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Implementasi Akad Ju’alah Dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Afriani Afriani
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v2i2.54


Jualah is a kind of a promise expressed by someone who lost something of his lost item by giving some kind of reward to the one who found it, with certain limitations. Things are usually done for things that are considered very important. Ju'alah concept that most people understand almost the same as the concept of ijarah so that in understanding an act mu'amalah sometimes different understand. Well for more details what is meant by ju'alah? Jualah or jialah, derived from Arabic: ja'ala-yaj'alu-ja'lan. Ja'ala is literally meaningful to make or make, while Ju'alah means wage, price or salary. Everyday life we often encounter someone who lost his son, because the child is very very important for his parents so that the lost parents are holding a contest, who can find it will be given a gift with the conditions set by. In this case the author. Will try to discuss the justification agreement meaning etymology means wages or rewards given to someone because the person is doing or performing a particular job. The terminology of fiqih means "an Iltizaam (responsibility) in the form of a promise to give a certain voluntary wage reward against a person who successfully performs an act or provides an uncertain service can be executed or produced as expected.
Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi Vol. 11 No. 1: July 2014
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.367 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jmsk.v11i1.3429


Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Pengetahuan Berbasis HOTS pada Materi Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit Afriani Afriani; Marina Setyarini; Tasviri Efkar
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.631 KB)


This research purposes were to describe  characteristic of HOTS knowledge instrument assessment, describe teacher’s response, and describe studens’ response to HOTS knowledge instrument assessment. The research used method of research and development (RD) by Brog Gall, and the research subject was knowledge instrument assessment. The validation result was obtained percentage on aspects in suitability of content, readability, and construction were 92,30%; 88,33%; and 82,00%, respectively. The teacher’s response result was obtained on aspects in suitability of content, readability, and construction were 89,23%; 90%; and 90%, respectively. The results of students’ response to readability were 87.08 %, respectively. The results of this research indicate that knowledge assessment instrument is good and can be used it is seen from the reliability value and validity that have high category.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik, tanggapan guru dan respon siswa tehadap isnstrumen asesmen pengetahuan berbasis HOTS.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (RD) menurut Borg Gall, dengan subyek penelitian adalah instrumen asesmen pengetahuan. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli diperoleh persentase penilaian validator pada aspek keterbacaan, konstruk, dan kesesuaian isi sebesar 92,30%; 88,33%; dan 82,00%. Hasil respon guru pada aspek keterbacaan, konstruk, dan kesesuaian isi sebesar 89,23%; 90%; dan 90%.  Hasil respon siswa pada aspek keterbacaan sebesar 87,08%.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen asesmen pengetahuan sudah baik dan dapat digunakan hal ini dilihat dari nilai reliabilitas dan daya beda soal yang memiliki kategori tinggi.Kata kunci: istrumen, asesmen, keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi.
Journal Peqguruang: Conference Series Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Peqguruang, Volume 2, No.1, Mei 2020
Publisher : Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.386 KB) | DOI: 10.35329/jp.v2i1.1580


Antropometri yaitu ukuran tubuh yang berhubung antara jenis pengukuran ukuran tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketetapan proses pelaksana mengukur berat badan dan tinggi badan dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, oleh kader posyandu di Desa Balabatu, menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Tesn, untuk Melihat ketetapan pengukuran (Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengukuran) Berat badan (BB) dan Tinggi Badan (TB).Sampel adalah bagian dari populasi yang akan diambil. Sampel untuk Validasi berjumlah 35 sampel, yaitu Balita yang ada di posyandu Desa Balabatu.  Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa data hasil pengukuran Tinggi Badan, dengan nilai Mean±SD (95,31) sebelum validasi dan saat validasi (98,57) p=0,317 (nilai p>0,05). Hingga di sebut tak ada perbedaan tinggi badan antara pengukur satu dengan pengukur yang lain. Adapun hasil analisis data dari hasil penimbangan berat dengan nilai Mean±SD (95,31) sebelum validasi dan saat validasi (98,57) p=0,123 (nilai p>0,05). Hingga di katakan adanya perbedaan data hasil pengukuran berat badan.Saran Perlu adanya penelitian-penelitian lanjutnya tentang validasi instrumen antropometri (BB/TB), sehingga data yang di peroleh dapat di percaya keakuratannya kemudian Kader posyandu seharusnya memperhatikan kembali alat alat Timbangan.
Gender Disparities in Their Effects on Characteristics and Prognostics of Lung Cancer Patients in Pulmonary Ward of Dr. M Djamil Hospital, Padang Sabrina Ermayanti; Afriani Afriani; Sari Nikmawati; Russilawati Russilawati; Irvan Medison; Suyastri Suyastri
Jurnal Respirologi Indonesia Vol 41, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia (PDPI)/The Indonesian Society of Respirology (ISR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36497/jri.v41i4.216


Background: Lung cancer incidence in female tends to increase in many countries. Various studies have reported the characteristics of lung cancer in female are different from male. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gender on characteristics of lung cancer at Dr. M Djamil Hospital, Padang.Methods: A retrospective analytic study of lung cancer patients treated in the Pulmonary Ward of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2017, with recognized cancer cell types. Data were grouped according to gender.Results: This study found that 451 lung cancer patients, male-dominant 77.8%. Female were younger than male (52.97 ± 12.79 years vs. 57.81 ± 11.23 years; p = 0.00). Most of male (94.5%) were smokers and former smokers, while 93.9% of female were non-smokers (p = 0.00). Most female were having prior history of tuberculosis (TB) (21.2% vs 11.0%; p = 0.008) and also prior history of other organs cancer (10.1% vs 3.4%; p = 0.007) than in male. Squamous cells were highest in males (41.1%), while females had adenocarcinoma (55.0%); with p = 0.008. Advanced stage in female more than male (91.8% vs 82.7%; p = 0.027). The mean life expectancy of female was longer than male, respectively 8.74 ± 1.56 and 7.29 ± 0.64 months; (p = 0.95).  Conclusion: There are differences in the epidemiology of lung cancer between male and female in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang in the form of age, cell type and staging. Non-smokers, a previous history of TB and a history of cancer in other organs were more dominant in female.
Penyuluhan tentang Kenali dan Waspada Corona Virus Diseases of 2019 (Covid-19) pada Acara Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Kota Padang Russilawati Russilawati; Irvan Medison; Afriani Afriani; Yessy Susanty Sabri
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 27 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.27.2.119-125.2020


Mysterious atypical pneumonia appeared abruptly in Wuhan, China in December 2019. China authority and Word Health Organization (WHO) found out the etiology on January 2020. New strain of Corona virus that eventually called by SARS-CoV2 has been responsible for the Corona virus disease of 2019 (Covid-19). The disease has ability to spread from human to human. These diseases had been pandemic since March 2020. As the start of early spreading we need to give right information about Covid-19 to the community so that the mass panicked could be avoided. We also need to educate community to take right precaution and prevention. These activities aims to spread the right information about Covid-19 and give simple training to performed prevention act so that community can slowdown the disease transmission. Methods: the campaign and health education about covid-19 and training of cough etiquette, right steps of hand washing using water and soap or alcohol based hand rub, and also how to use face mask properly. There were 66 participants that involved in this event. Participants had actively asked information about frequency of hand washing we need to prevent transmission and travel safety. We also performed flash mob so the participants could train cough etiquette, hand washing, and using face mask in fun ways. We ended the activities with competition of hand washing and using face mask properly. The door prize for the winner was hand sanitizer and face mask that they could use as tools to prevent transmission of Covid-19.
Media Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Media Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.425 KB) | DOI: 10.32382/medkes.v13i2.525


Salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) adalah dengan memberikan ASI sesuai dengan keinginan bayi, pemberian ASI on demand yaitu dimana ibu memberikan ASI nya setiap bayi meminta dan tidak berdasarkan jam. Sangat penting karena pada mulanya, bayi menyusu secara tidak teratur, tetapi setelah satu atau dua minggu pola menyusuinya sudah teratur. Jenjang waktu menyusui pada bayi biasanya dua-tiga jam sekali. Dan pola ini tidak akan menimbulkan masalah seperti terjadinya bendungan dan sebagainya. Kendala dalam pemberian ASI on demand yaitu adanya masalah pada ibu dan bayi. Masalah pada ibu misalnya ibu merasakan nyeri pada puting saat menyusui bayi yg disebabkan posisi menyusui yang salah dan kurangnya pengetahuan ibu tentang posisi menyusui yang benar. Pada ibu bekerja dapat dijadikan alasan sehingga ibu mengurangi jadwal menyusui bayinya atau bahkan menghentikan pemberian ASI sehingga bayi tidak memperoleh asupan ASI sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Penelitian akan dilaksanakan di RSB. Restu Makassar dalam kurun waktu bulan Mei sampai Oktober 2017. Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu menyusui dengan pemberian ASI secara On Demand. Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan pendekatan “cross sectional study”. Fokus dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengetahuan dan sikap ibu dalam pemberian ASI secara on demand. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap responden memiliki persentase yang lebih tinggi pada kategori baik (65,3%) dan (72,2%). Dari hasil uji Chi-Square diperoleh variabel pengetahuan dan sikap memiliki pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap pemberian ASI secara on demand dengan nilai p masing-masing p=0,001 dan p=0,000. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik, berpengaruh terhadap pemberian ASI secara on demand di RSB. Restu Makassar.
Evaluasi program pencegahan dan pengendalian Rabies dalam rangka menuju Sumatera Utara Bebas Rabies 2020 Frans Yosep Sitepu; Elpiani Depari; Afriani Afriani; Christina Sianturi
JHECDs: Journal of Health Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases Vol 4 No 2 (2018): JHECDs Vol. 4, No. 2, Desember 2018
Publisher : Balai Litbangkes Tanah Bumbu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.535 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/jhecds.v4i2.448


Rabies merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Sumatera Utara. Tujuan dari program pencegahan dan pengendalian rabies adalah untuk mencapai Sumatera Utara bebas rabies tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis laporan bulanan dan tahunan kasus rabies di Sumatera Utara sejak tahun 2007-2017. Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap seluruh proses program pencegahan dan pengendalian rabies. Hasil didapatkan bahwa pelaksanaan program pencegahan dan pengendalian rabies di Sumatera Utara belum berjalan optimal, seperti pelaksanaan surveilans epidemiologi, pelacakan kasus, tata laksana kasus di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, masih kurangnya partisipasi masyrakat, kurangnya rabies center di kabupaten/kota, serta kurangnya kerja sama antara dinas kesehatan dan dinas peternakan kabupaten/kota. Program pencegahan dan pengendalian rabies di Sumatera Utara belum berhasil dalam menurunkan kasus lyssa, masih terdapat 9 kabupaten/kota yang selama 2 tahun terakhir memiliki kasus lyssa. Disarankan lebih meningkatkan kerja sama lintas sektor dan program untuk mencapai Sumatera Utara bebas rabies 2020.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Starter Bakteri Asam Laktat Lactobacillus plantarum dan Lactobacillus fermentum terhadapTotal Bakteri Asam Laktat, Kadar Asam dan Nilai pH Dadih Susu Sapi Afriani Afriani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 13 No. 6 (2010): Mei 2010
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (62.258 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v0i0.114


The  objective  of  the  current  study    to  determine  the  effect  of  the  use  of  bacteria  Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum in the manucfacture of cow’s milk curd on the total lactid acid bacteria, acidity and pH value of cow’s milk curd. The experiment use fresh cow milk and starter culture of Lactobacillus plantarum, and L. plantarum. Starter culture added about 3% from milk volume than incubated at  room  temperature during 48 hours. The treatments were  fermentation with L. plantarum (A1); L. fermentum (A2); L. plantarum + L. fermentum  (A3). There were significant effect of addition of starter L. plantarum (A1), L. fermentum (A2), and the combination of L. plantarum + L. fermentum (A3) on total  lactic acid bacteria and acidity, however, there was no statistically significant on the pH value of cow's milk curd. It was concluded that using of starter culture combinations of Lactobacillus plantarum  +  Lactobacillus  fermentum  (A3)  increases  the  total  lactic  acid  bacteria  and  acid  levels  of cow’s milk curd.
Kualitas dan Potensi Dadih Sebagai Tambahan Pendapatan Peternak Kerbau di Kabupaten Kerinci Afriani Afriani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 11 No. 3 (2008): Agustus 2008
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.745 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v11i3.746


An experiment was conducted to know process of production, quality and potency of curd (dadih) as source additional income of  buffalo farmer in Kabupaten Kerinci. The survey was done in three district (kecamatan) at Kabupaten Kerinci, kecamatan Air Hangat, Gunung Kerinci, and Kayu Aro. There were 28 farmer’s buffalo from 3 district that made curd. Evaluation of dadih quality was done after 3 days fermentation, include moisture content, acidity, protein, fat, and total plate count bacteria of dadih. The results showed that the farmer’s additional income was about Rp 1,787.639,97 per lactation period or total  curd  production  was  about  52.21  kg  per  lactation.  The  Curd  that made from farmer’s in three districts Kabupaten Kerinci has same quality.