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Studi Tentang Variasi Jumlah Anak PUS Setiap Etnis di Kelurahan Yukum Jaya Anjar Mariyani; Budiyono Budiyono; Rahma Kurnia Sri Utami
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This research was to examine the variation total children of EFA from every ethnic at Yukum Jaya Urban Village, with point at the number of children, first age marriage, marriage length, contraceptive use, desired child, children value in the EFA every ethnic. This research used descriptive method, population 4.097 households, and using quota sampling as much as 25% (75 EFA). The results showed: Ethnic group with the highest number of children were Batak with average of 3,0. First age marriage of EFA women relatively young 16 years old of Batak ethnic with 8 respondents and total children is 14. Marriage period over 19 years, Batak ethnic had most children with total 45. Mostly wanted 4 childrens is 6 respondents of Batak ethnic. Most of EFA use short term contraception method as many as 11 respondents from Javanese ethnic (36,66%). 100% EFA of all ethnics argued that chidren is a gift from God that cant be denied.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji variasi jumlah anak PUS dari setiap etnis di Kelurahan Yukum Jaya dengan jumlah anak, umur perkawinan, lama perkawinan, penggunaan alat kontrasepsi, jumlah anak yang diinginkan, nilai anak PUS setiap etnis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, populasi 4.097 KK, dan menggunakan quota sampling sebanyak 25% (75 PUS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Kelompok etnis dengan jumlah anak terbanyak adalah Batak dengan rata-rata 3,0. Usia perkawinan wanita PUS relatif muda 16 tahun etnis Batak dengan 8 responden dan jumlah anak adalah 14. Masa perkawinan di atas 19 tahun etnis Batak memiliki jumlah anak paling banyak yaitu 45.Sebagian besar menginginkan 4 anak adalah 6 responden etnis Batak. Sebagian besar PUS menggunakan metode kontrasepsi jangka pendek sebanyak 11 responden dari etnis Jawa (36,66%). 100% PUS dari semua etnis berpendapat bahwa anak adalah pemberian dari Tuhan yang tidak dapat ditolak.Kata Kunci: Etnis, PUS, Variasi
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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The aim of this research was to find out the socio-economic characteristics of the family whose wife works as labour in Surya Modern Bakery at Purwodadi Village, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung in the year of 2012. The research focused on: the age, education level, working hours, working time, number of children, wages, and the contributions to the fulfillment of the minimum requirements in the family. In this research, the researcher used descriptive method. The population in this research were 103 laborers, were taken 40% of sample (41 labours). The data collecting techniques of the research were observation, structured interviews and documentation. As data analysis, the researcher used cross-tabulations and percentage as the basis of description and interpretation in the making of this research report. The results of this research indicated that: (1) There were 90,2% of productive laborers and the difference in age did not affect on the wages. (2) The difference of laborers’ education level did not differentiate the wages.  (3) All of the laborers had evenly high working hours. (4) The packing laborers’ working time differentiated the wages because of the skills they had. But, the wages for production laborers were not different. (5) On average, the number of laborers’ children were 3 children/family, the least were 1 child/family and the most were 10 children/family. (6) The total income of the wife who worked as laborer (Rp 21,508,000/month) had contributed 41% of the total family income (Rp 64,358,000/month). (7) The fulfillment of the minimum requirements in the family before the wife worked as laborer was 48,8% and  it improved to 90,2% after the contribution of the wife who had worked. Key words : Socio-economic characteristics, wife, labour
Deskripsi Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Petani Gurem Di Desa Sidosari Kecamatan Natar Nita Nirwana; Budiyono Budiyono; Sudarmi Sudarmi
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This study aimed to examine the socio-economic conditions of small farming families in the village of Sidosari, Natar District, South Lampung regency. This research used descriptive method. Number of population as many as 148 Farmers, the number of samples in this study as many as 37 farmers are taken by proportional random sampling technique. The results showed that: (1) Total land area of small farming families 6.42 Hectares, and average 0.17 Hectares, (2) Number of children of small farmers on average 3 children, (3) 83.77% of the head of a small-educated peasant family, (4) 72.92% of smallholders have additional work with an income of Rp 199.080.000 with an average of Rp 7.373.000, working as laborers, traders, livestock and gardener, (5) Total income of smallholders Rp 429.300.000, with an average of Rp 1.603.000, (6) As many as 35.13% fulfilled the minimal basic needs, the remaining 64.87% is not met the minimal requirement.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga petani gurem di Desa Sidosari Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 148 Petani, jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 37 Petani di ambil dengan teknik proporsional random sampling. Hasil yang didapat bahwa: (1) Luas lahan seluruh keluarga petani gurem 6,42 Ha, dan rata-rata 0,17 Ha, (2) Jumlah anak petani gurem rata-rata 3 anak, (3) 83,77% kepala keluarga petani gurem berpendidikan dasar, (4) 72,92% dari petani gurem memiliki pekerjaan tambahan dengan pendapatan Rp 199.080.000 dengan rata-rata Rp 7.373.000, bekerja sebagai buruh, pedagang, ternak, dan Tukang kebun, (5) Total pendapatan petani gurem Rp 429.300.000, dengan rata-rata Rp 11.603.000, (6) Sebanyak 35,13% terpenuhi kebutuhan pokok minimalnya, selebihnya 64,87% tidak terpenuhi kebutuhan pokok minimalnya.Kata Kunci : ekonomi, dan petani gurem, dan sosial.
Studi Tentang Keberadaan Industri Ikan Asin di Pulau Pasaran Bandar Lampung Bustomi Bustomi; Budiyono Budiyono; Edy Haryono
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This research aimed to describe the existence study about the existence of industrial salted fish in the Pulau Pasaran of weight Kota Karang district east Telukbetung of Bandar Lampung city in 2016. The research used descriptive method, with population was 48 respondents. The collection of data in this research used observation, interviews, questionnaire and documentation. The analysis of the data used frequency tables as the basis for the interpretation and description of the data of the research report. The results of the research showed: (1) There were 93,75% of respondents get raw materials easily, (2) There were 77,08% of respondents get capitaleasily, (3) There were 66,67% of respondents get labor easily, (4) All respondents get transportation in land and seaeasily, (5) The numbers of salted fish production were 64,225 ton/month or in the numbers of mean are 1,33 ton/month/enterpreneur, and (6) All of respondents claimed that salted fish marketing went well and always sold out.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang keberadaan industri ikan asin di Pulau Pasaran Kelurahan Kota Karang Kecamatan Telukbetung Timur Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2016. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan populasi penelitian 48 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan tabel persentase sebagai dasar interpretasi dan deskripsi data dalam membuat laporan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) sebanyak 93,75% responden mudah mendapatkan bahan mentah, (2)sebanyak 77,08% responden mudah mendapatkan modal, (3) sebanyak 66,67% responden mudah mendapatkan tenaga kerja, (4) seluruh responden mudah mendapatkan sarana tranportasi darat dan laut, (5) jumlah produksi ikan asin sebanyak 64,225 ton/bulan atau rata-rata sebanyak 1,33 ton/bulan/pengusaha, dan (6) seluruh responden menyatakan pemasaran ikan asin dan selalu habis terjual.Kata Kunci : bahan mentah, modal, pemasaran, produksi, sarana transportasi, tenaga kerja.
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This study aimed to assess the mapping attractions in West Lampung Regency with pressure point on the type, the potential and accessibility. This research used descriptive method. The research object was geospatial data. The subject of the research was the head of the Tourism Departement of West Lampung regency. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed: (1) Tourism object were classified into two types: natural tourism object such as Lake Ranau and TNBBS and artificial such as Megalithic Monuments, tourism village Pekon Hujung. Its natural potency were the beauty of it natural scenery. Its social potency was traditional culture of Lampung society. (2) accessibility of the tourism object that was difficult was Suoh lake, while others were easily reachable.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemetaan objek wisata di wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Barat dengan titik tekan pada jenis, potensi dan aksesibilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Objek kajian lokasi wisata berupa data geospasial. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Objek wisata digolongkan menjadi 2 jenis, wisata alam seperti Danau Ranau dan TNBBS serta wisata buatan seperti Situs Megalitikum dan Desa Wisata Pekon Hujung. Potensi alamnya berupa keindahan panorama alam. Potensisosial berupa kebudayaan tradisional masyarakat Lampung. (2) Aksesibilitas menuju objek wisata yang sulit yaitu Danau Suoh, sedangkan lainnya mudah dicapai.Kata kunci: lampung barat, objek wisata, pemetaan.
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This research aimed to know the students learning motivation and learning achievement difference based on highschool majors social science and natural science. This research used quantitative method. The population in this research was students of Geography Education Study Program Social Science Majors Faculty of Teaching and Education University of Lampung academic year 2012. The sample of this research were 82 students academic year 2012 chosen by purposive sampling technique. The data was collected using questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research was chi square analysis. Result of the research showed that 1) there was no difference learning motivation based on higschool majors between social science and natural science 2) there was no difference learning achievement based on higschool majors between social science and natural science.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi belajar dan perbedaan prestasi belajar mahasiswa, berdasarkan latar belakang jurusan pada saat SMA/MA IPS dan IPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Universitas Lampung angkatan 2012. Sampel penelitian adalah 82 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi angkatan 2012 yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis chi kuadrat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan 1) tidak ada perbedaan motivasi belajar mahasiswa berdasarkan latar belakang jurusan SMA/MA IPS dan IPA 2) tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar mahasiswa berdasarkan latar belakang jurusan SMA/MA IPS dan IPA.Kata kunci: jurusan, motivasi belajar, prestasi belajar.
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 4, No 3 (2016): JURNAL PENELITIAN GEOGRAFI (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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The objective of this research was to describe the Sosioeconomic of Characteristic Craftsmen Arkenstone in the village of Simpang Empat 2015. The descriptive method was used in this research, the number of respondents were 21 craftsmen. The data collecting techniques were observation, interviews, documentation and observation about stone. The data analysis used frequency tables as the basis for the interpretation and description of the data in the study. The finding of this research showed the education of craftsmen was low, they had a little number of children, the number of dependents was little, they bought raw materialsfrom the village Simpang Empat and the typeof the stone was metamorpohic, the average of capital was Rp 1.288.100/person, the craftsmen was used their equipment, the average result producing 347/grains/person./month, all craftsmen did the marketing agate to tengkulak, collector, and individual, the craftsmen of the basics needs minimum family is fullfiled.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan karakteristik sosial ekonomi pengrajin batu akik di Desa Simpang Empat Tahun 2015. Menggunakan metode deskriptif, jumlah populasi sebanyak 21 pengrajin. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan pengamatan batuan. Teknik analisi data menggunakan tabel persentase sebagai dasar interpretasi dan deskripsi data pada penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengrajin berpendidikan rendah, pengrajin memiliki jumlah anak sedikit, pengrajin memiliki jumlah tanggungan tergolong kecil, seluruh pengrajin membeli bahan baku dari Desa Simpang Empat dan jenis bahan baku yang digunakan adalah batuan metamorf, rata-rata pengrajin memiliki modal Rp 1.288.100/oraang, pengrajin menggunakan peralatan mereka sendiri, rata-rata setiap pengrajin mendapatkan hasil 347/butir/orang/bulan, semua pengrajin melakukan pemasaran batu akik kepada tengkulak, kolektor, dan perorangan, serta tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok keluarga pengrajin batu akik terpenuhi.Kata kunci : karakteristik, sosial ekonomi, pengrajin batu akik
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 1, No 6 (2013): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This study aims to examine the factors supporting the existence of industrial soy KS in the Negeri Sakti Village Gedong Tataan Subdistrict Pesawaran Year 2012. This study uses descriptive, as the respondents of this study are a businessman Kawan Setia industrial soy sauce (KS). The results showed that: 1. The raw materials used in the production process delivered directly by the suppliers of the region Sribawono, East Lampung. 2. KS soy industry entrepreneur easy to get fuel as a contributing factor to the presence of soy sauce industry KS. 3. KS soy industry entrepreneur easy to get employment, the workforce numbered 13 people. 4. KS soy industry employers easily get the necessary means of transportation in the form of a pick-up which is privately owned. 5. KS soy industry entrepreneurs easily and smoothly to market products to 5 points, namely: South Lampung, Pringsewu, Pesawaran, Bandar Lampung, and Tanggamus.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang faktor-faktor pendukung keberadaan industri kecap KS di Desa Negeri Sakti Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, sebagai produsen penelitian ini seorang pengusaha industri kecap KS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Pengusaha mudah mendapatkan bahan mentah yang diantar oleh distributor dari Lampung Timur. 2. Pengusaha industri mudah mendapatkan bahan bakar (elpiji) dipasok dari PT. Alpinas. 3. Pengusaha industri mudah mendapatkan tenaga kerja, yang diperlukan dalam proses produksi. 4. Pengusaha industri mudah mendapatkan sarana transportasi yang diperlukan berupa pick up yang merupakan milik industri. 5. Pengusaha industri mudah dan lancar dipasarkan karena pelanggan berada di lima titik yaitu : Lampung Selatan, Pringsewu, Pesawaran, Bandar Lampung dan Tanggamus.Kata kunci: bahan mentah, pemasaran, sumber tenaga kerja, transportasi.
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This study aimed to assess about the settlement pattern in the Brawijaya Village sub district sekampung clownish district east lampung. Point press study that is morphology, soil fertility, water system and accessibility. This research used descriptive method. The sample collection technique used namely purporsional area of sampling with the total sample were 70 head of the family. Data collection were taken by means of observation , documentation and questionnaire then analyzed the percentage technique. Based on the results of the study, it explained: (1) The morphology condition of Brawijaya village is flat 2) Brawijaya village own the land good, 3) Difficulty to obtain water during dry season made those Brawijaya village prefer to live around right and the left of the road, (4) Accessibility which is good influence the settlement pattern in the Brawijaya Village.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang pola permukiman di Desa Brawijaya Kecamatan Sekampung Udik KabupatenLampung Timur. Titik tekan kajiannya pada keadaan morfologi,keadaan tanah, tata air dan aksesibilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu Purporsional area sampling dengan jumlah sampel 70 KK. Pengumpulan data diambil dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan kuisioner kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik tabulasi persentase. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan: (1) kondisi morfologi Desa Brawijaya relatif datar 2) Desa Brawijaya memiliki tanah yang baik. (3) sulitnya mendapatkan air saat musim kemarau membuat penduduk Desa Brawijaya lebih memilih tinggal disekitar kanan kiri jalan. (4) aksesibilitas yang baik mempengaruhi pola permukiman di Desa. Kata kunci: kondisi fisiografis, pola permukiman,desa.
Faktor Penyebab Menurunnya Wisatawan Berkunjung ke Objek Wisata Seminung Lumbok Resort Tahun 2016 Maryana Novita; Budiyono Budiyono; Zulkarnain Zulkarnain
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This study aimed to examine factors causing decreasing tourists visiting tourism Object of Seminung Lumbok Resort. This research used descriptive method. Data collecting techniques were observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The data analyzed with scoring technique with Strutuges model formula as the basis of description of research report. The results showed: (1) A total of 72.39% of respondents stated that tourism object was less attractive, as evidenced by score of 13, a factor causing the decrease of tourists visiting, (2) 84.99% of respondents said accessibility was difficult, with score 10, (3) A total of 92.29% of respondents stated that unattended facilities, with a score of 12, became the contributing factor of tourist visiting decreasing, (4) A total of 41.32% of respondents stated the state of the tourist attraction safe, with a score of 12, thus proving to be a factor causing the decreasing of tourists visiting.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor penyebab menurunnya wisatawan berkunjung ke Objek Wisata Seminung Lumbok Resort. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan skoring dengan rumus model Strutuges sebagai dasar deskripsi pembuatan laporan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) Sebanyak 72,39% responden menyatakan objek wisata kurang menarik, dibuktikan dengan skor 13, menjadi faktor penyebab menurunnya wisatawan yang berkunjung, (2) Sebanyak 84,99% responden menyatakan aksesibilitas sulit, dengan skor 10, menjadi faktor penyebab menurunnya wisatawan berkunjung, (3) Sebanyak 92,29% responden menyatakan fasilitas yang tidak terawat, dengan skor 12, menjadi faktor penyebab menurunnya wisatawan berkunjung, (4) Sebanyak 41,32% responden menyatakan keadaan objek wisata tidak aman, dengan skor 12, sehingga menjadi faktor penyebab menurunnya wisatawan yang berkunjung.Kata Kunci: menurunnya kunjungan wisatawan, objek wisata.
Co-Authors Adelin Tanati Aditya firmansyah Ahmad Wahyu Romadlhon Ailsa Devina Rosahada Ains Eka Mahfudin Airlangga Airlangga Ali Djamhuri Alif Ainun Ikbal Alvitriani Alvitriani Amelia Sarungallo Anamika Labitta Anggina May Deviar Anggun Srirahayu Anisa Nurjanah Anita Khoiri Rohmah Anita Pertiwi Anjar Mariyani Anna Nur Nahari Antarini Antarini Antonius Suparno Antono Suryoputro Apri Ardiantoro Ari Dwi Kurniawan Ari Suwondo Arida Resiandi Arif Feriansah Arum Mawarni Ayu Rahmadani Bambang Hindratmo Baso Daeng Basuki Sri Rahayu Bekti Kusuma Wijayanti Beni Saputra Bhayu Wicaksono Bondhan Dwi Arum Puspo Buchori Asyik Budi Haryanto Bustomi Bustomi Dani Rakhman Darmanto Darmanto David Sura Wijaya Dayu Febriantika Dedy Miswar Defi Fitri Agustiani Desy Arshinta Diah Fatmawati Dita Kartika Dwi Puastuti Dwina Rizki Anindhita Edy Haryono Eka Fajarwati Endah Rinsania Indi Esrom Hamonangan Esti Nurmala F.X Sumarja Fachmi Al Farisi Fachri Thaib Fauziah El Syani Fenny Asyerem FERI SETIAWAN Feronika Adithia Eka Asi Fina Yuliyanti Finni Yulyoni Fiona Faiqoh Fitria, Tira Nur Ghalih Hakiki Kavisa Gita Nurina Ramadhaniyanti Gustia Paramitha Sari H.J. Namserna Haryono Haryono Hashfi Hawali Abdul Matin hasih pratiwi I. G. Wenten Ibud Mahani Ichwanul Muttaqin Iinaas Adzkiya Tsani Illona Noya Imam Prasetyo Imam Widodo Ina Rumainum Indriyanti Agustina Putri Irma Lusi Nugraheni Istyarini Istyarini Joko Setyo Prabowo Juvita Ayu Puspitaloka Kartono Kartono Khoerul Anwar Kiki Kurniawan Layna Ratna Sari Lilis Setyarini Linda Lindongi Liz Andriyani M. Cholis M. Hasan Ma'ruf M. Ilham M. Ilham Fredian Syah Mardiyana Mardiyana Maryana Novita Maysaroh Nur Istikomah Meri Herlina Mochamad Nur Faqih Muhammad Fadholi Muhammad Farid Afrian Muhammad Faza Perdana Muhammad Irfan Zidni1 Muhammad Rido Muji Slamet Lestari Mursid Rahardjo Mursid Raharjo Musa Musa Nabilla Rachma Anjani Nanda Fitriani Nani Suwarni Niki Astorina Yunita Dewanti Nikie Astorina Yunita Dewanti Nikita Rizky Nina Rosenovianty Christiana Ningsih, Suhesti Nita Nirwana Norma Arinda Kesuma Novi Yuli Ervianni Nur Endah Wahyuningsih Nurfitri Astuti Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurjazulil Nurlita Sari Nurul Aini Nurulia Unggul Putri Ragil Onny Setiani Pradipta Dhimasrasta Santya Putra Purbokurniawan Purbokurniawan Rahma Kurnia Sri Utami Rahmadayanti Rahmadayanti Rainy Rifta Rani Novianis Rizky Saputri Renyka Dwi Febriatiningrum Retno Hestiningsih Reymas Ruimassa Ria Siti Nur Hasanah Rianto, Muhammad Richo Rifqi Muhammad Riki Tri Kurniawan Rinawati Rinawati Rismawati Rismawati Rosana Rosana Rosi Elvia Rukmini Rukmini Sanat Dia Saraswati Prabawardhani Sari Dwika Ratri Sariyasni Sariyasni Sela Putri Herdina Siti Kunarti Siti Uswatun Hasanah Sofiyan Setiawan Sri Hartini Sri Laksmi Pardanawati Sri Wardaya Suci Tresnasari Sudarmi Sudarmi Suhartono Suhartono Suhesti Ningsih Sulistiyani Sulistyani Sulistyani Sulistyani Suprihati Suprihati Supriyanto Supriyanto Sutopo Patria Jati Syamsulhuda BM Syukur Karamang T. Setiadi TEGUH PRIYANTO Theresia Tan Tri Amdani Kumbasari Tri Endah Widi Lestari Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati Tri Widyastuti Tyas Devinta Pratiwi Veronica Tuhumena Vina Nurviana Wahida Inayatun Nikmah Wardi Wardi Weda Kupita Wikan Budi Utami Wikan Budi Utami Y Gigih Anggi T W Yacob Bodang Yarmaidi Yarmaidi Yohanis Mustamu Yuniar Widya Larasati Yunita Rahmawati Yusniar Hanani Darundiati Yuyut Ariyanto Zulfa Oktavia Zulkarnain Zulkarnain