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Organoleptic Characteristics of Natural Flavour Powder From Waste of Swimming Blue Crabs (Portunus pelagicus ) Processing: Study on Dextrin Concentration and Drying Temperature Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; Maligan, Jaya Mahar; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Hermansyah, Ricky
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 14, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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As a maritime country, Indonesia has the potential product of marine fisheries are very abundant, but the potential is still not used optimally. One of the potential that can be developed is wimming blue crab. Besides the meat, use the swimming blue crabs shells are also quite large. One use of this shell is used as the main ingredient of natural flavour powder manufacture. Making natural flavour powder from waste of swimming blue crabs meat processing need to consider several factors, among which the concentration of filler material (filler) used the dextrin and drying temperature, therefore it is necessary to do a study of dextrin concentration and drying temperature on the manufacture of powdered natural flavour from waste of swimming crabs meat processing. The best results are at 60 °C drying temperature and the concentration of 10% dextrin. The best treatment has a value of organoleptic parameters namely the taste of 2.6 (neutral), aroma of 3 (neutral), color of 3.6 (like), texture of 3.8 (like), and for the physical parameters of the water content of 6%, the solubility of 74.67% and 10.34% absorption.Keywords: Taste, aroma, color, texture, filler
The Making of Salty Soy Sauce From Koro Benguk (Mucuna pruriens) (Study of Saline Concentration of Salt Solution and Duration of Maromis Fermentation) Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; ., Wignyanto; Hidayah, Eka Yaniar Putri Nur
UNEJ e-Proceeding Indonesian Protein Society (IPS), International Seminar and Workshop 2014
Publisher : UNEJ e-Proceeding

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The objectives of this study were to determine the saline concentration and moromi’s fermentation duration of koro benguk salty soy sauce at best organolepticly and determine consumers’ preferences towards koro benguk salty soy sauce from the best treatment results. The study was conducted using a randomized design method using two factors: the saline concentration (17%; 20%; and 23%) and duration of moromi’s fermentation (2; 3; and 4 weeks). The best treatment results based on the Friedman test was on the saline concentration of 17% and moromi’s fermentation duration was 4 weeks, with the NP value of 1,000; had a preference color level of 5:40 (liked); aroma of 4.30 (rather liked); flavor of 4.55 (rather liked); and viscosityof 5.05 (liked). The obtained protein was  7.14%; and dissolved solids of 27 brix. Consumers’ preferences towards the best treatment showed that product of koro benguk salty soy sauce was acceptable to consumers. Keywords: Moromi’s Fermentation, Soy Sauce, Saline Concentration, Koro Benguk
Decreasing Effectiveness of Organic and Inorganic Material in Liquid Waste of Leather Tanning by Using Waterlettuce (Pistia statiotes L.) as Biofilter Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; S., Bernardus Endi
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 10, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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This objective of the research was to know the ability of waterlettuce to decrease organic and inorganic materials in liquid waste of leather tanning, to know detention time needed by waterlettuce in decreasing organic and inorganic material, and to know the effectiveness of waterlettuce as biofilter compared to Eichhornia crassipes.  The research used completely randomized design with ten treatments (based on 10 days planed-detention time), with three replication.  Purified liquid waste was analyzed including pH value, BOD, DO, TSS and chromium content.  The data was analyzed using Test F on 5% significant level and Turkey Test.  Effectiveness analysis was used to know the range of waterlettuce effectiveness compared to Eichhornia crassipes. The results showed that waterlettuce (Pistia statiotes L.) as biofilter in liquid waste of leather tanning decreased pH value 39.25 %, BOD 67.05%; DO 72.24%, TSS 60.31%, and chromium content 74.51%.  Detention time of waterlettuce in decreasing organic and inorganic material in liquid waste of leather tanning was ten days.  Effectiveness of Waterlettuce as biofilter in liquid waste of leather tanning to decrease organic and inorganic is 99.33% of pH; 100.65% of BOD; 119.70% of DO; 10.16% of TSS and 103.05% of chromium content.Keywords: effectiveness, waterlettuce, biofilter, detention time
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair (Whey) Industri Tahu Menjadi Nata de Soya dan Kecap Berdasarkan Perbandingan Nilai Ekonomi Produksi. Sutiyani, Sulik; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Sukardi, Sukardi
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2003)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan nilai ekonomi limbah cair (whey) dari industri tahu dan membandingkan dua alternatif pengolahan (whey) menjadi nata de soya dan kecap berdasarkan nilai ekonomi produksi. Manfaat dari penelitian adalah dapat diketahuinya keuntungan maksimal dari masing-masing produk yang diolah yaitu produk nata de soya dan kecap selain itu dapat menekan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan limbah cair (whey) dari industri tahu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis ekonomi produksi yang terdiri dari Total Capital Investment, Total Cost, penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi, dan Harga Jual, Analisis Penerimaan, Analisis Keuntungan, dan Analisis Kelayakan Usaha yang meliputi analisis Break Event Point, Return of Investment, Benefit Cost Ratio dan Pay Out Time. Analisis keputusan pemilihan alternatif terbaik berdasarkan pada nilai ekonomi produksi dan kelayakan usaha. Hasil pembuatan nata de soya berdasarkan referensi dari Handayani, Prawito, dan Bustaman (1999), diperoleh rendemen sebesar 55% dengan ketebalan 1,2 cm, sedangkan untuk rendemen kecap diperoleh hasil 18,75% dengan kadar protein sebesar 2,3% dan kadar air 22%. Kebutuhan bahan baku/(whey) sebesar 8000L/hari dengan kapasitas produksi nata de soya sebesar 4400 kg/hari dan kecap sebesar 2400L/hari. Selama setahun diperoleh produksi nata de soya sebesar 2.640.000 kemasan dan kecap sebesar 1.440.000 kemasan. Total Capital Investment produk kecap lebih tinggi dibandingkan produk nata de soya, yaitu Rp 4.965.770.500 dan Rp 2.687.575.500 untuk nata de soya.  Perhitungan total biaya selama 1 tahun nata de soya Rp 2.149.336.875  dan untuk produk kecap Rp 4.835.675.950. Harga pokok produksi untuk produk nata de soya Rp 814,14 dan untuk produksi kecap Rp 3.358,00 dengan asumsi tingkat keuntungan sebesar  45 % diperoleh  perhitungan  harga  jual untuk produk nata de soya ditingkat  agen  sebesar  Rp 1.250,00/kemasan (500 g) dan untuk kecap Rp 4.950/kemasan (500 ml).  Total penerimaan  yang  diperoleh  selama satu tahun produk nata de soya adalah Rp. 160.663.125 dengan total keuntungan sebesar Rp.114.596.812/tahun, untuk produk kecap Rp.4.989.600.000 dengan total keuntungan Rp 138.531.645/tahun. Perolehan total keuntungan yang lebih besar pada produk kecap disebabkan harga output yang dihasilkan selama 1 tahun produksi lebih besar dibandingkan harga produksi (output) nata de soya, sehingga keuntungan tiap unit produk akan berpengaruh terhadap total keuntungan. Analisis kelayakan usaha untuk produk nata de soya diperoleh Break Event Point pada penerimaan Rp 755.045.454 Return of Investment 1,1 % dan Benefit Cost Ratio 10 %, sedangkan untuk produk kecap Break Event Point pada penerimaan Rp 1.489.019.000, Return of Investment 1,03 % dan Benefit Cost Ratio 3 %, Pay Out Time pada produk nata de soya dicapai dalam waktu 3.6 tahun, sedangkan pada produk kecap dicapai dalam waktu 2,6 tahun. Kedua usaha sama-sama menguntungkan, namun pengembangan usaha nata de soya memiliki kelayakan usaha lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pengembangan usaha produk kecap, karena pemanfaatan modal untuk produk nata de noya lebih efektif dan tingkat keuntungan yang diperoleh dari seluruh modal yang diinvestasikan lebih besar dibanding pengembangan usaha kecap. Peningkatan nilai ekonomi limbah cair tahu setelah diolah menjadi nata de soya adalah sebesar Rp. 792,5 setiap satu liternya, sedangkan setiap satu liter limbah yang diolah menjadi kecap manis adalah sebesar Rp.936,4.
Production Plan of Home Scale Tomato Kefir Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Nurika, Irnia; Vida, Ike
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Tomato kefir is made by fermenting tomato using kefir cultures, which were considered as probiotics.  This research was aimed to find out the concentration of sucrose and the appropriate length of fermentation in making tomato kefir, and to gain the projection of which home industry scale production was financially feasible.  The Randomized Block Design was in the experiment assessing the above-mentioned two factors. The results indicated that the best tomato kefir may be obtained by addition of the sucrose at a level of 12.5% and 48 hours fermentation. Production planning for home industry scale of the tomato kefir was advised to be carried out at a production capacity of 15 liters/day which was packed in 60 ml/bottle each. At the scale, 4 employees were need.  It was found out that the cost was Rp. 600/bottle.  With the expected profit as much as 20%, so the selling price must be Rp. 1.100.  The calculation of BEP shows that the company will be paid off after selling 35.961 bottles, equal with Rp. 36.575.785.  The investment will be returned in less than 1 year.Key words: production planning, kefir, tomato
Designating of Processing Unit of Corn Tortilla Chips for Small Scale Industry Kumalaningsih, Sri; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Fitria, Fitria
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 6, No 1 (2005)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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This study was aimed at finding out the best proportion of soy flour and wheat flour needs to add in the making of corn-based tortilla chips and then used it to design a small scale industry producing such chips. A Completely Randomized Design experiment was carried out employing two factors i.e. proportion of soy flour and wheat flour respectively, at 3 levels each, and was conducted in triplicates. The results showed that an addition of 0% soy flour and 4% wheat flour was considered the best in production corn-based tortilla chips. It has a product value of 0.802, a moisture content of 4.088%, 0.710% free fatty acid, and the yield of 59.37%. Based on a production capacity of 50 kg product per day which was designed for 5 years of operation, the value of total investment needed is Rp 140,990,137.00. It was found that the production cost per unit was Rp 499.00. By defining a margin of 20%, the price of the product at a retailer level is about Rp 550.00 per unit, by assuming the consumers’ price of Rp 700.00 per unit. A break even point will be achieved at a level of production of 244,137 units of 30 gram or equal to 48.85% of its capacity operation. It means that by an operation level of 6 months a year, the unit is still able to survive. The calculated pay back periods is 3.76 years and a profitability index of 1.19.   Keywords: Processing unit, corn tortilla chips
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 16, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Kelapa merupakan salah satu penghasil minyak nabati yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Daging buah kelapa dapat dijadikan berbagai macam olahan produk, salah satunya dijadikan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Proses pembuatan VCO terbaik selama ini menggunakan metode sentrifugasi. Perlakuan pretreatment ultrasound diharapkan mampu membantu proses pemecahan emulsi sebelum dilakukan sentrifugasi pada santan kelapa untuk menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO yang lebih optimal. Secara teoritis pemecahan emulsi dicapai dari tiga mekanisme utama yaitu flokulasi, koagulasi, dan peleburan sehingga pretreatment ultrasound diasumsikan meningkatkan momentum dan kekuatan melalui getaran mekanik. Faktor yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah alat sonikator dan lama waktu perlakuan yang menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO tertinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan besaran frekuensi dan lama waktu pretreatment ultrasound yang menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO terbaik. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode Zeleny dengan multiple atribute. Parameter yang dipilih sebagai atribut antara lain rendemen, kadar air, berat jenis, dan FFA. Hasil perlakuan UAE kondisi terbaik menurut perhitungan Zeleny terdapat pada frekuensi 20 kHz dengan waktu 15 menit menghasilkan rendemen 14.88%, berat jenis 0.85, kadar air 0.05% dan FFA 0.17%. Perlakuan terbaik UAE memenuhi standar APPC dan SNI untuk kadar air dan asam lemak bebas, sementara berat jenisnya belum memenuhi standar APPC.
Studi Perencanaan Unit Perombakan Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (ABS) dengan Menggunakan Bakteri Pseudomonas fluorescens (Kajian : Volume Medium NPK dan Kecepatan Aerasi) Putro, Andry Prasetyo; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Pulungan, Maimunah Hindun
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 3, No 2 (2002)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Salah satu bentuk pengolahan Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate adalah secara biologis, yaitu dengan menggunakan bakteri perombak ABS, bakteri tersebut adalah Pseudomonas fluorescens. Bakteri ini dapat menghasilkan enzim lipase dan enzim alkylsulphatases yang dapat memotong rantai Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (ABS). Proses perombakan ABS merupakan proses aerob sehingga pengaturan kecepatan aerasi sangat diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan hasil degradasinya. Selain kecepatan aerasi, volume medium juga mempengaruhi perencanaan unit perombakan ABS, sehingga diperlukan pengaturan peningkatan volume medium yang sesuai untuk mendapatkan hasil perombakan yang maksimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan volume medium NPK memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase perombakan ABS dan jumlah bakteri, perlakuan kecepatan aerasi memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah bakteri dan interaksi antara perlakuan volume medium NPK dan perlakuan kecepatan aerasi memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase perombakan ABS tetapi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah bakteri. Persentase perombakan ABS tertinggi diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan volume medium NPK 500 ml dengan kecepatan aerasi 1 vvm yaitu sebesar 81,91%, jumlah sel bakteri tertinggi diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan volume medium NPK 100 ml dengan kecepatan aerasi 1,5 vvm yaitu sebesar 1,75 . 107 cfu / ml, nilai pH medium tertinggi diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan volume medium NPK 500 ml dengan kecepatan aerasi 1,5 vvm dan volume medium NPK 2500 ml dengan kecepatan aerasi 1,5 vvm yaitu sebesar 6,85. Kata kunci: Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (ABS), Pseudomonas fluorescens, Kecepatan aerasi, Volume medium NPK
Perencanaan Unit Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tapioka dengan Sistem Up-Flow Anaerbiv Sludge Blanket (UASB) Untuk Industri Skala Menengah Mukminin, Amirul; Wignyanto, Wignyanto; Hidayat, Nur
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2003)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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The objectives of this study were to discover the optimum pH treatment combination for the inflow and the optimum holding period for treatment of liquid tapioca waste quality through using anaerobic  up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) system. This research employed a completely randomized block design with two factors, namely optimum pH levels 5.73 (control) and pH 7 + 1, and the time factor which was divided into 6 periods 2,4,6,8,10, and 12 hours respectively. The data was analyzed through a variance analysis, if there was a discrepancy/an anomaly, then further DMRT tests were initiated, the treatment that produced effluent being within waste quality standards, i.e. with COD of ≤ 300 mg/l, a TSS ≤ of 100 mg/l, a DO of ≤ 6 mg /l and a pH factor of between 6 and 9, it was considered to be the best treatment. However, should there have been more than the treatment with the above results, and then the final choice was based on that treatment which had the lowest UASB start up costs. The results of the tests indicated that pH inflow levels have a most significant effect on COD, DO, and pH effluent levels, but has little effect on TSS. Furthermore, holding periods also have an enormous influence one effluent COD, DO, TSS and pH levels. In addition, the interaction of pH and holding times also have a major effect on effluent TSS levels and a really significant effect  on COD, DO and pH. It was found that the DO concentrations from all treatments were less than 6 mg/l. And the treatment that gave a waste discharge into the environment within regulatory standards for COD,  TSS, and pH, was the one with a pH input level of 4.73 (control), a holding period of 12 hours and a COD of 283 mg/l, this produced an effluent of 57 mg/l TSS and pH of 7.20. The best treatment was that with a waste inflow of 4.73 pH and holding period of 12 hours, this one also had the lowest start-up costs Rp. 37,875,000 and operational costs Rp. 25,050 per day. The optimum size reactor for small scale industry had a diameter of 3 mm and a height of 5.73 m, and for medium a sized plant, it was of 4 m diameter and 8.88 m in height. For big production plants, the best size was a 10 m, and 18.43 m in height.   Keyword: tapioca wastewater, anaerobic up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
The Making of Oyster Mushroom Log Waste Compost: Study on Goat Manure, EM4 Concentration and Reversal Time Rahmah, Nur Lailatul; Anggraeni, Sakunda; Pulungan, Maimunah Hindun; Hidayat, Nur; Wignyanto, Wignyanto
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 15, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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This study aims to determine the effect of goat manure, EM 4, and a reversal of the quality of oyster mushroom log waste compost generated. The experimental design of this study is a randomized block design (RBD) with three factors: the concentration of goat manure (0, 20, and 40%), the concentration of EM4 (0; 0.1 and 0.2%) and time reversal (3, 2, and 1 week) with fermentation time 1 month. Expectations of this study was produced compost that meets the quality standards of organic fertilizers based on SNI 19-7030-2004 ie C / N ratio of 10-20 and pH from 6.8 to 7.49. The results showed that the oyster mushroom logs waste can be composted after one month of composting, where the influence of the concentration of goat manure, EM4 and time reversal significantly affect the C / N ratio, but no significant effect on pH, water content and temperature of the compost. The best treatment is to use goat manure to 40%, 0.1% and EM4 reversal period every 2 weeks. Compost has the best treatment C / N ratio, 14.50; temperature of 29oC; moisture content of 62.24%; pH 7.5; blackish brown color; smooth texture and a slight smell of soil.Keywords: oyster mushroom logs waste, compost, goat manure, EM4, time reversal