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Lingua Vol 12, No 1 (2016): January 2016
Publisher : Lingua

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Penelitian berfokus pada pengembangan buku panduan motivatif berbantuan audio dalam pembelajaran menulis cerita pendek berbasis pendidikan kewirausahaan. Tujuan penelitianuntuk mendapatkanbuku panduanyang valid kemudian diharapkan memperoleh pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian merupakan penelitian R&Dyang dikembangkan Borg dan Gall, Populasi penelitian ini; siswa SMA di kota Semarang kelas XI semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Variabel penelitian meliputi buku panduan motivatif, audio, dan keterampilan menulis cerita pendek. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode tes, dokumentasi, pengamatan dan angket. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis angket kebutuhan siswa dan guru, dan analisis data akhir. Angket kebutuhan siswa dan guru menjadi acuan pembuatan buku panduan tersebut sehingga validator memberikan penilaian dengan interval 4,00 sampai dengan 4,50 sehingga buku panduan motivatif dan audio dikatakanvalid. Berdasarkan 30 responden menghasilkan nilai t hitung6,62 dan pada taraf signifikan 5% dan n = 30 diperoleh t tabel = 1,68 yang berarti bahwa t hitung lebih dari t tabel sehingga menunjukkan ha diterima. Buku panduan motivatif berbantuan audio bermuatan kewirausahaan efektif dalam mengembangkan keterampilan menulis cerpen. Proporsi siswa yang mencapai KKM lebih dari 80% sehingga tuntas secara klasikal. Saran pengembangan lebih lanjut buku tersebut untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara siswa.This study focuses on the development of motivational guide-book with audio media for learning how to write short stories based on entrepreneurship education. The aim of the research is to obtain a valid guide-book that can be used for effective learning. The Research is R&D research developed by Borg and Gall. The study population was high-school students in Semarang City grade X Semester 1 Academic year 2014/2015. The research variables include motivational guide-book, audio media, and short-story writing skills. While data collection techniques were the methods of testing, documentation, observation and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques include questionnaire analysis students’ and teacher’s needs, and the final data analysis (test for normality, homogeneity test and t-test). The questionnaire of students’and teachers’needs becomes a reference in making this guide-book and the validators gave scores between 4.00 to 4.50 so the motivational guide-book with audio media is supposed to be valid and the short-story writing skill of the students will be better. As the proportion of students which classically achieved KKM is more than 80%, so the learning is effective. Further research is expected to develop the guide book, not only to improve the skill of writing short stories, but also the skills of speaking
Lingua Vol 10, No 1 (2014): January 2014
Publisher : Lingua

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Bentuk dan jenis sastra lisan Banyumasan perlu diungkap. Hasil wawancara, hasilobservasi, hasil dokumentasi, dan hasil perekaman tentang bentuk sastra dan jenis-jenissastra lisan yang ada di wilayah Banyumas dan sekitarnya merupakan dasar temuan ini.Informan dengan kuali!ikasi pewaris aktif sastra lisan Banyumasan, yaitu tukang cerita,dalang, guru, tokoh masyarakat, dan juru kunci merupakan sumber data tulisan ini.Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Parry dan Tuloli (1990:22) yangmeliputi transkripsi, terjemah, klasi!ikasi, analisis nilai dan aspirasi. Bentuk sastraBanyumasan yang ditemukan meliputi sastra tulis dan sastra lisan. Atas dasar jenisnya,ada dua jenis sastra lisan Banyumasan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu puisidan prosa. Sastra lisan Banyumasan jenis puisi yang ditemukan meliputi pantun, syair,seloka, parikan, geguritan. Sementara itu, sastra lisan Banyumasan jenis prosa yangditemukan mencakupi legenda, mite, peribahasa, pepatah, perumpamaan, pemeo, dankata-kata arif. This study aimed to reveal Banyumas oral literature types and forms. The bases of thisfinding were the result of interview, observation, documentation, and recording about theforms and types of oral literature in Banyumas area and its surroundings. The data sourcewas from informants with the active heirs qualification of Banyumas oral literature suchas story tellers, puppeteers, teachers, community leaders, and caretakers. The techniquesof data analysis were applying techniques of Parry and Tuloli (1990:22) consisting oftranscription, translation, classification, aspiration and value analysis. The forms ofBanyumas literature found were written and oral ones. Based on its types, there were twotypes of Banyumas oral literature found, they were poetry and prose. Poetry types ofBanyumas oral literature were poem, verse, seloka, parikan, geguritan. Meanwhile, prosetypes of Banyumas oral literature were legends, myths, proverbs, sayings, parables,bywords, and sensible words.
Lingua Vol 7, No 1 (2011): January 2011
Publisher : Lingua

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Dalam karya ilmiah siswa SMA Kota Semarang banyak ditemukan kohesi leksikal dan gramatikal yang tidaktepat di antaranya sinonim, antonim, hiponim, kolokasi, repetisi tidak pada tempatnya, kalimat rancu, susunanpola kalimat tidak teratur, dan penggunaan konjungsi tidak tepat. Atas dasar kasus tersebut, diduga dalam halpenggunaan kedua sarana tersebut, siswa belum memahami manfaat dan cara penggunaan sarana kohesileksikal dan gramatikal dengan tepat. Dengan kata lain, bekal menulis karya ilmiah kurang dan tidak termotivasidalam menulis karya ilmiah. Data penelitian ini bersumber pada wacana karya ilmiah siswa SMA kota Semarangyang berjumlah 12 wacana. Wujud data berupa penggalan teks karya ilmiah siswa SMA Kota Semarang yangdiduga mengandung pemakaian kohesi leksikal dan kohesi gramatikal yang tidak tepat dan tepat meliputikohesi antarklausa, antarkalimat, antarparagraf, dan antarbagian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tekniktelaah penggunaan bahasa dan teknik lanjutan yang berupa teknik catat. Analisis data digunakan metodedeskriptif dan metode normatif. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa wujud kohesi leksikal yang terjadi pada semuatataran satuan wacana baik yang tepat dan tidak tepat adalah repetisi sedangkan wujud kohesi gramatikaladalah penyebutan kata yang menjadi fokus. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa frekuensi pemakaian kohesi leksikallebih baik daripada pemakaian kohesi gramatikal yakni 424 (80 %). Hal ini disebabkan oleh penguasaankosakata lebih mudah daripada penguasaan tata bahasa. Penguasaan tata bahasa cenderung terikat aturantaat asas sedangkan penguasaan kosakata bersifat manasuka dan tidak terikat oleh aturan apapun.Kata kunci: kohesi leksikal, kohesi gramatikal, frekuensi, dan karya ilmiah.
Educational Management Vol 4 No 2 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Educational Management

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Permasalahan guru dalam pembelajaran Kewirausahaan perlu dipecahkan dengan memanfaatkan pusat bisnis sebagai tempat belajar siswa secara langsung. Supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh pengawas selama ini dilakukan di dalam kelas, yang seharusnya dilakukan pada pusat bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan keefektifan model supervisi akademik berbasis pusat bisnis untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran Kewirausahaan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi tahap penelitian pendahuluan, pengembangan,, dan ujicoba. Penelitian pendahuluan dengan kajian literatur dan penelitian lapangan untuk mengungkap pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran saat ini dan kebutuhan model supervisi. Uji coba terbatas untuk mengetahui keefektifan model.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model faktual supervisi akademik yang selama ini diselenggarakan oleh pengawas sekolah kurang optimal. Supervisi yang sesuai kebutuhan adalah supervisi akademik berbasis pusat bisnis yaitu  model supervisi akademik yang dilakukan pengawas dengan memanfaatkan sarana pusat bisnis sebagai tempat pembelajaran siswa. Hasil uji coba keefektifan model supervisi akademik berbasis pusat bisnis dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran guru kewirausahaan dibuktikan dengan evaluasi reaksi, evaluasi pembelajaran, dan evaluasi perilaku. Disarankan model supervisi yang dikembangkan menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi pengawas sekolah untuk menggunakan model supervisi akademik berbasis pusat bisnis untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran Kewirausahaan.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

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This article aimed to describe metaphorical utterance meaning inside of discourse of president, parliament, and major national election 2014. The approach used was a qualitative descriptive approach. The data was the extract of the campaign discourse. The data analysis was done by using a normative method, referential method, and reflective introspective method. The meaning of metaphorical extension inside of the campaign based on comparative theory were (1) objects to refer things, (2) objects to refer situation, (3) objects to refer action, (4) place to refer place, (5) place to refer situation, (6) action to refer action, (7) action to refer situation, (8) situation to refer situation, (9) situation to refer action, and (10) time to refer time. Metaphorical meaning based on interactive theory covers the meaning of metaphorical utterances which changes its meaning into directive meaning tended to or reverse.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i1.14305


Children with mild mental retardation hereinafter referred to as CMMR experience cognitive impairment so that a variety of linguistic deficit exists. Nevertheless, their language skills can be optimized because within their inner language ability there is a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). This study aims to describe and explain the patterns of words, phrases, sentences, and the average length of utterances in the CMMR speech based on the minimum and maximum ability. This research approach is a qualitative one that is observationally controlled through a cross-sectional design. In this study, the researcher positioned herself as a key instrument because she acts as a human instrument that serves to fix the research focus, data sources, data collection, data reduction, and data presentation, and to draw conclusions/verification of the findings. The research data were in the form of written stories, conversations, and records  of field data. The background the research was SLB Negeri Ungaran Semarang. The source of the data was the  MMRC of Year 5. The technique of collecting data was recording and observation. The data were validated using data triangulation. Data analysis included (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) inference or verification of the results. The findings of this study were as follows. (1) Based on the maximum capability, the word productivity was that the noun increased by 86%,  the verbs by 81%, function words by 75%, adjectives by 76%, pronouns by 78%, numerals by 83%, and adverbs by 75%. (2) Based on the maximum capacity, the productivity of phrases was that the prepositional phrases increased by 72%,  nominal phrases by 88%, verbal phrases by 70%, numeral phrases by 76%, pronominal phrases by 50%, conjunctive phrases by 100%, and adverbial phrases by 100%. (3) Based on the number of clauses related to the minimal capabilities, the sentence productivity  found in the form of a simple sentences and can not be found in neither compound nor complex sentences and based on the maximum capabilities productivity of simple sentence increased by 86% and it was found that there was neither compound nor complex sentences. Based on the completeness of the sentence elements, it was found that according to the minimal ability there were 15% of complete sentences and 85% of incomplete sentences  and based on the maximum capabilities, there was a 25% increase of  complete sentences and a decrease by 75% of incomplete sentences. (4)  Based the minimum capability, the average length of utterances (ALU) was 5.69  and  based on the maximum capacity it increased by 6.24.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 2 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i2.14406


This study is meant to develop a model of discoursal stories for children suitable with their development or age level as readers. The discoursal stories are developed by considering suitable characteristics of learners as readers, teacher’s needs for learning media, and learners’ reading interest. To develop the model as learning media for Grade IV, a research and development method with three stages: (1) preliminary study, (2) product formulation and development, and (3) product validation and dissemination were used. There are two types of results in this research: criteria for the model of children’s discoursal stories in their concrete operational phase and the development of the discourse model. The model has the theme of friendship, humanity/social issues, and education, with joy and playful tone, joyful, moving /pityful/compassionate and relaxed athmosphere. Learners need to feel happy, moving, and patient, and like human being, inanimate and animate objects as main characters. The diction should be plain and metaphorical. The stories should be presented by considering the book format, fonts, paper color variety, font size, and various pictures. The language should be communicative. The content of the children’s poetry should be useful and understandable. The scene technique should be used as the method of presentation with dialogues or description. Learners like human being as the characters, completed with clear setting, linear plots, with friendship as the theme.
Ecolexicons in Conservation News Text in Mass Media: Ecolinguistics Yuniawan, Tommi; Rokhman, Fathur; Rustono, Rustono; Bakti Mardikantoro, Hari
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 6 No 1 (2018): February 2018
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v6i1.16270


Conservation news texts contain the expression of language on conservation events or issues presented based on arguments related to the vision of the university (Universitas Negeri Semarang) with conservation. Conservation is an important and sensitive issue for the community. This is because it is commonly associated with institutional policy or ideology. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of ecolexicon in conservation text in mass media. The theoretical framework used is ecolinguistics. Then, the data used is a conservation news text containing ecolexicon. The data source is from the mass media at webpage www.unnes.ac.id which has relatively a large number of text data of conservation so that the data will be more varied. Method of data collection is done by employing simak method, literature study method, and documentation method. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by ecolinguistic study using the method of padan and agih. Based on data analysis, it is found that ecolexicon forms are found in the conservation news text, i.e., basic words, derivative words, phrases, and expression. The ecolexicon forms found in the conservation news text can be classified into two types of referents, i.e. biotic references (flora/fauna) and abiotic referents. The results of this study can contribute theoretically and practically in the field of linguistics, language learning, journalism, and public policy. For this reason, the study of ecolinguistics in conservation news text in the mass media deserves to be given space as a form of prospective eco-linguistic analysis.
Linguistic Defamiliarization in The Text of Ahmad Tohari’s Novel Trilogy Asrofah, Asrofah; Rustono, Rustono; Supriyanto, Teguh; Mulyani, Mimi
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i3.18118


This research is entitled Linguistic Defamiliarization in the text of Ahmad Tohari’s Trilogy. One of problems discussed is the form of linguistic defamiliarization in the text of Ahmad Tohari’s novels united in a trilogy. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of linguistic defamiliarization in the text. Theoretically, this research contributes (1) to adding a new insight about the writing Ahmad Tohari’s rhetorical style and (2) to the preparation or writing of the history of Indonesian literary theory. Meanwhile, among the practical benefits that can be obtained is the appreciation of interesting language and literature learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study employing an analytical approach and hermeneutic technique. It was carried out in such a way because it was difficult to avoid using an eclectic method to analyze a novel. The use of integrated the methods was expected to get maximum results. The data in this study were linguistic data in the form of sentence fragments contained in the text of the novels in the trilogy, namely Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Lintang Kemukus Dini Hari, and Jentera Bianglala. The data were in the form of chunks of the characters’ speech and the author’s narration in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and discourse that allegedly contained forms of defamiliarization. The data collection technique employed in this study was the documentary technique and first level of semiotic reading technique. The data collection technique used in this study can be described as follows, (1) reading the text of the trilogy employing the first level of semiotic reading technique, i.e. the heuristic reading. This reading technique was based on a linguistic convention; (2) keeping records of data coded according to the characteristics on the data cards; (3) classifying the data according to the types of problems, namely the forms defamiliarization at word, phrase, clause, sentence, and discourse levels. On the data analysis stage, a second level of reading technique was applied, that is the hermeneutic technique, to provide the overall meanings of the text. The results of this study show that the form of text defamiliarization in  Ahmad Tohari’s trilogy are in all linguistic levels, i.e. word, phrase, clause, sentence and discourse ones. At the word level, the defamiliarization is in the form of connotative meaning utilization, exploiting the Javanese words, the use of foreign terms, the use of expletives, and the utilization of compositum. Meanwhile, at the phrase level it shows the use of endocentric attributive phrases, endocentric connective phrases, verbal phrases, noun phrases, and prepositional phrases. An the clause level it shows the use of verbal clauses, adjectival clauses, and nominal clauses. The sentences found in the text are in the form of simple sentences and compound/complex sentences with varied structural patterns, both compound and complex sentences.
Identifikasi Nilai Kemajemukan Indonesia Sebagai Identitas Bangsa dalam Iklan Mixagrip Versi Keragaman Budaya Marta, Rustono Farady; Rieuwpassa, Jean Sierjames
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 48a/E/KPT/2017
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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Kreativitas manusia dalam produk ciptaannya berkaitan erat dengan budaya, karena kebudayaan adalah sarana bersemainya cipta, rasa, dan karsa manusia. PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk (Kalbe) melalui produk Mixagrip berusaha mengapresiasi kekayaan budaya di Tanah Air, mulai dari kegiatan kampanye “Mixagrip, Explore Budaya Indonesia”, dilanjutkan “Gowes Pesona Nusantara” dan “Mixagrip Cinta Budaya Sehat”. Seluruh kegiatan tersebut ditujukan kepada berbagai daerah di Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat sebelas kota disasar oleh berbagai kampanye tersebut. Selain itu, terpaan nasional diramaikan pula dengan kemunculan iklan versi “Keragaman Budaya Indonesia”. Keunikan iklan Mixagrip yang mengetengahkan Laudya Cynthia Bella sebagai brand ambassador ini, terletak pada upaya mengakomodasi berbagai budaya daerah nasional ke dalam sebuah iklan. Bersandar pada analogi enam dimensi kultural yang dicetuskan oleh Geert Hofstede, maka temuan penulis pada iklan Mixagrip tersebut dielaborasi dengan metode analisis konten kualitatif Phillip Mayring. Penelitian ini akan dipijakkan pada paradigma interpretif untuk menemukan tiga elemen utama analisis konten kualitatif Mayring, antara lain: abstraksi, eksplikasi, dan strukturasi. Ketiga tahapan ini diidentifikasi penulis sebagai nilai kemajemukan Indonesia, sekaligus mengimplementasikan semboyan nasional “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. Kepentingan bisnis yang umumnya disematkan melalui suatu produk iklan Television Video Comercial (TVC), seketika dialihkan kepada kepedulian akan toleransi kemajemukan budaya yang sedang ditumbuh kembangkan oleh pihak Mixagrip dalam konsep berbagi “kasih” dan bersikap “epoche”.
Co-Authors Achmad Jamil Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Rifai Aditya Kumar Shukla Agus Daniar Agus Nuryatin Agustinus Rusdianto Berto Ahmad Hariyadi, Ahmad Ahmad Syaifudin Alvin Alexander Prasetya Amanda, Mercedes Amanda, Mercedes Andreas Lumampauw Angelia Sampurna Angreani, Natasia Anwar Sutoyo Arlis Muryani Arni Ernawati Asrofah Asrofah Astuty Astuty, Astuty Augustine, Liesta Awalya Awalya, Awalya Azizah, Septi Nur Azman Azwan Azmawati B. Wahyudi Joko Santoso Baihaqi, Aufa Izzudin Bakti, Hari Benedicta Yovi Claudia Bernard Danu Kristianto Beryl Gandakusumah Changsong Wang Changsong Wang Chinmi, Maichel Christian, Thomas Christiani, Resistia Friska Christina, Christina Clara R.P. Ajisuksmo Claudia, Benedicta Yovi Cong, Phang Kerry Cosmas Gatot Haryono Denise Monica William Monica William Denny Putra Jayanegara Desy Ratnasari Desy Ratnasari Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah DINDIN DIMYATI Dwi Sasongko, Yohanes Probo Dwijatmiko, Heru Dwijatmiko, Heru Edi Astini Su’udi, Edi Astini Edo Prasetyo Endah Dyah Wardani Endah Murwani Engliana, Engliana Erna Zuni Astuti Erwin Dwi Sabna Rosdian Ety Syarifah, Ety Evelyn Kristanti Fathur Rahman Fathur Rokhman Fauziah, Popon Siti Febryan Kurniawan Fernandes, Maristela Julia Fernando, Joshua Fitri Murfianti Frederikus Fios Hadi, Sholihul Halim Agung Halla Puspita Yuri Hana Rochani Gustasari Panggabean Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Harry Harry Harry, Harry Hartanto Jahja Haryadi - Hasanah, Risa Zakiatul Hayati, Itsnaini Nur Hendrawan, Ian Herawati Herawati Heri yanto Herman J.Waluyo, Herman Hidayat, Endik Hidayati, Ratih Kurnia Hilarius Bambang Winarko Hilda Yunita Wono I Gede Wisnu Satria Chandra Putra Ida Zulaeha Ignatia Evelyn Susanti Sitompul Ignatius Cahyanto Isiaka Zubair Aliagan Isnaini, Muhamad Istriwati, Enita Jarata, Jesus Rafael Boado Jean Sierjames Rieuwpassa Jouns Candy Felice Lang Jouns Candy Felice Lang Julia Loisa, Julia Kartono, Miranda Millian Kelian Wulandari Setyabudi Kenny Kevin Benedict Lesmana Kherin, Kherin Krisbiono, Agung Dias Kristanti, Evelyn Kristianto, Bernard Realino Danu Kurniawan, Febryan Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kusdiana, Aan L-Islami, CA Bunia Lang, Jouns Candy Felice Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurensia, Bella Liesta Augustine Lieta Septiarysa Litasari Widianingsih, Litasari Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukas, Theresia Lukman, Steven Leo Naryi Luthfiani, Elma Maemonah, Maemonah Mafaza, Sofia Maichel Chinmi Maria Anggreini Grace Kelly Habeahan Menayang, Alfred Pieter Merry Agustina Meta Sya Meta Sya Michael Chinmi Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Mimi Mulyani Misnawati, Desy Mufid Salim Muhamad Isnaini Muhammad Iman Adi Perkasa, Muhammad Iman Adi Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Japar, Purwati, Muhammad Musriyono, Anna Ardiyani Nafia, Fikriana Naili Rohmah, Naili Natasia Angreani Neldy Lesilolo Nicodemus Koli Nindyta Aisyah Dwityas Nobertus Ribut Santoso Novita Sari Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Octavia Putri Tjajadi Octavia Putri Tjajadi Pamungkas, Betty Tri Permata, Kharizma Kintan Prakoso, Teguh Budi Puspitasari, Eka Harum Putri, Yessi Mareta Andari Putriyanti, Lina Rahayu Pristiwati Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Imaniah Kusuma Rahmania, Sofi Aulia Rahzanie, Risha Devina Ralvin Januar Wijaya Rama Kertamukti, Rama Regina Caeli Cahaya Tarsisty Resa Nurul Fahmi, Resa Nurul Rewindinar, Rewindinar Rieuwpassa, Jean Sierjames Rifa’i, Achmad Rifa’i, Achmad Rini Lestari Rismi Juliadi Rizki Briandana Rizkiansyah, Rio Anugrah Rustanta, Agustinus - Ruth Florencia Simanjuntak Ruth Florescia Simanjuntak Ruvianto, Alit Widi Ruvianto, Alit Widi Samantha Tandranegara Samosir, Ricky Fhernando Sampurna, Angelia Samsudi . Sandy Alifiansyah Saputra, Novianti Sarah Harun, Margaretha Catherine Sari Mudhita Sarno Sarno Sendy Setiawan Septiarysa, Lieta Septina Sulistyaningrum Sherly Sherly Sigit Saptono Silva Liem Silvia Pristianita Sitanggang, Hot Junita Siti Nurjanah Sri Wahyuni Sari Su’udi, Edi Astini Sudiyati Sudiyati Sugeng Wahjudi Sujana Joko Sulaiman Girivirya Suminto A. Sayuti Sunar Wibowo Sunny Lie Susiati, Susiati Suwito Eko Pramono Sya, Meta Syarnubi, Kenn Lazuardhi Teguh Hartono Patriantoro Teguh Priyo Sadono Teguh Supriyanto Timotius Saliman Tirta Lestari Todd Lyle Sandel Tommi Yuniawan Trihastuti, Maria Claudia Wahyu Vincent Atmadja Vincent Atmadja Wagiran Wagiran Wang, Changsong Wibowo, Sunar Widiyastuti, Wiwin Widyanto Widyanto Wijaya, Boy Sandy Surya Wijayanti, Wenny Wiliem Lesmana William, Martin Yesica Yuliani Clara Yesica Yuliani Clara Yohanes Nugroho Widiyanto Yohanes Nugroho Widyanto Yudha, Yusuf Hadi Yuli Utanto Yuliarti Yuliarti Yuri Alfrin Aladdin