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Katalogis Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Katalogis

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The research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the development in central Besusu village, East Palu sub-district, Palu. Effectiveness is an activity to achieve the goal by using available  infrastructure and resources. Referrred to Rhicard M. Steers, to measure the effectiveness of development activities in the Village Council Central Besusu consists of three (3) aspects, including, Goals; Integration; and Adaptation. The research  used a qualitative method of data analysis was the qualitative analysis model. There were 7 informants selected by technique  purposive sampling. The results of the research indicated that the effectiveness of musrenbang implementation in central Besusu Village, quite effective. However, the achievement of the objective aspect, there were some suggestions less accommodated, in the process of musrenbang implementation can be stated that it was worst towards the musrenbang goal itself. While the two (2) other aspects that intergation and adaptation, has been running well based on the list of priority program activities of Development Planning Meeting in the Village Central Besusu in 2014. 
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 4
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Understanding Tourism, basically the scope of tourism consists of 3 elements, namely: human as a human element of tourism activities, place as a physical element that is actually covered by the activity itself and time as an element of time spent on the trip itself and while staying at the destination tour. The Tourism Sector is broadly a recreational activity outside the domicile of breaking away from routine work or seeking another atmosphere. Tourism has become an important part of the basic needs of developed countries and a small part of developing country society. Tourism is increasingly developing in line with social, cultural, economic, technological and political changes As a human activity, tourism is a very complex phenomenon of the movement of people, goods, and services. Tourism is closely related to organizations, institutional and individual relationships, service needs, and so on. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that influence the intensity of visits and calculate the economic value of Nupabomba Waterfall Nature Tourism Objects based on the method of travel costs. The location of this research was carried out in the Natural Tourism Object of Nupabomba Waterfall in Tanantovea District, Donggala Regency. The sample used in this study was purposive sampling using the analysis of the Travel cost method. Based on the results of the research conducted the magnitude of the economic value of the Tumanggu Indah Waterfall Tourism Object using the trip cost method was 189,632 / visit with Visit Intensity 3 times.Keywords: Economic Value, Waterfall Nature Tourism, Nupabomba Village. 
Assessment of Students in Online Industrial Practice Activities Using Machine Learning Based on Mobile Application Sunarti Sunarti; Hie Ling Ting; Tiksno Widyatmoko; Herri Akhmad Bukhori
BRILIANT: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Volume 7 Nomor 2, Mei 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.892 KB) | DOI: 10.28926/briliant.v7i2.926


All of the learning in the pandemic era uses online learning including practical in the industry that should do all of the students to apply their knowledge.  The practical industry online is very difficult to assement students that the assessment is given from both company and the university. Companies have many parameters to assessment and each company has different parameters. This study uses 14 parameters that are generally used in assessment for practical students and the university side using 10 parameters. The problem is that every parameter has a different weight than it makes it confusing to give marks with manual assessment. This research uses machine learning to fix this problem based on mobile applications for the user interfaces. The result of testing this application had an average accuracy for assessment students based on parameters of companies and universities that is 83,3%.
Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan Vol 1, No 2 (2019): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan

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Pendidikan etika dalam kajian tradisi para ilmuan islam menempatkan posisi sangat Agung. Sebab banyak ditemukan pernyataan para akademis yang mengkolaborasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan etika seperti halnya dengan dua sisi dari sebuah koin, dimana dari satu menjadi tumbuh kepada yang lain. Allah menciptakan manusia sebagai makhluk sosial mestinya membutuhkan komunikasi terhdap manusia lainnya. Jadi etika memiliki posisi yang tepat agar tercipta hubungan yang memberikan  pemahaman sifatnya positif. Di era zaman modern ini, perlunya kode etik tenaga pendidik supaya dirumuskan. Sepertinya Masih belum dioptimalkan dan mampuni penjaga marwah tenaga pendidik. Maka perlu sebagai solusi dari masalah diantara bagi para pemikir pakar akademisi pendidikan. Kata Kunci:  etika, kompetendi kepribadian guru  Ethical education in the study of the traditions of Islamic scientists places a very high position. Because many academic statements are found that collaborate science and ethics as well as the two sides of a coin, from which one grows to the other. God created humans as social creatures should require communication with other humans. So ethics has the right position to create relationships that provide understanding of its positive nature. In this modern era, the need for a code of ethics for educators to be formulated. It seems that it is still not optimized and capable of guarding the marwah of educators. Then it is necessary as a solution to the problem among thinkers in academic education. Keywords: ethics, competing teacher personality 
Critical Discourse Analysis of Vladimir Putin's Political Speech (2018) Puspita Puspita; Al Farauqi; Sunarti Sunarti
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.6013


This research aims to find out the out the language choice, the ideology, and the power of Putin in delivering his speech. The researcher used documentation to collect the data. The data of this research was all the utterances of the speech of Putin in 2018. The method used in this research was Critical Discourse Analysis by Norman Fairclough. The result of this research found that Putin used ‘colleague” to greet his audiences and to make his audiences feel that they are in the same position. The other result was Putin used an ideology that puts the people first concern. The power relationship is also found in this research.  It can be seen that Putin mentioned that all achievement was not only his effort but there was the hard work of all parties. It can be concluded that Critical Discourse Analysis can be used as a method to identify the language.
Learning Improvement in Youth Pledge Topic in Digital Era using Cooperative Learning Model Sunarti Sunarti
JP2D (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar) UNTAN Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Volume 5 Number 2 May 2022
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jp2d.v5i2.199


This study aims to increase knowledge and understanding of students in theyouth pledge learning which is considered forgotten by the globalization with theexistence of digitalization. It can be used to find out and understand youth programs tomaintain Indonesia as a complete and advanced country through the CooperativeLearning Model. The method with the research approach given to solve the problem inthis case provides a solution with quantitative descriptive. The Classroom ActionResearch (CAR) is a way of determining how to obtain data on these variables. In researchactivities, researchers follow an appropriate procedure by obtaining data, this is known asa data collection. The participants who joined this study were eighth grade students,totaling 33 students in SMPN 4 Sungai Raya. Based on the results of the research, 14students passed the test with a percentage of 42% during pre-cycle. In Cycle 1, there were29 students passed with a percentage of 87% and continued to Cycle II. There were 31students from 36 students with a percentage of 93% and 7% students have failed in CycleII. It can be conclude that Cooperative Learning Model can improve students’ ability tounderstand the concept. Thus, they are able to gain a broader knowledge.
Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Remaja tentang Penggunaan Obat-Obat Golongan Tertentu (OOT) di Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur Tahun 2021 Aulia Ayu Kumala; Peppy Octaviani; Sunarti Sunarti
Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNPPKM 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Bangsa

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Obat merupakan komoditi kesehatan yang strategis karena sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat. Penyalahgunaan obat bisa berdampak serius terhadap kesehatan, ketergantungan, hingga kematian. Pengetahuan sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku, pengetahuan tentang penyalahgunaan obat rendah dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perilaku penyalahgunaan obat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku remaja tentang penggunaan obat-obat golongan tertentu (OOT) di Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur tahun 2021. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja di Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur sebanyak 90 responden dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner pengetahuan dan perilaku dengan analis data dengan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan remaja tentang penggunaan oot dalam kategori cukup (60%). Perilaku Remaja tentang penggunaan OOT kategori baik (52.2%). Pengetahuan mengenai penggunaan obat penting untuk diketahui karena berimbas terhadap tindakan dan cara berpikir ketika mendapatkan suatu masalah, pengetahuan remaja yang cukup tentang penggunaan OOT dalam penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk proses pencegahan penyalahgunaan obat-obatan.
Design UI/UX Menggunakan Metode Design Thingking Pada Website UMKM Hendz Florist Aglonema Dewi Ayu Nur Wulandari; Sunarti Sunarti; Taat Kuspriyono
Jurnal Infortech Vol 5, No 1 (2023): JUNI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/infortech.v5i1.15376


Penggunaan teknologi informasi seperti situs web, media sosial, dan aplikasi berbasis smarphone dapat membantu UMKM untuk memperluas jangkauan pemasaran dan juga menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan yang potensial. Teknologi informasi juga memungkinkan UMKM mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data bisnis seperti laporan penjualan, data pelanggan, dan data produksi untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang lebih tepat. Salah satu media promosi yang dapat digunakan oleh UMKM dalam memasarkan produk usaha adalah dengan menggunakan website (e-commerce). Dalam merancang sebuah aplikasi e-commerce kita harus memperhatikan desain UI/UX aplikasi yang akan di bangun. Design UI/UX  merupakan proses pembuatan dan perancangan produk digital seperti situs web, aplikasi seluler, dan perangkat lunak dengan berfokus pada pengalaman pengguna dan interaksi pengguna dengan produk atau antarmuka pengguna. Penelitian ini, merancang design website Hend’z florist Aglonema dengan menggunakan metode Design Thingking dimana metode ini tidak hanya berfokus pada apa yang dilihat dan dirasakan pengguna, tetapi juga pada pengalaman pengguna. Metode design thingking didasarkan pada solusi untuk pengalaman pengguna terhadap objek yang dipelajari agar pengguna lebih dekat dengan produk yang digunakan sehingga diperlukan masukan dari pengalaman pengguna. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa solusi yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna dan dapat menyelesaikan masalah pada Hend’z Florist Aglonema
Publisher : Geophysics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/geofisunmul.v3i2.694


The purpose of this study was to determine the depth and thickness of coal seams based on gamma ray log and log density. Interpretation of DPG01 drill point at a depth of 45.15 - 58.65 m there is coal with a thickness of 13.5 m, at a DPG04 drill point depth of 30.45 - 43.40 m there is coal with a thickness of 12.95 m, DPE04 drill point a depth of 23.00 - 36.10 m there is coal A with a thickness of 13.1 m, at depth 86.20 - 96.78 m there is coal B with a thickness of 10.58 m, DPE06 drill point depth 34.57 - 44.15 m there is coal A with a thickness of 9.58 m, at a depth of 86.15 - 92.33 m there is coal B with a thickness of 6.18 m, at 100.24 - 105.05 m there is coal C with a thickness of 4.81 m and a drill point DPE07 depth of 49.74 - 65.20 m there is coal A with a thickness of 15.46 m. The results of these interpretations produce an average on each coal seam. In seam A has an average thickness of 12.91 m, seam B has an average thickness of 8.38 m and seam C has a thickness of 4.81 m.
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Bank Sampah Untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pada Bank Sampah Komunitas Cinta Lingkungan Dewi Ayu Nur Wulandari; Sunarti Sunarti; Ratnawaty Marginingsih
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v6i2.16770


Sampah masih menjadi permasalahan serius yang dihadapi di semua daerah termasuk kota Depok. Untuk mengatasi masalah sampah perlu keterlibatan dan peran aktif semua pihak dalam penanganannya. Bank sampah Komunitas Cinta Lingkungan (BS KCL) berdiri pada akhir tahun 2015 berlokasi di Perumahan Sawangan Permai Depok, dengan dilatarbelakangi keresahan warga karena semakin penuhnya TPA Cipayung. Permasalahan yang dihadapi bank sampah KCL adalah proses pencatatan tabungan sampah nasabah yang meliputi jenis/kategori sampah yang disetorkan oleh nasabah, harga masing-masing jenis sampah, hasil penimbangan sampah dan jumlah tabungan nasabah yang dilakukan ketika nasabah menyetorkan sampah saat ini masih menggunakan kertas yang kemudian direkap ke dalam Microsoft Excel, sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya human error juga sangat besar. Pencatatan arus kas masuk dan keluar pada bank sampah masih dicatat oleh beberapa pengurus di Microsoft Excel sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama ketika ingin mengetahui jumlah kas bank sampah yang tersedia karena harus merekap dari beberapa pengurus. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah dengan melakukan pendampingan dan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi bank sampah berbasis website untuk penginputan transaksi penerimaan sampah dan transaksi keuangan bank sampah yang terintegrasi dengan aplikasi bank sampah berbasis website. Penggunaan aplikasi bank sampah berbasis website meningkatkan pelayanan bank sampah KCL kepada anggota dimana aplikasi sudah dapat mencatat data penerimaan sampah anggota, sehingga anggota bisa melihat saldo tabungan sampah secara realtime. Pencatatan arus kas bank sampah juga sudah terintegrasi pada aplikasi bank sampah berbasis website. Pengurus bank sampah dapat melihat saldo kas bank sampah tersedia secara realtime sehingga manajemen bank sampah khususnya dalam hal pelaporan keuangan bank sampah meningkat. 
Co-Authors Abas Sunarya Abdiel Remalya Suliyanto Achmad Afandi ACHMAD FAUZI Achmad Fauzi DH Achmad Salim Achmad Surya Adi Sustama Ade Hidayah Adin Martdhanna Adriel Jordan Anggono al farauqi, Mohamad dziqie aulia Aldino Satria Graha Alfian Widyanto Amien Mustofa Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andi Kresna Jaya Andi Sahri Alam Anggi Priandita Putra Aniesa Samira Bafadhal Anisa Anisa Anita Firdaus Apriliani Isnandari Ardhianto Dwi Prasetyo Ari Darmawan Ario Prakoso Aris Eddy Sarwono Arizqy Hania Arum Herlianti Fadhila Asiah Lestari Aswandi Aswandi As’alul Maghfiroh Aulia Ayu Kumala Avie Haryo Wicaksono Bambang Widarno Chrismis Novalinda Ginting D Nata Wijaya Dania Sufi Karimah TH Dea Rahmadani Ristanti Deni Dwi Prasetyo Denny Widayanto Nugroho Destiana Rosanti Desy Novitasari Dewi Ayu Nur Wulandari Dewi Ayu Nur Wulandari Dewi Saptantinah Puji Astuti Dian Indri Purnamasari Dian Rizki Maulidiya Muksin Diana Rosana Samangun Dika Lambang Krisdianti Dimas Fauzie Djayus Djayus DJOKO KRISTIANTO Dwi Aliyyah Apriyani Dwi Okta Roihanah Edy Yulianto Eka Intan Kumala Putri Eka Rosyidah Aprilia Elin Intan Anggraini Elly Amalia Sholikha Elviana Dewi Erdina Novita Putri Ermawan Galih Prasetya Ermi Tety Euis Reni Yuslianti Evy Maharani Fadhilla Dwi Lestari Fadjar Harimurti Faizar Rahman Farah Nita Elia Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti Faris Nuur Fadhiilah Fatih Imantoro Fera Indriyana Fitri Khoiru Ummah Fredinan Yulianda Frisma Handayanna Giardo Permadi Putra Gilang Sukma Putra Gladys Swantika Taungke Harisagustinawati Harisagustinawati Hartono, Arif Hendri Apriyandani Heppiana Lestari Hermawan, Dessy Herri Akhmad Bukhori Hie Ling Ting I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Imam Suyadi Imelda Kartini Royanty Indwiani Astuti Intan Mazidah Permatasari Ita Fauzia Hanoum Januarista Poppy Mercelina Suratman Jujuk Anton Cahyono Jumiati Jumiati Kadarisman Hidayat Karolina Widiastuti Khoiruddin Anshori Kukuh Murtilaksono Leli Rosiyana Linggar Eka Setyanto Luchman Hakim M Indra Dewa Puspita M. Kholid Mawardi Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih Margaretha Barbara Bento Mirza Arief Moch. Erwinsyah Erlangga Moch. Zulkifli Machmud Muhamad Juliatrin Chairul Akbar Muhammad Hasanuddin neni oktiyani Neti Nunumete Nira Niswahtun Qonitat Nirmaya Candra Kirana Nofrizal Dwiky Saputra NUR AINI Nur Fadilah Rais Nur Putri Amaliyah Nuri Luluk Khusnaeni Nurul Hidayah Indah Pangestuti, Edriana Peppy Octaviani Prasetyastuti Prasetyastuti Pratiwi Anggraeni Puspita Puspita Putra Firman Jayawijaya Rachmawati, Susan Rahma Eryanti Rahman Adi Wijaya Rahmawati Sihite Randy Febrian Ratnawaty Marginingsih Rayyani, Wa Ode Resti Anggraeni Reyhan Sinatrya Feiz Rimonta F Gunanegara Risda Ulfia Anisa Risky Kusumadani Irfandi Rispantyo Rispantyo Rizky Redita Ruhaida Ruhaida Sahna Ferdinand Ginting Sandra Dwi Septika Sandra Woro Aryani Santo Julio Siregar Setiawan Tri Saputra Silma Kaaffah Siska Wahyu Rahmawati Siti Maesaroh Sri Kadarsih Sufiati Bintanah Supriyanto Supriyanto Susanti Susanti Syaifuddin Romadhoni Syaiful Anwar Syukur Umar Taat Kuspriyono, Taat Teguh Puji Lestari Tiksno Widyatmoko Titah Salsabilah Titis Ariani Mustikawati Tri Аtmаdi Nugroho Valida Mutiara Sukma Vega Bintang Widyanto Victor Synathra Widi Nur Lestari Wilopo Wilopo Wilopo Wilopo Wiwit Hadi Parwoko Yakov Kuzyakov Yogi Kharisma Finky Rahayu Yogi Wahyu Prasetyo Yosua Halomoan Iulando Siregar Yulia Fauziyah Yunis Nadhifah Susmikawati Yunita Yunita Yusrah Taqiyah Yusthinus T. Male Zainab Aminatul Ummah Zainal Arifin Nang Agus ZAINUL ARIFIN Zulfida Zulfіda