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Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.071 KB)


THE LEADERSHIP OF WOMEN IN ISLAM: The role of women in a religious society  to the question  of who and what  women are, the answer to which is found in the Koran. In these sacred Islamic verses the role and nature of women have been described by Allah, the almighty  creator  of us all. Despite  the traditional multi-ethnicity   of   Ismaic   tradition    society’s  social   fabric, however, Islam as a universal religion for the entire country has shaped the structure  of Islam’s society  and the mentality  of its citizens.  Within  the Islamic religious belief and the Koran, the belief is that  women were created for the main purpose of their husbands.  In fact,  the Islam is universal  religion.  This  articale analisise  about  existence  woman in the  leadership  in Islam  as universal religion.
PALITA Vol 2, No 1 (2017): PALITA
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v2i1.105


The present religious presence is required to be active in solving the problems and challenges facing its adherents. The position and role of religion is not only a symbol of piety but can play a role in solving the existing problems. The psychological approach in Islamic studies has a significant role to explain the outward symptoms of religious people. Armed with psychological theories will be easy to know the level of religion that is understood, lived and practiced by someone. The cognitive theory of religion is able to provide answers related to the limitations beyond human capabilities. In addition, religious-based psychotherapy is one concept of psychotherapy in the perspective of Islam that can be used as a therapy to cure various diseases both physical and mental disorders.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2018): Dinamika Sejarah Dunia Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.237


At the end of the Rasyidin Caliphate there was division within Muslims. Politically there are two dominant groups: Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Politically there are two dominant groups, Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. After the negotiations, for the sake of unity of Muslims, it was agreed that Hasan acknowledged Mu’awiyah as the Caliph of the Muslim marked the emergence of the Umayyad Dynasty. The moment was called am jamaah (unity year) in 661. The Abbasid Dynasty was the descendant of Prophet Muhammads uncle, al-Abbas, who supported Ali bin Abi Talib and his descendants (including Hasan bin Ali). This paper aims to discuss some of the political situation that developed when the Umayyads (661-750) and the Abbasids (750- 1258). In Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyans time there was a change of the political system from the khulafaur Rashidin into a system of al-Mulk (heredity monarchy) characterized by the appointment of his son, Yazin bin Muawiyah. This system adopted from the Persian and Byzantine kingdoms. However, maintaining the term caliph of Islam. Muawiyah also used Diwan and Sheikh to run the government, with the mechanism of Shura for consultative functions. After 150 years the Umayyads, the power was changed over by Abu al-Abbas Abdullah and marked the rising of the Abbasid in 750. In the Abbasid period the political and religious issues can’t be separated, which earlier in the Umayyad period were separated. The propaganda that the caliph is the representative of the people in carrying out Gods command is valid until the Judgment Day. More explicitly, the term al-Imam (which also means the leader of prayer) is the leader in political affairs. In addition, the implementation of Islamic Sharia is also more highlighted in governing the government and legitimating the power of the caliph. In general, the political style of the Abbasids is more Persian than the more Arab Umayyads.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Sejarah Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.176


The plurality must be done in the world. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspects of religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it is necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. This paper discusses the definitions of religion given by the scholars and then gives a clear definition as an attempt to build up tolerant. Religion is not the same with religious beliefs and practices or religious experiences. So this article discusses about that.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.217


In the Matt. 22: 37-40, Yesus said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your minds. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as your self. These two commandments depend all the law and the prophets. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspects of religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it’s necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. In the globalization era, Muslim needs strong basis theology. Humanist theology is a basis of the world religions. So the question is who the humanist unity of God, as a theology of Quranic? What attitude we must follow in prophetics massage? And than what spirite who guide in association between Ummah in Indonesia country. Idea fundament of humanist unity of God is they have identity of religion and respect to the other. This writing shows that theology (tauhid) is human awareness on thier believer toward the one god which cover it’s one of essence, action, atribute (characteristic). The unity of god essence is a furitification towards God. Yet, The pluralism is to be still unitied with strong bound, namely bound of essence of God. This articel describe the discourse.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Dakwah Dan Tantangannya
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.221


Globalization influences all aspect of life, whether it is in social field, politic, economy, culture, education and in others field produced the kinds of influencing as positive and negative. There is an interesting development that writer finds in global society that the tendency of society has begun changing on quest of meaning life whether humanism and spiritual value. It relates with presenting of negative influencing of era globalization toward the society who forget the behavior as one of the part of eternity orientation. To answering that problem, Islam has given solution with the lesson in molded of Nashaihul ‘Ibad holy book translation. The writer chooses the product of Imam Nawawi al-Bantani because the holy book includes many materials in Islam guiding that are really interesting to be observed and the content can be contextualized to the global society.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Meredam Konfliks
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.244


Happiness is not the same as joy or pleasure. The happiness is a condition that lasts (a lasting condition) and not a feeling or emotion that passed. In general, a person may feel happy even though he was suffering from grief, as well as someone who is experiencing chronic unhappiness can also know the moments of joy. Also happiness is not a disposition or attitude merry soul although not denying that these things can help towards happiness. Some people can have such behavior even in the face of disappointment. Someone is perfectly happy because he has a good full and perfect. Perfect happiness that comes and fully satisfy all our desires, while happiness is called incomplete if it does not satisfy all our desires or, suppose can satisfy all the desires, but are not satisfy with fully. To avoid confusion, it should be noted in earnest here that the moral philosophy of happiness natural look only (natural happiness). Natural happiness is satisfying all desires are included and appears on the naked human nature (man’s bare nature). This article talks about the concept of happiness according to the philosophers.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.206


In the matter of political harmony, the emergence of policies variety that smelled past at least it is sufficient evidence that the policy line of the sustainability paradigm. KUB bill that many feared would make a significant setback, indeed fail enacted. However, the advent of the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religious numbers 9 and Minister of the Interior No. 8 of 2006, which revised the decree number 1 in 1979, seems to have been present the past in the midst of this reform. At the beginning of the reforms, the changes were encouraging, especially during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001). Gus Dur did significant movement to repeal Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1967 On Religion, Beliefs and Customs of China through Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000 dated 17 January 2000. Since that time, the rapidly growing Chinese culture, including religious activities. In the reign of Gus Dur, as K.H. Tolhah Hasan served as Minister of Religion, once there is a suggestion that the government (in this case the Ministry of Religion) ratified the United Nations Declaration on the elimination of various forms of intolerance or disharmony and discrimination based on religion or belief (endorsed 25 November 1981). It is an initiative developed from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA Now) to guarantee the principle that no one should be subjected to discrimination by the state, institution, group of persons, or person on grounds of religion or other beliefs.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2015): Filsafat Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.184


Really grievous if difference in Islam, what basically leave from difference of understanding and interpretation of to text al-Qur’an and alHadits, result disharmony in going into society and state. Actually, along the length of the difference based on hotly values Ukhuwah Basyariah (brotherhood of between mankind), ukhuwah Islamiyah (brotherhood of between Islam people humanity), hablu minannaas (good rapport with fellow being), and ikhtilafu ummati rahmatun (difference is blessing), not generate problems. Specially in Indonesia, from fact available for seen, seems not yet show that the difference of blessing. Thereby, this article invite to try to refer back history, what comprehending Islam and ber-Islam which ought to be applied in Indonesia context so that Indonesia man in understanding be not trapped into abundant ekstrimitity. Concepted moderating Islam, basically only limited to bargain which solely wishing assist public in general in comprehending Islam. Act moderate in berIslam is not an things digressing in Islam teaching, because this thing is detectable of the reference, is good in al-Qur’an, al-Hadits, and also behavior of man in history. Develop understanding “Moderating Islam” for Indonesia context it can be assumed so important. Isn’t it true known that in this region there are understanding in Islam, immeasurable of religion, and multi-etnis. Concepted moderating Islam invite, what Islam is comprehended in kontekstual, comprehend that variance and difference is sunnatullah, have no refused by the existence. If this thing was practiced, it can be believed by Islam will become blessing religion for universe.
Al-Riwayah: Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/al-riwayah.133


The reality of the diversity of the Indonesian people for this in the name of national stability is often the reason in this era. Today, discussing the concept of multicultural education in the public life of multiculturalism is very risky because nations mental is not ready yet to accept it. But these circumstances have to be blasted and blasted peacefully continue to seek and find the best solution to the nation. The paradigm of multicultural education includes the subjects of injustice, poverty, oppression and backwardness of minorities in various areas of social, cultural, economic, and errors in understanding other religions. Multicultural education should be directed so that all nations can enter into an entity called multicultural education institution, regardless of religion, poor, rich, gentry, students, and so on. Perhaps only with the well multicultural education will be able to be a solution for the nation of Indonesia. Promoting the concept of multicultural education is as part of efforts to reduce the potential horizontal and vertical national conflict. Multiculturalism is a risk that needs to be taken in developing the nation of Indonesia. This paper attempts to describe phenomena and urgency of multicultural education in the nation life.