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Study of Expression of Sugarcane Sucrose Transporter cDNA in Yeast Slameto, Slameto; Sugiharto, Bambang; Basuki, Nur; Sulistyowati, Liliek
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 33, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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Studies in transgenic sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) demonstrated that sucrose transporter (SUT) genes were essential in sucrose translocations. Sucrose transporter gene isolated from sugarcane were designated as SoSUT1 and SoSOSUT2 respectively as encode protein of 518 and 747 amino acids. The genes were constructed into plasmid pYES2 for SoSUT1, and pYX112 for SoSOSUT2. cDNA SoSOSUT2 had also constructed into plasmid pBIN-At-GFP which was possible to trace the gene inserted. The constructed plasmid was transformed into yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and grown in minimal medium (SD–urasil) as selection medium. The transformed colony was confirmed using PCR. The functional expression was studied by growing yeast in YPD medium with 2% Sucrose, then the sucrose uptake was measured in number interval time using resorcinol method. The result showed that yeast INVSc1-pYES2-SoSUT1 and BF264- pYX112-SoSOSUT2 had higher ability in sucrose transport compared to the control-INVSc1 for SoSUT1 and control-BF264 for SoUT2. Moreover, the result showed that SoSUT1 had higher ability to transport sucrose than SoSOSUT2. Confocal microscope observation showed that transformation gene SoSOSUT2 was successful, which was indicated by green exposure of GFP protein.Keyword: sugarcane, sucrose transporter, yeast
JABI (Jurnal Akuntansi Berkelanjutan Indonesia) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): JABI (Jurnal Akuntansi Berkelanjutan Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JABI.v3i1.y2020.p96-116


Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia will continue to grow from year to year, which will support Indonesia's economy. The aim of this research was to find out and analyze the influence of knowledge effects of Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Computer Self-efficacy, and Facilitating Conditions to the intention to using accounting applications Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). The study used three independent variables that are the knowledge of Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Computer Self-efficacy, and Facilitating Conditions, while intention to using accounting applications as a dependent variable. The sample of this research were Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Subang Regency, West Java Province. Sampling Incidental of non-probability sampling was used as a sampling method with the total sample of 205 people. Validity, reliability, descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and multiple regression analysis is used for this study.  The results of this research indicate that knowledge of Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Computer Self-efficacy, and Facilitating Conditions have a positive effect to the intention in using either accounting application, the results of tests on each variable or simultaneously. Keyword:  Knowledge of Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs); Computer Self-efficacy; Facilitating Conditions; Intention To Use; Accounting Application
Perubahan Kandungan Sukrosa dan Aktivitas Invertase pada Batang Tebu Selama Pemanenan Tri Agus Siswoyo; Ika Oktavianawati; Bambang Sugiharto; Untung Murdiyanto
Zuriat Vol 17, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Breeding Science Society of Indonesia (BSSI) / PERIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/zuriat.v17i2.6739


Invertase (_-D-fructofuranosidase, E.C. merupakan enzim kunci dalam metabolisme sukrosa pada tanaman tebu serta berkolerasi tinggi terhadap kandungan sukrosa dan gula reduksi selama masa pertumbuhan. Pada tanaman tebu terdapat 2 jenis invertase yaitu Acid Invertase (AI) dan Neutral Invertase (NI) yang mempunyai fungsi berlainan dalam pengakumulasion sukrosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari peranan AI dan NI setelah pemanenan serta hubungannya terhadap perubahan kandungan sukrosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas NI tertinggi terjadi pada awal pemanenan dan mempunyai korelasi negatif yang nyata sebesar (r2) = 0.41 dengan kandungan sukrosa. Aktivitas AI baru menunjukkan aktivitas yang meningkat setelah umur penyimpanan diperlama dan mempunyai korelasi negatif yang tinggi dengan kandungan sukrosa sebesar (r2) = 0.40. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa peranan NI lebih menentukan terhadap degradasi sukrosa pada awal pemanenan.
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 2 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

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Gen SoSUT1 merupakan gen pengkode protein sucrose transporter yang memfasilitasi proses transpotasi sukrosa dari jaringan fotosintetik (source) ke jaringan pengguna (sink) pada tanaman tebu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan tanaman tebu transforman melalui transformasi genetik menggunakan vektor Agrobacterium tumefaciens yang membawa gen SoSUT1. Eksplan pangkal tunas tebu in vitro diinfeksi dengan A. tumefaciens yang membawa konstruk pAct-SoSUT1 dan dilakukan seleksi pada media MS dengan penambahan antibiotik hygromycin.. Tanaman putatif transforman yang telah berhasil melewati proses seleksi dan diaklimatisasi, dilakukan isolasi DNA genom kemudian dianalisis PCR. Hasil analisis PCR dengan pasangan primer 1F/1R hpt II menunjukkan bahwa dari 24 tanaman tebu putatif transforman, didapatkan 15 tanaman tebu positif mengandung gen SoSUT1. Efektifitas rata-rata transformasi gen SoSUT1 menggunakan eksplan pangkal tunas tebu in vitro sebesar 6,8%. Kata Kunci: Agrobacterium tumefaciens, SoSUT1, sukrosa.
Musik dan Misterinya Bambang Sugiharto
Extension Course Filsafat ( ECF ) No. 2 (2016): ECF Musik
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/ecf.v0i2.2300.%p


Musik dan Misterinya
Percakapan, Suasana, dan Ngopi Bambang Sugiharto
Extension Course Filsafat ( ECF ) No. 1 (2016): ECF Fashion, Sex & Culinary
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/ecf.v0i1.2941.%p


Percakapan, Suasana, dan Ngopi
Pancasila Sebagai Strategi Menuju Keadaban Baru Bambang Sugiharto
Extension Course Filsafat ( ECF ) No. 2 (2019): Pancasila sebagai Kekuatan Pembebas
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/ecf.v0i2.3748.%p


Pancasila Sebagai Strategi Menuju Keadaban Baru
Pancasila dan pemerdekaan Bambang Sugiharto
Extension Course Filsafat ( ECF ) No. 2 (2019): Pancasila sebagai Kekuatan Pembebas
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/ecf.v0i2.3753.%p


Pancasila dan pemerdekaan
Isolation and Characterization of the Expression of Gene for Sucrose Transporter Proteins in Sugarcane Plant (Saccharum officinarum) Harianti Novita; Tri Agus Siswoyo; Bambang Sugiharto
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 8 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

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Sucrose as the major transported form of fixed carbon must be translocated from source tissue to the sites of consumption and storage or sink tissues. The translocation of sucrose is facilitated by some distinct sucrose transporters proteins (SUT). To study sucrose transporters in sugarcane, we had conducted isolation and characterization of gene encoding sucrose transporter protein. The isolation was performed with RT-PCR method using total RNA isolated from sugarcane leaf and primer designed from conservative region of SUTcDNAs of SoSUT2A (accession number AY65599), OsSUT-1(accession number AAP54842, OsSUT-1 mRNA (accession number XM 46477). Based on the conservative amino acids sequences of QILQQFA and MGKTEPV, the corresponding sequences of the primers for RT-PCR were: P1, (forward) 5’CAGATCCTTCAACAGTTCGC-3’ and P2 (reverse) 5’-TGCCCTTTGTCTCCGGAACC-3’, respectively. Agarose gel electrophoresis shown a clear single 0.5 kb cDNA band of the PCR product. Thus, the DNA was cloned into pGEMT vector (Promega) for further analysis. Sequence determination of the PCR product revealed a nucleotides sequence of 543 bp in length and has a high homology around 89%, 87.3 % and 84.8 % with maize ZmSUT-1, sugarcane SoSUT 2A and rice OsSUT-1 mRNA, respectively. We designated the cDNA as SoSUT2 and the nucleotide sequence have been submitted to GenBank data base under accession number bankit 734628. By using PSORT analysis the fragment of cDNA-SoSUT2 encoded protein may be located in the endoplasmic reticulum. To have a better understanding, the expression of SoSUT2 gene in sugarcane was determinate by RT-PCR method using total RNA isolated from leaf, petioles, stem and root and visualized the PCR product in agarose gel electrophoresis. Based on the cDNA bands intensity, it can be illustrated that the expression of SoSUT2 gene were found highest in sugarcane leafs then petioles and stem, but the expression was not found in root. Although the SoSUT2-cDNA has not been isolated in full size, the results suggest the presence of gene family of SUT in sugarcane.
The Roles of Nitrogen and Potassium to Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Activity in the Leaves of Ratoon Crop M 442-51 and PS 60 Sugarcane Varieties Suyoto Hadisaputro; Kusriningrum Rochiman; Mirzawan PDN; Gunawan Sukarso; Bambang Sugiharto
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 9 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

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Study on the roles of nitrogen and potassium to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEP-Case) activity in the leaves of ratoon crop of M 442-51 and PS 60 cane varieties were conducted in the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI) Pasuruan, East Java. The experiment was arranged in a factorial trial using a completely ran-domized block design with three replicates. The factors used as a treatments in this experiment were: (1) sugar-cane variety, i.e. M 442-51 (V1) and PS 60 (V2), (2) plant category, i.e. plant crop (PC) and second ratoon crop (RC2), (3) dosage of nitrogen, i.e. 1 q AS/ha (N1) and 8 q AS/ha (N2), and (4) dosage of potassium, i.e. 1 q KCl/ha (K1) and 5 q KCl/ha (K2). PEP-Case activity variable was observed on 0, 1 and 4 weeks after treatment (wat). The results of experiment showed that nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) nutrients as single or mixture treatments were increasing the activity level of PEP-Case in the cane leaves significantly. There was indication that the effect of N is stronger than that the effect of K to PEP-Case activity in the leaves of cane. On the other hand, it was found that the activity of PEP-Case in M 442-51 was higher than that on PS 60. However, when the availability of both nutrients was limited, the decreasing activity of PEP-Case on PS 60 was sharper than that found on M 442-51. Study on plant category showed that the activity of PEP-Case on PC was higher than that found on RC2. Reducing of PEP-Case activity on RC2 was predicted as one factor that caused reducing of RC2 productivity. Base on these findings, it can be concluded that PEP-Case activity model in the leaves could be used as an early characteristic of cane ratooring ability. There were indications that the ability of both Mn and Cu nutrients affected the increasing of PEP-Case activity better than that influenced by N and K nutrients, but it needs further investigation.