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Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Jiwa Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Pemilik Rumah Makan Pringsewu Group di Wilayah Tegal Nurlaela, Nurlaela; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika; Soesilowati, Etty
Journal of Economic Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v6i2.19294


___________________________________________________________________ Sukses mengelola rumah makan tidaklah mudah terbukti banyak usaha rumah makan yang tidak mampu bertahan lama, untuk itu diperlukan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi pemilik rumah makan. Sikap dan perilaku yang mengandung nilai-nilai kewirausahaan (percaya diri dan optimis, berorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, berani mengambil resiko kepemimpinan, keorisinalitasan, dan orientasi pada masa depan) perlu dimiliki oleh pengusaha yang ingin sukses. Salah satu contoh pengusaha sukses adalah pemilik rumah makan Pringsewu Group dengan 16 cabang rumah makan yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat. Selain omset penjualan yang mencapai ratusan juta rupiah setiap bulan, usaha ini juga telah banyak meraih penghargaan berkat kreativitas pemilik rumah makan. Untuk mengetahui berapa besar nilai-nilai kewirausahaan dalam mempengaruhi jiwa kewirausahaan pemilik rumah makan merupakan tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 71 karyawan Pringsewu di wilayah Tegal. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sikap yang dominan mempengaruhi jiwa kewirausahaan pemilik rumah makan Pringsewu Group adalah sikap percaya diri dan optimis yaitu sebesar 34,1%. Urutan selanjutnya adalah 31,7% untuk kepemimpinan, 27,3% keorisinalitasan, 23,8% berani mengambil resiko, 23,1% sikap orientasi ke masa depan, dan terakhir 20,1% adalah sikap borientasi pada tugas dan hasil. Untuk meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan melalui sikap beroreintasi pada tugas dan hasil pemilik rumah makan dituntut lebih semangat lagi dalam bekerja, berinisiatif untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas dan prestasi. Successfully managing a restaurant is not easy because many restaurant businesses are not able to last long, therefore It takes entrepreneurial spirit for the owner of the restaurant. Attitudes and behaviors that contain entrepreneurial values ​​(confident and optimistic, task-oriented and result oriented, risk-taking leadership, keorisinalitasan, and orientation in the future) needs to be owned by entrepreneurs who want to succeed. One example of successful entrepreneurs is the owner of Pringsewu Group restaurant has 16 branch restaurants spread in Central Java and West Java. In addition to the successful sales reaches hundreds of millions of rupiah every month, this business has also been awarded many thanks to the creativity of restaurant owners. To find out how much entrepreneurial value in influencing entrepreneurial spirit of restaurant owner is the purpose of this research. The study was conducted with questionnaires distributed to 71 Pringsewu employees in the Tegal area. The result of research stated that dominant attitude influence entrepreneur spirit of Pringsewu Group restaurant owner is confident and optimistic attitude that is equal to 34,1%. The next sequence is 31.7% for leadership, 27.3% onorisinalitasan, 23.8% dare to take risks, 23.1% orientation to the future, and last 20.1% is the attitude of borientasi on task and result. Task-oriented attitude can be enchanced with more enthusiasm in work, take the initiative to improve creativity and initiative to improve creativity and achievement.
The Entrepreneurship Education Improvement Efforts Through Teaching Factory Students of Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal Purwidyantini, Setyo Herlina; Wisika Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian; Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Journal of Economic Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v6i2.19302


To improve competitiveness of globalization is required to improve the quality of middle-educated human resources. Students of Vocational High School are equipped with entrepreneurship education to increase their knowledge and entrepreneurship skills through teaching factory. This study aims to (1) analyze the characteristics of teaching factory in Vocational High School, (2) to analyze teaching factory that has been run in Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal and entrepreneurship value who obtained by students, (3) formulate ideal teaching factory to improve entrepreneurship education of Vocational High School students in Kendal. This research uses qualitative method in the implementation of teaching factory program at Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal. The validity data done by triangulation with the source.The results showed that teaching factory in Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal, started from planning by teachers, production process until marketing of their products. The implementation of teaching factory can improve entrepreneurship education students of Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal. In the planning of students learning to oriented tasks and results. In the production process students learn to be responsible, disciplined, confident, dare to take risks, independence, cooperation. In facilitation students learn open to technology. In marketing students learn to be honest, passionate, hard work, confident, able to overcome difficulties / problems, able to see opportunities and like challenges. In the evaluation students learning to open receive input, criticism and advice from outside. The implementation of teaching factory at Vocational High School Negeri 2 Kendal, there is cooperation with government, parents, business world and industry, alumni, society and other education units. The financing of teaching factory activities comes from government grants. Additional capital got from the profit of sales products, which are divided by a certain percentage.Teaching factory ideal supported by the partnership, mentoring and financing. Partnership with government, parents, community, bussines and industrial company, alumni and other education units. Mentoring from teachers and bussines and industrial company, financing by government, parent and private sector
Batik SMEs Efficiency and Entrepreneurship Role in Innovation Kurniati, Edy Dwi; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 11, No 2 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v11i2.16058


In the long term, batik SMEs to compete in the local and global markets can not only rely on production capabilities rooted in local sources of uniqueness, but must have efficiency of economies scale for resource access and innovation. In a competitive environment, entrepreneurs in the batik industry have an important role to improve the efficiency. This study analyzed the role of entrepreneurs in the economic efficiency. This study applies production model to describe the entrepreneurs role on economic efficiency. The study was conducted by interviews to 100 Batik SMEs managers-owners in the Batik Centre in Solo, Pekalongan and Rembang. The entrepreneurs role in innovation in term of product innovation, marketing innovation, and business alliances (cooperatives). Data analysis was performed using Stochastic Frontier and Deterministic Regression Analysis. The empirical results of the technical inefficiency effects model suggest that the entrepreneurs role in product innovation, marketing innovation and business alliances are important factors affecting economic efficiency of batik SMEs. The role of entrepreneurship in marketing innovation has the highest elasticity of the production and sales of batik, and then followed by the role of entrepreneurs in new product innovation and business alliances.
Determinants Factors of Interest Rates on Three-Month Deposits of Bank Persero Kurniawan, Tedy; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 10, No 1 (2017): March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v10i1.9129


This research aims at analyzing the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operating Expenses of Operating Income (BOPO), inflation, exchange rate, and the amount of money supply (M1) to the interest rate of three month deposits of the State-Owned Bank in Indonesia in 2007-2015. This research uses the error correction model analysis. The result obtained is the CAR that has a significant effect on the long term and has no effect on the short term, BOPO has a significant influence on the long term and short term, inflation has the significant effect on the long term and has no effect on the short term, the exchange rate has an influence on the short and long term, the money supply has no effects on the short and long-term on the interest rate on three month deposits of the State-Owned Bank.
Empowerment Strategy Through Salak Fruit Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika; Fafurida, Fafurida; Setiawan, Avi Budi; Sutanto, Himawan Arif
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Komunitas, March 2015
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v7i1.3622


This articles aims to understand the practice of empowerment through assistance to salak farmers. The study includes 60 salak fruit farmers which are taken as the samples. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze the obtained data from the study. The research result shows that most respondents have the relative low level of empowerment. The empowerment level from business aspect explain that most of the respondent (73%) are never and could not got the financial assistant to develop their business. Likewise, it could be happen in the technological access, most of the respondent (56,7%) explain that in the production process the technology that used is base on traditional and hereditary. So, it is depend on labour relieves when the production and harvest process. Furthermore, the research shows that a low level of a capability to access the market information. It could be seen that most of the farmers (38,3%) directly selling their product to the consumers and 33,3% sell their product to the broker. The empowerment from non economic aspect could be seen from the low ability of lobbying aspect, like the asking for a relieves from their colleagues at the local government officer (10%), financial institution like cooperation, bank and etc (25%), society figures (32,1%), employees (32,1%), non government institution/ academision (10%) and a families (93,3%). To empower the farmers in order to make them sustainable, it is necessary to built a partnership by empowerment strategy. The empowerment strategy that involves industry as the farmers’ partner is carried out to improve the empowerment of the farmers of salak fruits.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi praktek pemberdayaan melalui pendampingan petani buah salak. Sebanyak 60 orang petani salak diambil sebagai sampel. Analisis deskriptif telah digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di daerah penelitian mengaku pada saat panen melimpah harga jual buah salak sangat rendah. Tingkat keberdayaan dari Aspek Usaha menunjukkan bahwa dalam mengakses kredit sebagian besar responden (73%) menyatakan tidak pernah atau tidak mampu mendapatkan kredit untuk pengembangan usahanya. Demikian juga dalam megakses teknologi sebagian besar responden (56,7%) menyatakan bahwa dalam melakukan proses produksi berdasarkan turun-temurun dimana teknologi dalam melakukan produksi bersifat tradisonal dan menggunakan insting, sehingga masih tergantung adanya bantuan dari orang lain pada saat terjadi masalah baik dalam proses produksi maupun pada saat panen. Selajutnya kemampuan dalam mengakses informasi pasar menunjukkan rendah yang dapat dilihat dari pemasaran hasil panen sebagian besar (38,3%) dijual langsung ke konsumen dan kepada tengkulak (33,3%). Tingkat keberdayaan dari aspek non-ekonmi yang dilihat dari kemampuan lobbying menunjukkan masih relative rendah, seperti keberhasilan dalam meminta bantuan kenalannya di Pemda sebsar 10%, lembaga keuangan seperti koperasi, bank, dan lain sebagainya sebesar 25%, tokoh masyarakat sebesar 32,1%, pengusaha sebesar 32,1%, akademisi/LSM sebesar 10% dan saudara 93,3%.  Untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan petani agar mampu menjalankan usahataninya secara berkelanjutan serta meningkatkan nilai tambah, diperlukan adanya kemitraan yang dapat dilakukan melalui Strategi Pemberdayaan.  
Anomalies in Family Planning in Central Java, Indonesia Wilonoyudho, Saratri; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Komunitas, March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v10i1.9634


This study was aimed at uncovering the anomalies in the implementation of the Population, Family Planning and Family Development Program  in Central Java province. Qualitative-naturalistic approach was employed. The results of the study about the population and family planning in Central Java Province is showed an alarming rate of TFR (Total Fertility Rate) indicator of 2.3 to 2.5. In addition, the public mind set about the ideal number of children in a family also increased from the TFR indicator of 2.6 to 2.8. This mindset would hinder family planning program. To overcome the anomalies, BKKBN Central Java Province made various strategic efforts. The high rate of CPR (Contraseptive Prevalence Rate) which was not followed by the low rate of TFR was assumed to be related to the active family planning participants were not using long term contraception method, leaving them vulnerable to drop out. Therefore, an increase in long term contraception method, would be a top priority in the population and family planning program in Central Java. In the "anomaly" of having high CPR numbers but low TFR, operational strategy required to be conducted was to increase the Educational, Information, Communication (EIC) Program, especially for the younger generation, because young age marriage was prevalent in those areas. 
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v16i2.17566


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pengembang software yang akan mevalidasi jurnal-jurnal internasional sehingga diketahu kategori dari jurnal tersebut. Sistem yang dikembangkan dibuat sesederhana mungkin sehingga mudah dipahami dan tentunya mudah digunakan adalah merupakan inovasi pada penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian yang akan dilaksanakna adalah pembuatan sistem informasi (software) sehingga bahan yang akan dipakai adalah database jurnal-jurnal Internasional dari lembaga pengindeks yang sudah ada (Tabel 1). Kriteria Jurnal Internasional mengacu pada lampiran permenristekdikti No.20 tahun 2016. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan untuk mempermudah sistem validasi inputan artikel yang terpublikasi internasional di SIPP. Berdasar dari latarbelakang tersebut kegiatan diawali dengan penelusuran ISSN dari Jurnal Jurnal terutama yang terindeks di SCOPUS/Thomshon Reuter ataupu yang paling penting adalah jurnal Jurnal Predatory (abal-abal).
Protection Strategies on Irrigated Farm Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Pramana, Novi; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 19, No 2 (2018): JEP 2018
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v19i2.5998


Semarang District is an area which one of its focuses is on improving regional economy mainly based on agricultural sector. The agricultural activities which still depend on lands make those are considered having an important role. It is supported with regulations which protect the functional changes of farm lands, especially the irrigated ones. However, during a period of 2010-2014, the irrigated farm lands were reduced. A strategy to protect those irrigated farm lands is highly necessary, that is, by considering criteria to prioritize on protection of the irrigated farm lands in Semarang district. This study uses a method of Analysis  Hierarchi Process (AHP) with a purposive sampling technique to collect 10 respondents. A protection strategy on Irrigated farm lands in Semarang district consists of several criteria with a prioritized program criterion of sustainable land and water utilization (0.322). The following criteria are optimization of irrigation network performance (0.241), law (0.186), economy (0.160), and social (0.091). There are some suggestions after conducting this study, such as providing education and socialization of legislations of law on farm land protection especially the irrigated ones, construction of reservoirs and dams, utilization of organic materials on farm lands management, irrigation network rehabilitation, strengthening legislations on protection of farm lands, authorities’ closer controls and supervisions, facilitation in obtaining agricultural inputs to improve welfare by empowering families, owners, and managers of those irrigated farm lands, as well as escorting policies on layout and regional plans to maintain the wide agricultural areas of irrigated farm lands.
The Strategy of Developing Kreo Cave Tourism Tutik, Tutik; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika; Kardoyo, Kardoyo
Journal of Economic Education Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v7i2.25955


The potential which is possessed by tourism object of Kreo Cave still needs to be developed again so that it becomes the major of tourism destination that is the most attractive in Semarang city. Therefore, it is needed the strategy of developing the tourism object that is really prepared carefully accompanied by a good handling by the manager of the Kreo Cave tourism object. The objectives of the research are (1) Assessing and analyzing tourist attraction strategies in the development of Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. (2) Reviewing and analyzing tourism facility strategies in the development of Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. (3) Reviewing and analyzing the accessibility strategies in developing Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. (4) Reviewing and analyzing the hospitality strategies in the development of Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. (5) Reviewing and analyzing the government support strategies in developing Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. (6) Reviewing and analyzing the tourism promotion strategies in the development of Kreo Cave Tourism Object in Semarang. The method of collecting data in this research was by using questionnaire and interview techniques. This type of the research was qualitative with SWOT analysis method. The result of descriptive qualitative shows the profile and condition of Kreo Cave Tourism Object, while the result of the calculation of SWOT analysis shows that Kreo Cave is in quadrant one, has the dominant strengths and opportunities that have the potential to be developed.
Acceptance of Financial Accounting Information System at Schools : Technology Acceptance Model Permatasari, Carolina Lita; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika
Journal of Economic Education Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v7i2.27182


Financial accounting information systems are needed in the presentation of financial statements for the public. Besides that, school management requires accounting information in relation to decision making for organizational purposes, so managerial of accounting information system is needed. One important aspect of accounting that aims to produce financial reporting in an organization is the behavior of financial report managers which become studies of behavioral accounting. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude toward using on behavioral intention to use accounting information systems by school financial managers. This study also aims to determine the extent of the acceptance of accounting information systems by school financial managers in the preparation of financial statements. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with path analysis techniques. The number of population and sample in this study were 50 respondents from an educational foundation in the city of Semarang which consisted of treasurers and the finance department of the Marsudirini Foundation school. The results obtained from this study are the significant influence of perceived ease of use to perceived usefulness; perceived usefulness to attitude toward using; perceived ease of use to attitude toward using; perceived ease of use to behavioral intention to use; and attitude to using toward behavioral intention to use. The rejected hypothesis is the influence of perceived usefulness tobehavioral intention to use.
Co-Authors - Kardoyo A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Achmad Slamet Agus Wahyudin Alfiyah, Reni Amelia, Dhea Rizky Amin Pujiati Amin Retnoningsih Andarini Permata Cahyaningtyas Andarweni Astuti Andryan Setyadharma Apiatun, Rizka Aprilia Dewi Novita Arief Yulianto Arika Palapa Arum Kartika Wulandari, Arum Kartika Asrori Asrori Avi Budi Setiawan Bayu Rizky Pratama, Bayu Rizky Bernadeta Julia Wijaya Puspita Sari Brilian Arbantoso Cahyo Budi Utomo Carolina Lita Permatasari Cepi Kurniawan Christina Litaay Christina Litaay Dalila Daud Dena Ayu Aviantih Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dhea Rizky Amelia Dhita Prasisca Mutiatari Diah Safitri Dian Daru Wijayanto Dwi Cahyaningdyah Dwijayana, Indra Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Endra Kusumawati, Puji Sri Erida Pratiwik Etty Puji Lestari Etty Soesilowati Eva Banowati Fafurida Fafurida Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Farrel Muhammad Rifqi Fauzan, Slamet Fauzul Adzim Firman Affandi Ginanjar, Retno Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hasyim, Muhammad Azwar Herawati Herawati Heri yanto Hidayanur, Hidayanur Hikmah, Lailatul Himawan Arif Sutanto Husodo, Martanto Setyo Husodo, Martanto Setyo Irala, Yuan Fence Ismail, Khafid Jamhari Jamhari Juhadi Juhadi Juhadi Juhadi Karnowo - Kartika, Savani Khoiroh, Murtaziqotul Kurnawan, Tedy Kurniati, Edy Dwi Kurniawan, Muhammad Kusuma Putri, Septi Laelatul Farhanah Laelatul Farhanah, Laelatul Laksono Trisnantoro Lukmanul Hakim Margareta Rahayuningsih Nugroho Edi K Margunani, Margunani Moh Yasir Alimi Mugiono Mugiono, Mugiono Muhammad Adi Adrian Muhammad Eko Nur Syafii, Muhammad Eko Muhammad Khafid Muhsin Muhsin Murwatiningsih - Nahrul Faidin Nana Kariada Trimartuti Novi Pramana Nur Wahidatul Muflihah Nurjannah Rahayu Kistanti Nurjannah Rahayu Kristanti NURLAELA NURLAELA Nurlailatun Ramdani Pertiwi, Ika Prabowo, Catur Prakoso, Hafiidh Pramana, Novi Prasto, Georgius Lingga Prasto, Georgius Lingga Puji Hardati Purwidyantini, Setyo Herlina Purwidyantini, Setyo Herlina Putri, Berlian Aminanti Suraya Rabeea Mohammed Imleesh, Rabeea Mohammed Rahmawan, Adika Nur Raras Gistha Rosardi Raras Gistha Rosardi Raras Gistha Rosardi Rifa?i, Anwar Rifa’i, Anwar Rodiyah - Rusdarti - Saeeid Mohammad, Sami Saifudin Zuhri Saratri Wilonoyudho Sari, Bernadeta Julia Wijaya Puspita SATRIYAS ILYAS Setiawan, Avi Budi Shanty Oktavilia Suci Nurhayati Sutijah, Sutijah Talitha Widiatningrum Tasiman, Tasiman Tedy Kurniawan, Tedy Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti Tutik Tutik Ujang Sumarwan Ulya Himawati Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur Sidiq, Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur Wahyono Wahyono Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyuni, Nur Indah Wandah Wibawanto Wara Dyah Pita Rengga Widiyanto Widiyanto Widiyanto Widiyanto Widowati Widowati Widowati Widowati Widowati, Widowati Wijayanto, Dian Daru Wulandari, Sri Eka Yoris Adi Maretta Yozi Aulia Rahma Yozi Aulia Rahman, Yozi Aulia Yuda Prasetya Yulina Ismiyanti Yundari, Yundari