Kiki Yuliati
Program Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya Jl. Padang Selasa No. 524 Bukit Besar Palembang, Indonesia 30139

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KARAKTERISTIK KWETIAU DARI TEPUNG BERAS MERAH (Oryza sativa): Characteristics of Kwetiau Made of Red Rice (Oryza sativa) Flour Kiki Yuliati; Merynda Indriyani Syafutri; Christian Madona
Pro Food Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Pro Food (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.951 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/profood.v6i1.134


ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to analyze the characteristics of kwetiau made of red rice flour with binding agents addition and soaking time of red rice. This research used a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with two factors. The first factor was types of binding agent (tapioca, glutinous rice flour and sago), and the second factor was the soaking time (1.5 hours and 3 hours). The observed parameters were physical (color, texture, elongation), chemical (moisture, ash, crude fiber, total anthocyanin content, and sensory characteristics (flavor, color, texture, taste). The results showed that the types of binding agent had significant effects on texture, elongation, and moisture content, while the soaking time had significant effects on color (L*, a*, b*), texture, moisture and ash content. Interaction of binding agent and soaking time had significant effects on texture and moisture content. Based on sensory characteristics and moisture content (Indonesian National Standard No. 2987-2015), the best treatment was kwetiau A1B1 (tapioca as binding agent; 1.5 hours of soaking time). Keywords: binding agent, kwetiau, red rice flour, soaking time ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik kwetiau dari tepung beras merah dengan penambahan beberapa jenis bahan perekat dan lama perendaman beras merah. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial dengan dua faktor perlakuan, yaitu jenis bahan perekat (tapioka, tepung beras ketan, dan sagu) dan lama perendaman beras merah (1,5 jam dan 3 jam). Parameter yang diamati adalah karakteristik fisik (warna, kekerasan, elongasi), kimia (air, abu, serat kasar, total antosianin), dan sensoris (flavor, warna, tekstur, rasa). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis bahan perekat berpengaruh nyata terhadap kekerasan, elongasi dan kadar air, sedangkan lama perendaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna (L*, a*, b*), tekstur, elongasi, kadar air dan abu. Interaksi antara jenis bahan perekat dan lama perendaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap tekstur dan kadar air kwetiau tepung beras merah. Perlakuan terbaik ditentukan berdasarkan karakteristik sensoris dan parameter kadar air (SNI 2987-2015), perlakuan terbaik adalah kwetiau A1B1 (bahan perekat tapioka; lama perendaman beras merah 1,5 jam). Kata kunci: bahan perekat, kwetiau, lama perendaman, tepung beras merah
Model Kinetika Degradasi Capsaicin Cabai Merah Giling pada Berbagai Kondisi Suhu Penyimpanan Dharia Renate; Filli Pratama; Kiki Yuliati; Gatot Priyanto
agriTECH Vol 34, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.469 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9462


The objective of this research was to asses relationship between temperature and storage time of capsaicin degradation of red chilli paste and to measure activation energy and shelf life using the Arrhenius model. The treatmens were storage temperature (20°C, 30°C, 40°C) and storage times (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 weeks).  Parameters analyzed were capsaicin content using HPLC method, pH, and particle size.  The data was analyzed using linier regression and Arrhenius equation  The results showed that temperature condition and storage time affected capsaicin degradation of red chilli paste, unlike pH and particle size.  The longer storage time the lower capsaicin content.  The capsaicin content of red chilli paste stored at 30°C and 40°C in week-4 was 746,36 μg/g and 714,19 μg/g respectively, and it declined to 149,31 μg/g and 136,77 μg/g after being stored for ten weeks.  Research concluded that red chilli paste stored for 10 weeks at 20°C caused the lowest capsaicin degradation from   916.8029 μg/g  to 683.8097 μg/g. Degradation rate of capsaicin followed the first order reaction.  Arrhenius equation for capsaicin was  Y= -9356.3x + 27.836, (R=0.76), and activation energy was 18.581 kcal/mol.  Shelf life determination of capsaicin followed kinetic reaction equation of the fi rst order  i.e t = ln(Ao-At)/k.  The self life of red chilli paste stored at 20°C, 30°C and 40°C were 10.62 weeks, 8.62 weeks and 8.45 weeks respectively.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji hubungan suhu dan lama penyimpanan terhadap degradasi capsaicin cabai merah giling serta menghitung energi aktivasi dan waktu simpan dengan pendekatan model persamaan Arrhenius. Perlakuan terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu suhu penyimpanan (20°C, 30°C, dan 40°C) serta lama penyimpanan (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10 minggu). Metode analisis untuk kadar capsaicin menggunakan HPLC. Analisis pendukung yaitu pH dan ukuran partikel.  Data disajikan dengan grafi k persamaan regresi linier dan persamaan Arrhenius.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi suhu dan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh terhadap degradasi capsaicin cabai merah giling, namun, pH dan ukuran partikel tidak berpengaruh secara signifi kan.  Semakin lama penyimpanan maka kandungan capsaicin semakin menurun. Kadar capsaicin cabai giling yang disimpan pada suhu 30°C dan 40°C  pada minggu ke-empat masing masing sebesar 746,36 μg/g dan 714,19 μg/g menurun perlahan sampai pada  minggu ke-10 menjadi 149,31 μg/g dan 136,77 μg/g.  Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kadar capsaicin cabai giling yang disimpan pada suhu 20°C selama 10 minggu merupakan degradasi terendah dari 916,80 μg/g menjadi 683,81 μg/g.  Laju degradasi capsaicin mengikuti orde satu.  Persamaan Arrhenius untuk Capsaicin adalah Y= 27,836-9356,3x (R=0,76) dan energi aktivasi sebesar 18581,65 kal/mol. Penentuan umur simpan capsaicin mengikuti persamaan kinetika reaksi orde satu yaitu t =ln(Ao-At)/k, maka umur simpan capsaicin cabai merah giling yang disimpan pada suhu 20°C, 30°C dan 40°C berturutturut sebesar 10,64 minggu; 8,62 minggu dan 8,45 minggu.
Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat (Pb, Hg, Cu dan As) Pada Kerupuk Kemplang Di Desa Tebing Gerinting Utara, Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Kiki Agus Ariansya; Kiki Yuliati; Siti Hanggita R.J.
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v1i1.798


The purpose of research was to investigated the heavy metal (Pb, Hg, Cu, and As) content on the kerupuk kemplang (traditional fish cracker) at the North Tebing Gerinting Region, District of South Indralaya, Ogan Ilir Regency.This research was conducted on September until May 2012 the north region Tebing Gerinting, district of South Indralaya, Ogan Ilir regency and Laboratory of Balai Riset dan Standarisasi Industri dan Perdagangan, Palembang.This research used survey method to obtain primary data. The data showed the value of heavy metal content differs, there were fish source (marine fish and fresh water fish),  location (in the roadside and in the village), and drying method (with and without rack) and each sample was replicated two times.  The parameter of observation were conducted on plumbum (Pb), mercury (Hg), copper (Cu) and arsenic (As).The result of the research revealed  that plumbum (Pb) of Kerupuk kemplang with raw material from marine fish  and dried in the roadside with rack had value of plumbum 0,0025 mg/kg and in the roadside without rack had 0,0108 mg/kg. Drying on the village with rack  had 0,005 mg/kg and without rack had 0,0005 mg/kg. Kerupuk kemplang with raw material from freshwater fish and dried in the rack of roadside had value of  plumbum 0,0021 mg/kg and without rack had the value of 0,0055 mg/kg. Drying on the village with rack had 0 mg/kg and without rack had 0,005 mg/kg.  Plumbum’s content on kerupuk kemplang still below the threshold were allowed, had the value of 0,3 mg/kg, but it should be able attention because of its heavy metal that could be accumulated in human’s body especially on kidney, heart and brain.
Analisis Mutu Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus) Asap Produksi Rakyat di Jalan Lintas Musi II Desa Keramasan, Kertapati, Palembang Firnanda Citra; Kiki Yuliati; Ace Baehaki
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v4i1.3494


The purpose of this research was to analize the quality of smoked catfish sold at Musi Dua street data were obtained through and series of survey. The smoke fish processing staser were material of supply, clear of weeds, washing of fish, work with salt and furnigation. Furnigation was a process in very important because can be specific character of smoke fish in the production. The result of the microbiology smoke catfish with sampling showed average be able to 1.8x106, 1.7x106 and 1.65x107. The result of the chemistry analysis smoke catfish showed in water activity of testing was about 0.84. The result standard water of testing showed smoke catfish was about 46.8% until 48.8% for every sample.
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v1i1.795


The objective of this research was to study the efficiency and identification on each processing of terasi shrimp and recommendation to repaired. The research was conducted from August 2009 until July 2012 in Belo Laut village, Bangka Belitung Province. The objective of this research was to study the efficiency, to identify losses during the processing of terasi and to formulate recommendations for process improvement. Laboratory analysis was conducted in Bioprocess Laboratory at Chemical Enginering, Enginering Faculty, Sriwijaya University. Parameters observed were the contents of water, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate.. The data were analysed descriptively. The results showed that the efficiency was 35.73%. Based on Pareto diagram, the improvement priority which need to be done is for the dominant loss of shrimp that is wasted on the salinity (36.76%), left on the machine (26.47%), and wasted on drying I (16.18%). The cause-effect diagram analysis shows that the causing factor of the dominant loss come from equipment and human/worker factors. The results of laboratory on nutrient composition terasi showed that average water content (wb) was 35.21%, protein content (db) was 37.88%, fat content (db) was 1.85%, ash content (db) was 9.35%, and carbohydrate content (db) was 50.94%.
Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Pengeringan terhadap Mutu Silase Limbah Pengolahan Kodok Beku (Rana sp.) yang Dikeringkan dengan Penambahan Dedak Padi Rosidin Rosidin; Kiki Yuliati; Siti Hanggita R.J.
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v1i1.799


The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of temperature and duration of drying on the quality the silage made from the waste of frozen frog  (Rana sp.) processing with  addition of rice bran. This research was designed using completely randomized factorial design with two treatments and two replications. The treatments were temperatures (40 oC and 50 oC) and durations of drying (20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 hours). The observed parameters include contents : bulk density, water, protein, fat, and crude fiber. The result showed that temperature and duration of drying affected significantly on bulk density, water content, and protein of the silage. Temperature and duration of drying had significant effect on fat content , but no significant differences in interaction between each other.  Only the temperature treatment  had significant effect on crude fiber. T2t5 (temperature of     50 oC and 40 hours of drying time) produced silage meal with lower water content (7.45 %), high protein content  (59.63 %), fat content (8.50 %), crude fiber (12.65 %), and bulk density (0.620 g/mL).   Keyword: Temperature, Duration of Drying, The Silage, Rice Bran
Madu sebagai Wet Batter pada Produk Udang Breaded Nadia Gustina; Kiki Yuliati; Shanti Dwita Lestari
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v4i1.3497


The purpose of this research is to determine the effect honey as a wet batter on the breaded shrimp quality. The research was conducted from February 2014 until September 2014. The results showed that were analyzed using randomized complete block design (RCBD). Parameters observed were chemical analysis (moisture content), pH measurement, water activity (aw), analysis of microbiological (TPC) and sensory analysis. Chemical characteristics of breaded shrimp in this study with the average of water content between 67.27% - 80.25%, pH value was 6.45 – 7.98, the average value of water activity (aw) was 0.73 – 0.97. While the values of the sensory analysis was 3.6 – 8.6.
Edible: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Teknologi Pangan Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Edible
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jedb.v5i1.636


Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menyusun strategi pengembangan agroindustri berbasis itik Pegagan sebagai komoditas unggulan daerah. Ternak Itik Pegagan merupakan plasma nutfah lokal yang memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan. Namun hingga saat ini jika dilihat dari populasinya justru ada kecendrungan menurun. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk penentuan alternatif strategi pengembangan Agroindustri Itik Pegagan, kemudian untuk penetapan prioritas strategi menggunakan QSPM. Hasil penelitian diperoleh strategi terpilih yaitu revitalisasi sistem perbibitan rakyat oleh pemerintah daerah di sentra ternak itik Pegagan yang berbasis sumber daya lokal melalui regulasi dan penerapan teknologi tepat guna.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jstp.v8i3.38432


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of differences cold serve coffee methode and origin growth from different region in Indonesia on chemical and organoleptic characteristics. This study used factoriall Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The treatments in this study were (A) differences origin growth of arabica coffee from different region in indonesia with using one treatment factor and three repetitions with repetitions considered as block and (B) cold serve coffee method. Parameters in this study included chemical characteristic (ranking test) and chemical characteristics (antioxidant value, total phenolic compound, total acid level, and pH). The result showed that as the differences of origin growth coffee given different respond on brewing method significantly affected the costumers ranking preference (appearance, taste, acidity, aftertaste, balance and overall), antioxidant value, total phenolic compound, and pH level