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Complete Silage of Forage Corn and King Grass on Weight Gain and Physiological Status of Goat and Sheep Nirwana, Nirwana; Wulan, Sri; Zainal, Zainal
AgriSains Vol 22, No 2 (2021)

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This research was conducted in the experimental cage owned by CV. Prima BREED in Tondo Village, Mantikulore Subdistrict, Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province from March to June 2017. This research aims to find out the weight gain of dry matter consumption, the efficiency of dry matter use, body temperature, respiration frequency, and pusus frequency of Kacang goat and sheep which are given complete silage made from corn and king grass. The number of livestock used in this research was 12 female goats and 12 sheep aged ±  10 months. The environmental design used in this research was a 2 x 2 factorial pattern Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and repeated 6 times. The first factor is the type of livestock (goats and sheep). The second factor consists of two types of complete silage, namely P1 = complete silage made from forage corn and P2 = complete silage made from king grass. The results of the analysis of variance show that there is an interaction between types of livestock and complete silage on the consumption of dry matter, but there is no significant effect on body weight gain, efficiency in the use of dry matter rations, body temperature, respiration frequency and frequency of pulses. Goats have a significantly higher body weight gain, but body temperature and pulsus frequency are lower than sheep, however dry matter consumption, ration efficiency, and frequency of respiration do not show any significant differences. Complete silage do not show any significant differences in body weight gain, dry matter consumption of rations, the efficiency of use of dry matter of rations, body temperature, frequency of respiration, and frequency of pulses.
The Utilization of Expired Instant Noodles as A Subtitute for Milled Corn in Concentrate of Weight Gain and Physiological Status of Goat Wulan, Sri; Nirwana, Nirwana; Zainal, Zainal
AgriSains Vol 22, No 2 (2021)

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This research was conducted in the experimental cage owned by CV. Prima BREED in Tondo Village, Mantikulore Subdistrict, Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province from January 15 to March 15, 2019. This research aims to find out the effect of expired instant noodles as a substitute for milled corn on body weight gain and the physiological status of Kacang goats. The number of livestock used in this research amounted to 15 local female goats aged ± 10 months with a body weight range between 9.92 to 19.25 kg. The environmental design used in this research was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 5 treatments and repeated 3 times as a group. The treatments that were tested were P1 = instant noodles to replace milled corn by 100% in a concentrate arrangement; P2 = Instant noodles replace milled corn by 75% in a concentrate arrangement; P3 = Instant noodles replace milled corn by 50% in a concentrate arrangement; P4 = Instant noodles replace milled corn by 25% in the concentrate arrangement and P5 = Instant noodles replace milled corn by 0% in the concentrate arrangement. The results of the analysis of variance show that replacing milled corn with expired instant noodle waste up to 100% in concentrate does not have a negative effect on body weight gain, dry matter consumption, ration efficiency, body temperature, respiration frequency, and pulses frequency of Kacang goats.
PEP Educational Assessment Volume 1 Nomor 1 September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

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This study aims to determine the components of supervisory SMA program in Makassar consisting of: 1) Component inputs (antecedents); 2) The components of the process (transactionts); 3) Components of results (output). This study is the evaluation by using Stake's Countenance Model, subjects in this study is a school superintendent, coordinator of school supervisors, principals and teachers. Selection of informants in this study conducted by purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using descriptive and qualitative analysis through three grooves. Conclusion of the Program Supervisor Senior High School in the city of Makassar as follows: 1) Component inputs (antecedents), namely: (a) recruitment / appointment and administrative requirements of the supervisor High School, head of SMA is not yet fully meet the evaluation criteria, (b) subject teachers in SMA has been fully qualified S-1 but still there are teachers who do not teach according to the educational background of the S-1; 2) The components of the process (transactionts), namely: (a) control of a school supervisor in preparing the planning administration supervision is maximum, (b) the implementation of the supervision of the managerial to the principal adequate, but the implementation of academic supervision is considered inadequate, (c) the interaction between the Supervisory school principals well established, while the interaction between the school superintendent with the subject teachers in schools have not been well established; 3) components results (output), namely: (a) the effectiveness of managerial principals in the preparation of school programs and implement the eight National Education Standards still needs to be improved, (b) the effectiveness of managerial principals in the implementation of school programs are good, (c) increase the capacity subject teachers in preparing lesson plans and PBM implementation is still low.
ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 3 (2016): Volume 5 Nomor 3, Oktober 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.229 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/etnoreflika.v5i3.392


This paper seeks to find the logic of marginalization of women in Bugis culture by shifting the orientation of the feminist movement which sees a great tendency to confront the "head to head" between men and women as two hostile poles separate from their cultural context. The focus is on the cultural context that conditioning men and women so that they split into two hostile poles. At this point the problem lies in a patriarchal system that engages with the logic of market capitalism. The method used is ethnographic research to trace the hidden codes and marginalization logic that occur behind events. The ethnographic data are interpreted critically to find a through description of the domination of men who marginalized women in Bugis culture. Thus, the purpose of research is to find the root of the problem in the form of hidden systems and structures that form the basis of cultural practice. The data were taken in the form of snippets case which then interpreted to be focus of important points. In Bugis culture there are three important points on how the patriarchal system with the allies of market capitalism show the conditioning of inequality, in which women and men as young people experience systemic symbolic violence. First point: Family domain. Second Point: Cash in the Bugis marriage ritual process, third point: Language context, discourse (daily conversation) and hidden code in Bugis culture. Finally it is found that the root of the problem of gender inequality lies in the system and structure of Bugis culture, in which the categories of sex and gender, social class, social institutions and the social character of men and women as an inseparable of the unity.
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Partai Politik di Desa Terantang Kecamatan Mandastana Kabupaten Barito Kuala Zainal Zainal
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 5, No 9 (2015): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Prodi PPKn ULM dan AP3KnI Kal-Sel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/kewarganegaraan.v5i9.323


At therecentcrisisof confidenceinvariousfields of human lifecaused by thebehaviorof the political elitethatbad in the eyesof society, publicapathytowardselectionsbecausethey arefilled fromelections,the leader ofthe previous year. The electionsare changingfrom year to year, the more advancedamoremoderntimesitis alsothe development ofsocietyandthought. Poorpublicperceptionof politiciansdue toincreasinglyopensociety toaccesspoliticalinformation. Publictend to viewpoliticiansasthe pursuerspersonal gain. Like totalkpositivelyabouthimselfalone, withoutthought tofulfillthe promiseutteredduring the campaign, let alonefight forthe aspirations ofthe publicThe purposeof thisstudyis1.To find outhowthe publicperceptionof thepolitical party2.To find outwhat lies behindthe peopledo notusetheir right to voteinelections of regional headsanddeputyheads. The data sourceconsists ofprimary and secondary datasources, primarydata sourcesobtainedfromthe head ofthe villageandcommunityinterviewswhilesecondarydata sourcesobtainedfromthe villageprofile data.Data collection techniquesusedwere interviews, observationanddocumentation. The data analysis techniquethat is byreducing the data, and thendisplaythe dataand thefinalconclusions.The results ofthis study indicate(1) the public perception ofpolitical partiesinthe VillageDistrict ofMandastanaTerantangBarito KualathatvillagersTerantangin viewpolitical parties have anattitudethatPolitis, Apathy, andLogical. (2) The background ofthe peopledo notusetheir right to voteinelections of regional headsanddeputyheadsthatpeople will prefer toworkinstead of usingtheir right to vote, polling stationsthat were locatedfar enoughto make peopledo notvote in elections(technical factors), do notknowanddid notknowof thecandidateswho ran forpublicandrationalfactors.Suggestionsinthis study isexpected tosociety1.change the mindsetaboutthe importance ofvoting2.Theballotis expected to bereached bythe votersso thatis not areason forvoterstoabstain from votingat the polls(3) Insteadofthecommitteevotingsoundin the villageTerantangprepare the meansof transportationshuttlefree of charge forvoterswho live farfromthe polls.Keywords:Public Perception, Political Party 
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2018
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (686.927 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v2i2.2844


Lokasi pengembangan kawasan budidaya yang telah ditetapkan dalam RPJMD Kabupaten Maros diperuntukan untuk perikanan tangkap, budidaya perikanan air tawar dan peruntukan pengolahan ikan.  Produksi perikanan budidaya terus mengalami peningkatan, pada tahun 2013 mencapai 2.760.417 ekor, namun produksi yang besar belum diiringi oleh industri olahan hasil perikanan belum optimal. Olahan hasil perikanan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti bahan baku dan sumber daya manusia. Oleh karenanya pemerintah daerah terus mendorong peningkatan SDM dan nilai tambah olahan hasil perikanan salah satunya olahan abon. Abon merupakan salah satu olahan ikan yang paling digemari, selain bergizi tinggi yang dapat dijadikan lauk, isian kue-kuean dan roti, selain itu tahan lama dan mudah dibawa dalam perjalan jauh. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Maros melalui usaha komersial abon ikan. Dalam kegiatan ini telah dilakukan survey lokasi, workshop dan pelatihan pembuatan abon, pengarahan tentang desain kemasan abon yang baik dan menarik. Kegiatan yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan adalah pengenalan pengurusan izin PIRT juga pendampingan pengurusan PIRT dan pemasaran hingga konsultasi, agar usaha komersialisasi abon ikan air tawar di Kabupaten Maros dapat berjalan optimal. 
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Maritim Vol. 2 No. 2: Desember 2019
Publisher : Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30597/jkmm.v2i1.10066


Kurang Energi Kronik (KEK) merupakan masalah gizi yang disebabkan karena kurangnya asupan energi dan protein yang berlangsung lama atau menahun. Indikator kecukupan asupan protein dapat diketahui dengan kadar albumin sebagai protein simpanan dalam tubuh dan berkaitan dengan perubahan status gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh konsumsi Nutri Rice terhadap kadar albumin, berat badan dan Lingkar Lengan Atas (LiLA) remaja putri KEK. Desain penelitian quasi experiment pre-post test with control group dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 38 remaja putri KEK dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Data dikumpulkan melalui hasil pengamatan dan pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dan petugas lapangan yang terlatih meliputi berat badan, tinggi badan dan Lingkar Lengan Atas serta pengambilan sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan kadar albumin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kadar albumin tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara selisih rata-rata perubahan kadar albumin kelompok intervensi dan kontrol (P Value=0.993>0.05). Pada kedua kelompok terjadi penurunan kadar albumin dimana rata-rata penurunan 0.22 gr/dl pada kelompok intervensi dan 0.20 gr/dl pada kelompok kontrol.  Sedangkan untuk berat badan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara selisish rata-rata perubahan berat badan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol P Value=0.000<0.05. Rata-rata kenaikan berat badan pada kelompok intervensi sebesar 1.24 kg berbanding terbalik pada kelompok kontrol yang mengalami penurunan rata-rata berat badan sebesar 0.13 kg.  Pada Lingkar Lengan atas (LiLA) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (P Value=0.000<0.05). Rata-rata kenaikan LiLA pada kelompok intervensi sebesar 0.78 cm dan pada kelompok kontrol yaitu 0.21 cm. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan konsumsi Nutri Rice  dapat meningkatkan berat badan dan Lingkar Lengan Atas (LiLA) pada remaja yang Kurang Energi Kronik (KEK) tapi tidak pada kadar albumin. Diharapkan dengan asupan makanan pokok dari beras Nutri rice dapat mencegah terjadinya masalah KEK pada remaja putri.
Mendongeng Cerita Legenda Lokal Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Naratif Teks Bahasa Indonesia Zainal Zainal
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

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This study aims to determine the application of method of storytelling local legends to improve students' narrative writing skills in Indonesian. This research design is a true experimental research with Pretest-Posttest Group Design. The learning outcomes data are obtained through pretest and posttest activities. That The sample is 80 students who are taken randomly by adjusting conditions and research objectives. There's something significant the difference in the results of the experimental class posttest and control class this is evidenced by the value of Fo. For value is 5.225 and Sig is 0.025 < 0.05. It means there the difference in the interaction effect using method of storytelling local legends to improve students' narrative text writing skills. Keyword: Storytelling, local legend, writing skill
Respons Hasil Cabai Besar (Capsicum Annuum L.) Terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam Dan Mulsa Eka Rahmawati; Mohamad Fadli; Zainal Zainal
Jurnal Magrobis Vol. 14 No. 2 (2014): 2014
Publisher : Agriculture Faculty, University of Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respons hasil cabai besar terhadap pemberian pupuk kandang ayam dan mulsa. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan analisis faktorial 4 x 3 dan terdiri atas 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian pupuk kandang ayam (a) yang terdiri atas 4 taraf yaitu kontrol (a0), 10 t ha-1 atau 1,8 kg petak-1 (a1), 20 t ha-1 atau 3,6 kg petak-1 (a2) dan 30 t ha-1 atau 5,4 kg petak-1 (a3). Sedangkan sebagai faktor kedua adalah mulsa (m), terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu tanpa mulsa (m0), mulsa jerami padi (m1) dan mulsa plastik hitam perak (m2).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot buah per tanaman dan hasil. Hasil panen tertinggi dicapai pada perlakuan a3 (30 t ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam) dan menghasilkan rata-rata 5,02 t ha-1 sedangkan hasil panen terendah dicapai pada perlakuan a0 (kontrol) 4,27 t ha-1.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan mulsa berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot buah per tanaman dan hasil. Hasil panen tertinggi dicapai pada perlakuan m2 (mulsa plastik hitam perak) dan menghasilkan rata-rata 5,49 t ha-1 sedangkan hasil panen terendah dicapai pada perlakuan m0 (tanpa mulsa) 3,73 t ha-1.Interaksi perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dan mulsa berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot buah pertanaman dan hasil. Hasil panen tertinggi dicapai pada interaksi perlakuan a3m2 (30 t ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam dan mulsa plastik hitam perak) dan menghasilkan 5,64 t.ha-1 sedangkan hasil panen terendah dicapai pada interaksi perlakuan a0m0 (tanpa pupuk kandang ayam dan tanpa mulsa) menghasilkan 3,08 t ha-1.Kata kunci: cabai merah, pupuk kandang ayam, mulsa
Katalogis Vol 4, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Katalogis

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The aims of this research are: 1) to determine and analyze the influence of work ability, work experience, and work discipline on civil servants’performance at Bahodopi District Office, Morowali Regency;  2) to determine and analyze the influence of work ability on civil servants’ performance;  3) to determine and analyze the influence of work experience on civil servants’ performance;  4) to determine and analyze the influence of work discipline on civil servants’ performance. Type of the research is explanative that shows the causalities between independent and dependent variabels, and consist of 30 respondents who selected through census method. Based on multiple linear regressions analysis test, the research concludes that:  1) work ability, work experience, and work discipline simultaneously influence civil servants’ performance at bahodopi district office, Morowali Regency;  2) work ability significantly and positively influence civil servants’ performance;  3) work experience significantly and positively influence civil servants’ performance;  4) work discipline significantly and positively influence civil servants’ performance.