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TEACHING MICRO SKILLS OF LISTENING THROUGH SONG Maulini Rizki; Ag Bambang Setiyadi; Hartati Hasan
U-JET Vol 3, No 7 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menemukan aspek yang mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pada nilai menyimak siswa setelah diajarkan melalui lagu,(2) menemukan persepsi siswa terhadap pengajaran keterampilan mikro dalam menyimak melalui lagu. Data didapat dari soal-soal menyimak dan kuesioner, kemudian diolah menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Hasil menunjukan bahwa keempat aspek yang diteliti mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan namun kenaikan yang paling besar terdapat pada aspek mendeteksi kata kunci, t-ratio lebih besar daripada t-table (4,595 2,052) dan nilai signifikansi dibawah 0,05 (p=0,00005). Itu berarti ada peningkatan yang signifikan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test pada nilai menyimak siswa. Data dari kuesioner menunjukan bahwa siswa member tanggapan positif terhadap pengajaran keterampilan mikro dalam menyimak melalui lagu. Ini dikarenakan lagu memberi efek santai dan menghibur bagi siswa, sehingga siswa dapat memahami materi yang diajarkan tanpa tekanan.  The objectives of the research were: (1)to find out the significant improvement of the aspects of micro skills of listening through song, (2) to find out students’ perception toward teaching micro skills of listening through song. The data were collected by listening tests and questionnaire, and the data were computed using SPSS 16.0. The results showed that the forth aspects of micro skills of listening were increase significantly. Moreover, the most significant increase was in detecting keywords because t-ratio higher than t-table (4.5952.052) and the significant value is less than 0.05 (p=0.00005). It means that there was significant improvement from the pre-test to the post-test of the students listening score. The questionnaire-based data showed that students gave positive response toward teaching micro skills of listening through song, because song makes the students relax and also amusing so the students are easy to understand the material without pressure. Keywords: listening, micro skills of listening, song.
U-JET Vol 3, No 4 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan brosur terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa dan mengetahui aspek manakah yang mengalami peningkatan paling tinggi dari lima aspek berbicara. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan one group pretest-posttes desain. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 2 SMAN 1 Seputih Raman TA 2013/ 2014 dimana kelas XI IPS 3 sebagai sampelnya. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan Repeated Measure t-test dan SPSS versi 17.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest adalah 64,9 dan postetst mencapai 78.9 (peningkatan 14) dan pemahaman adalah aspek yang memiliki peningkatan paling tinggi dari 13.2 ke 16.8 (peningkatan 3.6). Berdasarkan hasil peneltian tersebut, hipotesis penelitian ini dapat diterima karena tail dari two tail significant adalah p=0.000 yang berarti p0.05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran speaking menggunakan brosur dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa secara efektif.The objectives of this research are to find out whether or not the use of brochure can improve the students’ speaking ability and to know which aspect is the most increase of students’ speaking achievement. The researcher used quantitative method and one group pretest-posttest design. The population was the eleventh grade students at SMAN 1 Seputih Raman in the academic year 2013/ 2014 and the sample was class XI Social 3. The data were analyzed using Repeated Measure t-test and SPSS version 17.0. The results shows that the mean score of pretest is 64.9 while in the posttest is 78.9 (gain 14) and the aspect which most increase is comprehension which improves from 13.2 up to 16.8 (gain 3.6). Based on the data analysis above, the hypothesis is accepted because the tail of two tail significant is p=0.000 which is means that p0.05. It can be concluded that teaching speaking using brochure is effective in improving students’ speaking ability.Keywords: brochure, increasing, speaking, use
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DRAMA IN ENGLISH CLASS Karlina Karlina; Hery Yufrizal; Hartati Hasan
U-JET Vol 2, No 3 (2013): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The objective of this research is to analyze the process, the components of drama, and the impression of the students toward the implementing of drama in English classroom. This research was a descriptive qualitative which focused on the process of implementing drama in the English classroom. It concerned with an instruction of drama technique that was implemented to create interesting activity in the classroom. The research used observation and audiovisual recording in order to know how drama was implemented in English class. From the questionnaire, the writer knew the impression of the students toward the implementing drama in English class. The sample of the research was class IX.1 consisting of 32 students. The result shows that the process of drama is doing well. From the elements of drama make students to deliver the message from the text to the audience well and from the components of drama can develop creative thinking, increases self confidence, active, and enjoying activities in the class. Another results shows that the impression of students are; they enjoy the subject. It has seen from result of questionnaire. The researcher suggests that the teacher must use drama technique in teaching English in classroom and uses the elements and components of drama. Keywords:drama, elements drama, components drama
U-JET Vol 3, No 2 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi implementasi dari pembelajaran autonomi. Pembelajaran autonomi terdiri dari tiga aspek: perencanaan diri, monitor diri, dan evaluasi diri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan juga merupakan studi kasus instrumental. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 22 siswa kelas satu dari sekolah menengah pertama. Penulis mengobservasi kelas serta memberikan kuesioner kepada para siswa untuk menemukan apakah para siswa merupakan autonomous learner atau bukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada aspek perencanaan hanya 56.83% siswa yang melaksanakan dan ini termasuk kategori kurang. Pada aspek monitoring 81.85% siswa telah melaksanakan dan ini menunjukan kategori baik. Pada aspek evaluasi 62.53% siswa melaksanakan dan ini masuk kategori cukup. Jadi siswa kelas satu pada kelas ini memperoleh kategori baik pada aspek monitoring, sedangkan untuk aspek perencanaan dan evaluasi harus lebih ditingkatkan.This research is aimed at investigating the implementation of autonomous learning. Autonomous learning consists of three aspects: self planning, self monitoring, and self evaluating. This research is a qualitative research and also instrumental case study. The subject of the research is 22 students of the first grade students of junior high school. The writer observed the classroom, and also gave a set of questionnaire to the students to find out whether they are an autonomous learner or not. The result showed that in self planning aspect, 56.83% students are self-planned; they are categorized into “poor”. In self monitoring aspect, 81.85% students are self-monitored; they are categorized into “good”. In self evaluating aspect, 62.53% students are self-evaluated; they are categorized into “fair”. So, the students got good category in self monitoring aspect, whereas for self planning and self evaluating must be improved.Keywords: autonomous learning, implementation, self evaluating, self monitoring, self planning
U-JET Vol 3, No 2 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari pencapaian pemahaman membaca siswa sebelum dan setelah diajarkan menggunakan gambar-gambar acak dan mengetahui aspek yang manakah dari kemampuan membaca yang paling tinggi peningkatannya setelah penerapan dari pembelajaran ini. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII D dari kelas delapan SMP tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelompok desain pretest posttest dengan instrumen tes membaca. Hasil dari pembelajaran membaca dengan menggunakan gambar-gambar acak menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman membaca siswa t-ratio t-table (22,893 2,045). Nilai rata-rata posttest (63,23) lebih tinggi daripada nilai rata-rata pretest (53,33), dan memiliki peningkatan 9,9 dan aspek kemampuan membaca yang paling tinggi peningkatannya adalah ide pokok dengan persentasenya yaitu 32,22% (paling tinggi daripada aspek-aspek yang lain).   The aims of this research were to find out if there was significant difference of students’ reading comprehension after being through scrambled pictures and to investigate which aspect of reading skill was the most increased after the implementation of this study. The sample of this research was class VIII D of the second grade of SMP in academic year 2013/2014. This research applied one group pre-test post-test design using reading test as the instrument. The result of study showed that there is a significant difference on students’ reading comprehension since t-ratio t-table ( 22.893 2.045). The average of post-test score (63.23) is higher than that of pre-test (53.33), and it has gain 9.9 and the most increased aspect of reading skills is the finding main idea since the percentage is 32.22% (higher than other aspects).  Keywords: effectiveness, reading ability, scrambled pictures.
U-JET Vol 4, No 1 (2015): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa proses pengajaran pronunciation menggunakan lagu dan menentukan pengucapan fricatives consonants yang sulit bagi siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain triangulasi menggunakan instrument; observasi dan tes. Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan probabiliti sampling acak sederhana. Pengajaran dan uji coba dilakukan di kelas. Data dianalisis dengan melihat hasil dari observasi dan tes. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa proses pengajaran menggunakan lagu diterima dengan baik oleh siswa dan juga mereka memperbaiki pronunciation mereka dan siswa tetap menemukan kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kata-kata yang berisi fricatives consonants. This research aims to analyze the process of teaching pronunciation through song and determine mispronounced friction/fricatives sounds that is done by the students. This qualitative descriptive employed triangulation with two kinds of Instruments; observation sheets and pronunciation test. One class is randomly taken as sample of the research by using lottery. Teaching and learning conducted in the sample class. The data were analyzed based on the result of observation and pronunciation test. The result of the research showed that the process of teaching pronunciation through song is well accepted by the students well and it can improve students pronunciation and the students still find difficulties in pronouncing the words containing fricatives consonants. Key words: fricatives consonants, observation, pronunciation test
U-JET Vol 3, No 4 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan bagaimana langkah-langkah dari power teaching, diimplementasi di kelas, kenaikan partisipasi berbicara siswa, dan respon siswa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 33 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan self reflective paradigms. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) keempat langkah dari teknik power teaching yakni controlling, exploring, pursuing, dan preserving berjalan dengan baik, (2) peningkatan partisipasi berbicara siswa dalam proses pembelajaran setelah diajar melalui power teaching, (3) siswa memberikan respon positif  setelah diajar dengan power teaching. Karena itu, power teaching bisa digunakan dalam pengajaran berbicara karena pendekatan ini dapat membuat siswa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan berbicara, memaksimalkan peran siswa dan keterlibatan mereka dalam proses belajar dan mengajar dan meminimalis waktu guru dalam menjelaskan.The objectives of this research were to find out how the steps of power teaching are implemented in the class, the increase of students’ speaking participation, and the students’ responses. The subject of this research was the second year students consisting of 33 students in class VIII. This study used a qualitative research with self reflective teaching paradigms. The results showed that (1) the four steps suggested from power teaching techniques namely, controlling, exploring, pursuing, and preserving runs successfully, (2) the increase of student’s speaking participation in learning process after being taught through power teaching. (3) the students gave positive responses after being taught through power teaching. Therefore, it is recommended to use  power teaching in teaching speaking since this approach could make students participate in speaking activity, maximize the students’ role and involvement in teaching learning process and minimize the teachers’ talk time.Keywords: power teaching, self reflective teaching paradigms, speaking participation
U-JET Vol 3, No 5 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah siswa di kelas VIII SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban Lampung Timur akan mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggris dalam hal verbal komponen yaitu articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar vocabulary). Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIIIA dengan 24 siswa. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang difokuskan pada analisis produksi berbicara siswa dengan melihat kriteria evaluasi untuk berbicara dalam drama yang dikemukakan oleh Stanishlavski (1989). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,33% siswa mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggri sdalam hal verbal komponen terdiri dari articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar vocabulary) dan sisanya 16,66% siswa masih rendah. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa accuracy (grammar vocabulary) adalah yang paling mudah sedangkan yang paling bermasalah adalah fluency. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa drama dan komponen verbalnya dapat diaplikasikan oleh siswa di pembelajaran berbicara.This research was aimed at finding whether the students at the second grade of SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban East Lampung would able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar vocabulary). The subject of this research was class VIIIA with 24 students. This was descriptive qualitative research which focused on the analysis of students’ speaking production by seeing the criteria of evaluation for speaking in drama proposed by Stanishlavski (1989). The result showed that 83.33% students were able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar vocabulary) and the rest of 16.66% students were still poor. The result also showed that accuracy (grammar vocabulary)is the most applicable whereas most problematic is fluency. It could be concluded that drama and its verbal components are applicable for students in speaking class.Keywords: drama, implementation, speaking.
U-JET Vol 3, No 3 (2014): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek membaca yang meningkat paling besar setelah diajar menggunakan RAPQ dan untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa pada siswa sebelum dan setelah pemberian teknik pembelajaran RAPQ. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMPN. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre-test dan post-test satu kelompok dan para siswa diajar sebanyak tiga kali. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan t-test Pengukuran Berulang. Pada pre-tes, nilai rata-rata adalah 53,4 menjadi 69,86 pada post test. Ini berarti bahwa ada peningkatan sebesar 16,45. Hasil t-test menunjukkan bahwa t-ratio lebih tinggi daripada t-table (7,849 2,042) dengan signifikan level p 0,05 dan signifikan 2-tailed p=0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik pembelajaran RAPQ dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pada siswa dan memberikan tanggapan yang positif.The aim of this research is to find out the aspects of reading comprehension that can improve the most after being taught through RAPQ and to identify the student response before and after being treated RAPQ teaching technique. The sample of the research was the second grade students of SMPN, VIII B as try out test and VIII C as experimental class. The study employed one group pretest and posttest design and the students were given three treatments. The data were obtained by using Repeated Measure t-test. In pre test, the mean score is 53.4 and it becomes 69.86 in post test. It means that there is an increase of 16.45 points. The result of t-test shows that t-ratio is higher than t-table (7.849 2.042) with the level of significant is p 0.05 and significant two tail is p=0.000. It can be said that RAPQ teaching technique improves the students’ reading comprehension and gives a positive response. Keywords: improve, RAPQ teaching technique, reading comprehension
U-JET Vol 2, No 6 (2013): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan signifikan pada prestasi pemahaman membaca siswa setelah diajar menggunakan pendekatan berbasis tugas. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa tahun pertama SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung yang terdiri dari 15 kelas dan satu kelas diambil sebagai kelas sampel. Sampel ini dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan desain one group pretest- posttest. Skor rata-rata pretest adalah 51,43 dan skor rata-rata posttest adalah 78,43, jadi peningkatannya adalah 27,00. Nilai signifikan (2-tailed) adalah p= 0,000, dimana p 0,05, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis satu diterima. Dari lima aspek dalam membaca yang diamati, mengidentifikasi ide pokok merupakan yang paling meningkat dan siswa memiliki respon positif setelah diajar menggunakan pendekatan berbasis tugas. Maka disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan berbasis tugas secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan prestasi membaca pemahaman siswa. The objective of this research is to find out whether there is significant increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught using task-based approach. The population of this research is the first year students of SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung consisting of 15 classes and one class is taken as the sample class. The sample is selected by using the random sampling technique. This is a quantitative research and one group pretest- posttest design was employed. The mean score of pretest is 51,43 and mean score of posttest is 78,43, so the increase is 27,00. The significant (2-tailed)  value was p=0.000, where p 0.05, it showed that the hypothesis was accepted. From five reading aspects being observed,  identifying main idea was the most increased and students had positive respond after being taught using task-based approach. It was therefore concluded that task-based approach could significantly increase students’ reading comprehension achievement.Keywords: reading aspects, reading comprehension, task-based approach.