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Identifikasi Distribusi Beban Sedimentasi pada Intake DAM dan Reservoir PLTA (Studi Kasus: PLTA Cirata, Purwakarta – Jawa Barat) Asep Irwan; Ari Wicaksono; Firda Aulia Khairin
JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE (JAPPS) Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Journal Of Applied Science (JAPPS)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36870/japps.v2i1.159


Reservoirs in Indonesia are almost inseparable from the problem of sedimentation. Sedimentation issues are important in reservoir operations, including those that affect reservoir life. One of them is in the PLTA Cirata which experienced a high amount of sedimentation, based on the results of research by BPWC in 2017 the value of sedimentation was 1.96 million m3/year. The results obtained 1,565,844.51 m3 / year so that when compared with this value has a difference between 394,155.49 m3 / year, this occurs because of differences in the sedimentation calculation method. The research method uses the MIKE 21 Module (Flow Model), this research can provide information related to the sedimentation load in the PLTA Cirata. Sediment load that occurs in the intake area of the modeling results is from the Cikundul watershed with a maximum flow value in one year in 2018 of 716.14 m3/s occurred in April. As for the thickness of sediment occurs first 1-month simulation results in the location of each estuary is between 0.01 to 0.15 m for the location of the dam area of 0.01 to 0.03 m. The thickness of sediments in the Cirata area at the location of the river mouth is around ± 1.8 m / year and at the dam around ± 0:36 m / year. Types of sediment in each river mouth obtained 21.21% sand, 78.48% silt, and 0.31% gravel, for the dam area obtained 24.49% sand, 75.08% silt, and 0.43% gravel. It can be concluded that sedimentation entering the Intake area is removing sediment from each watershed namely Cikundul, Cibalagung, Cisokan, Citarum, and Cicendo.
Dinamika Vol 27, No 11 (2021): Dinamika: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.726 KB)


AbstractImplementation of the right of immunity of DPR-RI member to date still raises several questions in the community. The number of cases of members of the DPR-RI who act in the name of immunity rights is one form of the need to be given firm and clear boundaries so that there is no misunderstanding on the part of both the community and members of the DPR-RI. This study is intended to further examine the urgency and limitations of the immunity rights of members of the DPR-RI granted by the 1945 Constitution and Law no. 2 of 2018. The granting of immunity rights for members of the DPR-RI is needed to carry out their functions and duties as representatives of the people so that it is hoped that with the right of immunity, members of the DPR-RI have a legal umbrella that brings benefits to members of the DPR-RI in carrying out their duties.. While related to the implementation of the right of immunity by members of the House of Representatives-RI then must consider the rules of the Code and Code of Ethics of the House so that no collision occurred.                                                   Key words: Limitations, Urgency, Immunity Rights, Member of DPR-RI. AbstrakPemberian hak imunitas kepada anggota DPR-RI sampai saat ini masih menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan dimasyarakat. Banyaknya kasus anggota DPR-RI yang mengatas namakan hak imunitas menjadi salah satu bentuk perlunya diberi batasan yang tegas dan jelas supaya tidak ada kesalah fahaman baik dari pihak masyarakat maupun anggota DPR-RI. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai hal-hal yang menjadi urgensi dan batasan hak imunitas anggota DPR-RI yang diberikan oleh UUD 1945 maupun UU No. 2 Tahun 2018. Yang mana pemberian hak imunitas anggota DPR-RI ini diperlukan untuk menjalankan fungsi dan tugasnya sebagai wakil rakyat sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya hak imunitas, anggota DPR-RI memiliki payung hukum yang membawa kemaslahatan bagi anggota DPR-RI dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Sedangkan terkait batasan hak imunitas oleh anggota DPR-RI maka harus memperhatikan peraturan Tata Tertib dan Kode Etik DPR sehingga tidak terjadi pelanggaran.Kata kunci: Batasan, Urgensi, Hak Imunitas, Anggota DPR-RI