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System Design Applications Android Based Mobile Library Fathiah, Fathiah; Hardi, Richki
Publisher : Ubudiyah Indonesia University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jics.Vol1.Iss2.90


The success and development of the current android capable of occupying the highest position gadgets and computer market, it is certainly due to the sophistication of technology systems and applications that are on it are currently a trend among mobile users because it can help all areas of work so that it becomes easier. The advantages of this android is located on an open source license so it is possible for anyone with an android programming ability to create or develop applications to run on Android-based gadgets. Library is one of the facilities which assist in the provision of resources in the educational process because the library provides lending facilities without any cost burdened. To expedite the process of search services and lending by the borrower to the library, we need a system that allows the members of the library to access library services, especially the process of borrowing books online using android based mobile application library. This study will integrate mobile application library with the Library Information System simulation database used in the Library of the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bontang. This application is one of the technological development which is very helpful in facilitating mobile library services based course with the gadget android who has installed this application. Keywords: Android Gadget, Mobile Library, Opensource
A New Model of Packet tracking Using The TSP Algorithm Method Hardi, Richki; Nanna Suryana Herman; Naim Che pee
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 2 No 1 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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The packet tracking system becomes essential for the sender of the packet because, with this system, the sender can know the whereabouts or position of the package being sent. If there is a delay in delivery, the sender can also find out the cause of the delay, and it could be due to traffic, wrong address, natural disaster, or other problems. More than that, this system can determine the optimal route to be passed, namely by testing and moving several paths so that with all the possibilities that there will get the optimal path. The purpose of this study is to provide a model and find out the optimal way that is feasible to take in package delivery. The method applied in this research is to use the TSP algorithm, which is an algorithm that tries all possible routes to get the optimal path. The research area will be applied to the Aceh area, and also a request from one of the national shipping companies in Indonesia, Pos. This system will be built based on the web so that the results displayed can be reached by all areas that are connected to the internet. It is hoped that this model and system that will be built can become a reference and reference for other researchers.
The Development of Smart Campus System in Indonesia Hardi, Richki; Kamalrudin, Massila; Hashim, Ummi Rabah; Yana Hendriana; Gunawan; sumardi; Yustian; Sigit Sigalayan; Jack Febrian Rusdi; Agus Sasmito; Apri Junaidi; Anastasia Lidya Maukar
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 2 No 1 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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Dependence on technology is complicated to avoid and very difficult to separate in the digital era. It impacts the education system, especially in Indonesian higher education. Higher education institutions in Indonesia have begun to implement information and communication technology-based systems within the campus environment. Encouraged from all academic communities in higher education who expect comfort so that the importance of the role of technology. Smart Campus comes as a result of a system that uses technology and the internet as an intermediary. Smart Campus is expected to be a campus that can educate students with IT-managed methods. The smart campus is a campus that combines, combines, combines, and implements teaching and learning processes using information technology. So that all systems that support the teaching and learning process also use technology. The smart campus system can be implemented starting from the new student admission system, campus academic system, online examination system, library information system, and tuition payment system. With the smart campus, the system will reduce errors in doing work. Of course, it will also reduce the costs to be incurred by the campus.
Expert System Technology in Implementation of K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Patients with Tuberculosis at Cut Meutia Hospitals North Aceh Eva Darnila; Mutammimul Ula; Mauliza; Iwan Pahendra; Ermatita; Hardi, Richki
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 2 No 1 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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Technology in detecting potential drop out tuberculosis (TB) in Cut Meutia hospital and Health Office plays a great role and has been very important. This is seen from the increasing number of patients who could not be cured succesfully and who do not care about TB which will have fatal consequences on their health. In addition, the main cause of the increase in the number of potential drop out TB patients is because of the lack of awareness of the community, especially the middle economic level family of the danger of TB disease as seen from the irregular treatment that they have and the continued smoking habit. In this study, an expert system was used to diagnose patients with potential Drop Out tuberculosis who were then diagnosed into the cluster of each TB patient using the K-Means algorithm. The system implementation in the expert system is that the initial symptoms include the question of whether the patient has cough with phlegm for 2-3 weeks or more (yes), has the patient been treated with TB drugs less than 1 month (no), experienced no appetite and nausea. From the results of these symptoms, there are diagnoses of New Patients, Pulmonary BTA (-) / Ro (+), with sub-acute level having moderate severity and duration, the severity can reduce the health status of the patient, the patient is eventually expected to recover and totally recovered the disease does not develop into a chronic disease. The results of this expert system would be entered into the K-Means clustering. The test results of the k-means clustering algorithm with K = 3 (C1, C2, C3). with initial centroid values of m1: C1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 and m_2: C2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, with patient p1 with the value of each cluster (C1) = 6.928, ( C2) = 2.828, C3 = (4). For the closest cluster value is C2, then the BCV (Between Cluster Variation) calculation value is 19,596, and the WCV (Within cluster Variation) value is 144. Then the ratio value is 0.136. The result of the iteration -3 can be stopped because it does not experience the movement of the clusters and the clusters have been optimal. The results of this system can classify patients for each village and sub-district area so that the Hospital officials and the Health Office can directly monitor potential drop out TB patients and can facilitate the Head of Office/region in handling clustered TB patients using K-Means. Furthermore, in the coming years, it can be used as a tool in taking preventive measures.
Implementation of Clustering K-Means Algorithm classification of the need of Electricity power for each region at PT Lhokseumawe Muhammad Sadli; Wahyu Fuadi; Fajriana; Ermatita; Iwan Pahendra; Mutammimul Ula; Hardi, Richki
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 2 No 1 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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PLN (State Electricity Company) is in charge of providing stock of needs for the grouping of electrical power and classification for each region in Lhokseumawe City. The area that were grouped based on the amount of power consists of the four subdistricts, namely Banda Sakti, Blang Mangat, Muara Dua and Muara Satu, each of which is sourced from the village. The importance of clusters is to separate each data between data in the villages that will be input into sub-district data. Furthermore, the K-Means Clustering Classification was used in determining the grouping of electrical power needs in each region in the Lhokseumawe City where this system classify the electricity stock needs in each region categorized into a cluster. In this study, Clustering Classification of K-Means variables include job (V1), overall income (V2), house area (V3), number of rooms (V4), number of electronic equipment (V5) and total of power usage (V6). Results of grouping of C1 system = Subsidy R-1/450 VA, C2 = Subsidy R-1/900 VA, C3 = Non Subsidy R-1/900, C4 = Non Subsidy R-1/1300, C5 = Non Subsidy R- 1/2200 VA. The purpose of this study is to be able to predict the classification of each electric power requirement for each region based on the input data per district. This has an impact on the community and PLN's stock of electricity needs in order to remain stable. It is found out from the Clustering K-Means Classification that there is a new cluster for Banda Sakti. The last step in determining Clustering K- Means stopped at the the iteration 3 until the cluster is optimal. The results of this study are in the form of grouping of PLN Customers from each region displayed in the system in the form of classification of electrical power in each subdistrictdistrict. Furthermore, the grouping can be recommended to predict the power needs of each sub-district and belong to the cluster provided by the PLN.
Implementation of K-Modes Clustering in Predicting Electric Power Needs in Aceh Ula, Mutammimul; Hardi, Riyadhul Fajri; Hardi, Richki
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 1 No 1 (2018): August
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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The State Electricity Company is tasked with providing a stock of electricity power grouping requirements and classification of classifications for each region in the city of Aceh. The area to be grouped is based on the amount of power consisting of four sub-districts namely Banda Sakti, Blang Mangat, Muara Dua and Muara Satu, each of which comes from Gampong. The importance of clusters to separate each data between gampong data that will be entered into each sub-district. Furthermore, the K-Means Clustering Classification is used in determining the grouping of electric power needs in each region in Aceh City, where the system classifies the electricity stock requirements in each region categorized into a clustering.
Web-based Expedition Package System in Mail Processing Center PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Yogyakarta Richki Hardi; Nanna Suryana; Naim Che Pee; Budi Sunaryo; Saiful Ghozy; Farah Farhana
Mulia International Journal in Science and Technical Vol 1 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Mulia

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At a shipping company or shipping service, that is, the central processing of PT. Pos Indonesia Yogyakarta, there are various kinds of problems that occur, for example, the issue of package delays or even the loss of a package that will be sent both while still at the branch office or while traveling. It can be caused due to poor service delivery or other services. To facilitate the company in overcoming the problems that often occur in package delivery and assist consumers in tracking the whereabouts of packages sent through the company, an expedition system will be applied, namely a system that functions to track or trace specific packages sent by consumers to the shipping company thus the consumer can quickly get information about the packages sent, when and where and how the condition of the box is located. And all existing branch offices of the company can be integrated into the system so that all operational activities of each branch will be recorded in the system database. Thus the author will examine how to make the package expedition system easy to apply for consumers, so consumers do not need to worry or go to the office to ask for the package.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Smart Library pada Perpustakaan SMK Airlangga Balikpapan Hardi, Richki
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 3, No 2 (2017): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v3i2.260


Rancang Bangun sistem Smart Library didesain dan dikembangkan untuk membantu meningkatkan daya minat baca bagi kalangan remaja, karena selama ini minat baca khususnya pada remaja Indonesia masih tergolong dalam kategori kurang sementara fasilitas baca atau perpustakaan dan ketersediaan buku baca sudah sangat banyak. Sistem smart library juga dihadirkan untuk membantu manajemen perpustakaan modern dengan berbagai fasilitas untuk memberikan kemudahan, kecepatan dan keakuratan proses pengelolaan perpustakaan berbasis teknologi informasi, yang mempunyai entitas pokok, yaitu pengelolaan koleksi, pengelolaan anggota, pengelolaan sirkulasi koleksi, penelusuran koleksi, absensi anggota serta pelaporannya sehingga memudahkan dalam proses manajemen pinjam meminjam buku, koleksi dan lainnya. Smart library dapat dioperasikan pada perangkat computer maupun mobile karena dapat diakses secara global atau online. Kata kunci : buku, mobile library, smart library, perpustakaan online
Desain Sistem Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode fuzzy Richki Hardi
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Abstract—Sistem pendukung keputusan merupakan sisteminteraktif dalam mendukung proses pengambilan keputusanmelalui alternatif-alternatif yang diperoleh dari hasil pengolahandata, informasi dan rancangan model. Dalam penelitian ini akandibangun sebuah pemodelan sistem pendukung keputusan untukpenentuan penerimaan beasiswa, karena selama inipermasalahan penentuan penerimaan beasiswa sering menjadikendala dalam penyalurannya dan tidak terarah pada tujuansebagaimana yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, untukmemberikan sebuah hasil yang lebih baik dan mengatasi kendala– kendala dalam penyaluran beasiswa. Permasalahan penentuanpenerimaan beasiswa akan diselesaikan melalui pendekatanFuzzy dengan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) yangdimodelkan dalam sebuah pemodelan sistem pendukungkeputusan. Dimana Fuzzy akan melakukan representasiberdasarkan fungsi keaggotaannya dalam penilaian kriteriakriteria.Sehingga hasil yang diberikan Fuzzy akan dilakukanpendekatan dengan vektor bobot yang diberikan oleh AnalyticHierarchy Process (AHP) yang selanjutnya akan dilakukanproses perankingan oleh Analiytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)untuk menentukan alternatif terbaik yang akan dipilih sebagaicalon penerima beasiswa. Setelah dilakukan pendekatan FuzzyAHP dalam pemodelan sistem pendukung keputusan, khususnyadalam penentuan penerimaan beasiswa dan hasil yang diberikansangat baik serta terarah pada tujuan sebagaimana yangdiharapkan.Keywords— Kata Kunci: Sistem pendukung keputusan,pemodelan, Fuzzy, AHP dan kriteria
Telematika Vol 12, No 2 (2015): Edisi Juli 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/telematika.v12i2.1406


The era of globalization is included era where the komputer virus has been growing rapidly, not only of mere academic research but has become a common problem for komputer users in the world. The effect of this loss is increasingly becoming the widespread use of the Internet as a global communication line between komputer users around the world, based on the results of the survey CSI / FB. Along with the progress, komputer viruses undergo some evolution in shape, characteristics and distribution medium such as Worms, Spyware Trojan horse and program Malcodelain. Through the development of server-based antivirus clien then the user can easily determine the behavior of viruses and worms, knowing what part of an operating system that is being attacked by viruses and worms, making itself a development of network-based antivirus client server and can also be relied upon as an engine fast and reliable scanner to recognize the virus and saving in memory management.