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Jurnal Dampak Vol 9, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.9.2.73-86.2012


ABSTRAKStudi analisis produktivitas sistem transportasi sampah Kota Padang ini dilakukan untuk melihat kemampuan sarana transportasi kota Padang untuk mengangkut sampah dari tempat pewadahan sampah atau dari Tempat Pemindahan Sampah (TPS) ke tempat pembuangan akhir. Sistem transportasi kota Padang terdiri dari sistem transportasi dengan wadah angkut dan wadah tetap. Analisis produktivitas yang dilakukan meliputi jumlah personil yang dibutuhkan, kapasitas sampah yang terangkut, dan jarak yang ditempuh oleh kendaraan angkut dalam satuan waktu pada masing-masing sistem. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem wadah angkut lebih produktif dibandingkan sistem wadah tetap dilihat dari segi personil dan sampah yang diangkut per ritasi. Jumlah personil sistem wadah angkut per ritasi dua orang sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sebanyak tiga orang, kapasitas total sampah yang diangkut dengan sistem wadah angkut sebesar 372 m3/hari sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sebesar 213 m3/harinya, dan jarak tempuh total sistem sistem wadah angkut perjamnya adalah 27,78 km sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sejauh 8,6 km. Waktu angkut rata-rata yang dibutuhkan pada sistem wadah tetap adalah 4,53 jam per ritasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sistem wadah angkut yaitu 1,23 jam. Berdasarkan waktu tersebut diperoleh produktivitas personil sistem wadah tetap 0,66 orang/jam dan pada sistem wadah angkut 1,63 orang/jam. Meskipun produktivitas personil SCS lebih kecil, namun SCS diperlukan di daerah pemukiman dengan timbulan sampah kecil, sedangkan HCS untuk kuantitas sampah yang besar dan spesifik.Kata kunci: transportasi sampah Kota Padang, sistem wadah angkut, sistem wadah tetap, produktivitas. ABSTRACTThe analysis study of the waste transportation system productivity in Padang city was carried out to evaluate the transportation vehicle capacity in Padang city for transporting waste either from the waste container or from the transfer station to the disposal site. Padangs waste transportation system consists of hauled container system (HCS) and stationary container system (SCS). Productivity analysis included the personnal number required, the capacity of the waste transported and the vehicle haul distance of each system. Results showed that the HCS was more productive than SCS in terms of personnel required and waste transported per ritation. The number of collector in HCS per ritation was two persons while that of SCS was three persons, total capacity of waste transported by HCS was 372 m3/day while the SCS hauled 213 m3/day, and haul distance of HCS was 27.78 km/hour while the SCS was 8.6 km/hour. The average haul time required for SCS was 4.53 hours per ritation larger than that of the HCS i.e. 1.23 hours. Based on the time required the personnel productivity of the SCS was 0.66 person/hour and the HCS was 1.63 persons / hour . Although the personnel productivity of SCS is smaller, but SCS is required in a residential area with a small waste, whereas the HCS for a large quantity of waste and specific.Key words: solid waste transportation of Padang city, hauled container system (HCS), stationary container system (SCS), produktivityABSTRAKStudi analisis produktivitas sistem transportasi sampah Kota Padang ini dilakukan untuk melihat kemampuansarana transportasi kota Padang untuk mengangkut sampah dari tempat pewadahan sampah atau dari TempatPemindahan Sampah (TPS) ke tempat pembuangan akhir. Sistem transportasi kota Padang terdiri dari sistemtransportasi dengan wadah angkut dan wadah tetap. Analisis produktivitas yang dilakukan meliputi jumlahpersonil yang dibutuhkan, kapasitas sampah yang terangkut, dan jarak yang ditempuh oleh kendaraan angkutdalam satuan waktu pada masing-masing sistem. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem wadah angkutlebih produktif dibandingkan sistem wadah tetap dilihat dari segi personil dan sampah yang diangkut per ritasi.Jumlah personil sistem wadah angkut per ritasi dua orang sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sebanyak tiga orang,kapasitas total sampah yang diangkut dengan sistem wadah angkut sebesar 372 m3/hari sedangkan sistemwadah tetap sebesar 213 m3/harinya, dan jarak tempuh total sistem sistem wadah angkut perjamnya adalah27,78 km sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sejauh 8,6 km. Waktu angkut rata-rata yang dibutuhkan pada sistemwadah tetap adalah 4,53 jam per ritasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sistem wadah angkut yaitu 1,23 jam.Berdasarkan waktu tersebut diperoleh produktivitas personil sistem wadah tetap 0,66 orang/jam dan padasistem wadah angkut 1,63 orang/jam. Meskipun produktivitas personil SCS lebih kecil, namun SCS diperlukan didaerah pemukiman dengan timbulan sampah kecil, sedangkan HCS untuk kuantitas sampah yang besar danspesifik.Kata kunci: transportasi sampah Kota Padang, sistem wadah angkut, sistem wadah tetap, produktivitas.ABSTRACTThe analysis study of the waste transportation system productivity in Padang city was carried out to evaluatethe transportation vehicle capacity in Padang city for transporting waste either from the waste container or fromthe transfer station to the disposal site. Padangs waste transportation system consists of hauled containersystem (HCS) and stationary container system (SCS). Productivity analysis included the personnal numberrequired, the capacity of the waste transported and the vehicle haul distance of each system. Results showedthat the HCS was more productive than SCS in terms of personnel required and waste transported per ritation.The number of collector in HCS per ritation was two persons while that of SCS was three persons, total capacityof waste transported by HCS was 372 m3/day while the SCS hauled 213 m3/day, and haul distance of HCS was27.78 km/hour while the SCS was 8.6 km/hour. The average haul time required for SCS was 4.53 hours perritation larger than that of the HCS i.e. 1.23 hours. Based on the time required the personnel productivity of theSCS was 0.66 person/hour and the HCS was 1.63 persons / hour . Although the personnel productivity of SCS issmaller, but SCS is required in a residential area with a small waste, whereas the HCS for a large quantity ofwaste and specific.Key words: solid waste transportation of Padang city, hauled container system (HCS), stationary containersystem (SCS), produktivity.
Composting system improvement by life cycle assessment approach on community composting of agricultural and agro industrial wastes Aziz, Rizki -; Chevakidagarn, Panalee; Danteravanich, Somtip -
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 3 (2018): September
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.573 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2018.2.3.69-75


In order to improve a community composting system, three scenarios have set based on the critical points of initial system from sensitivity analysis result of Life Cycle Assessment of community composting system of agricultural and agro industrial wastes composting. Sensitivity analysis of initial system revealed two critical points that used as consideration on setting of improvement system scenarios. On initial system, composting process contributed the highest impact potency on acidification, eutrophication, global warming, and photochemical oxidation, while distribution was responsible for the highest impact on human toxicity potential. By comparison of initial composting system with three improvement scenarios, it found that the third improvement scenario (SC3) was the best scenario that recommended to be implemented. SC3 promoted application of compost blanket for gases emission reduction of compost pile, and substitution diesel fuel of pick-up with CNG fuel for transportation emission reduction. This scenario reduced impact of initial composting system by 29% with the highest impact reduction was on global warming potential by 54%.
Environmental Characteristics of Slum Settlements in Batang Arau Village of Padang City Aziz, Rizki -; Noer, Melinda; Risna, Lisa
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): December
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.15 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2019.3.4.121-127


In order to comprehend the problems of slums comprehensively, knowledge of the environmental characteristics of slums is needed based on the classification of aspects of facilities, infrastructure, social, economic, and disaster (hazard). This study aims to understand the characteristics of the environment in the form of infrastructure, social, economic, and slum disasters in the Batang Arau Village, Padang City. Primary data were obtained through field observations and interviews with 80 informants, while secondary data obtained from related documents and regulations. The physical condition of the area is that the regularity of residential buildings is only 102 units of households with the level of regularity of buildings, only 0.26%. The level of residential building density of 522.36 units / Ha, with the feasibility of residential buildings, is only 0.76%. Accessibility following technical requirements is only 0.40%. The condition of the drainage network that meets the minimum quality standard is 0.19%. The number of houses served with water facilities for basic needs of 0.58% with the fulfillment of 0.47%. The percentage of family latrines according to technical requirements of 0.41%, and the amount of domestic household waste that is transported at least twice a week is 49%. Socially, the number of people by sex is almost the same, with the distribution of the productive age of the population of 69.32% of the total population, the level of education varies but in general is high school education, and the most dominant ethnic group in this area is the Minangkabau. From an economic aspect, people's income varies, with work predominantly being fishermen and trade/services. This area is located on a hillside, making it prone to landslides, and due to dense houses, this area is also prone to fires.
Preliminary Study of Solid Waste Treatment of Padang Beach Tourism Area, Padang City Rizki Aziz; Gloria Poppy Adfuza; Yaumal Arbi
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Regular Issue
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jptk.v4i1.16323


Preliminary study of the solid waste treatment of Padang Beach tourist area has done in order to analyze solid waste generation, composition, the potency of recycling, and to recommend the appropriate treatment system applies on the tourist area. The study revealed that daily waste generated as 18.648 L, the components of the waste dominated by food waste 84.215%, plastic 9.254%, paper 2.087%, and non-metal ferrous 1.945%. The potency of recycling of the waste was food waste 91.732%, plastic 88.074%, metals 78.947% and glass 75.758%. By this study it is recommended that waste that has economic value such as plastic, paper, and metal should be collected and sold to the third party, biodegradable waste such as food waste and yard waste should be composted, while others waste that has potency to produce handy craft such as seashell, coconut shell, and sachet packaging should be collected and processed, all treatment activities can be done at the recycling center that located in the tourist area.
Model Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Kawasan Wisata Pantai, Studi Kasus Pantai Carocok Painan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Rizki Aziz; Yaumal Arbi; Mhd. Handal Hamdallah
CIVED Vol 7, No 3 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/cived.v7i3.111344


Permasalahan pengelolaan sampah Kawasan Wisata Pantai Carocok Painan terjadi karena belum sesuainya praktek pengelolaan dengan standar pengelolaan yang ada, diantaranya tidak dilakukannya pengolahan di sumber sampah, terjadinya pembakaran sampah di beberapa titik sepanjang pantai. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Carocok Painan memerlukan suatu Model Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah yang meliputi aspek teknis dan aspek non teknis dengan periode desain 7 tahun (2019-2025). Model yang direncanakan adalah skala pengelolaan sampah di tingkat kawasan dengan layanan 100%. Aspek teknis yang direncanakan yaitu penggunaan wadah komunal 120 liter dengan tiga kategori (sampah layak kompos, sampah daur ulang dan sampah lain-lain) yang dilapisi dengan trash bag. Pengumpulan sampah menggunakan pola komunal tidak langsung. Pengolahan dilakukan di TPS 3 R dengan kegiatan berupa pengomposan, kerajinan tangan dari plastik, serta penjualan sampah plastik, kayu, kertas, kaca ke pihak ke tiga, luas area yang dibutuh TPS 3 R yaitu 102 m2. Proses pemindahan menggunakan kontainer yang dilanjutkan dengan pengangkutan dengan arm roll truk dari TPS 3R menuju TPA Bukik Bungkuk Painan. Untuk aspek non teknis dilakukan penambahan peraturan persampahan di kawasan wisata yang meliputi pembuatan struktur organisasi TPS 3R, serta sosialisasi TPS 3R kepada pedagang.
Pengaruh Penambahan Serpihan Kayu terhadap Kualitas Kompos Sampah Organik Sejenis dalam Komposter Rumah Tangga Yenni Ruslinda; Rizki Aziz; Lutfina Lutfina
Jurnal Dampak Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.14.1.13-22.2017


One way to improve compost quality of typical organic waste is by addition of additive such as wood chips. This study aims to analyze the impact of the wood chips addition (ratio 1:10) on compost quality of typical organic waste (fruits, vegetables, yard waste, and food waste) in home composter, and to compare the compost quality with the standard of domestic compost according SNI 19-7030-2004. Analysis was conducted on composts raw material, compost maturity process in every 5 days measurement, and on compost product. Analysis of compost product of typical organic waste with addition of wood chips showed that parameters of temperature, moisture content, and pH of vegetables and yard waste has complied the standard whilst parameter of C/N ratio has not complied. The addition of wood chips caused the drop of compost temperature and moisture content, resulted in the decomposition process located in aerobic condition, resulted in production of compost in form of humus in greater volume. The addition of wood chips also caused the compost pH and C/N ratio increased.Keywords: compost quality, home composter, typical organic waste, wood chipsAbstrakSalah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki kualitas kompos sampah organik adalah dengan penambahan bahan aditif, seperti serpihan kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan serpihan kayu (perbandingan 1:10) terhadap kualitas kompos sampah organik sejenis (buahan, sayuran, halaman dan sisa makanan) dalam komposter rumah tangga dan membandingkan kualitas akhir kompos ini dengan kualitas kompos sampah domestik menurut SNI 19-7030-2004. Analisis dilakukan terhadap bahan dasar kompos, proses kematangan dengan pengukuran setiap lima hari sekali, dan kualitas akhir kompos. Dari analisis akhir kualitas kompos sampah organik sejenis dengan penambahan serpihan kayu, parameter yang telah memenuhi standar adalah temperatur, kelembapan, pH untuk sampah sayuran dan sampah halaman, sedangkan untuk parameter rasio C/N belum memenuhi standar. Penambahan serpihan kayu menyebabkan temperatur dan kelembaban kompos menurun, sehingga proses dekomposisi berada pada suasana aerobik, yang menghasilkan kompos dalam bentuk humus dengan volume yang lebih banyak. Penambahan serpihan kayu juga meningkatkan pH dan rasio C/N kompos. Kata kunci: komposter rumah tangga, kualitas kompos, sampah organik sejenis, serpihan kayu
Jurnal Dampak Vol 9, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.9.2.73-86.2012


 The analysis study of  the waste transportation system productivity in Padang city was carried out  to evaluate the transportation vehicle capacity in Padang city for transporting waste either from the waste container or from the transfer station to the disposal site. Padang’s waste transportation system consists of hauled container system (HCS) and stationary container system (SCS). Productivity analysis included the personnal number required, the capacity of the waste transported and the vehicle haul distance of  each system. Results showed that the HCS was more productive than SCS in terms of personnel required  and waste transported per ritation. The number of collector in HCS per ritation was two persons while that of SCS was three persons, total capacity of waste transported by HCS was 372 m3/day while the SCS hauled 213 m3/day, and haul distance of HCS was 27.78 km/hour while the SCS was 8.6 km/hour. The average haul time required for SCS was 4.53 hours per ritation  larger than that of the HCS i.e. 1.23 hours. Based on the time required the  personnel productivity of the SCS was 0.66 person/hour and the HCS was 1.63 persons / hour . Although the personnel productivity of SCS is smaller, but SCS is required in a residential area with a small waste, whereas the HCS for a large quantity of waste and specific.Key words: solid waste transportation of Padang city, hauled container system (HCS), stationary container  system (SCS), productivityABSTRAKStudi analisis produktivitas sistem transportasi sampah Kota Padang ini dilakukan untuk melihat kemampuan sarana transportasi kota Padang untuk mengangkut sampah dari tempat pewadahan sampah atau dari Tempat Pemindahan Sampah (TPS) ke tempat pembuangan akhir. Sistem transportasi kota Padang terdiri dari sistem transportasi dengan wadah angkut dan wadah tetap. Analisis produktivitas yang dilakukan meliputi jumlah personil yang dibutuhkan, kapasitas sampah yang terangkut, dan jarak yang ditempuh oleh kendaraan angkut dalam satuan waktu pada masing-masing sistem. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem wadah angkut lebih produktif dibandingkan sistem wadah tetap dilihat dari segi personil dan sampah yang diangkut per ritasi. Jumlah personil sistem wadah angkut per ritasi dua orang sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sebanyak tiga orang, kapasitas total sampah yang diangkut dengan sistem wadah angkut sebesar 372 m3/hari sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sebesar 213 m3/harinya, dan jarak tempuh total sistem sistem wadah angkut perjamnya adalah 27,78 km sedangkan sistem wadah tetap sejauh 8,6 km. Waktu angkut rata-rata yang dibutuhkan pada sistem wadah tetap adalah 4,53 jam per ritasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sistem wadah angkut yaitu 1,23 jam. Berdasarkan waktu tersebut diperoleh produktivitas personil sistem wadah tetap 0,66 orang/jam dan pada sistem wadah angkut 1,63 orang/jam. Meskipun produktivitas personil SCS lebih kecil, namun SCS diperlukan di daerah pemukiman dengan timbulan sampah kecil, sedangkan HCS untuk kuantitas sampah yang besar dan spesifik.Kata kunci: transportasi sampah Kota Padang,  sistem wadah angkut, sistem wadah tetap, produktivitas. 
Jurnal Dampak Vol 13, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.13.2.60-67.2016


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)is a method to assess and to evaluate total environmental impact of a product, process or service. Simplified LCA has applied to solid waste management of institutional source of Padang City which applies two types of systems included Mixed Management System and Separated Management System. Study based on solid waste management of Major Office of Padang City which generated waste as 5.1194 m3 per week. Life cycle of mixed management system consist of generation, storage, collection, transportation to landfill, treatment on landfill, transportation to informal recycler, and treatment of informal recycler. Separated management system consist of generation, storage, collection, transportation to informal recycler, treatment on informal recycler, transportation to landfill, and treatment on landfill. Total material generated was 6.6320 m3 /weekon mixed system and 4.1815 m3/ weekon separated system. Energy needed for mixed system was 0.0164 m3/ weekand 0.0102 m3/ weekon separated system. The highest environmental impact for both systems were on ecosystem quality damage for treatment on landfill phase as 13.1519 weighting unit of mixed system and 7.7743 weighting unit for treatment on landfill for separated system. Comparative analysis of both systems on equal quantity of waste reveals that separated system is more environmentally friendly than mixed system. Keywords: Simplified LCA, solid waste management system of institutional source, mixed system, separated system, environmental impactpengolahan di lapak (lapak besar dan bandar), sedangkan untuk sistem terpisah terdiri dari tahap timbulan, tahap pewadahan, tahap pengumpulan, tahap pengangkutan ke lapak, tahap pengolahan di lapak (lapak kecil, lapak besar, dan Bandar), tahap pengangkutan ke TPA, dan tahap pengolahan di TPA. Total buangan material sebesar 6,6320 m3/mingguuntuk sistem tercampur dan 4,1815 m3/mingguuntuk sistem terpisah, volume energi yang dibutuhkan sistem tercampur yaitu 0,0164 m3/minggudan 0,0102 m3/mingguuntuk sistem terpisah. Dampak lingkungan terbesar yang mungkin terjadi adalah potensi gangguan keseimbangan ekologi, yaitu sebesar 13,1519 satuan bobot untuk pengolahan di TPA sistem tercampur dan 7,7743 satuan bobot untuk pengolahan di TPA sistem terpisah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang diperoleh, untuk sampah dengan kuantitas yang sama, sistem terpisah lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan sistem tercampur. Kata-kata kunci: LCA sederhana, sistem pengelolaan sampah perkantoran, sistem tercampur, sistem terpisah, dampak lingkungan
Jurnal Dampak Vol 10, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.10.1.73-78.2013


Konsep pengelolaan sampah telah lama berubah dari pemusnahan atau pembuangan menjadi pemanfaatan. Namun konsep ini belum diikuti dengan langkah nyata oleh pemerintah. Kepedulian terhadap kelestarian lingkungan telah mendorong beberapa kelompok masyarakat, lembaga atau institusi untuk bergerak aktif dalam pemanfaatan sampah. Universitas Andalas sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkemuka di Pulau Sumatera sudah saatnya mengambil peran aktif dalam melakukan pengelolaan sampah yang berwawasan lingkungan. Timbulan sampah yang cukup besar yaitu 28 m3/hari pada tahun 2012, yang diproyeksikan akan menjadi 34 m3/hari atau 9 ton/hari pada tahun 2017, menawarkan potensi cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan. Pada tahun proyeksi 2017 dari total timbulan sampah, 26,6 % (2,4 ton/h) adalah sampah makanan, 9,8 % (0,9 ton/h) adalah sampah penyapuan taman/jalan, 30,0 % (2,7 ton/h) adalah sampah plastik, 25,3 % (2,3 ton/h) adalah sampah kertas, 1,5 % (0,1 ton/h) adalah sampah kaleng, logam dan besi dan 6,9 % (0,6 ton/h) adalah sampah lain-lain (tekstil, karet, kayu, kaca dll). Dari total sampah makanan dan penyapuan halaman/jalan, 33,7 % berpotensi untuk menghasilkan kompos sekitar 1,2 ton/hari, 2,1 % (0,2 ton/h) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk proses biogas dan sisanya 0,5 % (0,05 ton/h) ditimbun di TPA. Sampah plastik dan kertas sebesar 55,3 % dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau dijual ke PT. Semen Padang sebagai tambahan bahan bakar unit kiln. Dari 1,5 % sampah kaleng, logam dan besi, 1,3 % dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau dijual ke pihak ketiga sedangkan sisanya yang hanya sebesar 0,02 ton/h dibuang ke TPA Air Dingin. Selanjutnya, sisa timbulan sampah sebesar 6,9 % yang berupa sampah tekstil, karet, kayu, kaca dan lain-lain dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pada kiln PT. Semen Padang. Jika konsep ini dapat dilaksanakan, maka Universitas Andalas dianggap mampu melakukan pemanfaatan sampah hingga 99,3 %. Kata kunci: Pemanfaatan sampah, kelestarian lingkungan, pengelolaan sampah yang berwawasan lingkunganABSTRACTManagement of solid waste has been changed from dumping to utilization. However, this concept is not fully applied yet by the government. Environmental sustainability awareness has been stimulating some community groups and institutions to actively involve in waste utilization. Andalas University as a leading higher education institution in Sumatera Island must give active contributions in solid waste management for environmental sustainability. Solid waste generation of 28 m3/day, which is projected to be 34 m3/day or 9 ton/day in 2017, offers huge enough potency for utilization. From the total solid waste generation in 2017, 26.6 % (2.4 ton/day) is food waste, 9.8 % (0.9 ton/day) is garden/road waste, 30.0 % (2.7 ton/day) is plastic waste, 25.3 % (2.3 ton/day) is paper waste, 1.5 % (0.1 ton/day) can, metal and iron waste and 6.9 % (0.6 ton/day) is micellaneous waste (textile, rubber, wood, glass etc). 33.7 % of food waste and garden/road waste may be recycled to compost around 1.2 ton/day, 2.1 % (0.2 ton/day) may be utilized for biogas and the rest 0.5 % (0.05 ton/day) is sent to TPA Air Dingin. Plastic waste and paper wich is 55.5 %, may be used for additional fuel for kiln unit of PT. Semen Padang. From 1.5 % can, metal and iron waste, 1.3 % may be reused or sold to third party while the reset (only 0.02 ton/day) must be disposed to TPA Air Dingin. Furthermore, the rest of waste generation account for 6.9 % composed of textile, rubber, kayu, kaca dll may be used as alternative fuel for kiln PT.Semen Padang. If this concept is practiced, then the Andalas University is considered capable of utilizing their waste up to 99.3 %.Keyword: Utilization solid waste, environmental sustainability, management of solid waste
Analisis Timbulan, Komposisi dan Potensi Daur Ulang Sampah Di Kampus Politeknik ATI Padang Seprimon Seprimon; Rizki Aziz; Candrianto Candrianto
Jurnal Dampak Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.16.2.66-70.2019


 The purpose of this research is to analyze the generation, composition, and potential of waste recycling at the campus of Polytechnic ATI Padang with the number of samples and sampling method determined based on SNI 19-3964-1994. The average waste generation on the campus of Polytechnic ATI Padang is 0.0076 kg/o/h for unit weight or 0.0922 l/o/h for unit volume. Based on the source, waste generation of administrative facilities 0.1456 l/o/h, classroom 0.0106 l/o/h, ukm facilities 0.0865 l/o/h, library facilities 0.0898 l/o/h, lecturer’s room 0.1971 l/o/h, canteen 0.1442 l/o/h, laboratory 0,1204 l/o/h, worship facilities 0,0353 l/o/h, and yard/garden 0,0847 l/m2/h. The composition of garbage on the campus of Polytechnic ATI Padang is dominated by dry waste 63,40 %, which consists of paper waste 26,49 %, plastic 28,24 %, textile 0,08 %, rubber 0.40 %, glass 0,38 %, metal 0,05 %, cans 0,95 % , and etc 6,81% and wet garbage 36,60 % consisting of food waste 13,32 %, waste page 23,07 % and wood 0,21 %. Potentially recycled waste components are paper waste 60,41 %, plastic 94,85 %, glass 57,50 %, 100 % garbage can, 100 % yard waste, and food waste 82,80%. The average potential of recycling garbage on campus of Polytechnic ATI Padang is 74,39 % consisting of recycling potential of dry waste 52.05% and recycling potential of wet waste 22.34 %.Keywords : waste generation, garbage composition, waste recycling potential, Polytechnic ATI Padang     ABSTRAK  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pembangkitan, komposisi, dan potensi daur ulang limbah di kampus Politeknik ATI Padang dengan jumlah sampel dan metode pengambilan sampel ditentukan berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1994. Rata-rata timbulan sampah di kampus Politeknik ATI Padang adalah 0,0076 kg / o / jam untuk satuan berat atau 0,0922 l / o / jam untuk volume unit. Berdasarkan sumbernya, timbulan limbah fasilitas administrasi 0,1456 l / o / jam, ruang kelas 0,0106 l / o / jam, fasilitas ukm 0,0865 l / o / jam, fasilitas perpustakaan 0,0898 l / o / jam, ruang dosen 0,1971 l / o / jam h, kantin 0,1442 l / o / h, laboratorium 0,1204 l / o / jam, fasilitas ibadah 0,0353 l / o / jam, dan halaman / taman 0,0847 l / m2 / jam. Komposisi sampah di kampus Politeknik ATI Padang didominasi oleh sampah kering 63,40%, yang terdiri dari limbah kertas 26,49%, plastik 28,24%, tekstil 0,08%, karet 0,40%, kaca 0,40%, gelas 0, 38%, logam 0,05%, kaleng 0,95%, dan lain-lain 6,81% dan sampah basah 36,60% terdiri dari limbah makanan 13,32%, limbah halaman 23,07% dan kayu 0,21%. Komponen limbah yang berpotensi didaur ulang adalah limbah kertas 60,41%, plastik 94,85%, gelas 57,50%, tong sampah 100%, limbah halaman 100%, dan limbah makanan 82,80%. Potensi rata-rata sampah daur ulang di kampus Politeknik ATI Padang adalah 74,39% yang terdiri dari potensi daur ulang limbah kering 52,05% dan potensi daur ulang limbah basah 22,34%. Kata Kunci: timbulan sampah, komposisi sampah, potensi daur ulang, Politeknik ATI Padang