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Kajian Peningkatan Kapasitas PLTA Lodoyo Widyaningsih, Wiwik; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Lodoyo dam has the potential to development of energy resources especially hydro energy power plant (HEPP), where the excess outflow discharge through spillway still have potential for capacity improvement.With the availability of outflow discharge through spillway data, the additional potential energy can be calculated, by analyze of head effective and energy. Also can performed in economic feasibility with parameter B/C Ratio, IRR, and NPV where benefit value calculated from the selling price of electric generated. The optimum improvement based on four alternative discharge outflow design with two alternative alignment. From 1st alternative analysis where located on the left river, the largest value of B/C Ratio at 1.037 (at the rate 12%) on discharge outflow at 34.05 m3/sec (Q75%) with an installed capacity 3.20 MW, and an annual energy at 25.58 GWh. For 2nd alternative where located on the right side of river has largest B/C Ratio values at 1.076 on the same discharge outflow with an annual energy of 25,65 GWh so this alternative has the most optimal of potential energy.Key words: discharge, head, energy, economic feasibility.
Efektifitas Kegiatan Pengerukan Sedimen Waduk Wonogiri Ditinjau Dari Nilai Ekonomi Andriawati, Irene Dhian; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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As a multipurpose dam makes Wonogiri experiencing various problems during operation, the main problem is sedimentation. Therefore the propertly sediment handling is necessary, one of them by doing routine dredging annually. In this study had four alternatives simulation time dredging sediment and dredger addition, further determined that the most effective alternative based on useful life and its economic value. Based on the calculation of sedimentation analysis, economic analysis, and the effectiveness analysis showed that the most feasible alternative is alternative 4, but because it is not profitable for the management of reservoirs, so the recommended alternative is 3, in addition to increasing the useful life of reservoir up to 14.74%, alternative 3 is also more effective economically 10,57% than alternative 1, with the B-C value is Rp. 6.608.820.242.046,-, B/C ratio is 2,79, IRR value is 13,23%, and the B-C value for increased the useful life of reservoir for 5 years is Rp.,-. Keywords :reservoir sedimentation, sedimentation dredging, economic analysis, effectivenessanalysis, Wonogiri Reservoir
Analisis Perubahan Tataguna Lahan Terhadap Usia Bendungan Tilong Di Das Tilong Kabupaten Kupang Propinsi Ntt Fallo, Yunus; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Harisuseno, Donny
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The forest degradation rate reached 2,83 million ha every year. From the total forest area of 120,5 million ha, about 59 million ha were critical areas. Besides, the critical Watersheds ini Indonesia increased. The watershed conservation efforts had brought motivation to develop the erosion estimation technologies that could assist in solving the erosion rate estimation problems spatially. The study was carried out at Tilong Watershed, Kupang Regency of NTT Province. The results showed that the value of erosion rate in Tilong Watershed area with existing (year 2010) land utilization condition was 25.428,155 ton/year where the Tilong Watershed total wide was 4.948,75 Ha. Whereas the sediment potential was 7.319,524 ton/year. The Erosion Danger Level was 74,62 %. One of the assumptions why the land erosion rate was very high was because of the misuse of the land in that area. To control the erosion rate, focussed to the recommendation of land utilization direction that referred to The Soil Conservation and Rehabilitation Program (ARLKT) and building of 8 check dam. Meanwhile, the land utilization should notice The RTRW and the cooperation between local inhabitant and the government was needed indeed in the soil conservation and land rehabilitation efforts.Key Words : Erosion, Sediment, Check Dam, GIS
Kajian Kemampuan Maksimum Danau Sentani Dalam Mereduksi Banjir Di DAS Sentani Fauzi, Mohammad; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Hendrawan, Andre Primantyo
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Lake Sentani which located at Jayapura Regency is known as one of largest and most beautiful lakes in the province of Papua . About 14 rivers is flowing into Lake Sentani, thus one of its main functions is as a flood catchment. Based on the research conducted by Balai Wilayah Sungai Papua in 2012, it can be measured that the capacity of Lake Sentani is equal to 4.821.49 million m .The aim of this research is to analyze the flood discharge into Lake Sentani caused by land use changes from the use for every 3 years (2007, 2010 and 2012). The simulation of the flood discharge at the outlet and flood routing was made using the Muskingum method.From the analysis, it is shown that the discharge at outlet (Qout) was less than the discharge from inflow (Qin) as a result of simulation. The flood reduction (which was formed as a percentage) can be calculated as a ratio between the differences of (Qin - Qout) and inflow discharge (Qin). By this formula, it can be calculated that the average of flood reductions were 86,18% (2007), 86,22% (2010) and 86,23% (2012), by using simulation from eight different Return Period Discharge (Q2 to Q1000). Thus it can be concluded that Lake Sentani still has an adequate capacity to reduce flooding from the upstream zone of Sentani Catchment Area.From the results, it is found that the flood discharge is affected by the changes of catchment area and land use. Under these changes, the runoff coefficient will be changed as well.Keywords: Maximum Capacity, Flood Discharge, Flood Reduction
Kajian Potensi Sungai Srinjing Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (Pltmh) Brumbung Di Kabupaten Kediri Indarto, Agus; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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MHP Brumbung is located at upstream of Srinjing River. Potential discharge MHP Brumbung depends on the discharge of the gate 1 operation of Siman dam which is used to irrigate 4852 Ha Siman crop area.To obtain the optimal scale in the construction of the MHP to be optimized flow generation and generating units in order to obtain an economical MHP. Dependable discharge optimization results are used as a basic for discharge planning of Brumbung MHP is discharge with 75% probability that is equal to 3.394 m3/dt with the discharge for one unitinstalled capacity is equal to 1.697 m3/dt and installed capacity of 50 kW,with fluctuating effective head ranged from 4.944 m to 5.140 m, the annual energy production obtained 875,785.980 kWH for two generating units with a turbines Crossflow.Keywords: Micro hydropower, discharge optimization, installed capacity
Studi Sebaran Kawasan Resapan (Permeable Area) Pada Berbagai Tipe Penggunaan Lahan Harisuseno, Donny; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Andawayanti, Ussy; Suhartanto, Ery; WWS, Anggara; Hari Oktavianto, Sapto Dwi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Development in an urban area as an impact of high density population is always in line with landuse change. Alteration of landuse from permeable area into impermeable area give an impact on reducing amount of rainfall which infiltrate into soil. This situation directy will cause an inundation problem in an urban area.The research was located in Brantas Sub Watershed which was administered include in the Klojen District, Malang. The study was focussed on estimate spatially an infiltration area map by considering various of landuse type. Analyses of infiltration area spatially was performed by applying hydrological model which integrated with Geographical Information System.The result showed that there was difference response on each landuse type in term of infiltration rate which occurred. Direct field measurement was conducted on each landuse type and exhibited level of infiltration rate from least one to biggest one, namelygreen open area (0,172 mm/min), shrub (0,068 mm/min), commercial area (0,043 mm/min), social and public facility area (0,032 mm/min) and residential area (0,031 mm/ min), respectively. Spatial analyses of infiltration areausing hydrological model KINEROS by considering 5 year design rainfall showed percentage of infiltration area 8,15% (for landuse year 2000), 7,82% (for landuse year 2005), and 6,6% (for landuse year 2010(, respectively.It can be known that the percentage of infiltration area was decrease from year 2000 to 2010. These results were hoped to be an important information for city planning especially in term of land and water conservation in urban area.Keywords: KINEROS model, Infiltration, Infiltration Area
Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih PDAM Perumnas Kota Baru Driyorejo Gresik Suhartanto, Ery; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Adhitama, Senna Ananggadipa
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih pada suatu daerah hendaknya memperhatikan ketersediaan sumber air yang ada. Begitu juga di Perumnas Kota Baru Driyorejo. Sesuai target nasional PDAM Kabupaten Gresik yaitu sebesar 80% masyarakatnya terpenuhi kebutuhan air bersihnya sehingga diperlukan peningkatan pelayanan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan distribusi yang telah ada dan merencanakan pengembangan jaringan baru. Pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih di Perumnas Kota Baru Driyorejo memanfaatkan sumber air yang berasal dari IPA Krikilan dan IPA Legundi. Adapun kebutuhan air bersih di daerah studi termasuk dalam kebutuhan domestik dan non domestik dengan mempertimbangkan faktor kehilangan air. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dan ketersediaan air sampai dengan tahun 2020 serta mengetahui kondisi hidrolis dari sistem jaringan pipa yang ada. Simulasi jaringan pipa dilakukan dengan bantuan program WaterCAD v 4.5. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan simulasi kondisi tidak permanen dimana kebutuhan air berubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan tiap jamnya. Berdasarkan hasil akhir simulasi, dapat dilihat bahwa sistem jaringan pipa dapat berjalan. Hal ini berdasarkan kondisi tekanan yang sudah sesuai dengan syarat perencanaan dan kondisi reservoar yang mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di daerah studi.Kata Kunci: kebutuhan air bersih, kehilangan air, jaringan pipa, kondisi tidak permanen, reservoar.
Penggunaan Citra Aster Dalam Identifikasi Peruntukan Lahan Pada Sub Das Lesti (Kabupaten Malang) Wibowo, Leo Arbi; Sholichin, Mohammad; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Asmaranto, Runi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The indicator impaired balance the hydrologic cycle in watershed was characterized by the number of occurrences of floods, landslides, droughts and pollution of water quality. Lesti sub-watershed was part watershed Brantas contained in the upstream sub-watershed is a priority and having problems against land degradation, erosion and landslides. A lot of effort can be done in order to restore the balance of the hydrological cycle in the watershed so that the quality and quantity of water resources are maintained, one of the efforts that can be done is by way of determination of critical areas which will be used as a reference for determining priority areas for the handling. This effort while increasing productivity, income and socio-economic conditions of the people in the uplands. In determining the criticality of land and conservation directives Lesti sub-watershed, needed some supporting data, one of the most important data is the data of land use. To get land use map in the sub-watershed Lesti, one way that can be used is to perform image interpretation ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) obtained from TERRA satellite. The use of ASTER imagery in the identification of land use is feasible by using sub-system VNIR (Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer), which has a spatial resolution up to 15 meters above the ground.Key words: Topography map, Watershed, ASTER image, Classification, Land Use Map.
Kajian Sistem Manajemen Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Dalam Upaya Pelestarian Sumber Daya Air (Studi Kasus: Das Bone Provinsi Gorontalo) Polie, Reynaldo Jeffry; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Dermawan, Very
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The potential of water resources Bone is the source of life for the people of Gorontalo, especially as a source of water, supply fresh water for the people of Bone Bolango. Generally in upstream of watershed use less water than the water right of it downstream, and the areas generally utilize water higher than the water use right. Excess use of water in downdstream will take from the remaining water rights of upstream. Because of these problems, it is necessary to study type of management system in related with conditions of watershed. System of incentives / disincentives is a form of integrated watershed management. The purpose of this study are to investigate the discharge quantity is used by the stakeholders, determine the required operational discharge in conservation the watershed, and establish the policy in watershed management with a system of incentives / disincentives.Keywords: Water Right, Incentives, Disincentives
Analisis Stabilitas Penyumbatan Muara Sungai Akibat Fenomena Gelombang, Pasang Surut, Aliran Sungai dan Pola Pergerakan Sedimen pada Muara Sungai Bang, Kabupaten Malang Vironita, Feirani; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Marsudi, Suwanto
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Muara Sungai Bang di Kabupaten Malang mengalami pendangkalan di mulut sungai diiringi dengan penyempitan sungai yang dapat mengganggu lalu lintas kapal nelayan saat air surut dan dapat mengakibatkan banjir saat air pasang yang dapat merugikan penduduk karena sebagian besar daerah tersebut digunakan sebagai pelabuhan ikan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju sedimentasi di muara, sehingga dapat memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah pendangkalan dan penyempitan muara.Berdasarkan perhitungan gelombang diperoleh bahwa gelombang dominan berasal dari arah Selatan. Berdasarkan perhitungan angkutan sedimen pada muara Sungai Bang sebesar 15369,728 m3/th;sedangkan angkutan sedimen pantai sebesar 66042,94 m3/tahun dari arah selatan dan 73790,85 m3/tahun dariarah utara. Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui bahwa angkutan sedimen yang mempengaruhi muara berasal dari angkutan sedimen sungai dengan volume budget sedimen per tahun sebesar 23117,64 m3. Oleh karenaitu diperlukan bangunan jeti sebagai bangunan pengatur sedimen di muara.Bangunan jeti direncanakan dengan panjang 480 m, ketinggian 9,7 m dari dasar laut dengan usiaguna 16 tahun. Strategi pengelolaan muara sungai terbaik yang dapat dilakukan untuk menanggulangi masalah sedimentasi di Sungai Bang adalah dengan mulut sungai terbuka.Kata kunci : Muara, Gelombang, Sedimen, Jeti