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Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2013): February 2013
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v2i1.1823


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Education Card sebagai median pembelajaran IPA untuk menjelaskan energi dan mengevaluasi efektivitas belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Ada dua tahapan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu tahap proses pengembangan media pembelajaran Education Card dan hasil belajar siswa serta respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini efektivitas diukur dari siswa yang memiliki minat dan aktivitas sangat tinggi mencapai 78% total siswa, dan siswa yang mencapai nilai  mencapai 76% total siswa. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu  validator menilai bahwa media pembelajaran education card sangat layak. Pada  uji coba skala kecil dan skala besar siswa memberikan penilaian sangat layak dan layak pada media pembelajaran education card. Selain itu tanggapan siswa dan guru terhadap media pembelajaran education card menunjukan tanggapan yang sangat baik. Pada uji coba pemakaian diketahui bahwa semua kriteria efektif dapat terpenuhi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa media pembelajaran education card berbasis sains-edutainment layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran IPA terpadu tema energi di MTs.  This study aims to develop an Education Card as a learning media science to explain the energy and evaluate the effectiveness of student learning. This research is a Research and Development (R & D). There are two steps in this study, that is steps of the development of instructional media Education Card and student learning outcomes as well as students' response to learning. In this study measured the effectiveness of the students who have the interest and activity is very high at 78% of total students, and students who achieve a score ≥ 75 is 76% of total students. The results of this research that the validator considers that the media is well worth learning education card. On a small scale trials and large-scale assessment of students gave very decent and worthy in learning media education card. In addition to the responses of students and teachers towards instructional media education card showed excellent responses. At trial usage note that all criteria are met effectively. Based on the results of the study showed that media education card learning science- edutainment based fit for use as a medium of learning science integrated energy theme in MTs. 
Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v6i3.20384


Textbooks play an important role in learning. One of its functions is to implement the value of character education. It is therefore important to analyze the content of the character values in a textbook. This research aims at revealing: (1) the characteristics of the character value content in physics textbooks of the 2013 curriculum at eleventh grade and conformity to map the value for high school students based material development of the nation's culture and character education, (2) the suitability approach to character education in textbooks within the framework of the comprehensive approach, as well as (3) the display characteristics of integration character values in the textbook. The research method is inferential content analysis with the quantitative-qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were two eleventh grade physics textbooks on dynamic fluid material that refers to the 2013 curriculum and those widely used as the primary learning resources in the district of Rembang.The content analysis of character values involved three independent raters who were given the structured observation sheets. Book A contains 15 of 18 values with the most dominant responsibility of 14.81%. While book B contains 12 values and dominated by the value of curiosity of 16.67%. Both of the books have not fully implemented a comprehensive approach. The presentation of the value of characters in both books is integrated implicitly and explicitly.
The Potential of Electronic Media Integrated Islamic Values on Students' Motivation and Creative Thinking Ability Praptiwi, Ucca Swasti; Yulianto, Agus; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 10 No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v10i1.42340


This research is a preliminary study regarding the teacher's description of learning, student learning motivation, students' creative thinking skills, and the need for developing electronic comic learning media based on integrated problem based learning Islamic values at SMPN 3 Watumalang. This research uses a descriptive method. This study's subjects were 44 students of class VIII and teachers of science subjects at SMPN 3 Watumalang. The research was conducted from October to November 2020. The data collection instruments were questionnaires, interview guidelines, and creative thinking skills test questions. The results of interviews with students indicated that the students' intrinsic motivation was still low. The ability to think creatively is still lacking, with a percentage of 42.8%. In the elaboration indicator, most students answered correctly, while in the originality indicator, students were less careful in answering, and only 14.3% of students could answer correctly. Based on the questionnaire analysis results, electronic comic learning media based on problem based learning integrated Islamic values as an alternative media for learning media on vibrations, waves, and sounds in everyday life are needed for development with a percentage of 64%. The use of electronic comics is expected to increase student motivation and creative thinking skills.
MANTRA PENGOBATAN DAN LAMUT TATAMBA SEBAGAI MEDIA PENYEMBUHAN DALAM MASYARAKAT BANJAR (KALIMANTAN SELATAN) Medication Mantra and Lamut Tatamba as Healing Media in Banjar People (South Kalimantan) Yulianto, Agus
Jurnal Lingko : Jurnal Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jl.v2i2.53


AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut, 1) apa bentuk (wujud) mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba yang berupa tradisi tutur tunggal yang ada dalam masyarakat Banjar di Kalimantan Selatan; 2) apa yang membuat mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba masih menjadi media alternatif; 3) apa sajakah penyakit-penyakit yang menjadi objek penyembuhan bagi mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba; dan 4) apa saja media yang digunakan dalam lamut tatamba untuk menyembuhkan sebuah penyakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa bentuk mantra pengobatan terdiri atas mantra sempurna dan tidak sempurna. Corak mantra pengobatan terdiri atas pantun, ungkapan, dan syair penyakit-penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba antara lain penyakit mag, penyakit perut, sakit kepala, mata, dan lain-lain.Kata kunci: Mantra, lamut, pengobatan tradisional, tradisi lisanAbstractThe objectives of this study are as follows. 1) to find out the forms of medication mantra and medication lamut (lamut tatamba) which is a single speech tradition in the Banjar people in South Kalimantan; 2) to find out the reason why medication mantra and medication lamut are still an alternative healing medium for diseases; 3) what diseases are the objects of healing for medication mantra and medication lamut (lamut tatamba); and 4) to find out what media are used in medication lamut (lamut tatamba) to heal diseases. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with library techniques. The results of the analysis show that healing mantras consist of perfect and imperfect mantras. The style of healing mantras consists of rhymes, phrases and rhymes the mantra and lamut tatamba can heal several diseases such as heartburn, stomach ache, headaches, eyes, and others.Keywords: Mantra, lamut, medication tradtinionally, oral traditionTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut, 1) apa bentuk (wujud) mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba yang berupa tradisi tutur tunggal yang ada dalam masyarakat Banjar di Kalimantan Selatan; 2) apa yang membuat mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba masih menjadi media alternatif; 3) apa sajakah penyakit-penyakit yang menjadi objek penyembuhan bagi mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba; dan 4) apa saja media yang digunakan dalam lamut tatamba untuk menyembuhkan sebuah penyakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa bentuk mantra pengobatan terdiri atas mantra sempurna dan tidak sempurna. Corak mantra pengobatan terdiri atas pantun, ungkapan, dan syair penyakit-penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh mantra pengobatan dan lamut tatamba antara lain penyakit mag, penyakit perut, sakit kepala, mata, dan lain-lain. Kata kunci: Mantra, lamut, pengobatan tradisional, tradisi lisan
Contextual Learning By Using Batik Semarangan for Improving Students’ Learning Achievement Hartanti, Rizka Silviana; Yulianto, Agus; Khumaedi, Khumaedi
Physics Communication Vol 4, No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/physcomm.v4i2.31627


This Research is aimed for knowing, (1) the implementation of contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan for physics material especially temperature and heat, (2) the improvement of students’ learning achievements after the application of contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan, and (3) the students’ responses after being given contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan. This research mix methods, namely quantitative and qualitative. This research was conducted in two classed at SMK Walisongo Semarang for student class X TKJ Telkom 1 as experimental class and X TKJ Telkom 2 as control class. The identification of local potential of Batik Semarangan was carried out by using interview and observation technique which were then analyzed qualitatively and the result was substituted to physics material, namely temperature and heat.  Furthermore, learning achievements were assessed from sides of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.  The result showed that contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan was effective for improving cognitive learning achievements as proved by experimental class having value of 0.79 which was higher than the control class of 0.57. In addition, the result showed that contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan was effective in improving effective learning achievements as proved by the experimental class average of 86.55 which was higher than the control class of 76.73. The result also showed that contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan was effective in improving psychomotor learning achievements as proved by the experiment class average score 33.3 higher than control class 25.4. The implementation of contextual learning by using Batik Semarangan got a positive responses by students because it made them easier to understand concepts, to be more skilled, and increased students’ interest in the learning process. Based on the result, it can be concluded that contextual learning with the use of Batik Semarangan can be applied to study temperature and heat material in classroom. Contextual learning with the use of Batik Semarangan can improve students’ learning achievement. Contextual learning with the use of Batik Semarangan got a good response by students.
Cultural Integration on Students' Productivity During Distance Learning Parmin, Parmin; Syafi, Mohammad Qois; Junaedi, Iwan; Yulianto, Agus; Purwantoyo, Eling; Mubarok, Ibnul
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 54, No 3 (2021): OCTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.85 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpp.v54i3.38924


This study aims to measure the effectiveness of cultural integration on the productivity of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students during the implementation of distance learning. The culture integrated into this research is a habit that becomes a society's tradition in behaving. The research problem is about the integration of culture on character formation, which impacts student productivity. The study used mixed methods with quantitative data from questionnaires and qualitative data from interviews and document analysis. The research targets are 344 students filled out the questionnaire. After the questionnaire data was analyzed, it was deepened through interviews. The relationship test between character strengthening and students' productivity obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.59, indicating that the correlation between variables is quite strong. Internalization of cultural values into forming students' characters in distance lectures and activities is carried out through habituation. The selection of online application media refers to the ease of access, students' common use, and ease of operation. The research concludes that students' characters contribute to building students' self-awareness to be productive.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran Vol 11, No 1 (2013): Juli 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/rekayasa.v11i1.10337


Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta di lapangan yang menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan daftar peserta olimpiade sains nasional bidang fisika 2011 yang dirilis oleh Diknas terlihat bahwa komposisi asal peserta dari Jawa Tengah adalah SMAN 1 Purwokerto, SMAN 1 Brebes, SMAN 1 Ungaran, SMAN BBS Sragen, SMAN 1 Pekalongan, SMA Kolose Loyola Semarang, SMAN 1 Surakarta, dan SMA Regina Pacis Surakarta. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk membekali materi praktikum bagi guru físika di luar SMA yang disebutkan di atas sehingga mempunyai pengalaman mempersiapkan siswanya untuk mengikuti OSN dari tingkat awal. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman peserta tentang materi praktikum yang diujikan OSN seperti bandul fisis, dan momen inersia silinder, osilasi tabung berisi air, 80 % dapat memahami konsep dan teori yang terkait dengan praktium tersebut. Untuk rumusan bagaimana praktikum bandul fisis dan momen inersia silinder dilaksanakan, 90 % dapat menjelasakan dengan baik, dan hanya 10 % peserta yang dapat menjelaskan tahapan praktikum osilasi tabung berisi air.
Prediksi Pertumbuhan Jumlah Unit Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Menggunakan Metode Regresi Linier Berganda Yulianto, Agus; Firmansyah
REMIK: Riset dan E-Jurnal Manajemen Informatika Komputer Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Call for Paper Volume 6 Nomor 2 April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/remik.v6i2.11374


Dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) di Indonesia namun belum adanya penelitian yang memprediksi pertumbuhan UMKM. Dengan memprediksi pertumbuhan UMKM maka pemerintah juga dapat menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan seperti stimulus, pemberdayaan ekonomi dan juga dapat memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Prediksi menggunakan model regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan 2 variabel dependent dan 1 variabel independen. Data diambil dari jumlah pertumbuhan UMKM dan suku bunga bank. Hasil pemodelan membuktikan bahwa model regresi linier berganda dapat memprediksi pertumbuhan UMKM.
Sintesis Nanokomposit Stronsium Ferit-keramik Porselin Alumina sebagai Peningkat Struktur Dielektrik Kapasitor Berbahan Dasar Pasir Besi. Sobirin, Mohamad; Rosita, Nita; Fitriawan, Margi; Usriyah, Farida; Faizal, Reza; Yulianto, Agus
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 1, No 2 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v1i2.7796


Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai sumber daya mineral melimpah diantaranya adalah pasir besi, stronsium, dan keramik porselin. Bahanbahan tersebut sering digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam komponen elektronik. Material keramik dari lempung dimanfaatkan sebagai dielektrik sedangkan stronsium dan pasir besi sebagai bahan ferit. Stronsium memiliki sifat yang ringan, tahan terhadap suhu tinggi, serta tidak mudah rapuh. Selain itu stronsium memiliki permitivitas listrik yang tinggi yang cocok digunakan sebagai bahan dielektrik pengisi kapasitor. Bahan dielektrik yang dapat menyimpan energi tinggi adalah bahan dielektrik berbentuk keramik. Keramik porselin alumina memiliki rumus kimia(Al2O3). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan struktur dielektrik pada kapasitor dengan komposit stronsium ferit-keramik porselin alumina. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari dielektrik maka dibuat komposit dari Sr ferit dan keramik alumina. Sehingga bahan dielektrik lebih ringan, tahan terhadap korosi, dapat menyimpan energi lebih banyak. Dielektrik dibuat dengan komposit stronsium ferit dan keramik porselin alumina dan perekat menggunakan PVA. Stronsium ferit disintesis dengan bahan baku utama stronsium oksida dan pasir besi. Bahan keramik diambil dari bahan-bahan alam lempung. Pembuatan komposit dengan variasi stronsium ferit dan keramik 0:20 gram, 5:15 gram, 10:10 gram, dan 15 : 5 gram. Pencetakan dilakukan menggunakan pompa hidraulik bertekanan 4 ton diameter cetakan 4 cm. Sintering dilakukan dengan menggunakan furnace pada temperatur 250oC. Karakterisai yang dilakukan adalah uji kuat tekan, uji kapasitansi, dan uji Microscopy dengan menggunakan SEM. Hasil uji kuat tekan menunjukkan semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya stronsium ferit dan tertinggi dengan variasi stronsium ferit massa 15 gram adalah 34,7 x 102 kg. Uji kapasitansi menggunakan plat aluminium diperoleh nilai kapasitansi tertinggi pada variasi massa stronsium ferit 5 gram yaitu 11.5 nF yang dialiri arus AC 7 V. Struktur permukaan menunjukkan penambahan stronsium ferit pada komposit dielektrik adalah heterogen.
Aplikasi Styrofoam Sebagai Absorpsi Bunyi Allif Silfiyana Rohman; Agus Yulianto; Upik Nurbaiti
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v10i1.2817


This study aims to determine the level of sound attenuation of Styrofoam material. This research is using a noise meter application Decibel X: dB Sound Level Meter and a sound generator as a sound source. Then Styrofoam as an acoustic material with a thickness of 1 cm; 1.5 cm; 2 cm; 2.5 cm ; 3 cm; 3.5 cm and 4 cm. The average absorption coefficient obtained in this study with a material thickness of 1 cm is 0.023. Then the average absorption coefficient at a thickness of 1.5 cm is 0.031. While the average absorption coefficient at a material thickness of 2 cm is 0.040. Furthermore, the average sound absorption coefficient at a thickness of 2.5 cm and 3 cm has the same value, namely 0.039. Then, the average sound absorption coefficient at a thickness of 3.5 cm and 4 cm also has the same value, which is 0.038. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that sound absorption at frequencies below 1000 Hz occurs significant sound absorption. At frequencies of 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 600 Hz and 800 Hz, the average sound absorption increases from 1 cm to 3.5 cm of Styrofoam thickness. While the thickness of Styrofoam 4 cm on average did not show a significant increase in sound absorption. Styrofoam thickness of 4 cm can effectively absorb sound at a frequency of 1000 Hz only.
Co-Authors - Susanto Abdul Hamid Adina Widi Astuti Agung Setyo Darmawan Agus Raharjo Ahsani, Muh Syukri Alifianto, Untung Allif Silfiyana Rohman Alvian, Alvian Andya Satya Purnomo Putro Andya Satya Purnomo Putro, Andya Satya Purnomo Ani Ariani, Ani Anjaya, Perdana Dika Anugrahaini, Ulya Santa Arianto, Ivan Setia Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Ati, Laras Ayu Paramitha, Amelia Ayu Paramitha, Amelia Bambang Genjik S Bambang Subali Budi Antoni Saputra Budi Antoni Saputra, Budi Antoni Budi Astuti Budiyanto, Saraswati Putri D.R, Priyandika Delvita Puspitasari Dewi, Adelina Ryan Candra Dian Wahid Hermawan, Dian Wahid E. Marhaeniyanto Effendy, Suhardi - Eko Budianto Eko Nugroho Yuliono, Eko Nugroho Eling Purwantoyo Ellianawati, Ellianawati Endang Susilaningsih Fandi Musthofa A. S. Fandi Musthofa A. S., Fandi Musthofa Firmansyah Firmansyah Firmansyah Firmansyah, Firmansyah - Fitrianti, Dwi Agung Fitriawan, Margi Fitriawan, Margi Fitriyah, Maghfirotul Hadi Susanto Hasanah, Dian Uswatun Herkulana Herkulana Ian Yulianti, Ian Ibnul Mubarok Ihwanudin, Maulana Ika Vidiasari Aristawati Iwan Junaedi Iwan junaedi Junaedi Harmiansyah, Junaedi Kartono - Khoirun Nisa Khoirun Nisa’, Khoirun Khoirun Nisa’ Khumaedi - Kusjuriansah, Kusjuriansah Lucky Zaehir Maulana, Lucky Made D.P, Ngurah Mahardika Prasetya Aji Mahardika Prasetya Aji, Mahardika Prasetya Mashudi Mashudi Moh. Shofi Nur Utami Moh. Shofi Nur Utami, Moh. Shofi Nur Mohammad Qois Syafi Mufti, Afrizal Mulyanti, Restina Muji Mulyono Mulyono Naila Hilmiyana Syifa Nathan Hindarto Nisa’, Khoirun Nita Rosita Nita Rosita, Nita Noviyanto Noviyanto, Noviyanto Nur Khasanah Nur Rohman Arif Nur Rohman Arif, Nur Rohman Nuri Nuri Nurlita, Putri Sandra Nuryati, Iis Nuzulina, Khoirun Parmin - Parmin Parmin Pramuko Ilmu Purboputro Praptiwi, Ucca Swasti Primadian, Fatimah Putra, Ngurah Made Darma Ramadhani, Amanda Dhyan Purna Ramadhani, Athirah Nur Rengganis, Amalia Puspita Reza Faizal, Reza Riameinda Br. Bangun Riameinda Br. Bangun, Riameinda Br. Rizka Silviana Hartanti, Rizka Silviana Sarwi - Scolastika Mariani Sekarpratiwi, Farah Kinayu Sidiq, Alif Lombardoaji Siti Munazilah Sobirin, Mohamad Sobirin, Mohamad Sri Buwono . Sudrajat, Budi Sulhadi - Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko Suparmi Suparmi Supraptomo, RTH Supriyadi Supriyadi Suranto Suranto Suroto, Karunia Setyowati Susanto Syafi, Mohammad Qois Syarif, Junaidi Theasy, Yoan Tri Novianto, Tri Ucca Swasti Praptiwi Upik Nurbaiti Usriyah, Farida Usriyah, Farida Wigandi, Dikdik Permana Wulandari, Martina Diah Yani Puspitarini Yani Puspitarini, Yani Yulita Nurbaiti Yusuf, Dini Hidayati