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An Explorative Study on Educational Knowledge Management in Supply and Chain Mohd Faiz Mohd Yaakob; Mat Rahimi Yusof; Akhmad Habibi; Amirul Mukminin; Mohd Afifi Baharuddin Setambah
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 8, No 2 (2019): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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Realizing the importance of knowledge management (KM) in improving the supply chain; KM is identified as one of the sustainable factors to educational achievement. The purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge management among principals and teachers in high performance schools in Malaysia. Information was gathered from six teachers and four principals from four different schools in Northern Malaysia. The data was collected through demographic profiles and semi-structured interviews. We identified five major themes related to teachers and principals in managing knowledge management in school; (1) Knowledge Received, (2) Knowledge Documentation, (3) Knowledge Sharing, (4) Knowledge Creation, and (5) Knowledge Application. Policy implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
BIOLOVA Vol 1 No 1 (2020): VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1 FEBRUARI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v1i1.36


Abstract: Sometimes fish poop often causes problems because of its unpleasant odor and makes the pound dirty, but it has some advantages. The rest of the foods made sediment in the bottom of the pound, also have some advantages. Both of these wastes that come from the result of pound cultivation could be used for hydroponic. The waste of catfish pound compound nitrogen and phosphor that come from the feces, the rest of the food, and the urine of the fist that have high protein. Nitrogen and phosphor are very important for the growth of the plant. To know is the waste of the fish pound could be useful for the growth of the plant, it needed to do some experiment about the effect of fish pound waste toward the growth of the plant. This experiment aims to know the effect of fish pound waste toward the growth of the plant. This experiment grouping treatment into two groups. The first group is the group with the treatment of given the AB nutrition mix to the catfish and carp pound. The second group is the group with the treatment of given the wastewater of catfish and carp pound.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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The existence of a swab-PCR service must also consider various inputs, one of which by looking at the public (community) response the swab-PCR service. Through this explanation, this study uses tweet data containing responses, resulting in classification and predictions that be used a benchmark for evaluating swab-PCR services. With this in mind, study will conduct sentiment analysis by classifying tweet data words into positive and negative words. The approach used is the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. Going through data mining process with RapidMiner, labeling the mining data, followed by text-preprocessing, then data divided into training data (80%) and testing (20%), tf-idf weighting for each word in the data in the form numeric, classification process with SVM, evaluation with confusion matrix and validation with cross validation, visualization with wordcloud and pie charts. So that confusion matrix generated validation with average score of 66% which is tested with an accuracy of 76%, precision of 75%, and recall of 81%. Then based wordcloud obtained four positive words are gratis, sehat, mandiri, dan positif, and four negative words are kecewa, mahal, tolak, dan antri. The percentage of positive sentiment of 54.4% and the percentage negative sentiment 45.6% are visualized through the pie chart.
Representasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Madura dalam Bentuk Metafora pada Lagu-Lagu Daerah Madura Amirul Mukminin
NOSI Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah NOSI
Publisher : NOSI

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Abstrak: Metafora pada lagu-lagu daerah Madura merupakan cerminan kearifan lokal masyarakat Madura yang bisa merepresentasikan tentang pemikiran dan ide dari masyarakat setempat yang mengandung nilai-nilai luhur dan bijaksana dan sudah terinternalisasi secara turun-temurun. Selain sebagai bagian dari cerminan budaya dan hiburan, metafora dalam lagu-lagu madura tersebut cenderung digunakan masyarakat sebagai sarana untuk untuk mengungkapkan ide, gagasan, nasihat, dan pandangan hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan bentuk, fungsi, dan makna metafora sebagai representasi kearifan lokal masyarakat Madura pada lagu-lagu daerah Madura. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Lagu-lagu daerah Madura menjadi sumber data penelitian ini, sedangkan datanya diambil dari frase atau klause berbentuk metafora dalam lagu-lagu daerah Madura tersebut. Adapun hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bentuk metafora sebagai representasi dari kearifan lokal masyarakat Madura pada lagu-lagu daerah Madura, yang terdiri atas: bentuk (1) laut (terrestrial), (2) angin dan api (energy), (5) tumbuhan (flora), (6) keadaan (being). Adapun fungsi metafora sebagai representasi kearifan lokal Madura terdiri atas, fungsi (1) Kecantikan, (2) pendidikan, (3) kesopanan (4) penakut, dan (5) percintaan. Sedangkan makna metafora sebagai representasi kearifan lokal masyarakat Madura terdiri atas (1) makna stiistika, (2) makna afektif, (3) makna konotatif, Seperti halnya tentang motivasi, ide, semangat hidup, pandangan hidup, percintaan, serta nasihat. kata kunci: Metafora, lagu daerah, kearifan lokal MaduraDAFTAR PUSTAKAAhearn,  L.M.  (2012).  Living  language:  An  introduction  to  language  anthropology. Wes Sussex: Wiley BlackwellAmbarwati, P., Wardah, H., & Sofian, M. O. (2019). Nilai Sosial Masyarakat Madura dalam Kumpulan Syair Lagu Daerah Madura. 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Jurnal Abdimas Vol 14, No 2 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v14i2.27


Abstrak: Pengabdian IPTEK diadakan dengan latar belakang bahwa pada dasarnya penggunaan komputer dalam proses belajar, akan melahirkan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Gambar-gambar dan suara yang muncul juga membuatanak tidak cepat bosan, sehingga dapat merangsang anak mengetahui lebih jauh lagi. Sisi baiknya, anak menjadi lebih tekun dan terpicu untuk belajar berkonsentrasi Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut telah dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam proses belajar mengajar pengenalan teknologi informasi melalui pengalaman langsung yaitu pelatihan-penerapan dan evaluasi dalam pembelajaran komputer di TK. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukan bahwa pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK, dapat membantu guru dalam pembelajaran yang merangsang pertumbuhan otak, merangsang imajinsi, kreatifitas, memperbaiki pengenalan huruf alpabet dan meningkatkan kemampuan verbal anak. Berdasarkan kegiatan tersebut diatas dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran berbasis komputer sebaga pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK adalah pemberian dasar teknologi informasi (komputer) agar guru-guru TK mampu mengantisipasi kemajuan pada era informasi yang mulai diimplementasikan pada dunia pendidikan. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer, Teknologi Informasi
Realisasi Penyusunan Soal Berbasis Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skils) di SMP Negeri 3 Kota Jambi Netty Hasanah; Amirul Mukminin; Nazurty Nazurty; Mohamad Muspawi
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 23, No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v23i1.3530


This study aims to analyze the preparation of HOTS-based questions in state junior high school 3 Jambi City and its supporting and inhibiting factors. This study uses data collection methods with observation, interviews and documents. This study uses a qualitative analysis technique method that focuses on describing an event and events that have occurred at the time the research was conducted. The results of this study indicate that the preparation of HOTS learning is carried out starting when designing learning activities in lesson plans, during the implementation of learning in class through preliminary activities, core activities, and closing, and also implemented through assignments and Daily Assessments (DA), Mid Semester Assessments (MSA). and Final Semester Assessment (FSA). Supporting factors from the central government through LPMP, City Government/ Jambi City Education Office, MGMP Rayon and MGMP Kota, Education Unit/ Principal. The inhibiting factors for teachers at state junior high school 3 Jambi City are difficulties in determining the stimulus, students are not used to it, lack of references.