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Discursive Intertextualities of RuangGuru due COVID-19 by the Governor of Central Java Cosmas Gatot Haryono; Rustono Farady Marta; Maichel Chinmi
Nyimak: Journal of Communication Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Nyimak: Journal of Communication
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1697.672 KB) | DOI: 10.31000/nyimak.v4i2.2711


The government decided to make temporary policies due to COVID-19 Pandemic. One of the policies is to close schools temporarily and conduct online learning. There are obstacles for people outside Java Island who have inadequate infrastructure concerning online learning, in other words, they are still struggling to apply online learning. Related to the problem in the time of COVID-19 the researchers try to analyze the news which was published by www.solopos.com entitled “Sekolah di Jateng Libur karena Corona, Belajar Pindah ke Ruang Guru?”. The researcher uses Fairclough Discourse Analysis method to analyze the news. Besides, www.solopos.com wants to show concerns for its target community due to the government’s unfairness. Even though it looks so common, the people of Central Java will easily know what is written not just asking questions, but also trying to convince whether, are they really using RuangGuru to help people around central Java? This research focuses on how we see what is happening in reality. The results, www.solopos.com has their personal importance which can be seen in the selection of vocabularies and their style of how they deliver to their readers, how they selected the attributes of nouns, and many discursive intertextualities which use conjunctions casualties.Keywords: COVID-19, RuangGuru, Central Java Goverment, Discourse Analysis, www.solopos.com ABSTRAKPandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi di awal tahun 2020 ini memaksa pemerintah kita membuat serangkaian kebijakan jangka pendek bagi masyarakatnya. Salah satunya adalah kebijakan yang dilakukan dalam bidang pendidikan adalah proses pembelajaran di rumah masing-masing secara online. Dalam proses pembelajaran secara online terjadi kendala tersendiri bagi masyarakat di luar Pulau Jawa yang memiliki infrastruktur yang kurang memadai. Berkaitan dengan keadaan tersebut tujuan dari riset ini adalah analisa pemberitaan www.solopos.com bertajuk “Sekolah di Jateng Libur karena Corona, Belajar Pindah ke Ruang Guru?” menggunakan metode Analisa Wacana Fairclough. Pada beritanya, Peneliti melihat didalam www.solopos.com juga menunjukkan bahwa mereka mempunyai keberpihakan kepada masyarakat akibat ketidakadilan pemerintah dalam mengambil keputusan dalam masa pandemi ini yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan. Meskipun terkesan biasa saja, masyarakat Jawa Tengah akan mengetahui bahwa berita yang ditulis tidak sekedar bertanya, tetapi juga mencoba meyakinkan apakah benar-benar menggunakan aplikasi RuangGuru? Maka urgensi dan fokus pada penelitian ini agar dapat melihat kebenaran yang sebenarnya tentang perkembangan Pendidikan yang sedang terjadi dipicu juga dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah terdapat suatu kepentingan www.solopos.com yang terlihat dalam pemilihan kosakata dan gaya bahasa atau lingustik yang digunakan pada teks berita, dan atribut nomina yang dipilih serta perpindahan intertekstualitas yang banyak menggunakan konjungsi sebab akibat didalam pemberitaan media Solopos.Kata Kunci: COVID-19, RuangGuru, Pemerintah Jawa Tengah, Analisa Wacana, www.solopos.com
Identifikasi Nilai Kemajemukan Indonesia Sebagai Identitas Bangsa dalam Iklan Mixagrip Versi Keragaman Budaya Rustono Farady Marta; Jean Sierjames Rieuwpassa
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1715.109 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v6i1.15416


Kreativitas manusia dalam produk ciptaannya berkaitan erat dengan budaya, karena kebudayaan adalah sarana bersemainya cipta, rasa, dan karsa manusia. PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk (Kalbe) melalui produk Mixagrip berusaha mengapresiasi kekayaan budaya di Tanah Air, mulai dari kegiatan kampanye “Mixagrip, Explore Budaya Indonesia”, dilanjutkan “Gowes Pesona Nusantara” dan “Mixagrip Cinta Budaya Sehat”. Seluruh kegiatan tersebut ditujukan kepada berbagai daerah di Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat sebelas kota disasar oleh berbagai kampanye tersebut. Selain itu, terpaan nasional diramaikan pula dengan kemunculan iklan versi “Keragaman Budaya Indonesia”. Keunikan iklan Mixagrip yang mengetengahkan Laudya Cynthia Bella sebagai brand ambassador ini, terletak pada upaya mengakomodasi berbagai budaya daerah nasional ke dalam sebuah iklan. Bersandar pada analogi enam dimensi kultural yang dicetuskan oleh Geert Hofstede, maka temuan penulis pada iklan Mixagrip tersebut dielaborasi dengan metode analisis konten kualitatif Phillip Mayring. Penelitian ini akan dipijakkan pada paradigma interpretif untuk menemukan tiga elemen utama analisis konten kualitatif Mayring, antara lain: abstraksi, eksplikasi, dan strukturasi. Ketiga tahapan ini diidentifikasi penulis sebagai nilai kemajemukan Indonesia, sekaligus mengimplementasikan semboyan nasional “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. Kepentingan bisnis yang umumnya disematkan melalui suatu produk iklan Television Video Comercial (TVC), seketika dialihkan kepada kepedulian akan toleransi kemajemukan budaya yang sedang ditumbuh kembangkan oleh pihak Mixagrip dalam konsep berbagi “kasih” dan bersikap “epoche”.
Reflection on the Identity of the Outermost Indonesian Community on Sebatik Island through Malaysian Television Broadcasts Rizki Briandana; Rustono Farady Marta; Azman Azwan Azmawati
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jk.v13i2.10950


This study aims to analyze the interpretation of Indonesian people in Sebatik Island towards Malaysian television programs. The Sebatik community is a marginalized community who does not have access to Indonesian television broadcasts. To get Indonesian television broadcasts, they have to buy satellite dishes which the majority of the people of Sebatik Island cannot afford. But on the other hand there is a leak of Malaysian television broadcasts in the Sebatik Island area. In this case, they rely on Malaysian television broadcasts which are very accessible at all times. This situation continued for many years and Malaysian television broadcasts became the main source of communication media. This study uses the theory of Interpretive Communities, Stanley Fish. The methodology used in this study is reception analysis through focus group discussions, and observation as a data collection technique. Focus Group Discussion was conducted on the people of Sebatik Island who met the criteria in the study. The results showed that Malaysian television broadcasts were used as the main television broadcast of the Sebatik community in their daily lives. Malaysian television which contains the values and meanings of the Malaysian state is interpreted by the Indonesian people on the border of Sebatik Island. The interpretation results show that life in Malaysia is an ideal and perfect life for the people of Sebatik Island. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interpretasi masyarakat Indonesia di Pulau Sebatik terhadap program televisi Malaysia. Masyarakat Sebatik adalah masyarakat terpinggir yang tidak memiliki akses siaran televisi Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkan siaran televisi Indonesia, mereka harus membeli parabola yang harganya tidak mampu dibayar oleh mayoritas masyarakat Pulau Sebatik. Namun disisi lain terdapat kebocoran siaran televisi Malaysia di kawasan Pulau Sebatik. Dalam hal ini, mereka mengandalkan siaran televisi Malaysia yang sangat mudah diakses setiap saat. Situasi ini berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun dan siaran televisi Malaysia menjadi sumber utama media komunikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Interpretive Communities, Stanley Fish. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis resepsi melalui focus group discussion, dan observasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Focus Group Discussion dilakukan terhadap masyarakat Pulau Sebatik yang memenuhi kriteria dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siaran televisi Malaysia digunakan sebagai siaran televisi utama komunitas Sebatik dalam kesehariannya. Televisi Malaysia yang bermuatan nilai dan makna negara Malaysia di interpretasi oleh masyarakat Indonesia di perbatasan Pulau Sebatik. Hasil interpretasi menunjukan, kehidupan yang ada di Malaysia merupakan kehidupan yang ideal dan sempurna bagi masyarakat Pulau Sebatik.
DIGITIZING THE MEANING OF ENTHUSIASM IN #generasiberanipahit THROUGH MORRIS SEMIOTICS Rini Lestari; Lieta Septiarysa; Rustono Farady Marta; Halim Agung; Fitri Murfianti
Jurnal Kata Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kata : Penelitian tentang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.596 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/kata.v5i2.456


The development of communication patterns carried out in virtual spaces is currently increasingly widespread. The various benefits that have been proven in various studies on digitalization efforts are driving more parties to do the same. The use of a hashtag in giving messages and impressions through digital media is one thing that should be considered. The message used needs to be structured with the right communication strategy so the series of signs, symbols, and verbal words that are used will convey the desired meaning. The hashtags of generasi berani pahit (#generatsiberanipahit) used by Jamupedia are dissected by basing the research on the constructivist paradigm and the semiotic tradition. The analytical method used is the semiotics of Charles W. Morris, which in this study focuses on the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic dimensions. This qualitative research uses data from various scientific study literature in order to dissect and explain in detail the meaning of #generationberanipahit based on Impression Management Theory and Computer Mediation Communication Theory to get an enthusiastic attitude as a result of the meaning-making. It is also related to the philosophy of the jamu tradition, which has become the cultural wealth of Nusantara since long time ago. The enthusiastic attitude that is described by the courage to try or survive the bitter taste of jamu is also associated with the philosophy of jamu, which tells the value of life with various events that provide good and bad experiences.  Good experiences are a picture of good taste, and bad experiences are the opposite.
Brand image’s impression on impulsive buying of healthcare products Agung, Halim; Marta, Rustono Farady; Wang, Changsong; Amanda, Mercedes
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The COVID-19 pandemic is a disease outbreak that makes almost everyone unable to travel freely, especially in Indonesia. Shopee is one of the marketplaces used in this research. This study aims to analyse the impression of Shopee's brand image moderated by content marketing and its impact on impulsive buying of health products during the current pandemic. Data analysis used IBM SPSS Statistics 26 and involved 119 samples using survey methods and data collection instruments in questionnaires. The implication of this research shows that optimising content marketing techniques across various digital channels is a top priority to boost impulse buying, indirectly also improving brand image.
Describing social stigma of disability’s family through circumplex model on film Trihastuti, Maria Claudia Wahyu; Marta, Rustono Farady; Panggabean, Hana; Fernandes, Maristela Julia
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v6i2.4871


The biographical film, Zero to Hero, shows the true story of Hong Kong sprinter So Wa Wai who won the 1996-2008 Paralympic Olympics. This study aims to identify signs to build meaning based on speech (words), images, images and sounds, words and gestures/body language, images and gestures/body language, images and objects, and words and objects. Identification of the mother's role in controlling the balance of the dimensions of cohesion, and flexibility through the application of effective communication with family members and the community is illustrated in this study. Dimensions of cohesion and flexibility that is based on Olson's Circumplex model describing family functions. Parenting interactions through the communication dimension of the mother figure play an important role in the Circumplex model. The analytical method used is Umberto Eco's semiotics which relies on the constructivism paradigm. The results showed that the Zero to Hero film contains three meaningful signs based on Olson's Circumplex model, namely signs in the form of speech, speech and body language, and speech and objects.
Menggelorakan makna energik sebagai brandscape erigo melalui iklan fireflies Febryan Kurniawan; Muhammad Isnaini; Rustono Farady Marta
Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.861 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jkp.v5i4.3889


Local brands in Indonesia today are growing and competitive and in this competition, various appropriate marketing communication strategies are needed, where this is needed to build attention from potential consumers. One of the local brands from Indonesia is Erigo, a company that has recently been discussed by internet users because one of its marketing strategies is to place advertisements in Time Square, New York. Advertising is one of the digital marketing strategies that serves to attract the attention of potential consumers through information on products and services offered to stick in the minds of consumers. Through a qualitative approach with an interpretive paradigm using Laura R. Oswald's marketing semiotics method, it was found that through the short advertisement "Fireflies", Erigo wanted to show the target audience and their target market, young people or millennials, to have enthusiasm, motivation and belief. high self-esteem in exploring their curiosity, one of which can be done by real action from their energetic nature. This energetic nature becomes an ideology (cultural categories) that Erigo wants to convey to its target market, which are young people who aim to convey an invitation to dare to explore new things to find hope and identity related to exploratory (cultural tensions). Exploratory is meant here is a sense of freedom (emotional territories) where this is necessary for them to inflame the energetic they have.
Anotasi Rasa Empati selama Pandemi COVID-19 pada Konten Digital Pariwara Youtube Rosalia Indah Lieta Septiarysa; Rustono Farady Marta; Halim Agung
Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional Vol. 5 No. 5 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.75 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jkp.v5i5.4125


Media sosial menjadi teknologi digital dengan memberikan kebebasan bagi semua kalangan dalam mengekspresikan informasi. Selain digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, Youtube juga diminati oleh korporasi. Youtube menjadi salah satu media sosial terpilih dalam penyebaran pesan selama era pandemi COVID-19. Korporasi transportasi Rosalia Indah juga turut menggunakan Youtube dalam menyampaikan pelayanan dalam masa pandemi. Selain terus meningkat angka penularan virus, kekhawatiran masyarakat dalam penggunaan transportasi umum juga menjadi alasan tersendiri bagi Rosalia Indah untuk menjaga kepercayaan pelayanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan logika produksi pesan dari Barbara O’Keefe yang terlihat dalam penggunaan proses pemikiran bertitik pada bagaimana penyampaian rasa empati Rosalia Indah. Penelitian yang menggunakan paradigma interpretif ini menjadikan penulis mampu menganotasikan makna dibalik setiap konten dari Youtube Rosalia Indah pada masa pandemi. Beralaskan metode analisis konten kualitatif dari Philip Mayring, peneliti melihat bagaimana proses anotasi Rosalia Indah menggunakan Youtube dalam menyuarakan rasa empati yang diberikan kepada penumpang. Beberapa proses yang diteliti yaitu seputar abstraksi, eksplikasi, dan strukturasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten pertama dan kedua yang diteliti, proses abstraksi dan eksplikasi semakin terlihat bahwa korporasi begitu dalam memaknai rasa empati atas pandemi COVID-19. Pada proses strukturasi, Rosalia Indah juga ingin menunjukkan dalam akun media sosial Youtube bahwa didalam masa sulit ini, korporasi selalu mengedepankan kualitas pelayanan dan menjadikan keselamatan penumpang adalah nomor satu.
Indonesian Millennials' Attitude and Intention Towards Mobile Communication Advertising Hilarius Bambang Winarko; Rustono Farady Marta; Kelian Wulandari Setyabudi
Jurnal InterAct Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : School of Communication - Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/interact.v11i1.3289


Game berteknologi digital berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini berusaha memahami bagaimana faktor spesifik dalam game mempengaruhi sikap gamer seluler terhadap iklan banner dalam game seluler (mobile In-Game Banner Advertising/mobile IGBA), khususnya untuk para milenial. Faktorfaktor ini beserta insentif dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor intensi gamer seluler dalam merespons iklan tertentu. Hubungan antara sikapintensi, seperti misalnya preseden dalam penggunaan iklan berbasis Internet umum, faktor-faktor spesifik game, dan penggunaan kupon seluler merupakan tiga elemen yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan hipotesis. Teknik analisis faktor dan uji statistik diferensial dalam perspektif kuantitatif digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis seberapa signifikan faktor-faktor yang saling mempengaruhi dalam model penelitian yang diusulkan. Hasil penelitian dengan metode survei menunjukkan bahwa faktor spesifik dalam bermain game (aspek ekonomi dan jenis game) merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi sikap gamer terhadap penerapan mobile IGBA. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa sikap dan insentif (dalam bentuk kupon komunikasi seluler) merupakan prediktor signifikan terhadap intensi generasi milenial Indonesia untuk merespon (klik) iklan dalam komunikasi seluler.
Comparing Drivers Cultural Sensitivity Value between Gojek and Goviet from Digital Ads Natasia Angreani; Samantha Tandranegara; Rustono Farady Marta; Changsong Wang
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v9i2.21581


Gojek is one of the multi-service technology platforms co-founded by native Indonesian. In their eight-year, Gojek expands its service to other markets in Vietnam. Although Indonesia and Vietnam are both located in the Southeast Asian region and have the same climate with the majority of the citizens who work as farmers and fishers, Indonesia and Vietnam certainly have a series of differences such as language,  culture, and religion. This study explores the intercultural sensitivity of Gojek drivers who went to Vietnam to meet fellow Goviet drivers. Together, they enjoy the beauty of the country and experience Vietnamese culture, which is shown in the GO-INTERNATIONAL YouTube video. This study used Bannett’s theory of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) by the content analysis method to analyze the intercultural sensibility value on the Gojek “GO-INTERNATIONAL” video. The results indicate four stages such as minimization, acceptance, adaptation, and integration. This ad shows the bonds found in different cultural backgrounds and the ethnorelativism of Gojek drivers towards Goviet drivers.
Co-Authors Achmad Jamil Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Rifai Aditya Kumar Shukla Agus Daniar Agus Nuryatin Agustinus Rusdianto Berto Ahmad Hariyadi, Ahmad Ahmad Syaifudin Alvin Alexander Prasetya Amanda, Mercedes Amanda, Mercedes Andreas Lumampauw Angelia Sampurna Angreani, Natasia Anwar Sutoyo Arlis Muryani Arni Ernawati Asrofah Asrofah Astuty Astuty, Astuty Augustine, Liesta Awalya Awalya, Awalya Azizah, Septi Nur Azman Azwan Azmawati B. Wahyudi Joko Santoso Baihaqi, Aufa Izzudin Bakti, Hari Benedicta Yovi Claudia Bernard Danu Kristianto Beryl Gandakusumah Changsong Wang Changsong Wang Chinmi, Maichel Christian, Thomas Christiani, Resistia Friska Christina, Christina Clara R.P. Ajisuksmo Claudia, Benedicta Yovi Cong, Phang Kerry Cosmas Gatot Haryono Denise Monica William Monica William Denny Putra Jayanegara Desy Ratnasari Desy Ratnasari Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah DINDIN DIMYATI Dwi Sasongko, Yohanes Probo Dwijatmiko, Heru Dwijatmiko, Heru Edi Astini Su’udi, Edi Astini Edo Prasetyo Endah Dyah Wardani Endah Murwani Engliana, Engliana Erna Zuni Astuti Erwin Dwi Sabna Rosdian Ety Syarifah, Ety Evelyn Kristanti Fathur Rahman Fathur Rokhman Fauziah, Popon Siti Febryan Kurniawan Fernandes, Maristela Julia Fernando, Joshua Fitri Murfianti Frederikus Fios Hadi, Sholihul Halim Agung Halla Puspita Yuri Hana Rochani Gustasari Panggabean Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Harry Harry Harry, Harry Hartanto Jahja Haryadi - Hasanah, Risa Zakiatul Hayati, Itsnaini Nur Hendrawan, Ian Herawati Herawati Heri yanto Herman J.Waluyo, Herman Hidayat, Endik Hidayati, Ratih Kurnia Hilarius Bambang Winarko Hilda Yunita Wono I Gede Wisnu Satria Chandra Putra Ida Zulaeha Ignatia Evelyn Susanti Sitompul Ignatius Cahyanto Isiaka Zubair Aliagan Isnaini, Muhamad Istriwati, Enita Jarata, Jesus Rafael Boado Jean Sierjames Rieuwpassa Jouns Candy Felice Lang Jouns Candy Felice Lang Julia Loisa, Julia Kartono, Miranda Millian Kelian Wulandari Setyabudi Kenny Kevin Benedict Lesmana Kherin, Kherin Krisbiono, Agung Dias Kristanti, Evelyn Kristianto, Bernard Realino Danu Kurniawan, Febryan Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kusdiana, Aan L-Islami, CA Bunia Lang, Jouns Candy Felice Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurensia, Bella Liesta Augustine Lieta Septiarysa Litasari Widianingsih, Litasari Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukas, Theresia Lukman, Steven Leo Naryi Luthfiani, Elma Maemonah, Maemonah Mafaza, Sofia Maichel Chinmi Maria Anggreini Grace Kelly Habeahan Menayang, Alfred Pieter Merry Agustina Meta Sya Meta Sya Michael Chinmi Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Mimi Mulyani Misnawati, Desy Mufid Salim Muhamad Isnaini Muhammad Iman Adi Perkasa, Muhammad Iman Adi Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Japar, Purwati, Muhammad Musriyono, Anna Ardiyani Nafia, Fikriana Naili Rohmah, Naili Natasia Angreani Neldy Lesilolo Nicodemus Koli Nindyta Aisyah Dwityas Nobertus Ribut Santoso Novita Sari Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Octavia Putri Tjajadi Octavia Putri Tjajadi Pamungkas, Betty Tri Permata, Kharizma Kintan Prakoso, Teguh Budi Puspitasari, Eka Harum Putri, Yessi Mareta Andari Putriyanti, Lina Rahayu Pristiwati Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Imaniah Kusuma Rahmania, Sofi Aulia Rahzanie, Risha Devina Ralvin Januar Wijaya Rama Kertamukti, Rama Regina Caeli Cahaya Tarsisty Resa Nurul Fahmi, Resa Nurul Rewindinar, Rewindinar Rieuwpassa, Jean Sierjames Rifa’i, Achmad Rifa’i, Achmad Rini Lestari Rismi Juliadi Rizki Briandana Rizkiansyah, Rio Anugrah Rustanta, Agustinus - Ruth Florencia Simanjuntak Ruth Florescia Simanjuntak Ruvianto, Alit Widi Ruvianto, Alit Widi Samantha Tandranegara Samosir, Ricky Fhernando Sampurna, Angelia Samsudi . Sandy Alifiansyah Saputra, Novianti Sarah Harun, Margaretha Catherine Sari Mudhita Sarno Sarno Sendy Setiawan Septiarysa, Lieta Septina Sulistyaningrum Sherly Sherly Sigit Saptono Silva Liem Silvia Pristianita Sitanggang, Hot Junita Siti Nurjanah Sri Wahyuni Sari Su’udi, Edi Astini Sudiyati Sudiyati Sugeng Wahjudi Sujana Joko Sulaiman Girivirya Suminto A. Sayuti Sunar Wibowo Sunny Lie Susiati, Susiati Suwito Eko Pramono Sya, Meta Syarnubi, Kenn Lazuardhi Teguh Hartono Patriantoro Teguh Priyo Sadono Teguh Supriyanto Timotius Saliman Tirta Lestari Todd Lyle Sandel Tommi Yuniawan Trihastuti, Maria Claudia Wahyu Vincent Atmadja Vincent Atmadja Wagiran Wagiran Wang, Changsong Wibowo, Sunar Widiyastuti, Wiwin Widyanto Widyanto Wijaya, Boy Sandy Surya Wijayanti, Wenny Wiliem Lesmana William, Martin Yesica Yuliani Clara Yesica Yuliani Clara Yohanes Nugroho Widiyanto Yohanes Nugroho Widyanto Yudha, Yusuf Hadi Yuli Utanto Yuliarti Yuliarti Yuri Alfrin Aladdin