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Impact of Terrorism and the Role of Media in Islamophobia Propaganda (Systematic Literature Review) Anadza Iron Albaroza; Rizky Bagastian; Anita Anita; Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.4620


The terrorist movement has often been heard of, both in Indonesia and from other parts of the country. Several studies discuss whether terrorism is included in the impact of globalization where the movement quickly spreads with globalization and becomes a form of transnational movement that eventually enters other countries and develops rapidly and promptly distributes ideas to existing ones. First, identify the article. The article was taken from the publications of various authors using a database from Scopus. The next step is to enter the keyword "ISLAMIC TERRORISM" in the publish column and be given a discussion of the year of publication only for the last few years, namely from 2018 to 2021. The media plays an essential role in acts of terrorism, both in spreading networks to acts of terror. Cyber terrorism is ubiquitous, it is more flexible than traditional terrorism, and cyber-attacks mostly occur in the country of origin. Thereby discussing the complex features of cyberterror networks and identifying some of the geostrategic implications of cyber strategy. The public should be able to sort out the information they get to the stage of proving who the terrorist network is involved in the terror act. It is hoped that this will be able to consume information wisely and not be carried away by propaganda that can endanger oneself, family, and society.
Pendampingan Proses Pembelajaran Siswa MI Ma’rifatul Ulum Secara Blended Learning serta Pemanfaatan Powerpoint sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar Guru Anita Anita; Canti Tresnaratih; Dwi Indri Nurfadhila; Salsa Dilla Ardhana
Proseding Didaktis: Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): DIDAKTIS 6: Proseding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar 2021
Publisher : Program Studi PGSD Kampus UPI di Serang

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Student mentoring when studying is something that is needed, it becomes an effort so that students can achieve their goals in learning. In assisting students, it is also carried out in order to foster self-confidence, have a sense of comfort when learning, grow attitudes and behaviors that are creative, innovative and desire to move forward. Because in an effort to achieve learning goals it is not easy so that learning intentions are needed that grow in the child himself, so that children can think well. The age of students, especially at the elementary school level, is where children need concrete objects in every delivery of material delivered by the teacher. The concrete forms given by the teacher will make it easier for students to reason or imagine something, it can also be something interesting and fun. Through this Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN-T), I assisted students which was carried out at Mi Ma'rifatul Ulum, Kec. Kaliwedi, Kab. Cirebon. This is an effort to achieve goals in learning and make power point media as an alternative for teachers in delivering a material, aiming for the concept of the material being taught to be responded well by students
JURNAL DUNIA KESMAS Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jdk.v4i2.428


Kasus kematian ibu (AKI) di Provinsi Lampung empat tahun terakhir terus mengalami peningkatan. Salah satu upaya menurunkan AKI di Provinsi Lampung adalah pertolongan persalinan dengan seksio sesaria. Persalinan dengan tindakan seksio sesaria di RSAM tahun 2012 sejumlah 645 orang (20 %), terjadi peningkatan jumlah persalinan pada tahun 2013 sejumlah 870 orang (26 %). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persalianan seksio sesaria di di RSAM Provinsi Lampung tahun 2013.Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain case control study dengan data sekunder. Teknik pengambilan sampel teknik acak sistematis (systematic random sampling) berjumlah 97 responden. Analisa data univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square dan regresi logistic.Hasil analisis univariat, gambaran distribusi frekuensi responden: Plasenta previa (15,5%), CPD (6,2%), Ruptur Uteri Mengancam (4,1%), partus lama (25,8%), preeklampsi (21,6%), distorcia servic (5,2%), riwayat SC (6,2%), gawat janin (4,1%), mal presentasi (13,4%). Hasil analisis bivariat tidak semua variabel berhubungan dengan kejadian SC: Plasenta previa (p=0,014), CPD (p=0,096), Ruptur Uteri Mengancam (p=0,537), partus lama (p=0,004), preeklampsi (p=0,049), distorcia servic (p=1,000), riwayat SC (p=0,000), gawat janin (p=0,372), mal presentasi (p=0,016). Hasil analisis multivariat: variabel yang paling dominan secara statistik terbukti berhubungan terhadap kejadian SC yaitu mal presentasi (p=0,004 dan OR 7,902).Kesimpulannya tidak semua variabel berhubungan dengan kejadian SC. Faktor risiko yang paling dominan adalah mal presentasi (OR 7,902), artinya ibu melahirkan dengan posisi mal presentasi mempunyai risiko 7,9 kali lebih besar untuk melahirkan secara SC. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk melakukan deteksi secara cermat pada saat pemeriksaan kehamilan dan menjelang persalinan. Hal ini guna mempersiapkan fisik dan psikologis ibu menghadapi persalinan dan mencegah komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi.Kata kunci : Seksio sesaria, Persalinan.
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Event Kampung Budaya Polowijen Ade Ramadhana Pratama; Anita Anita; Sugeng Widodo
J-INTECH (Journal of Information and Technology) Vol 10 No 1 (2022): J-Intech : Journal of Information and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32664/j-intech.v10i1.673


The Polowijen Cultural Village is a cultural area that preserves various traditional cultures such as mask dances, mask making, batik and the preservation of indigenous polowijen culture and sites. Through its website, the Polowijen cultural village attracts tourists and investors to visit or propose organizing cultural arts activities. Currently, event management is carried out by recording in a book and centered on the personal mover. Some of the problems that arise from the management carried out are the difficulty of scheduling activities when the number of submissions is more than usual, event submissions are not served because the records are piled up and the management of donations and payment administration has not been managed optimally. The purpose of this research is to design and build an information system that can assist managers in the process of submitting events, payments, validation of submissions and payments and management of donations. System users are cultural village managers, tourists and donors. The system is built on a web-based with mysql as the database management System. Based on the results of trials using the black box method, the information system that was built was in accordance with the design and was in accordance with the needs of the cultural village so that system users would have convenience in managing events and being able to overcome existing problems.
pengembangan bahan ajar fisika berbasis buku fabel berkarakter pada materi gerak lurus beraturan Deti Novianti Wulandari; Anita Anita; Eka Trisianawati
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SAINS DAN APLIKASINYA Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Aplikasinya (JPSA)
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Pontianak

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) mengembangkan dan menilai kelayakan ahli media dan ahli materi dari bahan ajar berbasis buku fabel berkarakter pada materi gerak lurus beraturan, dan (2) respon siswa yang baik terhadap bahan ajar fisika berbasis buku fabel berkarakter. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian Research Development (RD) dengan mengacu pada model 4D. subjek uji coba dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas  MTs Nurul Islam Pontianak dengan jumlah 40 siswa. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data ahli materi, data ahli media dan respon siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket validasi ahli materi, angket ahli media dan angket respon siswa. Data yang diperoleh dari angket dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif, data kualitatif berupa komentar dan saran yang ada pada lembar angket validasi ahli sedangkan data kuantitatif berupa angka-angka yaitu 4,3,2, dan 1 berdasarkan skala likert yang kemudian dirata-rata. Hasil uii coba terbatas yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa : (1) Kualitas bahan ajar berbasis buku fabel berdasarkan ahli materi mendapatkan kriteria sangat layak, dengan skor rata – rata 82%, Sedangkan berdasarkan ahli media mendapatkan kriteria sangat layak dengan rata-rata skor 86% yang menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar berbasis buku fabel pada materi gerak lurus beraturan yang dikembangkan sudah memenuhi syarat dan layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar, (2) hasil uji coba lapangan terhadap bahan ajar fisika berbasis buku fabel pada materi gerak lurus beraturan dengan menyebarkan angket respon siswa. Adapun rata-rata skor persentase yang diperoleh bahan ajar berbasis buku fabel ini adalah sebesar 80% yang berarti kriteria interpretasi respon siswa termasuk dalam kriteria setuju.Kata Kunci : Bahan Ajar, Buku Fabel, Berkarakter, Gerak Lurus Beraturan.
Perencanaan Bisnis Fashion Hijab Anita Anita
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.135 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/jmbk.v3i2.4953


”Perencanaan Bisnis Fashion Hijab” is a business plan in the field of creative industries. With many of Muslim communities, it is an opportunity for startup to plan the business, especially in the Hijab fashion industry. This business plan aims to create a new business plan for the creative industry engaged in fahion hijab and creating investment opportunities for investors. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that this business is feasible to be realized on the basis of consideration, among others, because the market potential of the hijab fashion business is increasing. Financial planning that shows this business will provide profit for investors and is worthy of being realized. Analysis of financial instruments consisting of a payback period which shows the number 4 equal to the maximum time set, the Net Present Value value with a value of Rp. 522,051,842, - or greater than zero indicates this investment can produce an income level that exceeds the requested level and an Internal Rate of Return value of 35% higher than the deposit interest rate.
Kualitas Audit: Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Cynthia Dewi; Anita Anita
Global Financial Accounting Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/gfa.v3i1.438


The purpose of this study is to quantify the effect of company’s characteristics and corporate governance towards audit quality in companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Independent board, board size, foreign ownership, ownership concentration, profitability as well as institutional ownership is used in this study. The amount of 618 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2013-2017 is used in this study. Purposive sampling method is used in the study. Financial statements of company that was published (www.idx.co.id) used as the sample of this study. The calibration of data which was obtained with binary logistic regression will be process using the program of SPSS version 25.0. This research shows that board size, foreign ownership and profitability proved to have a positive and significant relation on audit quality. This research also shows that institutional ownership does not have a significant relationship on audit quality while board independence has a negative relationship towards audit quality.
Analisis Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Dan Karakteristik Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Anita Anita
Global Financial Accounting Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, Universitas Internasional Batam

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This study aims to analyze the effect of ownership structure and firm characteristics on CSR disclosure in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. These ownership structure and firm characteristics are managerial ownership, institutional ownership, government ownership, foreign ownership, firm size, profitability, leverage, industry type, age and size of audit firm to CSR disclosure. The sample consists of 330 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010-2014 which are taken by purposive sampling method. Data analysis method used in this study is panel data regression. Results indicate that government ownership, foreign ownership, firm size, industry type, firm age and size of audit firm are significantly and positively related to CSR disclosure, while institutional ownership is significantly and negatively related to CSR disclosure. The results also display no significant relationship between managerial ownership, profitability, and leverage and CSR disclosure.
PANDANGAN HAKIM TERHADAP DISPENSASI PERNIKAHAN ANAK DI BAWAH UMUR (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Kota Malang) Anita Anita; Ahmad Subekti; Dwi Ari Kurniawati
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (618.22 KB)


Marriage is an important event in human life because marriage is not only related to the two candidates' personal husband, but also involves family and community affairs, for those who are married must meet certain conditions, one of them is age. If one prospective bride does not meet the specified age requirements, she must file a marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Therefore, the researcher conducts research on "the judge's view of the marriage dispensation of minors" in which the researcher examines the case regarding the dispensation of underage marriage at Malang City Religious Court. This description aims to find out about the grounds and considerations of judges in resolving the dispensation of underage marriages, about the factors that cause the dispensation of underage marriages and also the judge's views regarding the underage marriage dispensation of minors. The method used in this case study is a qualitative approach. This type of research is field research where researchers go directly to the location. Data collection tools used by researchers in the form of interviews and documentation and data analyzed with data in the form of data reduction, data presentation and verification. Keywords: The Judge’ s Views, Marriage Dispensation, Underage Marriage.
Faktor yang Berhubungan Terhadap Kejadian Preeklampsia di RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa Tahun 2019 Ayatullah Harun; Anita Anita; Nabila Buana Putri
JURNAL KESEHATAN DELIMA PELAMONIA Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan Delima Pelamonia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Pelamonia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.791 KB) | DOI: 10.37337/jkdp.v3i1.131


Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari rekam medik RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa, pada tahun 2018 terdapat 2.000 ibu bersalin dan yang mengalami preeklampsia sebanyak 225 ibu, kemudian pada tahun 2019 periode Januari sampai Maret terdapat 195 ibu bersalin dan yang mengalami preeklampsia sebanyak 23 ibu. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui usia dan paritas ibu terhadap kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu bersalin di RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analitik dengan melakukan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia, paritas, usia kehamilan dan riwayat hipertensi terhadap kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu bersalin di RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 195 orang dan jumlah sampel 195 orang dengan menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Dari hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square (Continuity Coreection) diperoleh untuk variabel usia ibu nilai P = 361 > ɑ = 0,05 artinya tidak ada hubungan antara usia ibu dengan kejadian preeklampsia. Untuk variabel paritas nilai P = 981 > ɑ = 0,05 artinya tidak ada hubungan antara paritas ibu dengan kejadian preeclampsia. Dari hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square ( Exact Fisher Test) diperoleh untuk variabel usia kehamilan nilai P = 001 < α = 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara usia kehamilan dengan riwayat hipertensi terhadap kejadian preeklampsia. Untuk variabel riwayat hipertensi nilai P = 000 < α = 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara riwayat hipertensi terhadap kejadian preeklampsia. Kesimpulan dari empat variabel yaitu usia dan paritas, usia kehamilan dan riwayat hipertensi hanya variabel usia kehamilan dan riwayat hipertensi yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia di RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa 2019.
Co-Authors Ade Ramadhana Pratama Ahmad Subekti Ainul Yaqin Amaliyah Firdausa Anadza Iron Albaroza Andi Fatmawati Andi Rosmawati Andini Apriyanti Andini Bakti Putri Ari Dewi Cahyati Ary Andini Atma Murni Ayatullah Harun Ayuning Tyas Azis Putri Baharuddin Risyak Baharuddin Sunu Bakhtiar Ramli Bambang Sukarno Putra Basarang, Mujahidah Boi Olifu Lafau Canti Tresnaratih Chairul Bariah Cynthia Dewi Darmawaty Rauf Deti Novianti Wulandari Dewi Anggreni Dewi Arisanti Dwi Indri Nurfadhila Eka Trisianawati Emilda, Emilda Enni Savitri Evi Afiati Fakhri Mujahid Maolani Febry Fahreza Fenni Supriadi Feri Feri Hanasiah Hanasiah Hanung Adi Nugroho Hidayat Andyanto I Ketut Sudiana Imam Rofiqi Indah Indah Iradhad Taqwa Irda Puspita Jalinus Jalinus Jenican Astanta Julyanna Julyanna Karoma Nur Imaya Kirmizi Kirmizi Lilis Wahyuningsih Lukman Arief Cahyono Mahira Mujahida Ani Mufti Mahmul Siregar Maman Surahman Mappiratu Mappiratu Moh. Anwar Monica Sapitri Muawanah Muawanah Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Wadud Mutia Erlina Arisandi Nabila Buana Putri Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh Ni Ketut Sumarni Nila Qurrotul A’yun Nur Qadri Rasyid Nur Qadri Rasyid Nurhidayat Nurhidayat Nurul Ni’ma Azis Rahmawati Rahmawati Rahmawati Rahmawati Raida Amelia Ifadah Ramlah Rizky Bagastian Rosihan Anuar Rusfandi Rusfandi Rustiah, Wa Ode Salman Yoga Salsa Dilla Ardhana Samsuddin Samsuddin Siska Siska Siti Aisiah Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum suardi suardi Sugeng Widodo Syah Mohd Hadiid Thaariq Tarjo Taufik Taufik Thomas Sumarsono Tiarnida Nababan Tuty Widyanti Widiastuti Widiastuti Wilson Wilson Yekti Asmoro Kanthi Zaenal Abidin