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Daya Gabung dan Heterosis Galur Jagung (Zea mays L.) pada Karakter Hasil dan Komponen Hasil eko purnomo setyowidianto; Nur Basuki; dan Damanhuri
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy Vol. 45 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesia Society of Agronomy (PERAGI) and Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.893 KB) | DOI: 10.24831/jai.v45i2.11650


Corn productivity can be improved using hybrid varieties. Evaluation of inbreds and hybrids were required to obtain information of general combining ability and specific combining ability. The objective of this research was to find out inbred combining ability and hybrids heterosis from crosses of 10 inbreds (5 inbreds from PT. Agri Makmur Pertiwi and 5 introduced inbreds) based on yield and yield components character. Diallel mating design using method 2 model 1 of Griffing model and the testing were conducted from January to August 2012. The tests using a randomized block design with three replications. PWM-1 (PT. Agri Makmur Pertiwi group) and PWI-5 (introduced group) have GCA better than other inbreds on grain yield, ear length, ear diameter, number of seed rows, shelling percentage and 1,000 seeds weight. Hybrids PWM-5 x PWM-1, PWI-5 x PWM-1 and PWI-5 x PWM-5 have a positive SCA values and also inbred parent have a positive GCA value. Intercrosses of introduced group had the high heterosis for all characters. PWI-4 x PWI-2 had highest SCA and heterobeltiosis for ear diameter and 1,000 seeds weight, and for number of seed rows was PWI-5 x PWI-2.Keywords: diallel cross, heterobeltiosis
Pewarisan Karakter Ketahanan Terhadap Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne incognita) Pada Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Untung Setyo Budi; Nur Basuki; , Sudjindro
Zuriat Vol 17, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Breeding Science Society of Indonesia (BSSI) / PERIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/zuriat.v17i1.6755


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pewarisan karakter ketahanan tanaman F1 hasil persilangan interspesifik antara kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L. 2n=2x=36) dengan kerabat liarnya H. radiulus L. atau radiatus (2n=4x=72) yang tahan terhadap serangan Nematoda Puru Akar (NPA). Percobaan telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Benih Roscla PTPN XI, Kendalrejo, Kabupaten Blitar pada bulan Februari s/d Agustus 2003, pada jenis tanah berpasir berstruktur ringan dengan kesuburan sedang dan banyak mengandung larva NPA nya dari spesies M. infognita. Pengamatan dan perhitungan larva NPA dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat (Balittas) Malang. Genotipe F1 dari 5 set persilangan interspesifik antara kenaf dan H. radiatus ditambah masing-masing tetua ditanam dengan metoda baris dengan jarak tanam 20 cm × 20 cm. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap jumlah puru akar per tanaman, kerusakan akar tanaman, populasi larva NPA dalam tanah sebagai faktor R (R = reproduksi larva), populasi larva NPA dalam akar tanaman. Untuk mengetahui dan menduga pewarisan karakter dan peran gen ketahanan dilakukan dengan heritabilitas dan nisbah potensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pewarisan karakter ketahanan terhadap NPA pada F1 dari persilangan KR 6 × Kal II dan KR 11 × Kal II dikendalikan secara genetik dengan peran gen aditif, sedangkan F1 dari persilangan KR 12 × Kal 11 dikendalikan oleh gen nonaditif, serta F1 dari persilangan Hc G-1 × Kal II dan Hc G-51 Kal II dikendalikan secara genetik dengan peran gen resesif.
Perbedaan Latihan High Intensity Ground Walking Dan Latihan Static Bicycle Terhadap Kapasitas Latihan Pada Penderita PPOM Setiawan Setiawan; Nur Basuki
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5 No 1 (2016): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v5i1.12


Abstract: High-Intensity Ground Walking, Static Bicycle exercise, exercise capacity, the 6-minutes walking test, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study aimed to compare the benefits between High-Intensity Ground Walking exercise and Static Bicycle exercise on exercise capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This research is a quasi-experimental study design with two groups pre and post-test design. The subjects were all patients COPD with a moderate and severe degree in The Special hospital of Pulmonary dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga, that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was collected directly by assessing the results of the six-minute walk test before and after the treatments. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS 11.5. The different test within groups measured with the Wilcoxon test, and for between groups measured with Mann Whitney test. The significance level was set on 0.05. Results and Conclusion (1) High-Intensity Ground Walking exercises improve exercise capacity in patients with COPD (p = 0.005), (2) Static Bicycle training program improves exercise capacity of patients with COPD (p = 0.005), (3) There is no difference between High-Intensity Ground Walking Exercise and Static Bicycle training in improving exercise capacity in patients with COPD (p = 0.970).
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 4, No 1 (2015)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.096 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v4i1.96


Based on preliminary observations obtained activity data and student learning outcomes are still low, especially subjects of mathematics, as many as 6 students or 28.23% of the students completed and 15 students or 71.78% of students have not been completed. Based on the above facts applied learning model of Jigsaw Cooperative type that aims to improve the activity and student learning outcomes in mathematics in comparison material and scale. The study involved 21 students of class VII SMPN 2 BUMIRATU Nuban in semester 1 Academic Year 2014 / 2015.This research used a Class Action Research (PTK) by using two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collected by the observation sheet and test student learning outcomes in each cycle. From the analysis of the data shows that the use of cooperative learning model Jigsaw Type in the learning process of Mathematics students can increase  the activity and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the average percentage of the activity of students in the first cycle was 55.5 and increased in the second cycle to 70.5. While the average value of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 58.75 and increased in the second cycle into 72.50
APPLICATION OF ORGANIC MANURE ON SWEETPOTATO (Ipomoea batatas (l.) Lam.) Margo Yuwono; Nur Basuki; Lily Agustina
The Indonesian Green Technology Journal Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya

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Objectives of this experiment are to (1) compare the growth and yield of sweet potato with organic matters treatment and with an inorganic treatment, (2) find out which type and proportion of organic matters is better for sweet potato growth and yield, (3) determining  starch and anthocyanin contents in tuber, and (4) determining N-residue after organic matter treatment. The experiment were conducted in the Field Experiment Station, Jatikerto village, Malang .    The field experiment  was arranged in Randomized Block Design and replicates three times. The treatments were kind of organic matters e.i. (1) cow manure (P1); (2) Calopogonium muconoides (P2); (3) Centrosema pubescens (P3 ) and (4) Tithonia diversifolia (P4) and dosage e.i. (1) equivalent  40 kg N/ha (D1), (2) equivalent 80 kg N/ha (D2), (3) equivalent 120 kg N/ha (D3) and  (4) equivalent 160 kg N/ha (D4) and inorganic fertilizer  were applied 80 kg N/ha. The organic matter with 80 kg N/ha proportion resulted better growth and yield  compare to in-organic fertilizer with the same proportion.  Refer to the sweet potato growth and yield as resulted of organic fertilizer treatment, T. diversifolia gave the best result.  The order among these organic manure was T. diversifolia > cow manure > C. muconoides > C. pubescens. The highest yield of fresh tuber obtained at T. diversifolia treatment that is 26.02 t/ha. The lowest yield of fresh tuber obtained at C. pubescens tratment that is 22.12 t/ha.  Combination between T. diversifolia with dosage 160 kg N/ha (equivalent 5.04 t/ha)) will give highest of fresh tuber (29.39 t/ha) and combination betweeen C. pubescens and dosage 40 kg N/ha (equivalent 1.36 t/ha) will give lowest of fresh tuber. The highest of strach content obtained at T. diversifolia treatment (31.78%) and the lowest obtained at  C. pubescens treatment (25.07%). The highest of anthocyanin content obtained at C. pubescens (2.69 mg/kg) and the inorganic treatment resulting the lowest amount of anthocyanin (0.99 mg/kg). The result indicated the amount of N-reidue at the end of the experiment is 21.08 kg/ha. Keyword : sweeet potato, organic manure, inorganic fertilizer
Perbedaan Latihan High Intensity Ground Walking Dan Latihan Static Bicycle Terhadap Kapasitas Latihan Pada Penderita PPOM Setiawan Setiawan; Nur Basuki
Jurnal Keterapian Fisik Vol 1 No 1 (2016): JURNAL KETERAPIAN FISIK
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.567 KB) | DOI: 10.37341/jkf.v1i1.78


Abstract: High Intensity Ground Walking, Static Bicycle exercise, exercise capacity, the 6-minutes walking test, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study aimed to compare the benefits between High Intensity Ground Walking exercise and Static Bicycle exercise on exercise capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This research is a quasi-experimental study design with two groups pre and post test design. The subjects were all patients COPD with moderate and severe degree in The Special hospital of Pulmonary dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga, that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria: (1) the degree of moderate and severe COPD (2) Age 25 to 70 years, (3) Value of FEV1 less than 60% (4) There is a decrease in exercise tolerance with the results of the 6-minute test less than 300 meter (5) Willing to follow this research. Exclusion criteria: (1) Having a concomitant diseases such as heart, kidney failure, uncontrolled diabetes, severe hypertension (2) need an ambulation aid (3) Having musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders of the lower extremities. Do not follow the exercises more than 3 times. The data was collected directly by assessing the results of the six-minute walk test before and after the treatments. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS 11.5. The different test within groups measured with Wilcoxon test, and for between groups measured wirh Mann Whitney test. The significance level was set on 0.05. Results and Conclusion:(1)High Intensity Ground Walking exercises improve exercise capacity in patients with COPD (p = 0.005), (2) Static Bicycle training program improve exercise capacity of patients with COPD (p = 0.005), (3) There is no difference between High Intensity Ground Walking Exercise and Static Bicycle training in improving exercise capacity in patients with COPD (p = 0.970).
Normal Seedlings as A New Parameter for Predicting Cross-Incompatibility Level on Sweetpotato Febria Cahya Indriani; Sumeru Ashari; Nur Basuki; M. Jusuf
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 39, No 1 (2017): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v39i1.784


This research aimed to investigate the incompatibility levels of controlled cross-pollination in sweetpotato, based on normal seedling percentage and their correlation with seed vigour. The controlled cross-pollination in sweetpotato faces issues due to its cross-incompatibility and self-incompatibility characteristics. Currently, the incompatibility level in sweetpotato is investigated based on the fruit set percentage. However, this criterion lacks the ability in accurately predicting the number of new clones. Therefore, it is essential to study new parameters to create a better investigation of incompatibility in sweetpotato. The materials used in this research consisted of eight sweetpotato clones as female and four sweetpotato clones as male parents. Cross-pollinations were done reciprocally. The experiment was conducted at Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute from April to December 2014. The result showed that totally 5,188 times crossing produced about 25% fruit sets and 10% normal seedlings. The use of normal seedlings percentage as a new parameter in evaluating cross-pollination has apparently seemed to be more effective than the fruit sets percentage method because numbers of new clones could be known accurately. This research revealed that the normal seedling could be used as a new parameter in determining the incompatibility level in sweetpotato controlled cross-pollination.
Crossing Among Sixteen Sweet Potato Parents for Establishing Base Populations Breeding Sri Umi Lestari; Ricky Indri Hapsari; Nur Basuki
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 41, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v41i2.1485


The base - population of the controlled cross breeding is one of the important factors to develop a new improved cultivar. Since the incompatible nature of sweet potato remains a barrier for genetic improvement, therefore it requires a lot of crossed pairs. This study aimed to determine the level of incompatibility among crossing line between high yielding and micronutrient content cultivars. The field experiment conducted at Brawijaya University Research Station, Jatikerto-Malang, during February to August 2015. The North Carolina Design II was applied to sixty pairs controlled cross breeding and their sixty reciprocal pairs of six cultivars for micronutrient content enrichment with ten high yielding cultivars. The observations were made to the cross flowers number, capsules, fruit sets, and seeds number. The level of incompatibility between crossed pairs was determined by the level of fruit set. The result showed that most pairs were compatible (fruit set > 20%) and only few were incompatible (fruit set < 10%). Among six parents with micronutrient content enrichment, two of them, have a high compatibility as as female parents, to all the high yielding cultivars, i.e. BIS OP-61 and Cangkuang. Positioning as a female parent can improve the effectiveness of its selection scheme.
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 34, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v34i2.149


The objectives of this research were to find out inbred line diversities based on the phenotype characters and the molecular marker using SSR.  The research was performed from February to June 2011, which was divided into field research and laboratory research for molecular analysis. The molecular analysis was conducted at the Biotecnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University of Malang. The field trial was done in Kandat, Junrejo, Batu. Materials were used 35 genotypes of maize. Steps for molecular analysis at the laboratory were as followed: (1) DNA isolation, (2) DNA-quality test, (3) PCR SSR, (4) Visualization of the amplification result. The field trial was done by planting genotypes using a RCBD with 2 replications. Result of the dendogram analysis showed that 35 genotypes of maize were divided into 2 main clusters, A and B, that having 35% similarity level. Result for the analysis of variance showed significant difference among genotypes of maize on the entire of the observed phenotype characters. Heritability (H) ranged 61.8% - 98.1%. Coefficient of variance ranged 0.71 – 7.20%. Analysis on the genotypic correlation ranged 0.06 – 1.0. Numbers of rows ear-1 showed significant correlation, in which Jaccard’s similarity coefficient (rs) = +0.43
Selection Strategy of Drought Tolerance of Red Rice Mutant Lines Eries D. Mustikarini; Noer Rahmi Ardiarini; Nur Basuki; Kuswanto Kuswanto
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 39, No 1 (2017): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v39i1.648


Most of Indonesian red rice is not grown in dry land. New varieties could be breeded through mutation breeding. This research objective was to evaluate the selection strategy of drought tolerant on red rice. The study was conducted on ultisol soil in Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, in February 2012-February 2015. It consisted of three activities, selection M5, evaluation of selected M5 and evaluation of drought critical period on selected M6. Mutant of M5 was selected and evaluated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) -0.5 MPa and less of soil moisture. Selected M6 was evaluated to observe a critical period of drought stress. Evaluation with PEG produces five superior mutants that more vigor than the elders. Selection on low humidity shows that M5-GR150-1-9 produces higher filled grain and weight filled grain than other mutants and elders. The selected red rice line M5-GR150-1-9-13, has a better tolerance towards drought than its control. It could be obtained such mutant lines which have a high yield, early maturing and drought tolerant from the result of six generations gamma irradiation mutant selection.