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Bentang : Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil Vol 5 No 1 (2017): BENTANG Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil (Januari 2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam 45

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/bentang.v5i1.150


Ketersediaan petak parkir di Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi pada saat ini tidaksebanding dengan bertambahnya jumlah mahasiswa yang membawa motor karenaketerbatasan luas lahan parkir yang tersedia, salah satu alternatif pemecahannya adalahdengan membangun gedung parkir.Perencanaan gedung parkir ini dianalisis dengan metode analisa statik ekuivalen.Hasil dari analisis berupa aksial, momen, geser. Analisis beban dorong statik pada strukturgedung, dengan menggunakan cara analisis statik 2 dimensi, linier dan non linier, dimanapengaruh gempa rencana terhadap struktur gedung dianggap sebagai beban-beban statikyang menangkap pada pusat massa masing-masing lantai, yang nilainya ditingkatkan secaraberangsur angsur sampai melampaui pembebanan yang menyebabkan terjadinya pelelehan(sendi plastis) pertama di dalam struktur gedung, kemudian dengan peningkatan bebanlebih lanjut mengalami perubahan bentuk elastis plastis yang besar sampai mencapaikondisi di ambang keruntuhan. Kemudian menentukan pemilihan dimensi balok portalutama pada portal dan balok anak terhadap momen pada balok portal akibat gaya-gayayang bekerja pada struktur gedung parkir tersebut.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan: (1) Lantai 1, 2 dan 3dibutuhkan balok anak sebanyak 60 x 3 batang menggunakan profil WF 250 x 125 x 6 x 9,elemen portal balok WF 300 x 300 x 10 x 15 sebanyak 56 x 3 batang, WF 500 x 200 x 10 x 16sebanyak 30 x 3 batang dan WF 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 sebanyak 8 x 3 batang, dan kolom WF400 x 400 x 13 x 21 sebanyak 55 x 3 batang. (2) Lantai 4 (empat) dibutuhkan kolom WF 350x 350 x 12 x19 sebanyak 22 batang. Profil aman terhadap momen, geser, dan defleksi.
Optimasi Sistem Tata Air pada Daerah Irigasi Rawa (Food Estate) Dadahup Kabupaten Kapuas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Rawiyana Galih Anfasa; Elma Yulius; Sri Nuryati; Eko Darma; Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti; Fajar Prihesnanto
Bentang : Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil Vol 11 No 1 (2023): BENTANG Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil (Januari 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam 45

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/bentang.v11i1.5680


The Swamp Irrigation Area (DIR) of Dadahup District is a former Peat Land Development (PLG) with an area of around 21,226 Ha. The water management system at DIR Dadahup utilizes changes in sea tides as a source of water to the land and drainage to drain water out of the land. However, in its implementation, DIR Dadahup experienced several problems such as flooding during the rainy season and experiencing drought during the dry season. These conditions indicate the need for land management and water management systems to overcome existing problems. The purpose of this study was to optimize the water management system for irrigation by optimizing the functions and benefits of swamp land in Dadahup, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Optimization of the water system is carried out by modeling using the HEC-RAS program. Flow modeling with HEC-RAS in irrigation canals can be simulated into two scenarios, namely scenarios using gates and scenarios with doors and pumps for the rainy and dry seasons. Based on the results of the modeling analysis that has been carried out, the surface elevation during the dry season is in the range of +0.06 ms/d + 0.77 m, which is below the average land elevation (+0.8 m MSL). experience drought because the water in the canals cannot irrigate the land. The water level during the rainy season is in the range of +0.82 ms/d +1.53 m, which is above the average land elevation. It can be concluded that irrigation canals cannot accommodate the overflow of water that occurs at the planned discharge so that the land is flooded. The scenario model is suitable for the Dadahup DIR land use, namely with the door and pump scenario, the water level elevation for the dry season and the rainy season can reach the target of +1.0 m, then the water level elevation for the rainy season can also reach the target of +0, 7m.