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Organoleptic Characteristics of Dry Noodle Products from Yellow Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas): Study on Adding Eggs and CMC Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; Wijana, Susinggih; Dewi, Ika Atsari; Putri, Widelia Ika
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 15, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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In this research dried noodles making from sweet potato flour were carried out. Sweet potato varieties that used are Ace with yellow roots. The making of dry noodles from sweet potato flour required modification of the process because flour does not contain gluten. This study using some modifications in addition of eggs and Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC). The aim of this study is to obtain the concentration of the addition of egg and CMC to produce dried noodles from sweet potato flour with the best quality of organoleptic. The experimental design was used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) is arranged with 2 factors. The first factor is the type of the addition of eggs which consists of three levels, namely 0%, 10%, and 20%. The second factor is the concentration of CMC consists of three levels, namely 0%, 1%, and 2%. Observational studies include observations organoleptic dry noodles with hedonic scale and the best treatment will be tested n physical quality. The results showed that the addition of different concentrations of CMC and eggs significantly different with a sense of liking for sweet potato dried noodles, while preference for color, aroma, and texture of sweet potato dry noodles were not significantly different. The best results for the organoleptic quality using CMC addition of 1% and 20% addition of eggs. The best organoleptic quality parameters at each of the color 4.2 (like slightly), the aroma of 4.4 (like slightly), sense of 5.4 (like slightly) and for texture by 5 (like slightly). Dried sweet potato noodles best treatment results have physical quality of cooking loss 17.48%, 54.80% swelling index, hydration of 66.42%, 1.58 ratio developments, water content 8.06% and a yield of 53%.Keywords: CMC, dry noodles, eggs, sweet potatoes, organoleptic
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 16, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Kelapa merupakan salah satu penghasil minyak nabati yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Daging buah kelapa dapat dijadikan berbagai macam olahan produk, salah satunya dijadikan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Proses pembuatan VCO terbaik selama ini menggunakan metode sentrifugasi. Perlakuan pretreatment ultrasound diharapkan mampu membantu proses pemecahan emulsi sebelum dilakukan sentrifugasi pada santan kelapa untuk menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO yang lebih optimal. Secara teoritis pemecahan emulsi dicapai dari tiga mekanisme utama yaitu flokulasi, koagulasi, dan peleburan sehingga pretreatment ultrasound diasumsikan meningkatkan momentum dan kekuatan melalui getaran mekanik. Faktor yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah alat sonikator dan lama waktu perlakuan yang menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO tertinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan besaran frekuensi dan lama waktu pretreatment ultrasound yang menghasilkan rendemen dan kualitas VCO terbaik. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode Zeleny dengan multiple atribute. Parameter yang dipilih sebagai atribut antara lain rendemen, kadar air, berat jenis, dan FFA. Hasil perlakuan UAE kondisi terbaik menurut perhitungan Zeleny terdapat pada frekuensi 20 kHz dengan waktu 15 menit menghasilkan rendemen 14.88%, berat jenis 0.85, kadar air 0.05% dan FFA 0.17%. Perlakuan terbaik UAE memenuhi standar APPC dan SNI untuk kadar air dan asam lemak bebas, sementara berat jenisnya belum memenuhi standar APPC.
PENGGANDAAN SKALA MI KERING DARI UBI JALAR (Ipomea batatas L.) Dewi, Ika Atsari; Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; Ikawati, Nur Qayyum Fitria Ikawati
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 16, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Produk mi merupakan salah satu jenis olahan pangan yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Jenis produk mi yang mampu bersaing di pasar ialah mi kering. Tingginya peningkatan konsumsi dan kebutuhan mi ini akan seiring meningkatkan volume impor gandum sebagai bahan baku utama. Ubi jalar merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan sumber karbohidrat yang cukup penting di Indonesia. Penelitian tentang mi kering dari ubi jalar telah dilakukan. Skala laboratorium merupakan acuan dasar dari sebuah proses produksi mi kering ubi jalar. Dalam proses pembuatan industri, skala laboratorium tidak cukup untuk memenuhi tingginya kebutuhan konsumen sehingga diperlukan proses penggandaan skala untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui mutu fisik dan kimia mi kering ubi jalar skala ganda dibandingkan dengan skala laboratorium dan untuk mengetahui mutu organoleptik mi kering hasil skala ganda dibandingkan dengan mi kering yang beredar di pasaran. Penelitian dibagi dalam dua tahap yaitu perbaikan formulasi skala laboratorium dan penggandaan skala mi kering ubi jalar yang terbaik dari skala laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada proses penggandaan skala mi kering ubi jalar hasil yang didapatkan berbeda dengan skala laboratorium. Kualitas organoleptik (rasa, aroma, tekstur dan warna) mi kering ubi jalar pada skala ganda lebih rendah dibandingkan mi kering hasil skala laboratorium. Kualitas fisik mi kering ubi jalar hasil penggandaan skala pada parameter hidrasi mi dan rasio pengembangan lebih rendah, namun daya patah jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil skala laboratorium. Kualitas kimia mi kering ubi jalar yang dihasilkan masih dibawah standar SNI untuk kadar protein, kadar air, dan kadar abu.
Utilization of Nypa (Nypa fruticans) Bark for Making Biocharcoal Briquette as Alternative of Energy Sources Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; Dewi, Ika Atsari; Deoranto, Panji
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 14, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aim are to get combination of the best treatment between the amount of tapioca glue and lime as additional material to be able to produce charcoal briquette which is able to be taken the beneficial  as alternative energy source, and to know production price which needed in making leaf sugarcane biocharcoal briquette.  The experiment for this research is Completely Randomized Block Design with 2 factors;, they are concentration of Tapioca glue (P) and Concentration of lime as additional material (K). Each of the factors has three levels, they are: P1 (20 %), P2 (30 %), and P3 (40 %); K1 (1%), K2 (3%), K3 (5%) which are repeated twice. Product yield, water content, endurance press, heat value, and ash content are analysed on this reserach. The best treatment is on biocharcoal briquette with the tapioca glue is 20% and lime is 5% with product yield is 78.04%, water content is 4.10%, the endurance press is 157.57 kg/cm2, heat value  is 2753.71 cal/g, and ash content is 22.35%. The result of production analysis show the base price of the product is Rp. 1120.00/ kilogram. The price of product sold is Rp. 1700/ kilogram with profit expectation is 40 so that the BEP value (unit) is 11986.03 kilograms or Rp.18224978.07. Keywords: biocharcoal, briquette, lime, nypa bark, tapioca.
Reaction Optimization Study on Extraction of Crude Glucosamine Siwalan Fruit Seeds (Borassus flabellifer L.) Rahmah, Nur Lailatul; Dewi, Ika Atsari; Dewanti, Beauty S. Diah; Perdani, Claudia Gadizza; Prayudi, Danang Triagus; Ihwah, Azzimatul; Rohmah, Wendra G.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 17, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Glukosamin (C6H13NO5) atau (3R,4R,5S)-3-Amino-6-(hidroksimetil) oksana-2.4.5-triol atau 2-Amino-2-deoksiglukosa merupakan gula amino dan prekursor penting dalam sintesis biokimia. Glukosamin dapat berfungsi sebagai obat osteoarthritis dan rematik. Glukosamin terkandung dalam biji buah siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) yang banyak tersebar di wilayah Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah bagian timur, Madura, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Sulawesi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Respon Permukaan yaitu Rancangan Komposit Terpusat (Central Composit Design) dengan menggunakan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi NH4Cl dan lama perendaman.  Digunakan NH4Cl 2 M sebagai batas bawah dan 4 M sebagai batas atas, sedangkan waktu ekstraksi selama 6 jam sebagai batas bawah dan 24 jam sebagai batas atas. Kedua faktor tersebut menghasilkan sebanyak 13 perlakuan. Respon dari penelitian ini  adalah kadar, pH dan  rendemen glukosamin. Model hubungan pengaruh antara konsentrasi NH4Cl dan lama waktu perendaman terhadap kadar dan rendemen glukosamin siwalan adalah model linier, sehingga tidak bisa ditentukan solusi optimum untuk masing-masing faktor. Namun yang ditemukan adalah respon terbesar yang terdapat pada konsentrasi NH4Cl 4 M dan lama perendaman 24 jam dengan kadar glukosamin 858,772 ppm, pH glukosamin 4,383 dan rendemen glukosamin  0,285%. Ekstrak glukosamin hasil respon terbesar ini memiliki ciri fisik larut dalam air, sedikit larut dalam methanol, dan berwarna coklat.
A Design of SMS (Short Massage Service) Based Horticultural Information System for Sub Agribusiness Terminal Mantung, Malang Dewi, Ika Atsari; Sucipto, Sucipto; Mulyarto, Aunur Rofiq
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 7, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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The objective of this research was to set up the SMS based agricultural commodities information system that run well and provide accurate and speedy information at a reasonably low cost, particularly for horticultural products marketed at Sub Agribusiness Terminal (STA) Mantung Agribis Center in Malang Regency. The Agribusiness information outputs consist of suppliers, sale transactions, buyers, purchasing transactions, and commodities information. The required data were Government, Suppliers, and Buyers. The system users would be Suppliers, buyers, Managers of Agribusiness Terminals, Sub Agribusiness Terminal and main markets, and related government and private bodies. A descriptive-analytical method, so-called the prototyping approach, was chosen. The research was started in two main stages, first, an identification of users’ needs and a development of a system prototype that covered the conceptual design, architecture design, and program implementation (coding). The architecture of the design consisted of data base, process, user interface, and network design. The software employed were Gammu, Firebird 1.5, SMS Demon and Delphi 7.0. The hardware required include the Auto Respond SMS application, a compute set equipped with a GSM modem, and a GSM network. The information in the developed system, however, was not real time since the data was first collected from the sources, then the collected data was input and processed. Therefore, there will be a time delay, depending on the time to execute this sequence. The results indicated that the developed system was able to provide users the relevance information within 15-30 seconds at a cost of not more than regular SMS charge.   Key words: SMS-based horticultural information system
Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process Analytical Hierarchy Process Analytical Hierarchy Process Analytical Hierarchy Process Method Method Method Method t tt to Analyze Factors o Analyze Factors o Analyze Factors o Analyze Factors t tt Dewi, Ika Atsari; Santoso, Imam
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Fishballs increase its popularity recently in Indonesia, following the previously knownproduct which is made up of meat, the meatballs.  Fishballs are now mass produced andmay be found in both modern and traditional markets. Like other products, the consistencyof the fishballs quality needs to be established and maintained to meet the marketdemand. The objective of this study was to analyze factors determining the quality ofpackaged fishballs. Factors considered to determine its quality are the raw materials,production process, the products’ chemical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as itspackaging and storage. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the CriteriumDecision Plus software were used in the study.  The results indicated that the quality of flour and mixing process were the mostinfluencing factors to the quality of the packaged fishballs made up of a certain fishspecies. The protein content and the colour of the fishballs may be used as good indicatorsof the product quality. The use of flexible film and low temperature were likely the bestcondition for storage of the packaged fishballs.Keywords: fishballs, Analytical Hierarchy Process, quality
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.407 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2020.021.01.7


ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian mengetahui konsentrasi enzim papain serta suhu pemanasan yang optimal sehingga diperoleh dangke dengan kualitas dan penerimaan konsumen yang baik. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan Response Surface Method menggunakan Rancangan Komposit Terpusat dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama konsentrasi enzim papain (0,1%; 0,3%; 0,5%) dan faktor kedua suhu pemanasan (65ºC; 75ºC; 85ºC). Hasil solusi optimal diperoleh pada perlakuan konsentrasi enzim papain sebesar 0,21% dan suhu pemanasan sebesar 77,73 ºC dengan dangke yang memiliki nilai kadar protein sebesar  11,93%, total padatan terlarut whey dangke sebesar 6,310Brix dan rendemen sebesar 14,44%. Warna netral, tekstur agak tidak menyukai, rasa tidak menyukai dan aroma netral. Kata Kunci: Dangke; Enzim Papain; Response Surface Method; Suhu  PemanasanABSTRACT The purpose is to determine the concentration of the papain enzyme and heating temperature the optimal in order to obtained with quality and good consumer acceptance. The study was designed used the Response Surface Method with Centralized Composite Design with two factors. The first factor is the concentration of the papain enzyme (0.1%; 0.3%; 0.5%) and the second factor is the heating temperature (65ºC; 75ºC; 85ºC). The optimal solution results obtained in the treatment of papain enzyme concentration of 0.21% and heating temperature of 77.73 ºC with dangke which has a protein content value of 11.93%, the total dissolved solids of whey dangke amounted to 6.310Brix and the yield of 14.44%. Neutral color, somewhat disliked texture, disliked taste and neutral aroma.Keywords: Dangke; Heating Temperature; Papain Enzyme; Response Surface Method
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 20, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.33 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2019.020.01.3


ABSTRAKTanaman nipah memiliki banyak manfaat dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Diversifikasi produk berupa setup buah nipah dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif untuk memaksimalkan peningkatan nilai ekonomis tanaman nipah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan finansial produksi setup buah nipah pada skala Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM). Analisis kelayakan finansial yang dilakukan terdiri dari perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi (HPP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), efisiensi usaha (R/C ratio), Break Event Point (BEP), dan Payback Period (PP). Harga Pokok Produksi (HPP) setup buah nipah sebesar Rp 5192 dengan harga jual Rp7.300,00 per kemasan. Net Present Value (NPV) sebesar Rp4.408.799.785,00. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 10.44%. Efisiensi usaha (R/C ratio) sebesar1.44. Untuk mencapai Break Even Point (BEP), tingkat penjualan harus sebesar 797.851 cup atau senilai Rp 5.800.371.040, serta payback period selama 1 tahun 8 bulan. Berdasarkan perhitungan finansial yang dilakukan, disimpulkan bahwa produksi setup buah nipah layak dilakukan. ABSTRACTThe availability of nypa fruit in Indonesia has the potential to be developed. In order to maximizethe increasing economic value of nypa plants, it is necessary to make a diversification product with high economic value, such as the production of nypa punch drink. The aim of the research is to etermine the financial feasibility of nypa punch drink production on Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME). Financial feasibility analysis include Cost of Goods Manufactured (CoGM), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), business efficiency (R/C ratio), Break Event Point (BEP), and Payback Period (PP). The Cost of Goods Manufactured (CoGM) of nypa punch drink is Rp5.192,00 with the selling price of Rp7.300,00 per cup. Net Present Value (NPV) is Rp 4408799785. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 10.44%. Business efficiency (R/C ratio) is 1.44. Break Even Point (BEP) is achieved at the selling rate of 797.851 cups or equivalent to Rp5.800.371.040,00 and the Payback Period is about 1 year and 8 months. Based on the financial calculations performed, it can be concluded that the production of nypa punch drink is feasible.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.205 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2020.020.01.5


ABSTRAKProduk kertas seni dari sabut pinang sirih dan kertas koran merupakan salah satu produk baru. Salah satu cara untuk mengenalkan produk baru ke konsumen adalah dengan menampilkan atribut produk yang disukai konsumen sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan pembelian produk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat preferensi konsumen dan mengetahui kombinasi atribut produk kertas seni dari sabut pinang sirih dan kertas koran yang paling disukai konsumen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional, yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan dari atribut yang diteliti. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis konjoin dengan 7 atribut yaitu kekakuan, kuat tarik, ketebalan, gramatur, warna, kenampakan serat, dan tekstur permukaan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa atribut yang dipentingkan konsumen secara berturut-turut adalah kenampakan serat (35,11%), gramatur (16,85%), tekstur permukaan (14,89%), kuat tarik (13,20%), warna (9,55%), kekakuan (6,18%), dan ketebalan (4,21%). Hasil yang sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen yaitu pada stimuli 6 dengan nilai kegunaan total sebesar 3,619. Kombinasi atribut yang disukai konsumen adalah kekakuan lentur (97,825 mN.m), kuat tarik kuat (15,621 kn/m2), ketebalan tipis (1,325 mm), gramatur rendah (365 g/m2), warna abu-abu tua, kenampakan serat terlihat jelas, dan tekstur permukaan halus.Kata Kunci: Kertas Seni; Konjoin; Pinang; Preferensi Konsumen ABSTRACTThe products of art paper from betel nut and newspapers are one of new products. One way to introduce new products to consumers is to display product attributes that consumers like so that they can influence product purchase decisions. The purpose of this research was to determine the level of consumer preference and find out combination of attributes of art paper products from betel nut and newspapers that are most preferred by consumers. This research is a correlational research, which is to determine relationship between the attributes researched. In this research using conjoint analysis with 7 attributes, namely stiffness, tensile strength, thickness, grammage, color, fiber appearance, and surface texture. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the attributes that are important to consumers in a row are fiber appearance (35.11%), grammage (16.85%), surface texture (14.89%), tensile strength (13.20%), color (9.55%), stiffness (6.18%), and thickness (4.21%). The results are by following with consumer preferences, namely on stimuli 6 with  total usefulness of 3,619. The combination of attributes that consumers like is flexural stiffness (97.825 mN.m), strong tensile strength (15.621 kn / m2), thin thickness (1,325 mm), low grammage (365 g / m2), dark gray, visible fiber appearance clear, and smooth surface texture.Keywords: Art Paper; Betel Nut; Conjoint; Consumer Preferences