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Evaluasi Kinerja Fisik Sistem Subak Yang Berorientasi Agroekowisata Menggunakan Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy S Sumiyati; Lilik Sutiarso; Wayan Windia; Putu Sudira
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 12 No. 2 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1385.546 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No2.147-155


Along with the development of the tourism in Bali, one of the phenomena occurs was that the land conversion to the non-agricultural land, causing the canal irrigation was not able to function again. In addition, water demand will be increased not only for irrigation, but also for other sectors out of irrigation. This condition can interfere the performance of the subak system. One strategy to improve subak system is to develop agroecotourism based on subak system. Analysis of physical performance subak system done using fuzzy logic approach to quantify the condition of vagueness. Because of the problems associated with subak irrigation systemperformance are often vague and can not be classified with certainty. The results of this study are (i) the values of subak irrigation system performance indicators, the condition and thefunction of subak irrigation facilities, the condition and the function of subak facilities, and the agroecotourism facilities; (ii) find out the physical performance of subak irrigation systems in Bali with agroecotourism oriented. The stages of this research were collecting and analyting the data include: (i) RWS (Relative Water Supply), (ii) RIS (Relative Irrigation Supply),(iii) Ia (Index Area), (iv) analysis of the condition and function of subak irrigation networks, (v) the condition and the function of subak facilities, (vi) the agroecotourism facilities, and (vii) physical performance of subak system using fuzzy logic approach. The utilization rate of water on Subak Anggabaya and Subak Lodtunduh in one year was good. Subak Anggabayaand Subak Lodtunduh have sufficient irrigation water supply with RIS values in one year > 1. Based on Area Index (Ia), it could be seen that the irrigated area in Subak Anggabaya andSubak Lodtunduh in accordance with the plan. The physical performance of Anggabaya subak system and Lodtunduh Subak system was in the middle criteria. The simulation results that development of agroecotourism on subak system could improve the physical performance of subak system.
a deterministic model for predicting water yield from two different watersheds Putu Sudira
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 37, No 1 (2005): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.2224


This study was conducted in Pogung-Code sub watershed and Pulo-Opak sub watershed from 1993 to 2002. A deterministic model developed by Haan (1972) was used to determine the amount of water yield from watersheds. The model consists offour parameters, namely: (0 maximum rate of seepage from the soil water zone in mm per day (S), (ii) maximum soil moisture less readily available for evapotranspiration in mm (C), (iii)fraction ofseepage from the soil water zone that becomes runoff(F), and (iv) maximum infiltration rate in mm per hour (f.).The inputs required by the model were the daily rainfall and the estimated potential evapotranspiration which was computed using Penman method. Streamflow records for 10 years of Pogung-Code sub watershed (2,801.77 ha) and Pulo-Opak sub watershed (4,856.37 ha) were used to test the validity of the model. The parameters obtained for Pogung-Code sub watershed were: S = 0.70 mm per day, C = 112.32 mm, F = 0.63, and- 5.38 mm per hour, meanwhile for Pulo-Opak sub watershed were: S = 2.33 mm per day, C = 86.72 mm, F --- 0.26 and f = 5.68 mm per hour.The final test of the adequacy of the model lay in a comparison of observed and simulated runoff The comparison showed that the observed and simulated runoff values are not significantly different. This was based on the results obtained from statistical measures to test the model. The model did a better simulation in the smaller watershed (Pogung-Code sub watershed) than in the larger one (Pulo-Opak sub watershed).
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v1i1.1313


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan struktur, kultur, dan nilai-nilai luhur pendidikan karakter kejuruan pada SMK di Bali dalam praksis Ideologi Tri Hita Karana. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif etnografi dengan desain comprehension of the meaning of the action and text, dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Buleleng, Kabupaten Gianyar, Kabupaten Badung, dan Kotamadya Denpasar. Pembangkitan data menggunakan teknik: (1) interview kualitatif, (2) observasi partisipatif, (3) analisis dokumen, dan (4) analisis situs. Struktur pendidikan kejuruan di SMK di Bali karakternya sangat dipengaruhi oleh ideologi Tri Hita Karana. Kultur pendidikan kejuruan di SMK ada tiga yaitu budaya belajar, budaya bekerja, dan budaya melayani. Nilai-nilai luhur yang berkembang adalah nilai hidup bersama secara seimbang dan harmonis kepada Tuhan, terhadap sesama, dan terhadap lingkungan hidup. Kata Kunci: Tri Hita Karana, Pendidikan karakter, Kejuruan
SMK kearifan lokal Tri Hita Karana (THK) Putu Sudira
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Juni
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.322 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v2i2.1035


SMK kearifan lokal Tri Hita Karana (THK) adalah sekolah kejuruan yang menerapkan karakter keharmonisan antara warga sekolah dengan sang pencipta Tuhan Yang Mahaesa, keharmonisan antar sesama warga sekolah, dan keharmonisan antara warga sekolah dengan lingkungan sarana dan prasarana sekolah secara keseluruhan. Pendidikan kejuruan di SMK berbasis kearifan lokal THK dapat mengantisipasi dampak negatif instrusi budaya global, karena THK telah menjadi “taksu” atau modal sosiokultural spiritual dan falsafah hidup masyarakat Bali. Pendidikan kejuruan berbasis kearifan lokal THK perlu dikembangkan secara sistematis untuk meningkatkan keunggulan lokal, kepentingan nasional, keadilan, dan kompetisi antarbangsa dalam peradaban dunia. Pengembangan SMK kearifan lokal THK didasarkan atas kebijakan pemerintah berupa UU nomor 20 Tahun 2003, PP 19 Tahun 2005, PerMenDiknas nomor 63 Tahun 2009, dan Perda Provinsi Bali nomor 16 Tahun 2009. Dengan menerapkan kearifan lokal THK, SMK dapat berkembang sebagai pusat pembudayaan kompetensi, menjadi basis pengembangan karakter dan kepribadian sumber daya insani (SDI) dengan ketrampilan kerja tinggi, budaya kerja dan budaya belajar yang kuat, serta budaya melayani orang secara tulus dan wajar. Pendidikan kejuruan berbasis kearifan lokal THK dapat melahirkan manusia yang memiliki kemampuan mengelola hidupnya dengan baik, benar, dan wajar. VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL INDIGENOUS TRI HITA KARANAAbstractVocational High School (VHS) indigenous Tri Hita Karana (THK) is a vocational school that implements character harmony between the school community with the creator God Almighty, harmony among the school community, and the harmony between the school community with the school facilities and infrastructure as a whole. VHS based on local wisdom THK can anticipate the negative impact of global cultural entrusion, because THK has become "taksu" or sociocultural-spiritual capital and philosophy of life of the Balinese people. Vocational education based on local wisdom THK should be developed systematically to promote the local excellence, national interest, justice, and the competition between nations in the world civilization. Development of VHS local wisdom THK based on the government policy in UU nomor 20 Tahun 2003, PP 19 Tahun 2005, PerMenDiknas nomor 63 Tahun 2009, and Perda Provinsi Bali nomor 16 Tahun 2009. By applying local wisdom THK, VHS can develop as a center of competence cultivation, the basis for the development of character and personality of human resource with high job skills, strong a work culture and learning culture, and a culture of serving the people sincerely and reasonable. Vocational education based on local wisdom THK, can deliver humans who have the ability to manage his life with the good, true, and fair.
Proses perolehan kompetensi TIK melalui program praktik industri siswa SMKN 2 Pengasih Kulon Progo Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid; Putu Sudira
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 7, No 1 (2017): Februari
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.778 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v7i1.12712


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan: (1) proses perolehan kompetensi melalui program PI di DUDI; dan (2) hasil perolehan kompetensi siswa setelah mengikuti program PI di DUDI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Setting penelitian ini adalah di PT. JMI sebagai industri pasangan SMKN 2 Pengasih. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah pimpinan atau pemilik PT JMI, pembimbing industri, pembimbing siswa dari sekolah, dan siswa peserta PI. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengacu pada analisis model interaktif Miles Huberman, meliputi pengumpulan data, data condensation, penyajian data, verifikasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses perolehan kompetensi TIK dalam program PI melalui: (1) proses untuk memperoleh kompetensi di tempat industri, meliputi: (a) melalui pengamatan dan mendengarkan, (b) belajar sambil menyelesaikan tugas (learning by doing) dan mengikuti aktivitas kerja, (c) belajar melalui pengalaman, (d) belajar memecahkan masalah, (e) belajar melalui kondisi lingkungan kerja, (f) belajar mandiri, dan (g) belajar secara terus menerus dan diulang-ulang; dan (2) hasil yang didapat siswa setelah mengikuti program PI adalah mampu menunjukkan perkembangan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik yang dapat dideskripsikan antara lain: pengetahuan terkait dunia kerja, keterampilan kerja, kemampuan menyelesaikan pekerjaan, dan sikap yang berkaitan dengan DUDI.Kata kunci: proses perolehan kompetensi, hasil perolehan kompetensi, Program PI, TIK THE ACQUISITION PROCESS OF ICT COMPETENCE THROUGH INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE PROGRAM OF THE STUDENTS OF SMKN 2 PENGASIH KULON PROGOAbstractThis research aims to investigate: (1) the acquisition process competency through industrial practice program in DUDI; and (2) students’ acquisition outcomes in the industrial practice program. The research used the qualitative case study approach. This research took place at PT JMI as a partner of SMKN 2 Pengasih. The informants in this research were the owner PT. JMI, the industrial mentors, the school mentor, and students who participated in the industrial practice program. The data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The technical analysis of the data refered to the analysis of Miles Huberman interactive model, including data collection, data condensation, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusions. The result shows that the process of acquisition of ICT competencies in the PI program is through: (1) process of acquiring competencies in the industry, including: (1) learning through observing and listening, (b) learning while completing the task (learning by doing) and work activities; (c) learning through experiences, (d) learning to solve problems, (e) learning through work environment, (f) self-directed learning, and (g) continuous and repeated learning; and (2) students’ learning outcomes in the industrial practice program are able to demonstrate cognitive, affective, and psychomotor developments, including knowledge of the world of work, job skills, ability to finish the job, and attitudes related to DUDI.Keywords: the acquisition process of competencies, the acquisition outcome of competencies, PI program, ICT
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1990,TH.X
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.229 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v3i3.8703


Personal Computer (PC) tidak lagi menjadi barang asing di masyarakat.Di lingkungan kampus PC menjadi kehutuhan bagi dosen karena PC memherisumbangan yang berarti dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas sebagai dosen.Sebagai peralatan canggih PC digunakan. untuk meningkatkan efisiensi danefektivitas suatu jenis pekerjaan. Berhadapan dengan PC yang menggi.makanVideo Display Unit (VDU) dalam waktu relatif lama ternyata mengakibatkankeluhan-keluhan seperti: ketegangan otot mata, rasa pegal pada lehec danbahu. Keluhan-keluhan seperti ketegangan otot mata, rasa pegal pada leherdan bahu harus dihindari sebelum gejala-gejala yang lebih serius seperti kata rakmata terjadi. Dengan menempatkan PC ,pada tempat kerja (meja ciankursi). Jingkungan kerja yang memenuhi ~yarat. keluhan-keluhan di atas dapatdicegah.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 2 Juli 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Subak irrigation system beside as an appropriate technological system, but as acultural system as well. This fenomenon indicate that basically subak irrigationsystem is a technological system that has been developed as a part of cultural society.Because subak system is viewed as a technological system, so this system has anability to be transformed. Meanwhile, limitation of the ability of subak irrigationsystem to overcome the extreem conditions, basically can be solved through theharmony and togetherness, based on the Tri Hita Karana (THK) principles as a basicof subak system. Futhermore, through inverse technique, it can be seen the ability ofsubak system, that can be transformed. And then, through Fuzzy Set Theory, it can beseen the dominance or ranks of the all elements of subak system, which are also as aconsideration on the transformation process.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 3 November 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Subak system is a custom law community with socio-technical-religious characteristics,consists of a group of farmers that manage irrigation water at their irrigarted area (sawah).The existance of subak irrigation systems are dynamic, due to the socio-cultural conditionsof the society. Subak as a irrigation system which is based on Tri Hita Karana (THK)concept, is implemented on the system of irrigation in Bali. Its based on socio-technicalconcept which technologically integrated with the socio-cultural of the society.Furthermore, the form of subak system as an appropriate technology, is implemented onthe form of thinking-pattern, social system, and the development of artefax of the system.The final goals of the system are in order to achieve the harmony and togetherness in theirrigation management.
Penentuan Konstanta Resesi Hidrograf Menggunakan Metode Plot Semi Logaritmik (Studi Kasus di Sub DAS Goseng) Putu Sudira; Sukresno .; Elly Kurniawati
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.1.%p


Recession curve is a spesific part of stream hygrograph after it reachs peak flow and it represents the withdrawal of groundwater from storage. Daily recession constant of surface runoff, interflow, and baseflow have been derived for 15 segments on Goseng subwatershed with area approximately 596 ha.Semi logarithmic plot is recession analysis method which plotting stream discharge in y-ordinate and time in x-coordinate in semi logarithmic scale. The start of time recession is denoted by a straight line in the graphic. This method was used for separating a hydrograph into linear components of surface runoff, interflow, and baseflow. The results of the research shows that recession segment from daily hydrographhas short time and does not have all three stream components. A short segment can only be divided into two flow components. Separation pattern for water catchment area are baseflow-interflow, baseflow-surfacerunoff, and interflow-surface runoff. Recession constant value differ from year to year but the differences do not have great influence in determining the average value of recession constant.Keywords : surface runoff, interflow, base flow, recession constant, semi logarithmic plotDiterima: 26 Agustus 2008; Disetujui: 3 Pebruari 2009
SIMULASI MODEL DINAMIK PENGARUH LEGUME COVER CROPS (LCC) TERHADAP LIMPASAN DAN SEDIMEN DI LAHAN HUTAN TANAMAN (Dynamic model simulation of the effects of Legume Cover Crops (LCC) on runoff and sediment in plantation forest land) Agung Budi Supangat; Putu Sudira; Haryono Supriyo; Erny Poedjirahajoe
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Managem
Publisher : Center for Implementation of Standards for Environmental and Forestry Instruments Solo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1159.109 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jppdas.2018.2.1.17-34


ABSTRACTDeclining productivity of plantation forest due to low soil fertility. This condition has forced managers to make efforts in manipulating the tree growing environment. One such effort is by introducing cover crops species from legumes (LCC), to control surface runoff, soil erosion and input nutrient into the soil. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of LCC in controlling total runoff and sedimentation in Eucalyptus pellita plantations, through dynamic model simulation. The dynamic model of STELLA version 9.0.2 was used to study water and nutrient cycles, focused on the application of LCC to reduce total runoff and sedimentation. The results showed that LCC could drop the total runoff of average 35% in the 1 - 2 years old. In the 1styear it decreased from 1,530 mm to 994 mm, while in the 2ndyear it decreased from 1,240 mm to 806 mm. The declining also occurred in the sediment content, in the 1st year it decreased from 12.20 tonnes/ha to 7.93 tonnes/ha, and the 2nd year it decreased from 6.63 tonnes/ha to 4.36 tonnes/ha. These research findings can be used by the environmental manager to minimize potential land degradation, especially during the post-harvest until the young plantations (0-2 years old) phases.Key words: plantation forest; E. pellita; dinamic model; legume cover crops; erosion; runoff ABSTRAKPenurunan produktivitas hutan tanaman akibat rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah memaksa pengelola melakukan berbagai upaya manipulasi lingkungan pertumbuhan. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah introduksi tanaman penutup tanah dari jenis legum (LCC) untuk mengendalikan laju aliran permukaan dan erosi tanah serta input hara ke dalam tanah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas LCC dalam mengendalikan laju limpasan permukaan dan sedimentasi di hutan tanaman E. pellita, melalui simulasi pemodelan sistem dinamik. Model dinamik STELLA versi 9.0.2 dimanfaatkan untuk mempelajari siklus air dan hara yang terjadi, dengan fokus simulasi aplikasi LCC untuk mengurangi total limpasan dan sedimentasi. Hasil simulasi menyimpulkan pengaruh aplikasi LCC pada pascatebangan dapat menurunkan total limpasan pada tanaman berumur 1 sampai 2 tahun sebesar rata-rata 35%. Pada tahun pertama menurun dari 1.530 mm menjadi 994 mm, sedangkan pada tahun kedua menurun dari 1.240 mm menjadi 806 mm. Penurunan juga terjadi pada kandungan sedimen, pada tahun pertama menurun dari 12,20 ton/ha menjadi 7,93 ton/ha, dan tahun kedua menurun dari 6,63 ton/ha menjadi 4,36 ton/ha. Hasil tersebut dapat menjadi input bagi pengelola sebagai dasar pengelolaan lingkungan untuk meminimalkan potensi degradasi lahan khususnya pada fase pasca tebangan sampai tanaman muda (0-2 tahun).Kata kunci: hutan tanaman; E. pellita; model dinamik; legume cover crops; erosi dan runoff