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Fungsi Pragmatis Implikatur Percakapan Wacana Humor Berbahasa Jawa pada Rubrik Thengil di Majalah Ancas Rahayu, Imaniah Kusuma; Rustono, Rustono
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Agustus 2017
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan fungsi pragmatis implikatur pada rubrik Thengil di majalah Ancas. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan teknik catat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pragmatis dengan teknik heuristik. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan metodologis dan teoretis. Data yang telah dianalisis kemudian disajikan secara informal. Penyajian data secara informal dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan kata-kata. Wujud implikatur yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) menyatakan, melaporkan, menunjukkan, menyebutkan; (2) menyuruh, menantang; (3) mengritik, mengeluh; (4) berjanji, dan (5) memutuskan, dan melarang. Implikatur yang ditemukan tersebut dapat berfungsi sebagai penunjang kelucuan pada humor tersebut.The purpose of this research is to explain the function ofpragmatics implicatures on Thengil rubric Ancas magazine. Data collection methods usecl listening methocl and note techniaue. Data analysis w as performed using a pragmatic method with heuristic techniaues. The results of this study are about the function of pragmatics implicature. Implicature found in this study (1) implicatures states, report shows, said; (2) implicatures told, challenging; (3) implicatures criticize, complain; (4) implicature promise, and (5) implicature decided and prohibite. Implicature can function as a support for the humor in the humor.
Kesantunan Tuturan Penyiar Televisi pada Wacana Siaran Program Hiburan Televisi Swasta Indonesia Sarno, Sarno; Rustono, Rustono
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 6 No 3 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kesantunan berbahasa pada wacana siaran program hiburan televisi swasta di Indonesia merupakan fenomena yang menarik untuk dikaji dari perspektif pragmatik karena interaksi sosial dan verbal penyiar televisi swasta menciptakan wacana yang mencerminkan kultur yang tipikal. Sementara itu, bahasa yang mereka tuturkan berpotensi untuk diserap masyarakat dan direalisasi dalam interaksi komunikasi.Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsi dan menemukan wujud tuturan  santun oleh penyiar pada wacana  siaran program hiburan televisi swasta Indonesia dan ciri-ciri tuturan santun yang digunakan tersebut, (2) mengidentifikasi skala kesantunan oleh penyiar televisi pada wacana siaran program hiburan televisi swasta Indonesia, (3) memaparkan bidal-bidal yang dilanggar oleh penyiar televisi dan implikasi pragmatis yang ada pada wacana siaran program hiburan televisi swasta Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ada dua, yakni pendekatan metodologis dan teoretis. Pendekatan metodologis tersebut adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun pendekatan secara teoretis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik.Speech politeness on broadcast program of entertainment in Indonesia private television broadcast is an interesting phenomenon to be studied from a pragmatic perspective cause social interaction and typical verbal broadcaster create typical culture. Meanwhile, their speech which is spoken is received by society and realized in interaction communication.Therefore, this research aims (1) to describe and find a form of speech mannered broadcaster on the broadcast discourse used in an entertainment program of an Indonesian private television, (2) to identify the politenessscale encountered by the television broadcaster in the broadcast discourse used in an entertainment program of an Indonesian private relevision (3) to present the thimbles infringed by the television broadcaster with its pragmatic implications that found in their broadcast discourse in the entertainment program of an Indonesian private television. There are two approaches that are particularly used in the research, those are methodological and theoretical approaches. The methodological approach refers to a qualitative descriptive. While, this research dealt with the use of a theoretical approach in the form of a pragmatic approach.
Types of Speech Acts in Indonesian Debate Argumentative Discourse Fahmi, Resa Nurul; Rustono, Rustono
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Debate is a practice of oral argumentation discourse. Various moving arguments used to solve different arguments as a form of verbal communciation form in debating and seen as speech acts contributing to solve different arguments. The aim of this study to describe the type of speech acts marked by the argumentative indicator used in the discourse of argumentation of Indonesian debate. The research approach used in this research is theoretical approach and methodological approach.  Theoretical approach is pragmatic approach and dialectica, while methodological approach is descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected observing methods consisting free conversational (simak bebas libat cakap/SLB) and observing methods, record and note methods. The method of data analysis used is referential reference method followed by Determinant Elements technique (PUP). The analysis result of this research (1) the commonly used argumentative indicators by pros and cons sides is in argument phase, (2) the commonly used act of speech br pros and cons sides is assertive, and (3) the act of speech function is to state opinion.
Adjacency Pair of Conversation on Interactional Discourse in High School Learning Widiyastuti, Wiwin; Rustono, Rustono
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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In interactional discourse, the learning between teacher and students is preferably the delivery of intentions to the interlocutor. There are often implicit intentions in these interactions. The objective of this study is to describe the adjacency pair in the conversations of teacher and students in interactional discourse in high school learning. Data were collected by observation method with uninvolved conversation observation technique. Data analysis was conducted by using pragmatic methods with heuristic techniques. Based on research studies, it shows that eleven adjacency pair, including interlocutor of greeting, call-answer, complaint-aid, complaint-apologies, request-allow, request-giving information, request-offer, request-acceptance, assignment-approval, offer-acceptance, and proposal-acceptance. Practically, the research results are useful as input to teachers that there are various language characteristics of high school students that must be considered.
The Effectiveness of Group Guidance with Conflict Management Technique to Improve The Interpersonal Communication of Students Nurjanah, Siti; Japar, Muhammad; Rustono, Rustono
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of group guidance with conflict management technique on students’ interpersonal communication. The experimental design employed was in form of one-group pretest posttest design by involving 10 students. The results of Cohen d effectiveness test with the effectiveness measurement of 0.885 revealed the relatively high effectiveness found in the implementation of group guidance with conflict management technique to improve interpersonal communication. Meanwhile, based on the paired t-test, it was known that there was an increase in students’ interpersonal communication within the implementation of group guidance with conflict management technique (t(9) = 9.192, p < 0.01). According to the findings, the understanding of the mechanisms, knowledge and experience as well as interpersonal communication are the foundation to help students with conflict disorders and further allow for effective interventions. At last, the discussion of this study was focused on the possibility of the implementation of group guidance with conflict management technique to improve students’ interpersonal communication.
Islamic Group Guidance to Improve The Religiosity and Readiness to Face Death Susiati, Susiati; Sutoyo, Anwar; Rustono, Rustono
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019 Articles ASAP (As Soon As Published)
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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The purposes of this study were to analyze the religiosity and readiness to face death before and after receiving Islamic group guidance, and analyze the effectiveness of Islamic group guidance to improve the religiosity and readiness to face death of the members of PWRI Jakarta. This study used experimental method with the design of one group pre-test – post-test by involving as many as 8 people as research subjects. For more, the results of Wilcoxon analysis showed that the level of religiosity of PWRI members got improvement in the post-test when compared to the results of their pre-test (z =-2.52; p < 0.01). Besides, the readiness to face death of PWRI members also increased in the post-test when compared to the results of their pre-test, (z = -2.52; p < 0.01). In conclusion, the results of this study assert that Islamic group guidance contributes the improvement of religiosity and readiness to face death.
Journal of Primary Education Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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Tujuan penelitian1) menganalisis hasil belajar kemampuan matematika antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol; 2) menganalisis keefektifan model pembelajaran kooperatif melalui media dadu dalam pengembangan kemampuan matematika bagi anak usia dini; dan 3) memaparkan respons anak-anak terhadap model pembelajaran kooperatif melalui media dadu dalam pengembangan kemampuan matematika bagi anak usia dini.Desain peneitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimental designtipe nonequivalent control group design. Hasil Penelitian penelitian: 1) hasil belajar kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol; 2) model pembelajaran kooperatif lebih efektif daripada model konvensional; dan 3) anak-anak lebih banyak memberikan respons positif terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif melalui media dadu. Disarankan dilakukan penelitian lanjutan terkait pengembangan kemampuan menyebut bentuk geometri dan membedakan kemampuan matematika antara anak-anak yang menggunakan model berkelompok dengan model individual.
Teachers’ Directive Speech in Character Building Values in Learning and Teaching Activities at SDN 05 Kebondalem Pemalang Mafaza, Sofia; Rustono, Rustono; Awalya, Awalya
Journal of Primary Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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Language serves as a means of human communication. Through communication, it will bring up speech and speech acts. Teachers have an important role in students’ character building in through speech acts during classroom teaching and learning activities. This study aimed to identify and analyze the types, functions and character values containing in the teachers’ directive speech in learning and teaching activities at SD Negeri 05 Kebondalem Pemalang. The approaches used in this study were theoretical and methodological approach. The data were in the form of teachers’ speech that contains the character values in learning and teaching activities at SD Negeri 05 Kebondalem Pemalang. The data were analyzed using SBLC technique. Based on the results of the study, the types of teachers’ directive speech at SD Negeri 05 Kebondalem were requests, questions, requirements, prohibitive, permissive and advisories. Furthermore, the speech functions found were: approving, inviting, advising, instructing, allowing, dictating, requesting, directing, granting, assigning, suggesting, demanding, interrogating, organizing, requiring, pressing, pleading, prohibiting, counseling, wanting, limiting, and forgiving. The character values found were honest, discipline, responsible, polite, care, and confident. The results of this study are expected to be useful for the development of pragmatic, especially about the study of speech act directive.
The Function of Directive Speech Acts in Gamal Komandoko's Indonesian Archipelago Folklore Text Pamungkas, Betty Tri; Rustono, Rustono; Utanto, Yuli
Journal of Primary Education Vol 7 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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The directive speech acts have many functions. The functions of the directive speech acts include: forcing, inviting, asking, ordering, charging, urging, begging, advising, suggesting, commanding, giving cues, challenging. Folklore text is chosen as the data source due to it contains the utterances used by the characters to interact. The purposes of this research are to describe the function of directive speech acts in Indonesian archipelago folklore text written by Gamal Komandoko and to determine which function of directive speech act is dominant in Indonesian archipelago text written by Gamal Komandoko. The data are collected using observation method and writing technique. The data are analyzed using pragmatic analysis. The results of this study show some functions of directive speech. They are (1) requesting: 7 speeches, (2) begging: 5 speeches, (3) suggesting: 8 speeches, (4) commanding: 6 speeches, (5) ordering: 18 speeches, (6) advising: 1 speech, (7) forcing: 2 speeches, (8) inviting: 4 speeches, (9) prohibiting: 1 speech, (10) challenging: 4 speeches, (11) proposing: 1 speech, (12) giving cues 1 speech. The total of directive speech acts function data in Gamal Komandoko's Indonesian archipelago text are 58 utterances. The dominant function found in the text is the ordering function. This research is expected to be useful for pragmatic studies especially in speech acts.
Pragmatic Functions of Perlocutionary Act in F-3 Leveled Reading Book Musriyono, Anna Ardiyani; Rustono, Rustono; Saptono, Sigit
Journal of Primary Education Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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Perlocutionary act is a speech act spoken by a speaker to influence the interlocutors and can be found in the communication process. One form of communication process can be found in conversations between the characters in story from children's reading books. Perlocutionary act is uttered with different pragmatic functions according to the context of the speech. The objectives of this research are (1) to describe the functions of perlocutionary act in F-3 leveled reading book, and (2) to determine the dominant perlocutionary act function in F-3 leveled reading book. The research approach used in this research was pragmatic approach and qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection was conducted by using observation method with recording technique. After the data have been analyzed using heuristic method, the result of the research shows that (1) 12 perlocutionary acts are found in F-3 leveled reading book with five kinds of functions, which are the function of relieving, persuading, convincing, attention-grabbing, and scaring and (2) the most dominant perlocutionary act function in F-3 leveled reading book is relieving function with total seven speeches. This research is expected to give contributions to the academic study, especially in the field of pragmatic study.
Co-Authors Achmad Jamil Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Rifai Aditya Kumar Shukla Agus Daniar Agus Nuryatin Agustinus Rusdianto Berto Ahmad Hariyadi, Ahmad Ahmad Syaifudin Alvin Alexander Prasetya Amanda, Mercedes Amanda, Mercedes Andreas Lumampauw Angelia Sampurna Angreani, Natasia Anwar Sutoyo Arlis Muryani Arni Ernawati Asrofah Asrofah Astuty Astuty, Astuty Augustine, Liesta Awalya Awalya, Awalya Azizah, Septi Nur Azman Azwan Azmawati B. Wahyudi Joko Santoso Baihaqi, Aufa Izzudin Bakti, Hari Benedicta Yovi Claudia Bernard Danu Kristianto Beryl Gandakusumah Changsong Wang Changsong Wang Chinmi, Maichel Christian, Thomas Christiani, Resistia Friska Christina, Christina Clara R.P. Ajisuksmo Claudia, Benedicta Yovi Cong, Phang Kerry Cosmas Gatot Haryono Denise Monica William Monica William Denny Putra Jayanegara Desy Ratnasari Desy Ratnasari Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah DINDIN DIMYATI Dwi Sasongko, Yohanes Probo Dwijatmiko, Heru Dwijatmiko, Heru Edi Astini Su’udi, Edi Astini Edo Prasetyo Endah Dyah Wardani Endah Murwani Engliana, Engliana Erna Zuni Astuti Erwin Dwi Sabna Rosdian Ety Syarifah, Ety Evelyn Kristanti Fathur Rahman Fathur Rokhman Fauziah, Popon Siti Febryan Kurniawan Fernandes, Maristela Julia Fernando, Joshua Fitri Murfianti Frederikus Fios Hadi, Sholihul Halim Agung Halla Puspita Yuri Hana Rochani Gustasari Panggabean Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Harry Harry Harry, Harry Hartanto Jahja Haryadi - Hasanah, Risa Zakiatul Hayati, Itsnaini Nur Hendrawan, Ian Herawati Herawati Heri yanto Herman J.Waluyo, Herman Hidayat, Endik Hidayati, Ratih Kurnia Hilarius Bambang Winarko Hilda Yunita Wono I Gede Wisnu Satria Chandra Putra Ida Zulaeha Ignatia Evelyn Susanti Sitompul Ignatius Cahyanto Isiaka Zubair Aliagan Isnaini, Muhamad Istriwati, Enita Jarata, Jesus Rafael Boado Jean Sierjames Rieuwpassa Jouns Candy Felice Lang Jouns Candy Felice Lang Julia Loisa, Julia Kartono, Miranda Millian Kelian Wulandari Setyabudi Kenny Kevin Benedict Lesmana Kherin, Kherin Krisbiono, Agung Dias Kristanti, Evelyn Kristianto, Bernard Realino Danu Kurniawan, Febryan Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati, Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kusdiana, Aan L-Islami, CA Bunia Lang, Jouns Candy Felice Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurencia Steffanie Mega Wijaya Kurniawati Laurensia, Bella Liesta Augustine Lieta Septiarysa Litasari Widianingsih, Litasari Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukas, Theresia Lukman, Steven Leo Naryi Luthfiani, Elma Maemonah, Maemonah Mafaza, Sofia Maichel Chinmi Maria Anggreini Grace Kelly Habeahan Menayang, Alfred Pieter Merry Agustina Meta Sya Meta Sya Michael Chinmi Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Mimi Mulyani Misnawati, Desy Mufid Salim Muhamad Isnaini Muhammad Iman Adi Perkasa, Muhammad Iman Adi Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Isnaini Muhammad Japar, Purwati, Muhammad Musriyono, Anna Ardiyani Nafia, Fikriana Naili Rohmah, Naili Natasia Angreani Neldy Lesilolo Nicodemus Koli Nindyta Aisyah Dwityas Nobertus Ribut Santoso Novita Sari Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Nur Faizah, Ati Rizki Octavia Putri Tjajadi Octavia Putri Tjajadi Pamungkas, Betty Tri Permata, Kharizma Kintan Prakoso, Teguh Budi Puspitasari, Eka Harum Putri, Yessi Mareta Andari Putriyanti, Lina Rahayu Pristiwati Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Caswin Rahayu, Imaniah Kusuma Rahmania, Sofi Aulia Rahzanie, Risha Devina Ralvin Januar Wijaya Rama Kertamukti, Rama Regina Caeli Cahaya Tarsisty Resa Nurul Fahmi, Resa Nurul Rewindinar, Rewindinar Rieuwpassa, Jean Sierjames Rifa’i, Achmad Rifa’i, Achmad Rini Lestari Rismi Juliadi Rizki Briandana Rizkiansyah, Rio Anugrah Rustanta, Agustinus - Ruth Florencia Simanjuntak Ruth Florescia Simanjuntak Ruvianto, Alit Widi Ruvianto, Alit Widi Samantha Tandranegara Samosir, Ricky Fhernando Sampurna, Angelia Samsudi . Sandy Alifiansyah Saputra, Novianti Sarah Harun, Margaretha Catherine Sari Mudhita Sarno Sarno Sendy Setiawan Septiarysa, Lieta Septina Sulistyaningrum Sherly Sherly Sigit Saptono Silva Liem Silvia Pristianita Sitanggang, Hot Junita Siti Nurjanah Sri Wahyuni Sari Su’udi, Edi Astini Sudiyati Sudiyati Sugeng Wahjudi Sujana Joko Sulaiman Girivirya Suminto A. Sayuti Sunar Wibowo Sunny Lie Susiati, Susiati Suwito Eko Pramono Sya, Meta Syarnubi, Kenn Lazuardhi Teguh Hartono Patriantoro Teguh Priyo Sadono Teguh Supriyanto Timotius Saliman Tirta Lestari Todd Lyle Sandel Tommi Yuniawan Trihastuti, Maria Claudia Wahyu Vincent Atmadja Vincent Atmadja Wagiran Wagiran Wang, Changsong Wibowo, Sunar Widiyastuti, Wiwin Widyanto Widyanto Wijaya, Boy Sandy Surya Wijayanti, Wenny Wiliem Lesmana William, Martin Yesica Yuliani Clara Yesica Yuliani Clara Yohanes Nugroho Widiyanto Yohanes Nugroho Widyanto Yudha, Yusuf Hadi Yuli Utanto Yuliarti Yuliarti Yuri Alfrin Aladdin