Sri Winarsih
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Manajemen Keuangan dan Kinerja Organisasi dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Lulusan Sri Winarsih
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 8 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.104 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v8i2.6405


Management is the whole process of carrying out a job through other people carried out by two or more people to achieve a common goal that has been determined or decided previously, it can also be said that management is an organizational tool. Meanwhile, financial management is one of the management substances in educational institutions that will determine the course of educational activities at the institution. Financial management activities are carried out through the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, supervising or controlling. The function of financial management is to obtain, and seek opportunities for funding sources for activities at the educational institution, in order to be able to use funds effectively and not violate the rules, and to make transparent and accountable financial reports. The principles of financial management are transparency, accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. Meanwhile, organizational performance is the results obtained by an organization, both profit-oriented and non-profit-oriented organizations that are produced over a period of time and are measurable work achievements, related to the ability and strength of the organization as a whole to achieve organizational goals. Performance appraisal is basically used to assess the success or failure of implementing activities, programs and/or policies in accordance with the goals and objectives that have been set in order to realize the vision and mission of government agencies. The management model and strategy for improving the quality of graduates in educational institutions can be pursued through, among others: (a) Total Quality Management Theory. (b) Organizing Business For Excelency Theory. Educators must also master and be able to implement four competencies, to realize their professional performance, namely pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence and social competence. In addition, excellent service and management must be optimized to improve the quality of graduates in these educational institutions, so that the "output" satisfies educational customers, and the "selling value" of the educational institution is high, public trust also increases.
Kebijakan dan Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Sri Winarsih
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.98 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v15i2.1005


In improving the quality of education, there should be sustainability of performance and quality improvement. The sustainable quality improvement serves as the measure to overcome the problems of low quality education which rely on conventional approaches. The quality assurance approach leads higher education institutions to learn and implement Total Quality Management (TQM). TQM is an integrated quality management undertaken by every level of managementand all units within the organizational system which aims at providing satisfactory service to the customer. So every Higher Education should optimize management to improve quality. There are four successful scopes of higher educationmanagement, such as: (1) students are satisfied with the higher education services; (2) educational customersare satisfied with the service to its students; (3) stake holders are satisfied to have graduates with high quality and meet theexpectation; (4) lecturers and staff are satisfied with the services of higher education in some areas: division of labor, relationships and communication between lecturers/leaders, employees, salary/honor received and service.في مجال ترقية جودة التربية والتعليم يُحتاج إلى ترقية روح العمل وتحسين الجودة المستمر. بهذا التحسين المستمرّ يُرجى أن يكون حلا لانخفاض جودة التربية والتعليم التى لا تعتمد فقط على المدخل التقليدي.  فالتوجه إلى ترقية الجودة تقتضي مؤسسات التعليم العالي معرفة وتطبيق Total Quality Management (TQM). هذه الطريقة كأداة للتنسيق المتحد للجودة التي قام بها كل فرع إداري في المنظّمة بهدف تقديم  أحسن الخدمات للأعضاء والناس. لذا فإن التعليم العالي لابد من تفعيل جانب الإدارة لترقية الجودة. وثمة أمور أربعة يتعلق بها نجاح التنسيق للتعليم العالي : 1)  قناعة طلاب الجامعة بما قدّمه التعليم العالي، 2) قناعة المجتمع بما قدّمه التعليم العالي لطلابه، 3) قناعة المجتمع المستوظفين لخرّجي التعليم العالي، 4) قناعة المحاضرين والموظّفين بما قدّمه التعليم العالي في صورة تقسيم العمل، والتواصل والتعامل فيما بين منسوبي التعليم العالي والموظّفين، وجانب الراتب الشهري والخدمات. 
Kepemimpinan dalam Administrasi Pendidikan Sri Winarsih
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v10i1.7698


Abstract Leadership is a force that moves a struggle or activity towards success. Leadership means the process of influencing group activities in the context of formulating and achieving organizational goals. Therefore, a leader must be able to optimize management and set a good example in office and in everyday life so that the organization becomes conducive and the quality of education increases. There are two things that characterize leaders in carrying out their duties, namely "openness and willingness to serve". Leaders must be able to set a good example of the people they lead and place personnel in the organization according to their fields. To do so, we need not only the ability to utilize existing resources to achieve goals, but also the capacity to develop trust and high human resources are needed and "empowered". In addition, in improving quality, there are seven functions of a leader (principal/madrasah head) that must be carried out, including: educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator. A leader must also be able to "humanize humans" and must not be authoritarian and must be able to position himself. a leader must know the goals of the organization and must be disseminated to all "education customers" so that organizational goals are quickly achieved in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution, so that the quality of education increases and has "high selling points". Thus, good quality benchmarks are not absolute quality benchmarks, but relative benchmarks, namely those that meet the needs of education customers. The quality of the school will be good if the school can provide services that match the needs of education customers. Keywords leadership; educational administration Abstrak Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu kekuatan yang menggerakkan perjuangan atau kegiatan menuju sukses. Kepemimpinan berarti proses mempengaruhi aktivitas kelompok dalam rangka perumusan dan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Oleh sebab itu, seorang pemimpin harus bisa mengoptimalkan manajemen dan memberi contoh yang baik dalam kedinasan maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga organisasi menjadi kondusif dan mutu pendidikan menjadi meningkat. Ada dua hal yang mengarakterisasi pemimpin dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, yaitu “keterbukaan dan mau melayani”. Pemimpin harus bisa memberikan teladan yang baik dari orang-orang yang dipimpin dan menempatkan personalia dalam organisasi sesuai dengan bidangnya. Untuk melakukannya, di butuhkan tidak hanya kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan sumber yang ada untuk mencapai sasaran, tapi juga kapasitas untuk mengembangkan kepercayaan dan di butuhkan SDM yang tinggi dan “diperdayakannya ”. Selain itu, dalam meningkatkan mutu, ada tujuh fungsi pemimpin ( kepala sekolah / kepala madrasah) yang harus dilaksanakan antara lain : educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, inovator dan motivator. Seorang pemimpin juga harus bisa “ memanusia kan manusia” tidak boleh otoriter dan harus bisa menempatkan diri. seorang pemimpin harus mengetahui tujuan organisasi dan harus disosialisasikan kepada semua”pelanggan pendidikan”supaya tujuan organisasi cepat tercapai sesuai dengan visi dan misi di lembaga tersebut, sehingga mutu pendidikan meningkat dan memiliki “nilai jual yang tinggi”. Dengan demikian, tolok ukur mutu yang baik, bukan tolok ukur mutu yang absolut, melainkan tolok ukur yang bersifat relatif yaitu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan pendidikan. Mutu sekolah akan baik jika sekolah tersebut dapat menyajikan jasa yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pelanggan pendidikan. Kata Kunci kepemimpinan; administrasi pendidikan