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Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAKPerencanaan pelimpah Bendungan Loea adalah salah satu dari kajian terpenting perencanaan Bendungan Loea. Inti dari studi ini adalah merencanakan pelimpah berdasarkan pertimbangan topografi, hidrologi dan hidrolika yang sesuai. Kemudian dalam setudi perencanaan ini ada dua bagian terpenting yang dianalisis keamanannya yakni mercu pelimpah dan dinding penahan yang ditinjau dari keamanan terhadap gaya geser, gaya guling dan daya dukung tanah. Perencanaan penulangan dan pembetonan konstruksi juga tak kalah penting dalam studi perencanaan ini demi mewujudkan kesempurnaan perencanaan konstruksi. Dari analisis hidrologi dan hidrolika hasil studi didapatkan sebuah desain pelimpah bertipe pelimpah samping dengan bentuk mercu pelimpah USBR Ogee tipe I serta kolam olakan USBR tipe II yang telah memenuhi untuk kondisi banjir rancangan Q100th, Q1000th dan QPMF. Untuk desain dinding penahan yang direncanakan dalam studi ini ialah dinding penahan tipe kantilever. Dari analisis faktor keamanan bangunan didapatkan nilai yang memenuhi kriteria standar yang berlaku pada sebuah bangunan yang tahan terhadap gaya geser, gaya guling dan daya dukung tanah. Adapun untuk perencanaan pembetonan dan penulangan pada konstruksi mercu pelimpah dan dinding penahan direncanakan dengan mutu beton f’c = 30 MPa dan fy = 300 MPa.Kata Kunci: Pelimpah Samping, Kantilever,Dinding Penahan, Beton bertulangABSTRACTPlanning of the Loea Dam is one of the most important studies of the Loea Dam design. The core of this study is to plan the spillway based on topographic, hydrological and hydraulic appropriate considerations. Then in this set of planning there are two most important parts that are analyzed for safety, they are spillway weir and retaining walls viewed from safety against shear forces, slipping forces and soil bearing capacity. Planning of reinforcement and construction of concrete is also important in this planning study in order to realize the perfection of construction planning. From hydrological and hydraulic analysis, the result of the study was obtained a side-channel spillway design with Ogee type I nappe-shape crest weir and a type II of USBR basin that has been fulfilled for Q100th, Q1000th and QPMF flood design condition. For the design of the retaining wall planned in this study is a cantilever type wall. From the analysis of building safety factors obtained values that meet the standard criteria applicable to a building that is resistant to shear forces, slipping forces and soil bearing capacity. As for the planning of concretion and reinforcement on the construction of spillway and retaining wall is planned with the quality of concrete f'c = 30 MPa and fy = 300 MPa.Keywords: Side channel Spillway, Cantilever,Retaining Wall, Reinforced Concrete
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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STUDI ANALISIS HARGA AIR PDAM KABUPATEN BANGKALAN TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN JARINGAN PIPA SISTEM PENYEDIAAN AIR MINUM DI KKJSM (KAWASAN KAKI JEMBATAN SISI MADURA) KECAMATAN LABANG Dina Yunita Sandy¹, Pitojo Tri Juwono², Rahmah Dara Lufira3 ¹Mahasiswa Program Sarjana Teknik Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Universitas Brawijaya ²Dosen Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya 3Dosen Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Teknik Pengairan Universitas Brawijaya-Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Jalan MT. Haryono 167 Malang 65145 Indonesia e-mail: ABSTRAK KKJSM (Kawasan Kaki Jembatan Sisi Madura) adalah salah satu kawasan yang akan dikembangkan yang terletak di pesisir utara Jembatan Suramadu. Wilayah pengembangan KKJSM berada di Kecamatan Labang, meliputi desa Sukolilo Barat, Pangpong, Ba’engas, Labang, Morkepek, Petapan, Sendang Laok dan Sendang Dajah. Studi ini membahas tentang analisa ekonomi di KKJSM  (Kawasan Kaki Jembatan Sisi Madura) dengan memprediksikan biaya operasianal naik 10% setiap 5 (lima) tahun sekali. Dan dengan melakukan analisa hidrolika terlebih dahulu. Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum untuk KKJSM (Kawasan Kaki Jembatan Sisi Madura) memanfaatkan debit Sumber air Sungai Pocong sebesar 100 l/dt. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan hasil yang sama pada kondisi hidrauliknya yaitu, kecepatan berkisar 0,1 – 0,92 m/dt, headloss gradient berkisar 0,0 – 0,002 m/km, dan tekanan berkisar 0,69 – 1,97 atm. Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) untuk pembangunan SPAM KKJSM sebesar Rp 59.455.272.200,00 Analisa ekonomi pada tingkat suku bunga 6,5% didapatkan bahwa nilai  BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) sebesar 1,00 pada 5 (lima) tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat. NPV (Net Present Value) sebesar Rp 0/ tahun pada 5 (lima) tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat. IRR (Internal Rate Return) sebesar 6,501% pada 5 (lima) tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Analisa Pengembalian (Payback Period) selama 10,342 tahun pada 5 (lima) tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat, dan harga air minimum B/C=1 pada 5 (lima) tahun pertama sebesar Rp 6.602,47/m³, pada 5 (lima) tahun kedua sebesar Rp 6.519,71/m³, pada 5 (lima) tahun ketiga sebesar Rp 5.135,98/m³, pada 5 (lima) tahun keempat sebesar Rp 5.055,29/m³.   Kata kunci: Air Minum, Sistem Jaringan Pipa, Rencana Anggaran Biaya, Analisa Ekonomi, Harga Air. ABSTRACT KKJSM ( Bridge Foot Region of Madura Side) is one of the area to be developed which is located on the coast north Bridge Suramadu . The development area of ​​KKJSM is located in District of Labang, covering the villages of West Sukolilo, Pangpong, Ba'engas, Labang, Morkepek, Petapan, Sendang Laok and Sendang Dajah. Studies this discuss about the analysis economy in KKJSM ( Bridge Foot Region Side of Madura) with predicted cost operations up 10% every 5 (five) years once . And with do analysis hydraulics first. System Water Supply for KKJSM ( Bridge Foot Region Side of Madura) utilizing discharge Pocong River water source amount 1 00 l / d t . The simulation results showed the same results on the condition hydraulic namely, speed ranges 0, 1 to 0.9 to 2 m / sec, headloss gradient ranging from 0.0 to 0.002 m / km, and a pressure range of 0, 69-1, 9 7 ATM. Budget Proposal (RAB) for SPAM KKJSM development amounted to Rp 59.455.272.200,00 Analysis economy on level tribe 6.5% interest found that the value of BCR ( Benefit Cost Ratio ) of 1.00 in 5 (five) years first , second , third , fourth . NPV ( Net Present Value ) of Rp 0 / year in 5 ( five ) first , second , third and fourth years. IRR ( Internal Rate Return ) of 6.501% in  first, second , third and fourth 5 ( five) years. Analysis Returns (Payback Period) for 10.342 years  in first , second , third and fourth 5 (five) years, and minimum water price B / C = 1 at first of 5 (five) years amount Rp 6,602.47 / m³, at second of 5 (five) years amount Rp 6,519.71 / m³, at 5 (five) third year amount Rp 5,135.98 / m³, at fourth of 5 (five) years amount Rp 5.055,29 / m³.   Keywords : Drinking Water , System Network Pipe , Plan Budget Cost , Analysis Economics , Water Prices.
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK: Memanfaatkan bangunan air menjadi multifungsi merupakan sebuah bentuk pengemangan sumber daya air yang bisa dilakukan. Adanya unit pembangkit listrik (PLTA) pada sebuah Bendungan akan menambah manfaat dari bendungan sendiri. Studi ini diperlukan untuk menganalisa potensi pembangkitan listrik yang dapat mengatasi kekurangan energi listrik di Riau dan Sumatra Barat. Studi ini berlokasi di Bendungan Lubuk Ambacang Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dengan memanfaatkan tinggi jatuh dan debit pada waduk. Debit yang digunakan dalam studi ini mempertimbangkan 4 kondisi keandalan debit untuk mendapatkan keefisienan desain bangunan PLTA. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa debit yang layak digunakan yaitu sebesar 200 m3/dt yang dapat membangkitkan energi rerata tahunan sebesar 824.979,71 MWh. PLTA ini dibangun dengan komponen bangunan sipil yang meliputi bangunan pengambilan, pipa pesat, rumah pembangkit, dan tailrace, serta komponen peralatan elektrik seperti turbin francis, dan generator sebesar 50Hz.Kata kunci: PLTA, Energi, Debit, Turbin, ListrikABSTRACT: Utilizing water building become multifunction is a form of water resources development. An electric generating unit (Hydropower) in a dam will give more benefit from a dam own. This study required to analyze the potential of the electric generator that can solve the lack of electrical power in Riau and West Sumatra.The study is located at Lubuk Ambacang Dam in Kuantan Singingi District by using head and discharge of it reservoir. The discharge used in this study was considered with 4 dependeble flow conditions to get effective design of Hydropower. This study indicates that the usable discharge is 200 m3/s which is able to generate the annual energy in the amount of 824.979,71 MWh. This hydropower was built using the components of the civil structure, including intake, penstock, power house, and tailrace, along with the components of electrical tools such as France Turbine and Generator with 50Hz power.Keyword : Hydropower, Energy, Discharg, Turbine, Electric
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK: Dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek konstruksi diperlukan perencanaan yang matang, pengendalian yang baik, pelaksanaan yang teliti dan Efisien. Program Microsoft Project 2013 menjadi suatu solusi Penjadwalan dalam dunia manajemen konstruksi yang semakin berkembang dan penuh kompleksitas dalam membangun sebuah proyek konstruksi. Dengan kaitan studi ini yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu, kuantitas sumber daya tenaga serta alat berat, kebutuhan material, dan faktor utama biaya yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kemajuan atau keterlambatan sebuah proyek melalui beberapa analisa alternatif. Dari data kontrak proyek Bendungan Beton Kualu, yang ditinjau dari beberapa item pekerjaan dengan durasi 36 bulan, nilai kontrak sebesar Rp. Dari hasil perhitungan waktu dan biaya untuk percepatan durasi proyek Ketiga alternatif memberikan perbedaan analisa dan hasil yang tentunya berbeda dari segi waktu dan biaya dengan alternatif 1 sebagai acuan perhitungan (36 bulan, biaya total proyek Rp. 179.153.391.310,04), alternatif 2 penambahan alat berat (33 bulan, biaya total proyek Rp.,93), dan alternatif 3 penambahan jumlah jam kerja (33 bulan, biaya total proyek Rp. 190.263.813.647,76).ABSTRACT: In the implementation of a construction project requires careful planning, good control, careful implementation and Efficient. Microsoft Project 2013 program becomes a Scheduling solution in the world of construction management is growing and full of complexity in building a construction project. With regard to this study influenced by time, quantity of energy resources as well as heavy equipment, material needs, and key cost factors that are highly influential in the progress or delays of a project through some alternative analysis. From the contract data of the Kueton Concrete Dam project, which is reviewed from several work items with a duration of 36 months, the contract value of Rp. From the calculation of time and cost to accelerate the duration of the project The three alternatives provide different analysis and results that are different in terms of time and cost with alternative 1 as a reference calculation (36 months, total project cost Rp 179.153.391.310,04), alternative 2 additions (33 months, total project cost Rp 178,289,045,790.93), and alternative 3 additional hours worked (33 months, total project cost Rp 190,263,813,647,76).
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK : Desa Batu Balai yang terletak di Kecamatan Air Nipis, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan, Provinsi Bengkulu yang dilewati Sungai Bengkenang mampu mengalirkan debit yang dapat diandalkan sepanjang tahunnya. Pemanfaatan sungai tersebut belum begitu maksimal meskipun ada beberapa pemanfaatan air sebagai sumber air irigasi dan kebutuhan air baku, namun sejatinya tetap tidak maksimal mengingat debitnya yang ideal untuk sumber pembangkit listrik. Pemanfaatan Sungai Bengkenang sebagai sumber Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro (PLTM) dapat dilakukan, dengan melakukan studi untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari aspek teknis dan ekonomi. Hasil kajian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa debit andalah yang digunakan yaitu Q40% = 6,234 m3/dt dan debit rancangan yang digunakan Q100th = 343,504 m3/dt. Bangunan pendukung yang digunakan yaitu bendung mercu bulat, kolam olak bak tenggelam, intake, saluran transisi, sandtrap, waterway , surge tank, penstock, tailrace. Pada waterway dan penstock digunakan pipa bertekanan, dengan jenis pipa Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP), diameter waterway sebesar 1,80 m dengan ketebalan sebesar 20,85 mm dan diameter penstock utama sebesar 1,6 m dengan ketebalan sebesar 18,00 mm. Dengan tinggi jatuh efektif sebesar 42,877m didapat kapasitas terpasang yaitu 2  1,10 MW menggunakan turbin francis sumbu horisontal. Energi yang mampu dihasilkan yaitu sebesar 12,18 GWh dengan faktor kapasitas sebesar 63,19%. Dari analisa kelayakan ekonomi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa parameter kelayakan yaitu BCR = 1,599 , NPV = Rp 76.725.259.450,03, IRR = 11,53%, dan Payback Periode = 5 tahun 8 bulan 12 hari.Kata kunci : PLTM, daya dan energi, debit andalan, GRP, kelayakan ekonomiABSTRACT : Batu Balai Village which is located in Air Nipis district, South Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province which is passed by Bengkenang River is able to drain reliable discharge throughout the year. The utilization of the river is not yet maximal although there are several uses of water as an irrigation and raw water needs, but in fact it is still not optimal considering the ideal discharge for the source of power plant. Utilization of Bengkenang River as a source of Minihydro Power Plant can be done, by doing studies to determine the feasibility of technical and economic aspects. The results of the study showed that dependable discharge was Q40% = 6,234 m3/s and the designed flood discharge used by Q100th = 343,504 m3/s. Supporting buildings used are rounded crest dams, submerged bucket type, intakes, feeder canal, sandtrap, waterway, surge tanks, penstock, and tailrace. Pressurized pipes are used in the waterway and penstock, with Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe type, diameter of waterway is 1,80 m with 20,85 mm of thickness and main penstock diameter is 1,6 m with 18,00 mm of thickness. With an effective head of 42,877 m, the installed capacity is 2  1,10 MW using a Francis turbine with horizontal axis. The energy that can be produced is 12,18 GWh with a capacity factor of 63.19%. From the economic feasibility analysis by using several economical parameters that is BCR = 1,599, NPV = Rp 76.725.259.450,03, IRR = 11.53%, and Payback Period = 5 years 8 months and 12 days.Keyword : Minihydro Power Plant, power and energy, dependable discharge, GRP, economicfeasability
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK : Bendungan Tugu yang terletak di Kecamatan Tugu, Kabupaten Trenggalek, Provinsi Jawa Timur yang mendapat inflow dari Sungai Kesser mampu mengalirkan debit yang dapat diandalkan sepanjang tahunnya. Pemanfaatan bendungan tersebut belum begitu maksimal  meskipun ada beberapa pemanfaatan air sebagai sumber air irigasi dan kebutuhan air baku, namun sejatinya tetap tidak maksimal mengingat debitnya yang ideal untuk sumber pembangkit listrik. Pemanfaatan Bendungan Tugu sebagai sumber Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTM) dapat dilakukan, dengan melakukan studi untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari aspek teknis dan ekonomi. Hasil kajian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa debit desain sekaligus debit pembangkit terbesar yang digunakan adalah 0,822 m3/dt. Bangunan pendukung yang digunakan yaitu intake tipe menara tenggelam, waterway berupa saluran bekas pengelak, penstock, dan tailrace. Pada penstock digunakan pipa bertekanan dengan aliran turbulen, serta jenis pipa Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP), dan diameter penstock utama sebesar 0,6 m dengan ketebalan sebesar 33,10 mm. Dengan tinggi jatuh efektif sebesar 75,065 m didapat kapasitas terpasang yaitu 570,151 kW menggunakan turbin francis sumbu horisontal. Energi tahunan yang mampu dihasilkan yaitu sebesar 3610577,60 kWh dengan faktor kapasitas sebesar 72,29 %. Dari analisa kelayakan ekonomi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa parameter kelayakan yaitu BCR = 2,75, NPV = Rp 26.561.796.649,82, IRR = 22,25%, dan Payback Periode = 7 tahun 99 hari. Kata kunci : PLTM, daya dan energi, debit andalan, GRP, kelayakan ekonomi     ABSTRACT : Tugu Dam which is located in Tugu District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province which is passed by Kesser River is able to drain reliable discharge throughout the year. The utilization of the dam is not yet maximal although there are several uses of water as an irrigation and raw water needs, but in fact it is still not optimal considering the ideal discharge for the source of power plant. Utilization of Tugu Dam as a source of Microhydro Power Plant can be done, by doing studies to determine the feasibility of technical and economic aspects. The results of the study showed that the design discharge as well as the largest generator discharge used was 0,822 m3/s. Supporting buildings used are intake with type of the tower sank, waterway in the from of a former dodger channel , penstock, and tailrace. Pressurized pipes are used in the penstock, with Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe type, diameter of penstock is 0,6 m with 33,10 mm of thickness. With an effective head of 75,06 m, the installed capacity is 570,151 kW using a Francis turbine with horizontal axis. The energy that can be produced is 3610577,60 kWh with a capacity factor is 72.29 %. From the economic feasibility analysis by using several economical parameters that is BCR = 2,75, NPV = Rp 26.561.796.649,82, IRR = 22.25%, and Payback Period = 7 years 99 days. Keyword : Minihydro Power Plant, power and energy, dependable discharge, GRP, economic feasability
Kajian Peningkatan Kapasitas PLTA Lodoyo Widyaningsih, Wiwik; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Lodoyo dam has the potential to development of energy resources especially hydro energy power plant (HEPP), where the excess outflow discharge through spillway still have potential for capacity improvement.With the availability of outflow discharge through spillway data, the additional potential energy can be calculated, by analyze of head effective and energy. Also can performed in economic feasibility with parameter B/C Ratio, IRR, and NPV where benefit value calculated from the selling price of electric generated. The optimum improvement based on four alternative discharge outflow design with two alternative alignment. From 1st alternative analysis where located on the left river, the largest value of B/C Ratio at 1.037 (at the rate 12%) on discharge outflow at 34.05 m3/sec (Q75%) with an installed capacity 3.20 MW, and an annual energy at 25.58 GWh. For 2nd alternative where located on the right side of river has largest B/C Ratio values at 1.076 on the same discharge outflow with an annual energy of 25,65 GWh so this alternative has the most optimal of potential energy.Key words: discharge, head, energy, economic feasibility.
Efektifitas Kegiatan Pengerukan Sedimen Waduk Wonogiri Ditinjau Dari Nilai Ekonomi Andriawati, Irene Dhian; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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As a multipurpose dam makes Wonogiri experiencing various problems during operation, the main problem is sedimentation. Therefore the propertly sediment handling is necessary, one of them by doing routine dredging annually. In this study had four alternatives simulation time dredging sediment and dredger addition, further determined that the most effective alternative based on useful life and its economic value. Based on the calculation of sedimentation analysis, economic analysis, and the effectiveness analysis showed that the most feasible alternative is alternative 4, but because it is not profitable for the management of reservoirs, so the recommended alternative is 3, in addition to increasing the useful life of reservoir up to 14.74%, alternative 3 is also more effective economically 10,57% than alternative 1, with the B-C value is Rp. 6.608.820.242.046,-, B/C ratio is 2,79, IRR value is 13,23%, and the B-C value for increased the useful life of reservoir for 5 years is Rp.,-. Keywords :reservoir sedimentation, sedimentation dredging, economic analysis, effectivenessanalysis, Wonogiri Reservoir
Analisa Kinerja Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Pada PDAM Di Kota Ternate Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Ismoyo, M. Janu
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Fresh water providing system at Keluarahan Jati and Kelurahan Tanah Tinggi Barat in Sub- District of South Ternate City is not able to run smoothly yet, it may be caused by not maximum water supply during 24 hours and not maximum to take debit from the main spring.This research is aimed to know network ability including debit, pressure, continuity waters and to analyze customer satisfaction level for service system of fresh water distribution network at PDAM of Ternate City. Total of fresh water need is 1459.50 liter/day, as total of sufficient fresh water need. The water losing percentage is 20%, water losing level in 2012 is 0.002 liter/second. Result of running by Epanet 2.0 program on 07.00 was obtained unfit pressure with criteria planning (10-60 mH20) is as 70.97 m, the speed is more than standard planning (0.6-2.5 m/second), that is 0.01-0.09 (m/second). The little debit at node 4, node 11, are 0.71 m3/second. Questionnaire result is 53.61% stated not satisfaction and 26.80% stated very unsatisfied.Keywords: Debit, quality, quantity, continuity, pressure.
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Sedimentasi dan erosi yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan debit merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi di pertemuan Sungai Garang dan Kreo. Penempatan bangunan krib eksisting belum berfungsi optimal sebagai pengatur arah arus sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kecepatan maksimum, tegangan geser dasar sungai dan distribusi sedimen terhadap pengaruh penempatan krib. Simulasi menggunakan modul RMA2 untuk mengetahui hidrodinamika aliran dengan debit banjir rancangan kala ulang 50 tahun dan simulasi modul SED2D untuk mengetahui distribusi sedimen. Kedua simulasi tersebut digunakan pada 3 (tiga) skenario. Agar mendapatkan tingkat keakuratan model terhadap kondisi lapangan maka dilakukan uji MRE (Mean Relative Error) sebesar 0,91% sebagai indikasi parameter proses kalibrasi model numerik 2 dimensi. Penempatan krib yang lebih efektif adalah skenario yang ketiga dengan distribusi kecepatan maksimum 1,75 m/dtk, tegangan geser ( Ʈ ) maksimum 8,65 N/m2 dan sedimentasi terjadi didaerah sekitar krib, erosi pada arah tanggul kanan penampang sungai yang sering terjadi sedimentasi.Kata kunci : Pertemuan sungai, krib, sedimentasi, erosi. Abstract: Sedimentation and erosion caused by differences discharge is a problem that often occurs at the confluence of the Garang and Kreo rivers. The placement of existing groynes has not optimally functioned to regulate the river flow direction. The goal of this analysis is to find out the maximum velocity, bed shear, and sediment distribution towards the effect of groyne placement. The Simulation using the RMA2 module to find out the flow hydrodynamics with the discharge from constructed 50-year floods and the simulation using SED2D module to find out the sediment distribution. It simulations is used for three scenarios. To maintain accuracy of the model towards field conditions, a Mean Relative Error (MRE) test of 0.91% was conducted as the parameter indication of the 2-dimensional numerical model calibration process. The most effective groyne placement is third scenario with a maximum velocity distribution of 1.75 m/s, maximum riverbed bed shear (Ʈ) of 8.65 N/m2 and sedimentation only occurring in the areas around the groynes, while erosion occurred on the dikes of the right-hand side of the river where sedimentation often occurs.Keywords : River confluence, groynes, sedimentation, erosion
Co-Authors Adam Wahyu Firdaus Adhitya Zein Muammar Agung Ayu Gayatri Devi Agus Indarto Alex Wahyu Kesuma alfredo, moch Andawayanti, Ussy Andre Primantyo Hendrawan Anggara Cahyo Wibowo Anggraini, Fauziah Rahmawanti Aniek Masrevaniah Arzil Abdillah Bahreisy Asmaranto, Runi Asmaranto, Runi Atikah, Dewi Ayu Pratama Putri, Ayu Pratama Azmi, Muhammad Nur AZWAR, HAFIDH BURHAN Bambang Pramujo, Bambang Bayu Wicaksono cristina Dwi, cristina Dadang Teguh Wicaksono Damarnegara, A. A. N Satria Danang, Kiswanto - Dediek Isqak Diah Fitri Maulida Dian Dinanti Dian Sisinggih Dian Sisinggih Dwi Priyantoro Eko Suryo Pranoto Emma Yuliani Eric Virgiawan Aryadi Ery Suhartanto Evi Nur Cahya Fabian Raditya Pramana Fauzia Sonia, Fauzia Ghafara, Abdan Izzan Gunawan Prayitno Hari Siswoyo Harimurti Harimurti Heri Suprijanto Holyness Nurdin Singadimedja Ihsan Dwi Pangestu Indriana Vaninda Karin Irene Dhian Andriawati, Irene Dhian Irsyad Musthofa Yahya Iskandar Iskandar Jadfan Sidqi Fidari Jalaludin, Muhammad Satia Khofifah Endar Milleanisa Lily Montarcih Limantara Linda Prasetyorini Lisyahadah, Annida M. Janu Ismoyo Maskur Efendi, Maskur Mayang Wigayatri Mey Wahyuningdyah mikail Adhi, mikail Mirsa Ayu Moch. Sholichin, Moch. Mohammad Bisri Mohammad Taufiq Monica Odelya Geraldine Mudinillah, Adam Muh Arsyil Alamsyah Muh. Rivan Saranani Muhammad Amar Sajali Muhammad Francsdito Muhammad Rafi Siregar Muhammad Ruslin Anwar Murdhianti, Ari Murdhianti, Ari Nadjadji Anwar Naufal Muhammad Fayiz Nindya Sari Nisa Andan Restuti, Nisa Andan oktanti, vita Pradany, Ahmad Dwiki Pradoko Indra Purwanto Pratama, Muhammad Rizky Pratiwi, Tami Prima Hadi Wicaksono Putra, Galih Rizam Pratama Putri, Laily Amalia Rachmanda, Valdi Cahya Rahmah Dara Lufira Ramadhan, Yudhistira Akbar Zulfikar Ratu Anita Rachmawati Rini Wahyu Sayekti Riska Karunia Ellanda Rispiningtati Rispiningtati Riwin Andono Riyanto Haribowo Rizal Rizal Rizka Aditya Rachman Runi Asmaranto Runi Asmaranto Runi Asmaranto Runi Asmaranto Runi Asmaranto Sandy, Dina Yunita Saputro, Robert Agung Sasongko, Yufintra Prasetya Sisno, Suhardjono Suhardjono Suhardjono Suhartanto, Ery Sulthon Arsyad Aifudin Suprijanto, Heri Suwanto Marsudi Very Dermawan Very Dermawan Viari Djajasinga Wahyu Prasetyo Wahyu Sejati, Wahyu Wahyudi, Aqsha Prahitna Wicaksono, Prima Hadi Widandi Soetopo Widandi Soetopo Wijayanto, Achsin Win Haliem Winarta, Bambang Wiwik Widyaningsih Wiwin Sri Rahayu Yoggi Fracasnofa Komala Candra Yudha Tantra Ahmadi