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JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v4i1.306


The aim of study is to 1) determine the productivity of oil palm in the study area, 2) determine the income of oil palm farming in the study area and 3) determine the relationship of the cost of oil palm production with the income of oil palm farmers in the study area. This research was conducted in Pulo Bayu village, Hutabayu Raja district, Simalungun regency. The population in this study were farmers who worked on oil palm plants in Pulo Bayu village with a field area ranging from 0.5-10 Ha and the age of the plants between 3.5-18 years. The number of samples in this study were 30 oil palm farmers. Data analysis was performed descriptively and using simple linear regression analysis. The result showed that the productivity of oil palm plants in the study area was classified as low. The production of oil palm farming in the study area is 82,342.80 kg/year or 1,744.76 kg/ ha (1.75 tons/ha/month). This is lower than the average CPO productivity of smallholder estates 2.5 tons/ ha/month. Net income of oil palm farmer in the study area is Rp 1,308,973.06/ha/month is classified as low because it is lower than the UMR of Simalungun regency (Rp 2,224,036.00/ month). Farming production costs significantly have a positive linear effect on the income of oil palm farmers in the study area.
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v4i2.470


Berkembangnya industri pariwisata sebagai sektor andalan untuk memperbesar devisa, memperluas dan memeratakan kesempatan berusaha, lapangan kerja serta untuk mendorong pembangunan daerah, ternyata telah mengundang berbagai perhatian dan kritik proporsional terutama ditunjukkan pada berbagai dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh pariwisata “Mass Tourism” (Astuti, 2013)Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang berperan dalam proses pembangunan dan pengembangan wilayah yaitu dalam memberikan kontribusi bagi pendapatan suatu daerah maupun bagi masyarakat . Tapanuli Utara merupakan salah satu unggulan Pariwisata Tobasa, dengan potensi keindahan alam dan letaknya sangat strategis. Kawasan Tapanuli Utara yang dikenal sebagai Tambang “emas” hijau dalam pertanian (Simamora dan sinaga, 2016)   Tapanuli Utara merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil nanas terbesar. Hasilnya, puluhan ton nanas Sipahutar selalu didulang per harinya. Lini pertanian ini pun semakin menguatkan rantai jalur wisata di Kawasan Danau Toba. Adanya kegiatan di daerah periwisata di kawasan ini akan berdampak terhadap keadaan sosial ekonomi masyarakat (Pelita, 2018).Konsultan Pariwisata menimpal, tapanuli utara ini sangat layak dijual. Di sini wisatawan bisa dilepas di kebun nanas terluas di dunia. Bebas memilih areanya. Petani nanas juga bakal setia mendampingi untuk memotong nanas. Juga mengajari cara makan nanas dengan sendok tradisional yang dibuat dari pohon di sekitar kebun nanas (Mian Simanjuntak, 2018). Bahwa satu yang pasti adalah kebun nanas bisa jadi destinasi wisata. Kebun nanas merupakan agrowisata disektor pertanian. Apalagi bila perkebunan tersebut diklamin sebagai perkebunan nanas terluas di dunia. Ditambah lagi mengusung konsep Back To Nature.Tren wisata banyak sekali jenisnya. Makin berkembang pariwisata trennya pun bertambah. Tapanuli Utara salah satunya wisata ke destinasi yang belum populer, wisata alam, wisata musim dingin. Karena tersedia banyak pilihan para wisata luar dapat tergoda untuk mencari pengalaman baru dan unik untuk mengisi liburan bersama teman, keluarga atau orang-orang Tercinta dengan kosep wisata Back To Nature.
ANALISIS YANG MEMPENGARUHI ROTASI TANAMAN ERCIS (Pisum sativum L) KE TANAMAN WORTEL (Daucus carota L) KECAMATAN DOLAT RAYA, KABUPATEN KARO Posman HP Marpaung; Fandri Siburian; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v6i1.757


Pembangunan dan pengembangan kualitas masyarakat petani dalam melaksanakan usahatani merupakan salah satu aspek yang mendukung terciptanya peningkatan produksi dan produktivitas pertanian, sehingga keuntungan dapat ditingkatkan. Pembangunan pertanian khususnya tanaman hortikultura yang telah dilaksanakan, telah memberikan kontribusi yang positif terhadap perkembangan ekonomi. Semakin jelas dan nyata bahwa sistem perekonomian, semakin dipengaruhi oleh sektor pertanian. Sektor ini mempunyai dampak dalam kelangsungan pendapatan petani suatu daerah. Budidaya tanaman sayuran di Indonesia umumnya dilakukan dengan pola tanam monokultur dan polikultur. Monokultur adalah sisitem budi daya pada suatu areal lahan yang ditanami dengan satu jenis tanaman saja. Sedangkan polikultur merupakan sistem budi daya tanaman pada satu areal lahan yang sama dalam satu tahun ditanami dengan beberapa jenis tanaman, baik yang ditanam dalam waktu yang bersamaan atau waktu yang sedikit berbeda. Perkembangan hama dan penyakit cenderung lebih mudah terjadi pada pola tanam monokultur karena sumber makanan bagi hama dan patogen selalu tersedia. Sebaliknya pada pola tanam polikultur yang diikuti dengan pola rotasi tanaman dapat memutus siklus hidup hama dan penyakit. Rotasi tanaman memiliki banyak keunggulan. Pada beberapa sistem budidaya tanaman organik, rotasi tanaman sangat direkomendasikan. Beberapa keunggulan rotasi tanaman adalah mampu mengurangi intensitas serangan hama atau penyakit, meningkatkan kesuburan tanah, serta rotasi tanaman sangat direkomendasikan. Beberapa keunggulan rotasi tanaman adalah mampu mengurangi intensitas serangan hama atau penyakit, meningkatkan kesuburan tanah, serta mampu membentuk ekosistem mikro yang stabil. Selain itu, di dalam dunia agribisnis pada beberapa jenis komoditas terutama jenis sayuran mampu memenuhi permintaan pasar yang diinginkan.
PERILAKU PETANI DALAM PEMBELIAN BIBIT KOPI ARABIKA (Coffea arabica) ANDUNG SARI I PETANI KOPI KABUPATEN KARO Posman HP Marpaung; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan; Fandri Siburian; Iyon Ginting
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v5i1.542


Andung sari 1 coffee seeds made in Suka Mbayak Village have a large fruit production, but not too high, do not have many wild shoots, are resistant to pests and stems so that farmers are more interested in planting Arabica coffee seeds (Coffea arabica) Andung sari varieties 1. The research method in the research area was determined purposively or deliberately based on the primary data of 20 families of Andung sari 1 arabica coffee farmers, with the characteristics of the respondents described by gender, education, age and occupation. Based on the results of respondents in the field according to gender, the male andung sari coffee farmers were the most respondents (90.1%). Based on the latest education, the most respondents were junior high school and high school students (38.8%). According to respondents, the most age groups were respondents aged 31 - 40 years (65.6%) and while based on job respondents the most respondents were coffee farmers (60.5%). Based on the results of the above research, it can be concluded that cultural, social, personal and psychological factors simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase Arabica coffee seedlings of Andung Sari 1 variety, this can be seen in the value of F count> F table (18,144> 2,494 ) and the significant value is smaller than the significant level 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), then the fifth hypothesis is accepted, meaning that it simultaneously has a positive influence on the decision to purchase Andung Sari 1 coffee seedlings.
ANALISIS PRODUKSI DAN USAHATANI JAMBU AIR (Syzygiumaqueum L) DI KECAMATAN NAMO RAMBE Jefri Hedyanta Tarigan; Fandri Siburian; Roida Ervina Sinaga
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v5i1.543


Analyze Productivity and farming watery rose apple (Syzygiumaqueum L.) in Namorambe district. The result of this research is to find out what the cost or coinage is used in the growing of watery rose apple, the large profit it gets, the attitude toward its farming and the analysis of factors that affect the profits of watery rose apple cultivation in Batu Penejemuran village. The plan used is using qualitative analyse by calculating and analyzing the y-ing data comes from the way interviews are told to honey watery rose apple farmer that total ten people who plant jambu air madu in Namo Rambe Deli Serdang regency. This reasearch has shown that thunder can be obtained at the larger scale of trafic, the lower production cost, total productivity and high market cost in the field when harvesting. The second year started to see a productivity of the can.
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v3i2.268


The limitation of mineral land as a productive land makes some people expand oil palm cultivation to peat land in marginal class conditions (Class S3). The expansion of oil palm plantations into peatlands is accompanied by Government Regulation No. 57 of 2016 concerning Protection and Management of Peat Ecosystems. The regulation has a positive effect to protect and restore the hydrological function of peat, but also affects the management of oil palm cultivation. The limitation of peatlands also makes some people switch to using the highlands as a form of agricultural and plantation extensification. Planting oil palms in the highlands is a form of expansion of oil palm cultivation that is limited due to lack of sufficient land availability. It is necessary to carry out technical culture and cost requirements that are "more" in order to obtain the same production resembling the treatment of oil palm technical culture in very suitable class land conditions (Class S1). Some state-owned companies have planted oil palms in the highlands. Some state-owned plantation sites have even been converted to oil palm from other plantation crops. This will certainly be very different if done by farmers (smallholders) who are in the highlands. Farmers' knowledge of technical culture and the high amount of funds that will be used to cultivate oil palms are an inhibiting factor other than marginal land class.
ANALISIS KOMPARATIF USAHA TANI PADI ORGANIK DENGAN PADI NON ORGANIK (Studi Kasus : Desa Lubuk Bayas Kecamatan Perbaungan Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai) Febri Giola Pinem; Juliana Br Simbolon; Fandri Siburian; Roida Ervina Sinaga
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v4i1.298


The aim of study is to analyze the factors that affect the production of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, comparison of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses and analyze appropriateness of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses in researh area. The method of study that used was multiple linear regression analysis, method of cultivation analysis and feasibility analysis. The data used is primary and secondary. The result of study concluded on the independent variabel analysis of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, the most dominant in influencing the output on organic rice which are pesticides and fertilizer. Meanwhile, the rice farm is non organic, the most dominant in influencing the output on non organic rice which are seeds and breadth of land. Organic rice farm incomes in Lubuk Bayas village Perbaungan sub district Serdang Bedagai regency is Rp 25.753.659,/ha and the income of non organic farm business is Rp 20.503.554,-/ha. Non organic rice farm business has R/C value higher than organic rice.
ANALISIS PEMASARAN CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescens L..) DI KECAMATAN BARUSJAHE KABUPATEN KARO Fandri Siburian; Andi Pranata Sembiring
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v3i1.190


Analysis of Marketing of Rawitic Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) in Barusjahe District, Karo Regency. The method of determining farmer samples was carried out in Simple Random Sampling where the number of chili farmers in the village was 80 kk (head of household), and 20 kk was taken for samples. Data collected in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through direct interviews with farmers and traders using questionnaires that have been prepared previously. Secondary data was obtained from the Karo District Agricultural Service, Channels of cayenne marketing in Sikab Village were divided into two, namely cayenne which was sold to the market (first channel non Ped. Regency collector with a capacity of 74.8 tons) and cayenne sold to the market (second channel through Ped. Collector District with a capacity of 22.6 tons. The results showed that the marketing of cayenne in Karo District has Components of Cost, Price Spread and Share of Cayenne Margin through Marketing Channels I per One Pick up (1.5 tons) Buy Prices Raw Chili from Farmers Rp. 15,000 / kg @ 1,500 kg = 30,000,000, Consumer purchase price Rp. 30,000 / kg @ 1500kg = 45,000,000, - so the Total Profit Margin is 19,364,435. Component Cost, Price Spread and Share of Cayenne Margin through Marketing Channels II per One Pick up (1.5 tons) Buy Prices for Raw Chili from Farmers Rp. 15,000 / kg @ 1,500 kg = 22,500,000, Consumer Purchase Price Rp. 30,000 @ 1500 kg = 45,000,000 so Total Profit Margin 19,184,740, -. From the results above, we can see that the marketing of cayenne through channel I is more efficient than marketing chili through channel II. This happens because the marketing efficiency value in channel I is smaller than the marketing efficiency value on channel II.
JURNAL REGIONOMIC Vol 2, No 1 (2020): VOL 2 NO 1

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Analysis of farm business and commerce of tomato plant (Solanum lycopecum L.) in Semangat village Merdeka subdictrict Karo regency. This aim of study is to analyse productivity, production cost dan farmer income to find out whether the cultivation of farm business and the proprierty of tomato farm culitvation in the research area. This study results show that production cost are huge by Rp 29.848.529 a hectare. The receipt was gained by Rp144.066.667 a hectare and tomato’s farmer income by Rp 19.036.356 a month. The farm business tomato plant worthy to be implemented and developed in view of worthiness criteria R/C ratio is R/C > 1 is by 5,08 a hectare. Based on analyse Break Event Point can it e know that BEP tomato farm cultivation a hectare so far beyond the point of impact, that is to say, an average of 1,523,128/kg an BEP cost a hectare by Rp4,451/kg. Meanwhile, the sector has two commerce channels in the reseach area : Farmer- harvester-Retail grocer-final stage commander (Channel I) and Farmer- harvester-great merchant-Retail grocer (Channel II). The function of commerce what is done is an exchange and purchase function, physic function (transportation, loading and packaging) and fasility function (marketing loss and retribution). Commerce margin on first commerce channel is Rp8.871/kg and commerce margin on first commerce channel is Rp 16.871/kg. The commerce channel in reaearch area with efesien value is 1,07 and 1,30 ( e > 1 ).
STRATEGI PEMASARAN JERUK DALAM MENGHADAPI PERILAKU KONSUMEN DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Kasus : Desa Sippan, Kecamatan Pematang Silimahuta, Kabupaten Simalungun) Bobby Sutrat Saragih; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan; Fandri Siburian
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/jg.v4i1.771


This study aims to (1) determine the factors that cause changes in consumer behavior in oranges during the Covid-19 pandemic, (2) determine the attributes that become consumers' decisions to buy citrus fruit products and (3) determine the marketing strategies of traders in order to keep it. survived after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research area was determined purposively or deliberately in Sippan Village, Pematang Silimahuta District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province. The population in this study were 30 farmers and traders in Saribudolok Market and 30 traders or consumers. The method of determining the sample is carried out by the Accidental method (tracing). To determine the relationship between income, occupation, education, gender, age and number of families on consumer behavior using statistical tests used Chi-Square test with confidence =0.05. To determine the attributes that become the consumer's decision to buy citrus fruit products, Fishbein analysis is used which in principle will calculate Ao (Attitude toward the object). To find out the marketing strategies by traders so that they can survive after the Covid-19 pandemic is done by using a SWOT test. The results showed that gender, education, number of dependents and occupation had no significant effect on changes in consumer behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, while age and income had a significant effect on changes in consumer behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic. The taste of orange is the main criterion for consumers in forming attitudes towards purchasing oranges. This indicates that consumers prefer lime flavor. Meanwhile, the attributes of price, size and color, which according to consumers are the least important criteria. The marketing strategy based on SWOT analysis is Strength – Opportunity (SO), where the Strength – Opportunity (SO) strategy in the SWOT matrix is first, improving the quality of citrus fruits produced with high prices of oranges and second, namely mutually beneficial cooperation between farmers and traders through media marketing. e-commerce