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Study of Noise Level Distribution at Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Indonesia ., Maswati; Usmawanda, Tjoet Nia; Yusniar, Viza; Yusibani, Elin
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 4 2015
Publisher : Aceh Physics Society

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The study of noise level distributions have been done in Baiturahman Mosque area. The measurement take place in different places (near the mosque), times and days. The point of the measurement is choosing based on the high appereance level of noise such as market, park and main road at surrounding of the mosque. The result shows that the average highest level is 82,3 dB and the lower is 58,6 dB.
Viscosity Measurement of Blended Patchouli Oil at Atmospheric Pressure and Room Temperature Yusibani, Elin; Woodfield, Peter Lloyd; Ardiah, Lena; Surbakti, Muhammad Syukri; Rahmi, Rahmi
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 51, No 5 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.369 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.5.6


Patchouli is an essential oil used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, insect repellents and also a candidate for biodiesel from non-edible oil. Patchouli oil from Aceh Province, Indonesia, is generally produced using a distillation process. The relationships between physical properties, i.e. the viscosity and quality, of patchouli oil from Aceh Province and blends with other oils, were investigated. The mixture oils used were palm oil, kerosene and lubricant oil SAE 40. The mixture compositions were 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75 and 0:100 (v/v). It was found that mixing palm crude oil (25%) or lubricant oil (25%) with patchouli oil increased the viscosity by about 41% and 72%, respectively, compared with pure patchouli oil. A 53% decrease in viscosity was observed when the patchouli oil blend contained 25% kerosene. Natural variation in patchouli alcohol (PA) and iron (Fe) content in the patchouli oil sample was found to increase the value of viscosity by up to 1.5%.
Prototipe Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kebakaran Bangunan Berbasis Google Maps dan Modul GSM Dewi, Sri Safrina; Satria, Dedi; Yusibani, Elin; Sugiyanto, Didik
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1470.526 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v1i1.31


a b s t r a c tThe fire disaster was one of the disasters that frequently occurred in Indonesia. Fires often occur in particular in the area of dense population average is affected by the presence of shorting electric and gas leakage from household kitchens. many cases fires are known at the time of the fire, and little has happened can be detected early. Based on community-based information system that has been done today, then needed a fire disaster information systems that can provide information and notification in real-time in the form of initial conditions information from source fire and its location to the firefighter or the community effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the research was the design of a prototype fire information system building based Google Map using lines of communication the GSM module. The prototype was built using the DHT11 temperature sensor, Sensor Smoke MQ2, Arduino Uno, GPS module and GSM modem SIM9000. The research produces information systems monitoring fires in two systems namely fire detection system and information systems fire location based Google Maps. Both systems have been run in accordance with experiments that have been conducted resulting in fire occurrence data location information with data on the condition of the presence of smoke and temperature/temperature. And expected with this prototype development research community or parties associated with catastrophic fires can be helped to anticipate disasters and takes a lot of sacrifice.Keywords: Early Warning Systems, Fire, GSM, Google Maps, Arduino a b s t r a kBencana kebakaran merupakan salah satu bencana yang kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Kebakaran sering kali terjadi khususnya di kawasan padat penduduk yang rata-rata dipengaruhi oleh adanya korslet listrik dan kebocoran gas dari dapur rumah tangga. banyak kasus kebakaran diketahui pada saat sudah terjadi kebakaran dan sedikit dapat dideteksi lebih awal. Berdasarkan sistem informasi berbasis masyarakat yang telah dilakukan saat ini, maka diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi bencana kebakaran yang dapat memberikan notifikasi dan informasi secara real-time dalam bentuk informasi dari awal kondisi sumber kebakaran dan lokasinya kepada pihak petugas pemadam kebakaran maupun masyarakat secara efektif dan efesien. Tujuan penelitian adalah perancangan prototipe sistem informasi kebakaran gedung berbasis Google Map dengan menggunakan jalur komunikasi modul GSM. Prototipe dibangun menggunakan sensor suhu DHT11, Sensor Asap MQ2, Arduino Uno, modul GPS dan modem GSM SIM9000. Penelitian menghasilkan sistem informasi monitoring kebakaran dalam dua sistem yaitu sistem deteksi kebakaran dan sistem informasi lokasi kebakaran yang berbasis Google Maps. Kedua sistem telah berjalan sesuai dengan percobaan yang telah dilakukan sehingga menghasilkan informasi data lokasi terjadinya kebakaran beserta data kondisi adanya asap dan suhu/temperatur. Dan diharapkan dengan penelitian pengembangan prototipe ini maka masyarakat atau pihak terkait dengan bencana kebakaran dapat terbantu untuk mengantisipasi bencana yang lebih besar dan memakan banyak korban.Kata Kunci:Sistem Peringatan Dini, Kebakaran, GSM, Google Maps, Arduino
Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery and In-Situ Data for Identifying Geothermal Potential Sites: Jaboi, Indonesia Isa, Muhammad; Cesarian, Dwiky Pobri; Abir, Ismail Ahmad; Yusibani, Elin; Surbakti, Muhammad Syukri; Umar, Muksin
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 9, No 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.9.2.237-245


Remote sensing makes it possible to map potential geothermal site for a large area effectively using thermal infrared. The purpose of the present research is to overlay ground temperature, resistivity and satellite retrieved temperature in identifying geothermal potential site in Jaboi, Sabang-Indonesia. The data of acquisition of the DEM imagery was January 3rd, 2009 and the Landsat 8 imagery is July 18th, 2017. The satellite data were applied to extract the land surface temperature and land classification across. Two supporting data in situ were used to validate the results from remote sensing. First dataset was ground temperature measurements with total 114 points and second dataset was vertical electrical sounding (VES) with total of 51 points. Satellite, VES and ground temperature data were processed and analysed using the Envi 5.3, PCI Geomatica 2016 and ArcMap 10.4. The results from each data were integrated to produce a map shows geothermal potential. Its integration produced four areas which were considered to have high geothermal potential. However, these areas vary in term of the clustering of the features of interest, for example lineament and drainage density of the area, high temperature in the surface area, fault existence and low resistivity subsurface. All the features must take into consideration to rank potential area which has higher potential. Finally, a map of geothermal potential across were successfully created as an insight for future reference. 
Simulation on the Effect of Temperature Inlet and Mass-Flowrate Variations to the Temperature Distribution in Single Pelet Thermal Reactor Core Title Yusibani, Elin; Helmiza, Fitri; Fashbir, Fashbir; Permana, Sidik
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) 2021: Articles in Press
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v11n1.p%p


AbstractThis paper presents simulation on temperature distribution in two-dimensional laminar flow for single pelet thermal reactor with variation on temperature inlet and mass-flowrate. The OpenFoam platform (Simflow 3.1) has been used for the computational and numerical analysis. The simulation is carried out on a single pellet with an aspect ratio of 1.2. The variations in the mass velocity of the coolant flow are 10, 100 and 14.300 kg×s-1 with a constant coolant temperature of 552 K, and the variations of the input coolant temperature are 300, 552 and 1000 K with a constant mass-flowrate of 10 kg×s-1. The results obtained from the simulation show that for variations in the input coolant temperature of 300, 552 and 1000 K, the fuel temperature can be reduced respectively by 34, 26 and 14 K. At the fastest variation in the coolant mass-flowrate of 14.300 kg×s-1, the coolant temperature around the pellet rises by 396 K. The decrease in fuel temperature is significant if the mass-flowrate of the input coolant flow is relatively low. 
Simulasi Pengaruh Radius Channel Garam dan Temperatur Terhadap Distribusi Temperatur Pada Teras Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Elin Yusibani; Hidayatun Nisa; Rajibussalim Rajibussalim
Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Sistem Energi Nuklir, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jpen.2021.23.2.6407


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan distribusi temperatur dengan variasi radius channel garam dan temperatur masukan pada teras Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) dengan perangkat lunak Ansys Fluent digunakan pada simulasi ini untuk sebuah sel moderator. Variasi radius channel garam adalah 0,0108 m; 0,0208; dan 0,0308 m dengan panjang moderator 3,96 m. Variasi temperatur masukan adalah 809 K, 839 K, 859 K, dan 909 K. Hasil simulasi pada variasi radius menunjukkan bahwa dengan pertambahan sebesar 0,01 m memberikan kenaikan suhu sebesar 8 - 23 K pada temperatur masukan konstan. Perubahan terhadap temperatur masukan, diperoleh kenaikan temperatur keluaran antara 1 - 10 K, pada radius channel garam yang konstan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa distribusi temperatur dalam teras MSBR akan meningkat jika radius channel garam diperkecil atau temperatur masukan dinaikkan.
Viscosity Measurement of Blended Patchouli Oil at Atmospheric Pressure and Room Temperature Elin Yusibani; Peter Lloyd Woodfield; Lena Ardiah; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti; Rahmi Rahmi
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol. 51 No. 5 (2019)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.5.6


Patchouli is an essential oil used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, insect repellents and also a candidate for biodiesel from non-edible oil. Patchouli oil from Aceh Province, Indonesia, is generally produced using a distillation process. The relationships between physical properties, i.e. the viscosity and quality, of patchouli oil from Aceh Province and blends with other oils, were investigated. The mixture oils used were palm oil, kerosene and lubricant oil SAE 40. The mixture compositions were 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75 and 0:100 (v/v). It was found that mixing palm crude oil (25%) or lubricant oil (25%) with patchouli oil increased the viscosity by about 41% and 72%, respectively, compared with pure patchouli oil. A 53% decrease in viscosity was observed when the patchouli oil blend contained 25% kerosene. Natural variation in patchouli alcohol (PA) and iron (Fe) content in the patchouli oil sample was found to increase the value of viscosity by up to 1.5%.
Mineral Identification of Adhesive Material using XRD for Ancient Fortress Located at Aceh Besar Nurul Fitri; Elin Yusibani; Evi Yufita
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 6 Number 2, September 2017
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.628 KB)


Studi lanjut kandungan material perekat pada tiga benteng purba di kawasan Aceh Besar, yaitu Benteng Indrapatra (BIP), Benteng Inong Balee (BIB), dan Benteng Kuta Lubok (BKL) telah dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis mineral yang terkandung di dalam material perekat pada benteng purba tersebut. Identifikasi awal menggunakan XRF menunjukkan bahwa unsur yang paling dominan yang terkandung dalam material perekat benteng purba di kawasan Aceh Besar adalah unsur kalsium dan diduga sebagai unsur penyusun dari senyawa batu kapur. Hal ini didapatkan berdasarkan pencocokan dengan komponen penyusun batu kapur dari lima daerah yang berbeda di Sumatra. Hasil uji XRD diperoleh mendukung hasil XRF sebelumnya bahwa benteng purba di kawasan Aceh Besar menggunakan material perekat dari batu kapur yang berjenis Kalsit (CaCO3). Study about adhesive material in the three ancient fortress at Aceh Besar, namely Fortress Indra patra (BIP), Inong Balee (BIB), and Kuta Lubok (BKL) has been done using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Preliminary study has been done by investigating the compound material on adhesive material use XRF indicate that the major elements in the adhesive material forts in Aceh Besar is Calcium. This element of Calcium suspected as the composer of limestone, it is based on matching with the composition of limestone from five different areas in Sumatra. The result of XRD in consistent with the result of XRF that ancient fort in Aceh Besar district uses an adhesive material of Calcite (CaCO3). Keywords: Benteng purba, material perekat, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), batu kapur Kalsit (CaCO3).
Application of dynamic electricity: Series and Parallel learning model with ISLE-based STEM approach for students with disabilities Yuli Andriani; Irwandi Irwandi; Mursal Mursal; Mailizar Mailizar; Elin Yusibani
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 10, Number 1, January 2021
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v10i1.18955


Abstrak. STEM Research Center telah mengembangkan beberapa modul dengan pendekatan model STEM berbasis Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) dan telah berhasil mengimplementasikan pada sekolah umum di Aceh. Modul yang telah dikembangkan selanjutnya akan diterapkan kepada siswa penyandang disabilitas tunarungu di SMALB YPAC Kota Banda Aceh. Penerapan model pembelajaran menggunakan STEM berbasis ISLE yakni didasarkan pada kegiatan observasi dan diskusi berkaitan dengan empat bidang disiplin ilmu yakni sains, teknologi, enjinering dan matematika. Modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdapat dua kegiatan belajar, yaitu kegiatan belajar yang berkaitan dengan eksperimen pengamatan dan kegiatan belajar yang berkaitan kegiatan eksperimen sederhana dengan menguji kebenaran hasil prediksi. Rangkaian listrik dinamis yang diberikan adalah rangkaian sederhana yang dipasangkan secara seri dan paralel. Untuk alat peraga listrik dinamis yang digunakan, pengamatan tidak mengalami permasalahan. Siswa dapat mengikuti lembar kerja modul ISLE dengan baik. Proses diskusi dalam kelompok masih dapat dilakukan, namun terdapat masalah dalam hal mengkomunikasikan ide-ide antar kelompok.Abstract. STEM Research Center has developed several modules with the ISLE-based STEM model approach and has successfully implemented them in regular schools in Aceh. The module that has been developed will then be applied to students with hearing disabilities at YPAC High School Banda Aceh City. The application of the learning model uses the ISLE-based STEM which is based on observation and discussion activities related to four fields, namely science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The learning module developed has two learning activities, namely learning activities related to experimental observations and learning activities related to simple experimental activities by testing the correctness of the predicted results. A given dynamic electric circuit is a simple circuit that is paired in series and parallel. For dynamic electric props used, the observation does not experience any problems. Students can follow the ISLE module worksheets well. The discussion process in groups is still possible, but there are problems in communicating ideas between groups.Keywords: ISLE based STEM module, Deaf, Dynamic electricity
Estimation of Hydrogen Gas Production from Oxidation Process of Zirconium Cladding with Water Vapor in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit One at Japan after Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 Endang Lestari; Elin Yusibani; Zulkarnain Jalil; Asril Pramurtadi
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 3 Number 1, March 2014
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

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It has been an explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP caused by the fusion reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is believed to be generated one of which comes from the oxidation reaction between the fuel cladding and water vapor in the reactor core due to the failure of coolant (LOCA=Loos of Coolant Accident). This study aims to estimate the amount of hydrogen gas that accumulates in the reactor core theoretically by using a model based on equilibrium mole of a chemical reaction. The zirconium cladding material is set as a limiting reagent that limits the formation of hydrogen in the reactor core. The estimation results show that the amount of hydrogen accumulated in the reactor is directly proportional to the mass of the oxidized zirconium with water vapor. The amount of hydrogen that accumulates for one fuel rod reaches 0.018 kg, for one assembly is 1.10 kg and for overall at Unit One reaches 441 kg, which these results have been enough to blow up the reactor.