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All Journal Jurnal Sain Veteriner Cakrawala Pendidikan Dinamik Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) Sainteks Journal of Tropical Life Science : International Journal of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Life Sciences Biotika: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Ganendra: Majalah IPTEK Nuklir Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir KADIKMA Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Semantik Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Dan Teknologi Fakultas Teknik JURNAL TEKMAPRO Telematika : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Jurnal Studi Sosial Program Pascasarjana P-IPS Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Majalah Kulit, Karet, dan Plastik Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan Jurnal SIMADA (Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Basis Data) Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika RAFA ICON-CSE AJIE (Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship) Jurnal Riset Industri Hasil Hutan Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik (JI@P) SOSIOLOGI NUSANTARA Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian Agrotechno Pharmascience JIP: Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI Manajemen Pendidikan Jurnal Informatika Upgris Format : Jurnal Imiah Teknik Informatika Jurnal Akta Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JOINTECS) Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar PRASASTI: Journal of Linguistics Turbo : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Jurnal Komputer Terapan Adi Widya : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Manajer Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana JURNAL TEKNIK INFORMATIKA DAN SISTEM INFORMASI Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pakar Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus at-tamkin: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Jiko (Jurnal Informatika dan komputer) Islaminomics: Journal of Islamic Economics, Business and Finance Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang EQIEN - JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS JURTEKSI Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Jambura Economic Education Journal JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika) Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial EPIC : Journal of Electrical Power, Instrumentation and Control Human Care Journal Diakronika JISKa (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga) Jurnal Pembangunan Nagari Dinamika Journal : Pengabdian Masyarakat Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer Jurnal Teras Fisika : Teori, Modeling, dan Aplikasi Fisika E-Link: Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Journal of Innovation Information Technology and Application (JINITA) Jurnal Bumigora Information Technology (BITe) Jurnal Penelitian Peternakan Terpadu Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education Journal (Birle Journal) Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan Juminten : Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Teknologi Physical Education, Health and Recreation Journal Empowerment : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG) Eksergi: Jurnal Teknik Energi Jurnal Pengabdian Ilung (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Jurnal Ilmiah Berkala: Sains dan Terapan Kimia KOMMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat JURNAL HUTAN TROPIS Dinamika Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve SAINTIFIKA Jurnal Keadilan Hukum Indonesian Journal of Limnology Pro Health Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Jurnal Informatika Polinema (JIP) MADIKA: Jurnal Politik dan Governance Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus
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Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 2, No 2 (2008): Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2008, Th. XXVII, No. 2
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.369 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v2i2.8511


The objective of this researchis to develop a non-graded education model Inthis model, curriculum materials are adapted into sequentially arranged materials.Students aregrouped on the bases of their ages, it is possible to have a variety oflearning materialsand a variety of learning activities within one classroom at thesame time. An individual mastery learning approach is implemented. The locationof researchwas in the town of Surakarta. The initial activity was adapting theexisting curriculum materials into sequential learning units.The non~gradedmodelwas tried out in grade 1 of SO Al Firdaus with 62 students (parallel classes).Research results indicate: I)The initial levelsof competence of students in aclassroom are heterogeneous.2) In terms of language and sequence of materials,theadapted curriculum package was rated as excellent, but in appropriateness tothe levels of development, a few materials for lower gradesneed to be revised. 3)Teachers and parents agreed on the heterogeneity of classes in schools, butdisagreed on the feasibility of multilevel curriculum materials and multi-modalityof learning. Thetwo groups also agreed on the low competence of teachers inteaching non-graded classrooms. 4) After one year in progress, the non-gradedmodel showed beneficial for fast and slow learners
Aplikasi SMS Gateway Sunardi Sunardi; Hari Murti; Hersatoto Listiyono
Dinamik Vol 14 No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/dinamik.v14i1.88


SMS merupakan sebuah teknologi yang menyediakan pelayanan pengiriman dan penerimaanpesan antar telepon seluler. Teknologi SMS hanya dapat membawa data yang terbatas. SMS Gatewayadalah suatu sistem yang menjembatani antara handphone dengan sistem yang menjadi server dengan SMSsebagai informasinya. Pada sistem kerja SMS gateway, telepon seluler pengguna mengirimkan sms yangberisikan  format tulisan untuk mengakses informasi yang dibutuhkan melalui jaringan gsm. SMS akanditerima oleh telepon seluler SMS gateway yang kemudian akan diambil oleh pc dengan menggunakanprotokol mfbus melalui kabel data. Sampai pada pc maka format tulisan akan diolah oleh program aplikasisms gateway  untuk menghasilkan informasi yang nantinya akan dikirimkan ke telepon seluler sms gatewaydengan menggunakan protokol mfbus melalui kabel data. setelah itu informasi dikirim oleh telepon selulersms gateway ke telepon seluler pengguna.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kependudukan Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus Kependudukan di Kelurahan Bugangan Kecamatan Semarang Timur) Sunardi Sunardi; Hersatoto Listiyono
Dinamik Vol 21 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1200.214 KB) | DOI: 10.35315/dinamik.v21i2.6091


Sejalan dengan era global ini, saat dibutuhkan informasi yang bersifat mobile. Kemudahan dankecepatan akses saat ini sangat didukung dengan berbagai sarana seperti smartphone. Semakin lama banyakorang yang bermigrasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi dari komputer beralih ke smartphone. Halini dikarenakankemudahan dan kepraktisan dalam menggunakannya. Orang tidak harus mengotonggotong laptop dalam mencari informasi, tetapi informasi saat ini telah dalam satu genggaman tangan.Sistem informasi ini dibangun guna mendukung kebutuhan informasi bagi penyelenggarapemerintahan dalam membuat suatu keputusan, adapun informasi yang diolah saat ini berdasarkan kartukeluarga. Aplikasi ini membangun informasi kependudukan pengolahan data perjenis kelamin, programpengolahan data tempat kelahiran, program pengolahan data tahun kelahiran, program pengolahan dataagama, program pengolahan data pendidikan, program pengolahan data status pernikahan, programpengolahan data status hubungan, program pengolahan data kewarganegaraan, program pengolahan dataPekerjaan serta updating data pada kartu keluarga. Hasil dari sistem menunjukkan bahwa kemudahandan validitas data sangat bergantung pada database yang diolah. Sistem ini mampu menyajikan dataolahan yang sangat dibut uhkan oleh para pemanggu pemerintahan. Dari tingkat RT hingga tingkatkecamatan bahkan tingkatan yang lebih tinggi.
Dinamik Vol 26 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/dinamik.v26i2.8446


Kinerja pegawai dalam sebuah perusahaan dapat dilihat dari pencatatan kehadiran atau presensi pegawai setiap harinya. Selama ini para pegawai melakukan presensi kehadiran setiap harinya dengan menggunakan mesin presensi berupa fingerprint. Namun dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 maka memunculkan permasalahan baru yaitu resiko penularan yang semakin besar menggingat mesin tersebut menggunakan sentuhan telunjuk tangan dalam melakukan pendeteksiannya. Selain itu juga selama pandemi perusahaan mewajibkan untuk bekerja dari rumah (Work From Home) sehingga sebagian besar pegawai tidak dapat masuk kerja untuk melakukan presensi. Dengan masalah tersebut, perusahaan membutuhkan solusi dimana pegawai dapat melakukan presensi tanpa harus bersentuhan dengan alat presensi serta aktifitas presensi dapat dilakukan dari rumah tanpa ada unsur kecurangan karena titip absen. Disisi lain perkembangan smartphone dirasa sangat pesat dibandingkan teknologi yang lainnya. Salah satu teknologi dalam smartphone yang sedang berkembang saat ini yaitu pemanfaatan kamera smartphone untuk scan QR Code. Dalam penggunaannya user cukup mengarahkan kamera smartphone nya ke arah tampilan QR Code yang ada pada layar situs WEB PT.Swakarya Insan Mandiri. Dengan menggabungkan platform QR Code dan WEB, diharapkan mampu mengatasi salah satu masalah presensi yang dialami oleh perusahaan PT.Swakarya Insan Mandiri Semarang. Kedua platform ini dibangun dengan bahasa permrogaman PHP dan penyimpanan data menggunakan MySql serta program tools MIT App Inventor. Hasil dari sistem ini yaitu presensi kehadiran pegawai menggunakan QR Code berbasis WEB yang dapat dilakukan di rumah dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi penularan dan penyebaran Covid-19.
The Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Berbasis Etnomatematika Berbantuan Aplikasi Google Form sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Daring Sofhia Ma'rifatuz Zahro; Sunardi Sunardi; Abi Suwito; Susanto Susanto; Lela Nur Safrida
KadikmA Vol 12 No 3 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v12i3.27609


This research aims to know the process and the result of the development of Mathematics Learning Instruments for ethnomathematics based curved space chapter with the help of the Google Form aplication as a support for online learning. This research is development research. Learning instruments development model refers to four D models. The product of this research are teaching materials, student’s worksheet, and evaluation test. This research took place at IX A of junior high school 2 Puger, Jember with consist 36 students. The data collection methods used in this research are the interview, test, and questionnaire. Based on data analysis, this research has three result. First, the learning instrument developed have valid criteria. Secondly, the learning instrument developed have practical criteria based on interview and student’s responses. Third, the learning instrument developed have effective criteria based on student’s score and student’s positive responses.
KadikmA Vol 7 No 2 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v7i2.22865


Curriculum is one of the essential requirements in the administration of education system. In the academic year 2013/2014, Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education implement a new curriculum called 2013 curriculum. For the successful implementation of 2013 curriculum, the government published a student book as an effort of supporting in learning activities. Analysis on the student book is needed for reviewing the suitability of student book by 2013 curriculum formulation. The analysis is based on four criteria consisting of competence, materials of math, learning approaches and assessment of learning. Research carried out by using the method of documentation and questionnaires. The results showed that the suitability of the student book with competence in the curriculum is 86.97% (very suitable), the materials of math is 87.27% (very suitable), the learning approaches is 87.50% (very suitable), and the suitability with the assessment of learning is 69.10% (suitable). Based on the research that has been done, the lowest number of suitability is the aspect of authentic assessment. Therefore, adding more tasks and activities that reflecting the authentic assessment in the student book such as portfolio and practice test would be highly recommended
Eksplorasi Etnomatematika pada Pembuatan Kubah Masjid Berbahan Stainless Steel sebagai Bahan Lembar Kerja Siswa Nurul Annisa; Titik Sugiarti; Lioni Anka Monalisa; Sunardi Sunardi; Dinawati Trapsilasiwi
KadikmA Vol 11 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v11i1.17943


Ethnomatics are cultural practices related to mathematical activities such as grouping, counting, calculating, designing buildings or tools, determining locations. This research was conducted at the Soponyono Dome Company, Wirolegi, Jember. The purpose of this study is to describe ethnomatematics in the manufacture of stainless steel mosque domes and produce student worksheets. This research is a type of qualitative research with ethnographic approach. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research are the owner of the company and four dome craftsmen. Geometry concepts or elements found include: congruent, flat shapes (rectangle, irregular hexagon, circle segment, trapezoid), space structures (cylinder, truncated ball, cone, and truncated cone), geometrical transformations (dilatation), and mathematical activity (measuring activity, counting activity, and design activity). The results of the study were made as worksheet material for Grade IX students with the subject of constructing curved side spaces of tube and cone material. Keywords: Ethnomatematics, Mosque Dome, Student Worksheet.
KadikmA Vol 10 No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v10i3.17405


This study aims to determine the geometry skills of class X students in solving quadrilateral questions based on van Hiele's level. The research subjects were 6 students of grade X MIPA 4 in SMA Negeri 1 Jember. Students are given van Hiele level classification test questions, geometry skills test questions, and followed by interviews. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results obtained are students at the rigor level have visual skills, verbal skills, and logic skills. Students at the deduction level have visual and drawing skills. Students at the informal deduction level have visual skills, logic skills, and applied skills. Female students who are at the analysis level have visual skills, verbal skills, logic skills, and applied skills. Male students at the analysis level have visual skills. Students at the visualization level have visual skills.
KadikmA Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v12i2.25085


This study aims to describe the ability of spatial geometry of class XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Jember in terms of David Keirsey's personality type. Spatial ability in this study is the ability to understand the world of space based on elements of spatial abilities which include: spatial perception, mental rotation, and spatial visualization. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data collection method in this research is questionnaire, spatial test, and interview. Then, based on the results of the test and interview analysis, it was found that the Guardian students could fulfill all spatial indicators. Artisan students in imagining and rotating spaces can think quickly and answer questions correctly, compared to guardian and idealistic students. Idealistic students in the ability to see the surface of the unit cubic structure more than the point of view (from the front, right side, and top) cannot describe it precisely. Meanwhile, rational students on the mental rotation element for the first indicator are still unable to rotate a spatial shape and can imagine the rotation or rotation of a spatial shape accurately.
KadikmA Vol 11 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v11i1.17974


This study aims to explore anything ethnomatematics related to woodwork in Tutul Village, Jember. Woodcraft is a craft made from wood. This type of research is a study using a qualitative approach with ethnographic design. Research subjects in this study were craftsmen and owners of "Ara Collections" wood production houses. In this study the object is focused on bracelets, necklaces, and keeping. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that wood crafts have mathematical elements. The mathematical elements found are ball, tube, cube, integrated cone, rectangular flat, circle, parabolic, ellipsoid, hyperbole, hyperbole, geometric patterns, reflection, dilation, and congruence and concordance. The teaching material made is in the form of a geometry test package related to ethnomatematics in wood crafts in Tutul Village, Balung Sub-District, Jember. Keywords: Ethnomatematics; Woodcraft; Geometry; Teaching Materials
Co-Authors Abdul Fadil Abdul Fadlil Abdul Wahid Abdullah Abdullah Abi Suwito Achmad Baijuri Adelita Setiawan Adi Slamet Supriyadi Adinda Salsabilla Darmawan Agung Bambang Setio Utomo Agung Wahyudi Agus Jaka Sri Hartanta Agus Supriono Ahlul Mawahib Ahmad Arsyad Ahmad Budi Junaidi Ahmad Hafizh Aina Kholifatuzzuhro AKHMAD ARIF MUSADAD Akhwan Akhwan Akhwan Akhwan Aldila Marselli Alfian Ma’arif Aminonatalina Aminonatalina Ana Maftukhah Ana Zul Fia Andhy Sulistyo Anika Sari Anisa Musdirohmah Anton Yudhana Any Setyaningsih Aquami Aquami Arif Wirawan Muhammad Aris Haryadi Ariyawan Sunardi Arum Hikmahtul Afifah Aulia Nailul Muna Aulia Nailul Muna Aulia Rahma Avin Giovanus Azalea Putri Azidi Irwan Bambang Gunari Bangun Hutama Winata Bani Fauziah Bayu Exsanty Aribowo Budi Irawan Budiharjo Budiharjo C Yuwono Sumasto Danang Sudarwoko Adi Dede Heri Yuli YANTO Desak Made Malini Desy Aryani Aryani Devi Anggraeni Pratiwi Dewi Mulyani Dhimas Satria Dian Kurniati Dinawati Trapsilasiwi Dionisius Dewid Dita Ayu Shofilah Djono Djono Dwi Anie Gunastuti Dwi Ari Kurniawati Edi Mikrianto Edi Suharyadi Eduart Wolok Edwaren Liun Edy Sumarno Efi Sriwahyuni Elsa Nadia Pratiwi Emy Wuryani Endang Rochyadi, Endang Era N R Oktaviana Erfan Yudianto Erlendy Julian Nugroho Ermin Ermin Erni Suparti, Erni Erny Listijorini Ervin Oktavianingtyas EVI YULIANTI Evvy Kartini Fahmi Nur Ramadhan Fanny Tanuwijaya Fatriani Fatriani Fauzi, Eka Perwitasari Ferry Prayudi N.S Fety Aniarsih Fizian Yahya Gema Kharismajati Gemilang Lara Utama Ginu Rama Purwadinata Rama Purwadinata Grandhika Pratama Widiyarta N. Gunawan Gunawan Habib Muharry Hanida Eris Griyanti Hanung Adi Nugroho Hari Murti Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hendra Setyadi Kurnia Putra Herawati Oktavianty Herman Herman Herry Widyastono Hersatoto Listiyono I putu Gede Ardhana Idham Halid Lahay Ikhsan Kamil ilham abu Imam Riadi Imas Diana Aprilia Indah Widyahety Indri Aprilianti Iswanto Iswanto Jamaludin Dwi Laspandi Jamrud Aminuddin Jehan Azizah Johan Wayan Dika Joko Supriyanto Joko Triyanto Joko Yuwono Juhana Juhana Kabul Fadilah Kabul Fadilah Kartika Firdausy Kartika Indah Kartika Sari Keukeu Kaniawati Keukeu Kaniawati Rosada Krismajoli Dwi Pamuladsih Kusnadi, Heri Larosa, Esta Lioni Anka Monalisa, Lioni Anka Listyanto Aji Nugroho Lisya Nurlaily Hajar Marfuah M. Noer Iskandar Nuriz Ansori Mahmud Mahmud Mardiah Astuti Martavevi Azwar Martinus Priyo Kristanto Mashun Mashun Meidi Syaflan, Meidi Melanie Melanie Mentari, Ika Nurfajri Miranti Ariyani Mita Riani Rezki Mitha Syahfitri Monica Pratiwi Muhammad Amril Muhammad Rizky Alfarizi Muhammad Sabri muhammad sayuti Muhammad Sehah Muhammad Sultan Muhimatul Lailiya Muslih Masruri Muthia Elma Mutia Septi Saputri N. Rachmadanur Nadia Istiqomah Nadime Lasykar Muhammad Naili Azizah Narsono Narsono Nashrul Wathan Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Ngatirah Ngatirah Niken Karsiati Nila Ariana Ristianti Nila Lestari Nine Elissa Maharani Nining Ratningsih Nisa Nur Kusuma Noer Komari Nora Rotua Sybianti Novi Tristanti Nurhikmatul Aulia Nurmahendra Harahap Nurul Annisa Nurul Uthami Nuryono Satya Widodo Oky Supriadi Pratika Maharani Prihadi Santoso Puji Hartati Putri Idayatul Amalia R. Soelistijadi Raden Arief Nugroho Rahma Kurnia Sri Utami Rahmansyah Rahmansyah Rahmat Yunus Rahyani Ermawati Randi Pratama Murtikusuma Renidyati Renidyati Retno Agnestisia Rezty Anggraeni Rina Lusiani Rini Rusmayanthi Roostita L Balia Rosleini Ria Putri Zendrato Royyan Ghozali Rusydi Umar Ryan Fitrian Pahlevi Salsa Bila Destina Putri Sasi Gendro Sari Sayono Sayono Seli Wahyutini Khoiriyah Seniman Gempur Tirani Septian MN, Angga Setiawan Ardi Wijaya Siswaya Siswaya SITI FATIMAH Slamet Wiyono Sofhia Ma'rifatuz Zahro Sri . Handayani Sri Budiasih Sri Endah Wahyuningsih Sri Harmonika Sri Rahayu Astari Sri Shanti Ariani Sudarmi Sudarmi Sudjarwo Sudjarwo Sugiyamta Sugiyamta Sugiyamto Sugiyamto suhada, adriyan Sumadi Sumadi Suparti Suparti Suprapto Suprapto Suprianto Suprianto Susanto Susanto Susilaningsih Susilaningsih Sutrisno Sutrisno Syahras Fathin Aminuddin Syaiful Rozak Syarifuddin Achmad Syifa Riski Ardiningtias Ardiningtias Syifa Yolanda Taufik Saleh Taufiqur Rohman Teguh Arifianto Temy Indrayanti Tety Wahyuningsih Manurung Titik Sugiarti Toto Bara Setiawan Tranggono Tranggono Tri Dewi K. Pribadi Tryastuti Irawati Belliny Manullang Tubagus Benito Ahmad Kurnadi Ulfa Arifani Uly Dame Ria Ambarita Utami Irawati Vernandi Yusuf Muhammad Verra Widhi Astuti Viogenta, Pratika Waluyo Waluyo Warto Warto Wawan Gunawan Wawan Gunawan Wida Wahidah Mubarokah Widdefrita Widdefrita Widya FATRIASARI Wihantoro Wihantoro WINARTI WINARTI Wira Pratama Wirawan, Willy Artha Wiwin Tyas Istikowati Yana Safitri Yudiani Rina Kusuma Yudied Agung Mirasa Yulian Sahri Yusril Haza Mahendra Yuwono Fitri Widodo Zahid Fahmi Dai Zainuddin Nazri Zolla Amely Ilda