives 26 respondents (65.0%). Chi Square test results obtained a p value of 0,001 where < α 0,05. The conclusion in this study is that there is a relationship of the parenting with Self Confidence in toddlers in Tumumpa Village Tuminting District Manado City. Advice is expected with the research, it is hoped that respondents can find out good parenting for child development.
The Influence Of Stress Management On The Stress Level Of Nurses In The Emergency Room At Rsu Manado Medical Center Irma M. Yahya; Sri Wahyuni; Venice V Surapati
Jurnal EduHealth Vol. 14 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal eduHealth, Periode Januari-Maret, 2023
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.941 KB)


Stress is an unpleasant psychological condition that suppresses one's self and soul beyond the limits of one's ability. Stress management is the ability to use (human) resources effectively to overcome mental and emotional disturbances or disorders that arise due to responses (responses). Nurses as professionals in hospitals are very susceptible to work stress that causes physiological, psychological and behavioral disorders where stress itself is a form of physical, psychological and mental tension. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of stress management on nurse stress levels in the emergency room at RSU Manado Medical Center. This research is a quantitative study is a quantitative study through the use of correlation research with a cross-sectional method involving a sample of 14 respondents and using the sampling technique with a total sampling . Collecting data by using a questionnaire and processing data using Mc Nemar test with value (a=0.05) . The study results show that there is an effect of stress management on nurse stress levels with p value = 0.025 and value of (α ≤ 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the effect of stress management on nurses' stress levels in the emergency room at RSU Manado Medical Center. Suggestions from this research are expected to be used as input for nurses learning process activities about stress management to reduce nurse stress