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Peningkatan Keterampilan Siswa Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar melalui Pelatihan Desain Merchandise sebagai Modal Technopreneur Bagus Adhi Kusuma; Riyanto Riyanto; Kuat Indartono; Prayoga Pribadi; Arief Kurnia Ramadhani
Community Engagement and Emergence Journal (CEEJ) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Community Engagement and Emergence Journal (CEEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/ceej.v2i1.175


Abstract SKB (Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar) is a school at the SD, SMP and SMA levels under the auspices of the government. The majority of SKB students do not continue to study due to special needs such as financial problems, disability conditions or reasons of academic ability. SKB in its work has carried out extracurricular and intracurricular-based learning. This is intended to collect and increase their potential in other sectors. Skills outside the field of education or academics are competitiveness that need to be considered because many SKB alumni are pursuing careers as entrepreneurs. Therefore, to improve the skills of SKB students, a training in marchandise design is held as a technopreneur capital and increases the competitiveness of graduates. The method used in carrying out this training is the workshop method or direct practice. An important point in this training is the mug design that is printed directly on the mug that has been provided. The method used to print the design onto a mug is a mug press. The reason for using this method is due to its practicality and ease of use by various groups compared to screen printing techniques. Besides the majority of SKB students, the training participants were also attending SKB teachers and practitioners of entrepreneurs. Through this training, creative and innovative designs were produced and each participant was given the opportunity to do their own printing using a mug press tool. As a continuation of this service activity, the participants were given offers of cooperation in mug printing with mug business practitioners in the hope that the abilities they have achieved can be of economic value. Keywords: Press Mug, technopreneur, Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar, Design, Marchandise Abstrak SKB (Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar) merupakan sekolah tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA dibawah naungan pemerintah. Mayoritas siswa SKB tidak melanjutkan ke jenjang perkuliahan dikarenakan kebutuhan khusus seperti masalah finansial, kondisi disabilitas maupun alasan kemampuan akademis. SKB dalam kiprahnya telah mengusung pembelajaran berbasis ekstrakurikuler maupun intrakurikuler. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menghimpun dan mendongkrak potensi mereka di sektor yang lain. Keterampilan diluar bidang pendidikan atau akademis menjadi daya saing yang perlu dipertimbangkan dikarenakan banyak alumni SKB yang meniti karirnya sebagai pengusaha. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan keterampilan siswa-siswi SKB diselenggarakan suatu pelatihan desain marchandise sebagai modal technopreneur dan meningkatkan daya saing lulusan. Metode yang digunakan dalam menjalankan pelatihan ini yaitu dengan metode workshop atau praktik secara langsung. Adapun poin penting dalam pelatihan ini yaitu desain mug yang langsung dicetak pada bahan mug yang telah disediakan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencetak desain ke mug yaitu dengan alat press mug. Alasan digunakannya metode ini dikarenakan kepraktisannya dan mudah dilakukan oleh berbagai kalangan dibandingkan dengan teknik sablon. Peserta pelatihan selain mayoritas siswa-siswi SKB juga turut hadir juga guru SKB dan praktisi pengusaha UMKM. Melalui pelatihan ini dihasilkan desain-desain yang kreatif dan inovatif serta setiap peserta diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan pencetakan sendiri menggunakan alat press mug. Sebagai kelanjutan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, para peserta diberikan penawaran kerjasama pencetakan mug dengan praktisi bisnis mug dengan harapan kemampuan yang telah mereka raih dapat menjadi bernilai ekonomis. Kata kunci: Press Mug, technopreneur, Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar, Desain, Marchandise
Perancangan Aplikasi Pengingat Jadwal dan Rencana Kegiatan Sehari-hari Berbasis Android Irza Dwi Niesviantika; Hendra Marcos; Riyanto Riyanto
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 12, No 1: April 2023
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v12i1.1224


Everyone has daily activities according to their profession. When carrying out daily activities, it is often difficult for someone to organize activities and often forget about a schedule of activities that they have planned. Thus, the need for an assistive application that can help schedule a person's activities to be well organized, as well as give warnings to the person whenever and wherever they are, with the help of the smartphone they have. By using the Waterfall method, this research resulted in a reminder application design that will be a medium that can assist users in managing their daily activity plans, as well as being a reminder of scheduled activity times, so that scheduled activities are not missed.Keywords: Reminder Application; Schedule of activities; Android basedĀ AbstrakSetiap orang memiliki kegiatan sehari-hari sesuai profesi yang dijalani. Saat menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari seringkali seseorang kesulitan dalam mengatur aktivitas dan sering lupa akan suatu jadwal kegiatan yang mereka rencanakan. Dengan demikian diperlukannya sebuah aplikasi bantu yang dapat membantu mengatur jadwal kegiatan seseorang menjadi tertata dengan baik, sekaligus memberi peringatan pada orang tersebut kapan saja dan dimana saja mereka berada, dengan bantuan smartphone yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan metode Waterfall, penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan aplikasi pengingat yang akan menjadi media yang dapat membantu penggunanya dalam mengatur rencana kegiatan sehari-hari, serta menjadi pengingat waktu kegiatan yang dijadwalkan, sehingga aktivitas yang dijadwalkan menjadi tidak terlewatkan.
Digital Marketing Dissemination of Health Supplement Products at SNS21 Inc. Muhammad Ibnu Aqil; Salsa Maulidya Rahmi; Septiana Budi Rahayu; Dhanar Intan Surya Saputra; Riyanto Riyanto
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v3i4.131


Digital Marketing is one of the marketing media trends that has many enthusiasts, including the public, supporting various buying and selling activities that are carried out. Gradually, people are starting to switch from conventional marketing models to modern marketing, namely digital marketing. With Digital Marketing, communication, and transactions can be carried out at any time, covering large areas and various corners of the world. In this digital era, the number of social media users, both chat-based and application-based, is increasing day by day. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to expand their market by using smartphones. PT. Sukses Nusantara Sakti 21 (SNS21 Inc.) is an international-scale company engaged in the general trading of health supplement products. SNS21 Inc.'s partner problems, namely the inability to use the WhatsApp Business feature. In this case, the implementation of this activity uses the direct training method with a seminar approach. The results will provide motivation and training in using WhatsApp Business through mentors who are experienced in digital communication so that they can help promote SNS21 Inc partner products. The result of a series of activities shows that partners can build digital branding and marketing and increase sales of health supplement products.
JITK (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer) Vol 9 No 1 (2023): JITK Issue August 2023
Publisher : LPPM Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/jitk.v9i1.4179


Reviews of women's tops in the market are valuable information if processed properly. Merchants can conduct product review analysis to obtain information that can be used to evaluate products and services. Product review analysis activities are not enough just to see the number of stars, it is necessary to see the entire content of the review comments to be able to know the intent of the review. Sentiment analysis system is a system used to automatically analyze online product reviews to obtain information including sentiment information that is part of online reviews. The data is classified using Naive Bayes. The data collected were 1,000 product reviews of women's tops as samples. The purpose of this study is to determine the sentiment analysis of female top product reviews using the Naive Bayes algorithm. The stages of this research include data collection, labeling, pre-processing, sentiment classification, and evaluation. In the pre-processing stage there are 6 stages, namely Cleaning emoticons & symbols, Case folding, Word Normalizer, Tokenize, Stopword Removal and Stemming. TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) method is used for word weighting. The data will be classified into 3 (three) classes, namely negative, positive and neutral. The data will then be evaluated using accuracy parameter testing. The test results show an accuracy value of 89%, this result shows that the product reviews of women's tops are more positive.