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Analysis on The Effect of Groyne Type Impermeable Placement on Sediment Distribution in Lariang River Bend Prasetyo, Wahyu; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Sisinggih, Dian
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2021.00401.5


Sedimentation and erosion caused by differences in discharge is a problem that often occurs at river bends. One of the functions of placing the groyne is to reduce the river flow velocity along the riverbank, accelerate sedimentation, and ensure the embankment or river bank's safety against scouring. This study aimed to determine the distribution of current velocity, distribution of riverbed shear stress, and sediment distribution to the effect of groyne placement. There are 7 (seven) simulation models used to get the most effective groyne placement. From the model simulation results by adding a groyne building on the river's outer bend for the simulation model scenario 2 to scenario 7, the largest sedimentation production is in scenario 3, namely the height of riverbed sediment deposits 230 hours of 1.094 m. Furthermore, the groyne building's effective placement is determined based on a maximum change in the riverbed scenario. In scenario 3, the placement and dimensions of the groyne length of 17.5 m; distance between groyne 24.4 m; the groyne is inclined upstream in the direction of flow 10°.
Performance of The Dispin Models with Automatic Parameter Calibration on The Transformation of Rainfall to Runoff Data Sulianto, Sulianto; Bisri, M.; Limantara, lily Montarcih; Sisinggih, Dian
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2019.00202.2


This article presents a new model of the DISPRIN Model combination with two different level optimization methods. The new model of DISPRIN Model combination and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is called DISPRIN25-DE Models and its incorporation with Monte Carlo Simulation method called DISPRIN25-MC Models. The case study is Lesti Watershed (319.14 Km2) in East Java. The model test uses a 10-year daily data set, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. Data series Year 2007 ~ 2013 as a set of training data for calibration and data Year 2014 ~ 2016 as testing data set for model validation. Running program DISPRIN25-DE Models with input parameter value C_min = 0, C_max = 1, H_min = 0, H_max = 600 mm obtained best fitness 0.044 m3/sec, NSE = 0.762 and PME = -0.059. The DISPRIN25-MC Models analysis generates a minimum RMSE of 0.056 m3/sec, NSE = 0.779, PME = -0.70. From the RMSE and NSE indicators it appears that both models can show an equivalent level of performance, but in terms of the PME indicator and iteration time is apparent The DISPRIN25-MC model has worse performance than the two DISPRIN25-DE models.
Application of Sediment Runoff Model to the Wlingi Reservoir Watershed, Indonesia Rahman, Kurdianto Idi; Sisinggih, Dian; Asmaranto, Runi
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2020.00301.2


Sedimentation is the main problem in Wlingi reservoirs. They are suffering from severe watershed erosion and a heavy load of volcanic ash ejected from the eruption of Mount Kelud. Wlingi reservoir is significantly affected by recurrent volcanic activities of Mount Kelud. After the 2014 eruption, the capacity of Wlingi reservoirs decreased by 82.5% or only 3.70 million m3 from the initial capacity of 24 million m3. To analyze the impact of volcanic eruption disaster on reservoir sedimentation an integrated numerical model of sediment is required. The Fujiyama model is an integrated sediment runoff model using a basin model composed of unit channels and unit slopes. The model seems suitable for a mountainous basin. The simulation results from the model explain that the mechanism of transporting sediment into the Wlingi Reservoir can be explained based on the type of sediment transport. The movement of sediment originating from Kelud Mountain in Kali Lekso is strongly influenced by rainfall duration compared to the intensity of the rainfall. Also, the simulation model results explained that the mechanism of sediment transportation is dominated by suspended load or bed load which when large discharges will move with the mechanism of suspended load sediment transport.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kawasan Das Brantas Melaui Kegiatan Program Doktor Mengabdi Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Widodo, Ibnu Sam; Rahayudi, Bayu; K., Anggraeni Dwi; Sisinggih, Dian
DIKEMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32486/jd.v5i1.642


Pemanfaatan lahan secara berlebihan menyebabkan penurunan daya dukung daerah aliran sungai (DAS). Kerusakan tersebut ditandai dengan banyaknya alih fungsi lahan, yang memicu erosi, kerusakan lahan, sedimentasi dan pendangkalan sepanjang sungai dan badan bendungan, penurunan muka air tanah, berkurangnya cadangan dan sumber air bersih dan berkurangnya resapan air akibat lahan pertanian berubah menjadi pemukiman. DAS merupakan wilayah daratan yang menjadi satu kesatuan dengan sungai. Kerusakan DAS juga dipicu oleh pembuangan sampah ke sungai dan berbagai bentuk pencemaran air sungai oleh limbah rumah tangga maupun industri. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi dan pembukaan lahan baru di kawasan hulu sungai serta pembukaan lahan untuk kawasan perumahan di kawasan hilir menyebabkan kondisi DAS Brantas saat ini semakin mengkawatirkan, sementara upaya pemulihan belum mampu mengimbangi laju kerusakan yang terjadi. Upaya konservasi di bagian hilir DAS Brantas harus direncanakan secara cermat dan terstruktur dengan didukung komitmen yang kuat dari masyarakat.Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat Doktor Mengabdi di Desa Sengguruh telah dilakukan edukasi terhadap masyarakat dan lembaga pengelola sampah tentang teknik, strategi dan potensi penanganan sampah rumah tangga yang baik, teknik pengelolaan sampah basah dan kering, menciptakan pojok kampung sehat tanpa sampah, menyiapkan draft perdes tentang pengelolaan sampah dan lingkungan serta melakukan penghijauan di lahan-lahan terbuka dengan gerakan menanam pohon buah yang tahan erosi. Diharapkan dalam tiga atau empat tahun ke depan tanaman buah tersebut dapat menahan erosi dan banjir sekaligus potensial menjadi destinasi wisata baru. Melalui edukasi pengelolaan sampah, lingkungan sehat dan budaya menanam pohon di lahan terbuka diharapkan mampu meminimalkan sampah yang dibuang ke sungai, meminimalkan erosi dan sedimentasi
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sungai memiliki kerentanan terhadap erosi atau pengikisan lapisan tanah yang terus terbawa oleh aliran air permukaan sampai akhirnya masuk ke badan sungai dan menyebabkan terjadinya sedimentasi. Sedimentasi terutama sedimen suspensi menjadi sumber dari banyak permasalahan pada sumber-sumber air dikarenakan membawa sedimen bersamaan dengan aliran air. Berdasarkan hal tersebut menjadi penting untuk diketahui angkutan sedimen suspensi dalam menyelesaikan masalah pada sumber-sumber air, akan tetapi dalam perjalanan nya penentuan angkutan sedimen suspensi seringkali tidak sesuai dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya dalam merepresentasikan nilai angkutan sedimen suspensi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan antara debit aliran dengan debit angkutan sedimen suspensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada anak sungai Brantas yang terdapat di Desa Torongrejo, Kota Batu. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak sepuluh (10) kali pengambilan sample pada waktu yang berbeda menggunakan alat Portable TSS Meter type TSS 740 Partech uantuk mengetahui nilai konsentrasi sedimen suspensi pada tiap kedalaman aliran. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara debit aliran terhadap angkutan sedimen suspensi dengan persamaan Qs = 7.597 Q1.465, didapati pula hubungan antara debit aliran terhadap konsentrasi sedimen suspensi rata-rata dengan persamaan C = 89.422 Q0.461, dan terakhir didapatkan besaran faktor eksponen Rouse berada antara range 0.013 – 0.080.Rivers are susceptible to erosion or erosion of the soil layer which is carried by surface water flow until it finally enters the river body and causes sedimentation. Sedimentation, especially suspended sediment, is the source of many problems with water sources because it carries sediment along with the water flow. Based on this, it is important to know the suspension sediment transport in solving problems at water sources, but in its journey the determination of suspended sediment transport has been often not in accordance with the actual situation in representing the value of suspended sediment transport. To overcome this problem, a study was conducted to see how the relationship between flow rate and suspension sediment transport discharge. The research was conducted on a tributary of the Brantas river located in Torongrejo Village, Batu City. The study was conducted ten (10) times of sampling at different times using a Portable TSS Meter type TSS 740 patch tool to determine the value of the suspended sediment concentration at each flow depth. The research shows that there is a relationship between flow rate and suspension sediment transport with the equation Qs = 7.597 Q1.465. There is also a relationship between the flow rate and the average suspension sediment concentration with the equation C = 89.422 Q0.461, and finally the exponential factor Rouse is located between the range 0.013 - 0.080.