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PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 12, No 2 (2019): PALASTREN
Publisher : STAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v12i2.6357


Pernikahan dini di pedesaaan marak terjadi termasuk di Desa Prawoto, Kecamatan Sukolilo, Kabupaten Pati. Sebagian besar perkawinan dilakukan secara sirri, selebihnya dilakukan secara tercatat melalui proses dispensasi nikah. Berbagai upaya pencegahan pernikahan di bawah umur sudah dilakukan terutama oleh pihak KUA Sukolilo dengan melakukan penolakan secara institusional melalui pelaksanaan kebijakan pembatasan usia minimal perkawinan dan pendekatan terhadap tokoh agama yang berperan menikahkan mereka secara sirri, tetapi hasilnya belum signifikan, bahkan banyak persoalan kesenjangan gender  yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut setelah dianalisis menggunakan Gender Analysis Pathway.  Dengan demikian, collaborative governance  berbasis gender menjadi solusi alternatifnya dengan melibatkan masyarakat, pemuda, tokoh agama, tokoh perempuan, Ketua RT, Kepala Desa, Kecamatan, KUA, dan Pengadilan Agama.
Analisis Faktor Penghambat Implementasi Alokasi Dana Desa di Desa Perumnas Simalingkar, Pancur Batu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang Saraan, Muhammad Iman Kandias; Suwitri, Sri; Yuniningsih, A.P. Tri
Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal) Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION JOURNAL) DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.789 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/jap.v9i2.2800


From this study there are several actors that hamper the implementation of Village Fund Allocation, namely Resources, Disposition of implementers, and social, political and economic conditions, obstacles to the achievement of the implementation of Village Fund Allocation with the aim of this study to find out the obstacles in the implementation of Deli Serdang Regency Regulations Number 256 of 2017 concerning Village Fund Allocation and factors for achieving policy implementation. The research location was carried out in the Perumnas Simliangkar Village, Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang Regency. The writing design in this study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data source used is the primary data source using the interactive interview method and secondary data by searching relevant document data regarding the Village Fund Allocation policy. The results of the study explained that the results of the study showed that in achieving the objectives, the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) was not optimal. In addition, the aim of improving governance, development and capacity of social institutions has not been carried out optimally. Likewise, the aim of increasing community participation in community cooperation and community empowerment has not been optimal. Some of the factors that influence the implementation of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) are Resources, disposition attitudes, social, economic and political conditions.
FORUM Vol 41, No 1 (2014) : Menggagas Pilgub Jateng 2013 Yang Ideal
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4850.311 KB)


The elections are part of the implementation of political decentralization, by giving full freedom to the people in selecting the candidates for the head area, in accordance with the wishes and preferences of each election, as well as based on the spirit of egalitarianism and voluntarism. Supposedly with the direct election of regional leaders who gave birth to the pure expectations these people, can answer the fundamental problems will handcuff local community. Here's a bit of problems encountered in transmitting the values of democracy at the local level. because democracy is not just a procedural but include process and content.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.56 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v4i4.9398


Health services is a concept that used in providing health services to the community. Regional Public Hospital Ketileng Semarang as a government agency in charge of providing health services is always required to work optimally in serving the community. The service is called quality if it has met the indicators that used as a barometer of the extent to which the service has done well. This study aims to determine the quality of health services in Regional Public Hospital Ketileng Semarang through service activities, inhibiting factors of service, and the driving factors of service from internal customer’s perspective (staffs) as well as through the five dimensions of service quality ( ServQual ) from Parasuraman In this study, the researcher use a qualitative method with descriptive approach. A qualitative approach with in-depth interviews toward 6 informants with election technique by accidental sampling. The results showed that from the five dimensions of service quality that described by Parasuraman, that is tangible, realibility, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, only assurance dimension that can be said to have been carried out properly The advice that given is (1 ) increasing the number of employees in serving ( 2 ) closer scrutiny for employees ( 3 ) provide information as simple as possible in order to be understood by all patients ( 4 ) time of service is adapted with the patient visits.
Analisis Diklat Teknis Fungsional dalam Rangka Pengembangan Kualitas Pegawai pada Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kota Semarang Kesuma, Gilang Agitya; Yuniningsih, Tri; Rihandoyo, Rihandoyo
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 3, Nomor 3, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.215 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v3i3.5725


This study aims to analysis of functional technical education and training in order of employee quality development in the area of disaster management agency of Semarang city. This research used method descriptive qualitative. This subjects in this study consist of 6 (six) main informant. Based on the research result show employees quality of the disaster management agency of Semarang city can be categorized good. Either even though there is still some dimension assessed less well. While employee development on the disaster management agency of Semarang city categorized less well, because some employee quality development programs in strategic plan of disaster management agency of Semarang city 2011 – 2015 not yet implemented that is MFR (Medical First Responder) and Scuba Diving. Conclusions in this study was the overall performance of the disaster management agency of Semarang city was good, while for employee quality development assessed not good. Based on the conclusions researchers to a disaster management agency of Semarang city to correct employee quality aspect and implemented employee quality development in Renstra of disaster management agency of Semarang city 2011 – 2015 so that quality and the ability of employees increased.
Pengaruh Perilaku Kepemimpinan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pekerjaan Umum di Kabupaten Tegal Dwika, Septi Anjani Putri; Hariani, Dyah; Yuniningsih, Tri
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 3, Nomor 3, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.178 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v3i3.5760


Kinerja organisasi atau kinerja instansi merupakan indikator tingkatan prestasi yang dapat dicapai dan mencerminkan keberhasilan dari organisasi. Oleh karena itu individu harus diarahkan serta didayagunakan semaksimal mungkin agar nantinya dapat bekerja dengan baik dan mempunyai produktivitas yang tinggi. Dalam hal ini pimpinan peran pimpinan sangat dibutuhkan sebagai pihak yang dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas individu atau kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan tentunya disertai dengan kesadaran dan kesediaan individu atau kelompok untuk mentaati peraturan dan norma sosial yang berlaku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku kepemimpinan dan displin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai baik secara parsial maupun simultan yang diuji dengan menggunakan analisis data rank kendall dan kondordansi kendall. Adapun sampel yang digunakan adalah pegawai Dinas Pekerjaan Umum di Kantor Kabupaten Tegal dengan jumlah 80 orang yang dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus slovin Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara perilaku kepemimpinan dengan kinerja pegawai dimana harga Z-hitung (7,415) > Zt5% (1,96), demikian halnya dengan displin kerja yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai hal ini ditunjukkan dengan harga Z-hitung (5,485) > Zt5% (1,96). Gaya kepemimpinna dan displin kerja juga berpegaruh secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja pegawai yang ditunjukkan dengan harga  2h sebesar 156,104 >  2 t5% (101,879). Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi data diketahui bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan perilaku kepemimpinan, disiplin pegawai dan kinerja pegawai di Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Tegal sudah baik . Adapun saran yang disampaikan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlu dilakukan pengawasan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, menempatkan pegawai sesuai dengan job description nya dengan mempertimbangkan latar belakang pendidikan atau prestasi akademis, pimpinan perlu lebih meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pegawai, perlu ada sanksi yang tegas dan shock terapi, sehingga pegawai lebih disiplin, perlu adanya finger print sehingga pegawai tidak lagi memanipulasi data kehadiran.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 4, Nomor 3, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.493 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v4i3.8756


One scope bureaucracy reform is the emergence of law on civil state apparatus (UU ASN). Explained that every government institution shall prepare need for the number and type of positions based on job analysis and ABK. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The focus of the research is to describe the process and inhibiting factors in job analysis drafting process of echelon IV in BKD Semarang city (post- implementation regulation no. 5/2014 about ASN). The subject of research using snow-ball samplling technique, where the informant that is the head of Sub-areas/Sub-section BKD Semarang city, and the head of the Organization Semarang city. Analysis of data reduction and data through triangulation of sources. Starting from the initial stage to socialization of job analysis by Ministry of Internal Affairs, BKN center of Jakarta, part of Organization, and the establishment of team analyzer. Process of collection data positions using the system of observation, questionnaires, interviews, and combined with regulation mayor of BKD Semarang city. Data processed into job information with several times verification and authorized the issuance of the decree of the head of BKD Semarang city. Inhibiting factors in job analysis drafting process of echelon IV in BKD Semarang city, among others: (1) Budgeting, (2) Regulation, (3) Employee, and (4) Team Analyzer. It was concluded that the job analysis drafting process takes a long time and periodically, team analyzer done before drafting of job analysis, the existence of spesific rules in the job information offic, job analysis need several times verification to the incumbent, until the results of a legitimate form of publishing SK from the head of BKD Semarang city. Advice given is the need for early socialization related regulations that will be used, and socialization to employees about job analysis, provision of training for the team analyzer.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 5, Nomor 2, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.493 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v5i2.11079


Public service is considered satisfying and brings satisfactory when the service comes to fulfill the society’s needs and demands. When the society doesn’t feel satisfy by the given service, it can be concluded that the given service doesn’t meet its quality and efficiency. To assess whether a public service provided in a good quality or not, the researcher uses the five dimensions measuring the quality of service by Zeithaml, The present research aims at describing and analyzing the BPJS public service opname patient at Tulip Room at Tulip Room in RSUD Temanggung Regency. The analysis can be seen from the dimensions of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The study deploys qualitative descriptive method by recruiting 7 informants. The informants are the BPJS opname patients. The result of the study showed that the quality of healthy public service at Tulip Room at Tulip Room in RSUD Temanggung Regency is optimal. It can be seen from the scheduled appropriate time of service, the responsive response to the patients by the staff, a good security service, and respecting the patients’ priority. From the research, it can be recommended that to increase the hospitality at Tulip Room in RSUD Temanggung Regency, the hospital is in need of a set of security cover to enhance the patients’ convenience by the noisy from inside and outside the Tulip Room that are in under renovation. In addition, to increase public participation, an information board is needed where the society can give complaints and suggestions to a better quality of the hospital and keep updating the information on the information board.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 8, Nomer 1, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.191 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v8i1.22759


Tourism is a sector that has a large impact on the country incomes if it used optimally. Of course, an important factor to develop tourism sector is human resources. Competent human resources who are able to complete the tasks thoroughly are the determining factor for the success of the projects. In this case, performance of the organization needs attention. So, from time to time the programs are getting better. This study focus on performance of the organization that handle Gedong Songo Temple Tourism Object in Semarang District. Gedongsongo Temple is a historical heritage site that has a unique tourist attraction, a combination of natural and cultural appeal. The purposes of the study is to find out how performance of the organization, and also supporting and inhibiting factors at Tourism Department of Semarang District (Case Study of UPTD Gedongsongo Temple Tourism Object). In this study, performance of the organization was analyzed using dimensions of service quality, responsiveness, responsibility, accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. The results of the study show that several dimensions have not been optimal, those dimensions are: service quality, responsiveness, and responsibility. While accountability, effectiveness and efficiency are optimal. Supporting factor on performance of the organization is technology, while the inhibiting factors are leadership and system. In order to optimize performance of the organization, it is necessary to fix the results of dimensions of the performance both quantity and quality, maximize the role of supporting factors and minimize inhibiting factors.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 5, Nomor 2, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.55 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v5i2.11159


Electricity is one of the basic needs of people in Indonesia. PT. PLN (Persero) is one of the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), which has the task or function to organize the supply of electricity as the needs of the community. New installation service provided by PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Tengah are still many shortcomings that can be said to be less good. This research is compiled to analyze the public community satisfaction on the implementation of the new installation services by PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Tengah. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach. The theory used is to look at PERMEN PAN and Reformasi Birokrasi No. 16 Tahun 2014 on Societies Satisfaction Survey Implementation of Public Service by referring to the 9 scope of services. Satisfaction Masyararat views of suitability between the level of service performance and the level of interest/ community expectations. Based on study results, the services provided by PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Tengah has been good with the performance levels of 2.99 and 3.40 at the level of interest so that the level of conformity obtained is high at 87.87% so it can be said the community is satisfied with the services provided. From 9 scope of services analyzed, there are 2 criteria/ elements that still does not give satisfaction to the community, the first is service procedures with interest rate of 3.47, while the level of performance is still low at 2.85 so the suitability 82.21 and the second is the handling of complaints, suggestions, and recommendataio the performance level still lower that 2.52 while the interest is as high as 3.51 and a low level of concordance is lowest 71.70%.
Co-Authors Achmad Faizun M Adi Nur Fatah Aditya Kusumawardana Adrianus Satrio Herbowo Afrizza Wahyu Azizi Agustin Rina Herawati Ahmad Anwar Ajeng Resi Krisdyawati Akhmad Syarif Hidayatullah Aldo Nizar Farozin Aldy Zulian Saputra Alfirdania Saphira Dewi Amanda Novitasari K.D, Amanda Novitasari Ananda Rifqi Abdurrahman, Ananda Rifqi Annada Farhat Arifin Annisa Azwar Kurniati Aprillia Maharani, Aprillia Ardian Hadi Saputra Ari Subowo Arief Rahmat Obisadik, Arief Rahmat Augustin Rina Herawati Aulia Rizki Nabila Bahana, Agra Baidi Abdullah Bella Dian Nusantara Bella Dian Nusantara Bhanu Prawirasworo Bunga Adhitiyana Sari Candra Wijanarko, Candra Chafid Diyanto Dana Cahya Putra Dara Chatlea Satiti Dea Martha Diah Hariani Diah Hariani Dipika Fatma Nudiana Dipta Kharisma Dwi Indra Jaya Dwi Ratna Sari Dyah Hariani Dyah Lituhayu Dyah Lituhayu Edy Susanto Ega Aditya Alfa Riq Eka Putri Arviyanthi Endang Larasati Endang Larasati Endang Larasati Endang Larasati Endang Larasati Endang Larasati Endang Larasati S Endang Larasati Setianingsih Endang Larasati Setyaningsih Erfan Yusuf Sadewa, Erfan Yusuf Erna Puji Lestari Fadoli, M. Irsyad Farhah Millati Camalia Farih Rizqi Putranto Fathya Mahesratri Maharani Ferninda Arlisa Widyasari, Ferninda Arlisa Genta Paradise Purba Gilang Agitya Kesuma Gilby, Maulvi Ahmad Grace Ginting Hardi Warsono Hartuti Purnaweni Hesti Lestari Hubibah Nur An Nisa Ida Hayu D. Ida Hayu Dwimawanti Ifansyah, Muhammad Noor Ika Riswanti Putranti Ilham Maulana Eka Irvinne Alma Dhita Ismail Niko Handoyo ISTIYANI ISTIYANI Jeremy Woosnam Kandung Sapto Nugroho Kismartini Kismartini Kushandayani Kushandayani Kushandayani, Kushandayani Linda Felecia Rostanti, Linda Felecia Luluk Fauziah Lutfiana, Nurul Maesaroh Maesaroh Maesaroh Maesaroh Margaretha Suryaningsih Mashudi Masyhurah Mochamad Mustam Mochammad Mustam Mohammad Mustam Muh Ihsan Ibrahim, Muh Ihsan Muhamad Dwi Septiawan Muhammad Iman Kandias Saraan Muhammad Mustam Mushaffa Faiz Akmal Nindya Khasna A. Nur Dila Alfi Isnindya Nurul Lutfiana Pingky Yolanda Pramesti Prastiwi, Mey Purwanto Purwanto Putri, Nadia Isnaini Rafika Yolanita Rahayu Grahadyastiti Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Ratna Wulan Kusmarini Reifandi Yusuf Pratama Retno Sunu Astuti Rezky Ghoffar Ismail Ridwan Maulana Rihandoyo Rihandoyo Rinaldy May Rinaldy May Wendra Rizal Mustakim Rizki Hidayati Roy Ardiansyah, Roy Rr Regina Fitriariska Saraan, Muhammad Iman Kandias Selli Puspita Septi Anjani Putri Dwika Shabrina Anita Sari Shafa Tasya Kamila Shafira Fatma Chaerunissa Siti Malaiha Dewi Siti Malaiha Dewi Slamet Santoso Sopyan, Ence Sri Suwitri Suharto Suharto Suharto Suharto Sundarso Sundarso Surung Oliper Ambarita Susi Sulandari Teguh Teguh Teguh Yuwono Teuku Afrizal Titik Djumiarti Titik Djumiarti Tri Setyaningsih Iswarsanty Ulya Rochmana Ulya Rochmana, Ulya Umar Reza Saputra Vivi Anggraini Subu Wahma Dewi Bintari Wendy Resnu William Yanuarius Yoani Mega Pertiwi Yundari, Yundari Zaenal Hidayat