Norhasni Zainal Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
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Peranan Fasilitator dalam Perbincangan Kumpulan Kelas: Ke Arah Pembangunan Pelajar di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal; Ismail, Azahari
MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Volume 1, Number 1, March 2016
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/mimbardik.v1i1.1754


ABSTRAKSI: Perbincangan adalah pertukaran pendapat ataupun idea. Kaedah perbincangan kumpulan membolehkan pelajar berfikir secara konstruktif serta berkomunikasi dengan ahli kumpulan yang lain. Perbincangan menggalakkan pelajar untuk berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Perbincangan menitikberatkan percakapan, pemerhatian, dan proses pendengaran. Perbincangan juga merupakan kaedah dimana pelajar dan fasilitator bertukar-tukar idea supaya mendapat pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai sesuatu topik. Apabila kaedah perbincangan ini digunakan secara betul, ia merupakan cara yang baik untuk merangsang pemikiran pelajar. Terdapat pelbagai teknik perbincangan yang boleh digunakan (perbincangan panel, simposium, kajian kes, dan sebagainya). Setiap satunya mempunyai ciri-ciri yang unik. Perbincangan kumpulan boleh dijadikan salah satu teknik pengajaran didalam kelas bagi meningkatkan keyakinan pelajar dan juga pembangunan pelajar. Kecemerlangan pelajar tidak hanya tertumpu kepada pembangunan akademik sahaja, tetapi perlu dilihat dari segi sahsiah (kualiti diri dan kepimpinan). Pembangunan sahsiah amat penting dalam melahirkan pelajar yang berdisiplin, berfikir kreatif dan kritis, berkemahiran dalam berkomunikasi, serta berkemahiran dalam merancang dan membuat keputusan. Artikel ini mengupas peranan perbincangan kumpulan dalam pembangunan pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi.KATA KUNCI: Fasilitator, perbincangan kumpulan, pelajar, pembangunan akademik, dan sahsiah diri. ABSTRACT: “The Role of Facilitator in Class Group Discussion: Towards Student Development in Higher Education Institution”. Discussion is an exchange of opinions or ideas. Group discussion methods are effective in getting the students to think constructively while interacting with the rest of the group. A true class discussion requires a student-to-student interchange of ideas. Discussion emphasizes on speaking, observing, listening process. The discussion method is one in which the trainees and the facilitator exchange their ideas in order to get a better understanding of a topic. The discussion method, when used properly, is a good way to stimulate thinking on the part of the student. There are varieties of discussion techniques that can be profitably used in conducting a training program (panel discussion, symposium, case study, etc). Each has unique characteristics and potential. Group discussion can be used as one of teaching techniques in classroom to enhance students’ confidence level and personality development. Student development must be seen not only in terms of their academic performance, but also personality (self-quality and leadership). Personality development is important to create students with high discipline level, who are able to think creatively as well as think critically, excellent in communication, and competent in planning and decision making. This article elaborates group discussion in enhancing student development in higher education institutions.KEY WORD: Facilitator, group discussion, student, academic performance, and personality development.  About the Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin dan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azahari Ismail ialah Pensyarah di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Alamat emel: nonieza99@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal Azahari Ismail. (2016). “Peranan Fasilitator dalam Perbincangan Kumpulan Kelas: Ke Arah Pembangunan Pelajar di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.1(1) Maret, pp.69-76. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI Press. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (February 2, 2016); Revised (February 20, 2016); and Published (March 11, 2016).
Tinjauan Permasalahan Akhlak Belia di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Tan, Rohana; Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Volume 1 Number 2, September 2016
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/mimbardik.v1i2.3939


ABSTRAKSI: Belia adalah aset bernilai kepada negara dan menjadi harapan nusa bangsa untuk merealisasikan hasrat menjadi negara maju. Namun, dengan arus globalisasi yang melanda dunia, apa yang berlaku pada hari ini ialah penglibatan belia, termasuklah belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dalam permasalahan akhlak yang menyimpang daripada nilai-nilai ke-Timur-an dan prinsip Islam, walaupun hakikatnya mereka telah melalui proses pendidikan agama secara formal di sekolah. Ini menimbulkan persoalan: Apakah permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi? Penglibatan mereka dalam tingkah-laku yang berisiko seolah-olah memberi petunjuk bahawa pendidikan di sekolah sahaja belum mencukupi untuk membentuk akhlak belia, dan menjadikan Islam sebagai satu cara hidup dalam kehidupan mereka pada hari ini. Justeru itu, artikel ini mengupas tentang konsep belia dan akhlak Islam, permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dan cara mengatasinya. Dalam konteks negara Malaysia, pembentukan akhlak belia untuk menjadi insan kamil yang cemerlang dan seimbang dari segi intelek dan spiritual adalah proses pendidikan sepanjang hayat dan perlu diberi penekanan selaras dengan pembangunan dan kemajuan negara-bangsa.KATA KUNCI: Belia; Akhlak; Institusi Pengajian Tinggi; Globalisasi; Pendidikan Tidak Formal.ABSTRACT: “Exploring the Issues of Morality among Youths in Higher Education Institution”. Youth is a valuable asset to the nation to realize the objective of becoming a developed nation. However, what is happening in the globalization era nowadays is the involvement of youths, including those in higher educations, in the behaviors that deviate from Eastern values and principles of Islam, despite the fact that they have been through the process of formal religious education in schools. This begs the question: What are the moral problems of youths in institutions of higher education? Their risky behaviors seem to indicate that school education alone is not sufficient to to form good morals in youths, and Islam can alternatively be made a way of life. Therefore, this article explores the concept of youths and Islamic morality, moral problems of youths in institutions of higher education, and how to overcome them. In the context of Malaysia as a nation-state, the development of youths’ moral to be a perfect human and who can maintain a balanced in the intellectual and spiritual aspects is a lifelong process in education and should be addressed in line with the development and progress of the nation-state. KEY WORD: Youths; Morality; Higher Education Institution; Globalization; Informal Education.  About the Authors: Rohana Tan ialah Pelajar Master Sains Pendidikan Pengembangan di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Prof. Madya Dato’ Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin ialah Pensyarah di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Alamat emel: dan nonieza99@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Tan, Rohana Norhasni Zainal Abiddin. (2016). “Tinjauan Permasalahan Akhlak Belia di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.1(2) September, pp.161-178. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Chronicle of the article: Accepted (February 19, 2016); Revised (May 20, 2016); and Published (September 30, 2016).
Theory of Planned Behaviour and Readiness for Changes: Implication for Organisations Ogbodoakum, Nnamdi; Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/mimbardik.v2i1.6019


ABSTRACT: An organisation’s long term survival in today’s challenging environment will depend on constant adaptation to changes in the environment. The majority of behavioural theories acknowledged individual as the central focus. Certain environmental or situational factors and applicable change-related processes have been recognised and studied as having significant influence in determining individual, group, and organisational behaviours. In the context of readiness for change, the theory of planned behaviour would be suitable in assessing the change supporting attributes of employees in achieving a strong readiness for change status. The connection between the theory of planned behaviour and individual readiness for change is that if a person has positive evaluation of change effort (attitude), supported by his close peers (subjective norm), and is confident that such change efforts will be undertaken successfully (perceived behavioural control), there will be improved motivation (intention) to actually engage in the change effort (readiness for change). This paper will discuss the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the readiness for change in organizations.KEY WORD: Readiness for Change; Attitude; Intention; Organisation; Human Resource Development. ABSTRAKSI: “Teori Tingkah-Laku Terancang dan Kesediaan untuk Berubah: Implikasi pada Organisasi”. Jangka hayat sesebuah organisasi dalam persekitaran yang mencabar hari ini bergantung kepada penyesuaian yang berterusan terhadap perubahan persekitaran. Kebanyakan teori tingkah-laku mengakui bahawa individu merupakan tumpuan utama dalam perubahan. Faktor persekitaran atau situasi tertentu dan proses yang berkaitan dengan perubahan juga telah diiktiraf dan dikaji sebagai mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam menentukan tingkah-laku individu, kumpulan, dan organisasi. Dalam konteks kesediaan untuk berubah, teori tingkah-laku terancang adalah sesuai dalam menilai perubahan sifat-sifat pekerja dalam menentukan kesediaan mereka yang kukuh untuk berubah. Hubungan antara teori tingkah-laku terancang dan kesediaan untuk berubah adalah berkaitan dengan: seseorang mempunyai penilaian positif terhadap usaha untuk berubah (sikap), disokong pula oleh rakan-rakannya yang rapat (norma subjektif), dan yakin bahawa usaha perubahan tersebut dilaksanakan dengan jayanya (kawalan tingkah-laku) dan motivasi yang ditambah baik (niat) akan benar-benar terlibat dalam usaha perubahan (kesediaan untuk berubah). Artikel ini menerangkan tentang Teori Tingkah-Laku Terancang dan kesediaan organisasi untuk berubah.KATA KUNCI: Kesediaan untuk Berubah; Sikap; Niat; Organisasi; Pembangunan Modal Insan.  About the Authors: Nnamdi Ogbodoakum is a Ph.D. Student at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies UPM (Putra University of Malaysia) in Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Assoc. Prof. Dato Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies UPM, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: to cite this article? Ogbodoakum, Nnamdi Norhasni Zainal Abiddin. (2017). “Theory of Planned Behaviour and Readiness for Changes: Implication for Organisations” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.2(1) March, pp.1-18. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online).Chronicle of the article: Accepted (November 29, 2016); Revised (January 25, 2017); and Published (March 30, 2017).
Developing Effective Workforce via Industrial Based Project Supervision: A Case in Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions Ismail, Affero; Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal; Suwirta, Andi
EDUCARE Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: The industrial based project has become a compulsory assessment for those who enrol in the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training). The attributes in TVET require a student to be competent in the field to ensure it is comply with the industry’s demands of skilled workforce. During the industrial based project development, an effective supervision that involves the both student and supervisor are greatly needed. Thus, this paper will discuss the implementation of industrial based project in Malaysian TVET and explains the importance of effective supervision in project completion. The content is based on the literature review of previous researches from several sources, including documents, papers, and journals, which aimed to explore the best concept of effective supervision. The main concern is regarding the implementation of industrial based project in Malaysian TVET system, as well as clarifying the importance of effective supervision in students’ industrial based project completion. An EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) was conducted over 360 respondents to discover the factors in SIS (Supervisory Input Support). Then, CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) was conducted to determine the AVE (Average Variance Extracted) and GoF (Goodness of Fit) model. The data regarding supervisory input is also discussed. It is hoped to provide a holistic view of effective supervision in developing skilled workforce. The ability to develop effective supervision in TVET should be catered in many ways which reflect the needs of students, for example by providing training to new supervisors. KEY WORDS: Industrial Based Project; Technical and Vocational Education and Training; Student; Skilled Workforce; Effective Supervision.    About the Authors: Dr. Affero Ismail is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education UTHM (Malaysia University of Tun Hussein Onn) in Johor, Malaysia. Assoc. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin is a Lecturer at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Education Studies UPM (University of Putra Malaysia) in Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Andi Suwirta, M.Hum. is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Studies Education UPI (Indonesia University of Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Corresponding author is: and suwirta.sahaja@upi.eduHow to cite this article? Ismail, Affero, Norhasni Zainal Abiddin & Andi Suwirta. (2016). “Developing Effective Workforce via Industrial Based Project Supervision: A Case in Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.8(2) February, pp.159-168. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UMP Purwokerto, ISSN 1979-7877. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (November 19, 2015); Revised (January 19, 2016); and Published (February 28, 2016).
Tinjauan Faktor-faktor Pendorong dan Penghalang Pemindahan Latihan: Konteks Malaysia Shaharuddin, Balkisnah; Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
SOSIOHUMANIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : ASPENSI in Bandung, Indonesia

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ABSTRACT: Human development and training program are one of the important aspects in developing an organization and to improvise and upgrade the performance of their personnel. However, a few research found that 55 billion have been allocated by an organization for the purpose of conducting formal training, but only 10% training transfer occurred at workplace. This was supported by the previous research that indicated multi millions Ringgit were spend every year in training and adult education, but the increase in performance at workplace was only 10%. This article reviews the literatures related to training transfer. It will also identify the factors that influence and hinder the process of training transfer to happen. Training transfer has also influenced by these factors such as: (1) individual factor; (2) working environment factor or organizational culture, (3) organizational support factor; and (4) training design factor. This article also explores adult education theories and motivation theories. It is hoped that related to literature review on training transfer could assist us in understanding the relationship among the effective training transfer related to factors that could allow the process of transferring training to be continuously implemented and improvement can be done from time to time. Key words: training, model, organization, theory, training transfer, motivation and adult education.  About the Authors: Balkisnah Shaharuddin, M.Sc. ialah pelajar Ph.D. di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan (UPM). Menyelesaikan pendidikan B.Sc. (Hons) Kimia di Universiti Sains Malaysia; M.Sc. (Pengurusan) di Universiti Putra Malaysia; Diploma Pendidikan (KPLI), MTRM. Beliau sedang menulis disertasi bertajuk ”Pemindahan Latihan Bestari dalam Kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah Bahagian Miri”. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis dapat dihubungi dengan alamat e-mail: Prof. Madya Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin ialah Pensyarah di Jabatan Pembangunan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Menyelesaikan pendidikan Dip.Sc. di UPM pada 1995; pendidikan B.Sc. dan M.Sc. di universiti yang sama pada tahun 1998 dan 2000; serta program Ph.D di University of Manchester, United Kingdom pada tahun 2004, dengan menulis disertasi bertajuk “Effective Supervision of Research Students: A Study of United Kingdom University Practices and Overseas Students’ Experiences”. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis dapat dihubungi dengan alamat e-mail: to cite this article? Shaharuddin, Balkisnah & Norhasni Zainal Abiddin. (2009). “Tinjauan Faktor-faktor Pendorong dan Penghalang Pemindahan Latihan: Konteks Malaysia” in SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Vol.2, No.1 [Mei], pp.107-124. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, UPI Bandung, and UMS Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, ISSN 1979-0112. Chronicle of article: Accepted (March 17, 2009); Revised (April 20, 2009); and Published (May 20, 2009).
Enhancing Quality of Higher Education for Graduate Research Students Development Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal; Ismail, Affero; Taniredja, Tukiran
EDUCARE Vol 5, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: Quality education becomes a major issue in higher education. The numbers of graduate students to pursue their higher education keep increasing by years. In the meantime, the institutions of higher learning are striving to attract more students, especially at the graduate level by making every effort to provide quality education. Graduate students contribute to the development of research outcome. Some scholars proposed that the strategic success of a service organization depends on its ability to consistently meet or exceed customer service expectations. A constant effort should be made to ensure the customer satisfaction. This paper provides the relevant input for effective resource development in institutional of higher education. The approach would address the needs of students further along the process with an emphasis on data gathering, management and analysis, compiling a thesis or dissertation, assessment, and the publishing of research results. Another approach would relate to generic aspects of graduate growth, development, and progress. Conceptual evidence is presented which combination of resource needs to focus. It is hoped to contribute a proper insight of effective resource in developing distinguished human capital.KEY WORDS: Higher education, quality education, graduate students, resource development, and student development.    About the Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin is a Lecturer at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies UPM (Putra University of Malaysia), 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; Affero Ismail is a Staff at the Manpower Department, Ministry of Human Resource, Federal Government Administration, 62530 Putrajaya, Malaysia; and Prof. Dr. Haji Tukiran Taniredja is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UMP (Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto) in Central Java, Indonesia. Corresponding author is to cite this article? Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal, Affero Ismail & Tukiran Taniredja. (2013). “Enhancing Quality of Higher Education for Graduate Research Students Development” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.5(2) February, pp.133-146. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java; and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 19, 2012); Revised (January 30, 2013); and Published (February 17, 2013).   
Enhancing Professional Development through Mentoring Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal; Suandi, Turiman
EDUCARE Vol 2, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: Mentoring is a part of educational training to develop people in the professions. Mentoring is related to self-development, professional growth and career development of the mentee. Not only do mentors have to play their role but the mentees too, and all this must be placed within the specific institutional context. The mentoring relationship has been described as an invaluable learning activity for beginners as well as experienced practitioners such as teachers, administrators, managers and other professionals. This article is designed to summarize existing literature on mentoring in order to assist mentors-mentees in enhancing the best practices for effective mentoring. Thus, it focuses on mentoring theories, the role of mentor and the nature of the mentor-mentee and its relationship. There are many views of the role of a mentor, but all include verbs like support, guide and facilitate. There are many models of mentoring. The selection of the best suited model should be based on the student’s needs and organisational contexts. The models discussed in this article includes: (1) the Counselling Model for Effective Helping; (2) the Competence-Based Model and the Mentor as Trainer; (3) the Furlong and Maynard Model of Mentoring; (4) the Reflective Practitioner Model; and (5) the True and Pseudo Mentoring Relationship. KEY WORDS: mentoring, mentor, mentee, professional development, relationship and models of mentoring.  About the Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin is a Lecturer at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies UPM (University of Putra Malaysia); and Prof. Dr. Turiman Suandi is also a Lecturer at the same Department of UPM, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. They can be reached at: and to cite this article? Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal & Turiman Suandi. (2009). “Enhancing Professional Development through Mentoring” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.2(1) August, pp.93-106. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java; and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (June 1, 2009); Revised (July 3, 2009); and Published (August 17, 2009).
Exploring Challenges in PhD Studies: A Case of Science Student Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
EDUCARE Vol 1, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: PhD students have to take responsibility managing their own learning and getting a PhD. They are also responsible for determining what is required as well as for carrying it out, and must always keep in touch in regular meetings with the supervisor. The student is the main person responsible for his/her PhD research. Doing a PhD clearly indicates that this is a student’s own research and work. The objective of this research is to provide better guidelines for effective roles of a PhD science student, especially the foreign student. The actual research to be reported used the case study method. Three Malaysian PhD students from three major disciplines of study i.e. arts, science and social science, were interviewed in depth several times within a year. All three case studies would make the present article too long. Therefore, only one case study which focusing on science student will be presented in this article in order to achieve a better understanding of the story. As a result, the research had developed the best effective guidelines in order for students to success in their study.KEY WORDS: foreign student, PhD research student, and roles of supervision in the university.About the Author: Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin is a lecturer at the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She could be reached at: to cite this article? Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal. (2008). “Exploring Challenges in PhD Studies: A Case of Science Student” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.1(1) August, pp.103-116. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java; and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (June 9, 2008); Revised (July 10, 2008); and Published (August 17, 2008).
Senario Pembangunan Modal Insan dalam Pendidikan Tinggi di Malaysia Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
ATIKAN Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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IKHTISAR: Pelaburan dalam pendidikan tinggi dan pembangunan modal insan di Malaysia sangat kritikal dalam menzahirkan masyarakat yang memiliki akal budi luhur, berfikiran terbuka, berpandangan jauh, dan mempunyai daya “pasaran kerja” yang tinggi. Pembangunan modal insan, dengan demikian, merupakan agenda utama negara Malaysia, memandangkan pembangunan sesebuah negara adalah berdasarkan pembangunan manusia itu sendiri. Ianya juga tidak terkecuali dalam aspek pendidikan tinggi, kerana peranan pendidikan tinggi dalam konteks pembinaan manusia melibatkan tiga perkara asas, iaitu: (1) Pengukuhan jatidiri sosial yang melibatkan konteks hubungan dengan Pencipta, manusia lain, dan alam sekeliling; (2) Pengisian ilmu dan falsafah hidup; serta (3) Latihan pengkhususan dan kepakaran. Justeru, artikel ini mengupas tentang kepentingan pendidikan dalam pembangunan negara dan senario pembangunan modal insan di IPT (Institusi Pengajian Tinggi) di Malaysia. Antara lain artikel ini mengupas konsep modal insan, pandangan ahli ekonomi tradisional dan moden terhadap pembangunan modal insan, peranan pentadbiran di IPT, dan peruntukan belanjawan negara terhadap modal insan. Aspek-aspek ini dihuraikan dalam artikel dengan tujuan untuk melihat secara menyeluruh senario pembangunan modal insan dalam pembangunan negara.  KATA KUNCI: Pembangunan modal insan, institusi pengajian tinggi, pembangunan sumber manusia, pendidikan, pengurusan, dan pentadbiran.ABSTRACT: “The Scenario of Human Capital Development in Higher Education in Malaysia”. Investment in higher education and human capital development in Malaysia is very critical in producing the society that has had a noble common sense, open-minded, foresight, and the high "employability". Development of human capital, however, is the national main agenda in Malaysia as a country’s development is based on human development itself. It is no exception for higher education, due to the role of higher education in the context of human development involves three basic elements, namely: (1) Strengthening of social identity that involves the context of a relationship with the Creator, other people, and the environment; (2) Filling the knowledge and philosophy of life; and (3) Specialized training and expertise. Therefore, this article examined the importance of education in national development and human capital development scenario in higher education institutions in Malaysia. This article also highlighted the concept of human capital, the view of traditional and modern economists on human capital development, the administrative role in higher education institutions, and the budget allocation for human capital. These aspects are described in this article in order to look at the overall scenario of the human capital development in the country.KEY WORD: Human capital development, institution of higher education, human resource development, education, management, and administration.About the Author: Prof. Madya Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin ialah Pensyarah di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Bagi urusan sebarang akademik dan penyelidikan, penulis dapat dihubungi terus dengan alamat emel: to cite this article? Zainal Abiddin, Norhasni. (2014). “Senario Pembangunan Modal Insan dalam Pendidikan Tinggi di Malaysia” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol. 4(1) June, pp.95-104. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UNSUR Cianjur, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 4, 2013); Revised (March 17, 2014); and Published (June 29, 2014).
Penglibatan Belia dalam Pertanian Komersial dan Perkembangan Industri Pertanian di Malaysia Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal; Anuar, Mohd Ashraff Mohd; Abdullah, Anzar
SIPATAHOENAN Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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INTISARI: Sektor pertanian komersial sehingga kini masih kekurangan penglibatan golongan muda, terutamanya belia berpelajaran tinggi. Golongan muda ini diperlukan oleh negara untuk menaiktarafkan indusrti pertanian, memodenkan industri asas tani, dan memperbanyakkan lagi pekerja berkemahiran yang terlibat dalam sektor pertanian komersial. Persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap sektor pertanian telah memberi kesan terhadap penglibatan belia dalam pertanian komersial. Persepsi negatif yang dimaksudkan ini adalah seperti kurangnya galakan daripada keluarga; kurang prosedur yang lengkap dalam membantu belia yang ingin melibatkan diri dalam sektor pertanian; serta kesukaran dalam mendapatkan bantuan, termasuklah sumber bantuan kewangan. Kesemua aspek ini menyumbang kepada kurangnya penglibatan belia dalam perniagaan pertanian secara komersial. Justeru, artikel ini mengupas sejarah industri pertanian di Malaysia dan penglibatan belia dalam industri ini. Pembangunan pertanian komersial di Malaysia dalam 50 tahun ini menampakkan kurangnya penglibatan belia, walaupun industri pertanian berupaya membuka prospek yang luas dalam ekonomi Malaysia. KATA KUNCI: Pertanian, usahawan, belia, perniagaan, industri, persepsi negatif, sejarah industri pertanian, dan ekonomi Malaysia.ABSTRACT: “Youth Involvement in Commercial Agriculture and the Development of Agriculture Industries in Malaysia”. Commercial agricultural sector in Malaysia until these days is still lack of young people, especially educated youth. This young workforce is needed by the Malaysian government in the process of improving the agricultural industry, modernizing agro-based industries, and developing skilled workers of the commercial agricultural sectors.  Negative perception towards agriculture sector has brought significant impact on the involvement of youths in commercial agriculture. The negative perceptions include lack of family and community encouragement; lack of complete procedure for the young people joining the industry; and difficulties to get technical assistance and financial supports. All these aspects contribute to the lack of youth involvement in commercial agriculture business. Hence, this article explores the history of commercial agriculture in Malaysia and youth involvement in the industry. The development of commercial agriculture in Malaysia in 50 years clearly shows that there is less involvement among youth, even though the agriculture industry could bring broader prospects of the Malaysian economic.KEY WORD: Agriculture, entrepreneur, youth, business, industry, negative perception, history of commercial agriculture, and Malaysian economic.    About the Authors: Prof. Madya Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin dan Mohd Ashraff Mohd Anuar ialah Pensyarah dan Tutor di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Dr. Anzar Abdullah ialah Pensyarah Kanan di Fakulti Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UVRI (Universiti Veteran Republik Indonesia) Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Alamat emel penulis adalah:,, dan to cite this article? Zainal Abiddin, Norhasni, Mohd Ashraff Mohd Anuar & Anzar Abdullah. (2015). “Penglibatan Belia dalam Pertanian Komersial dan Perkembangan Industri Pertanian di Malaysia” in SIPATAHOENAN: South-East Asian Journal for Youth, Sports & Health Education, Vol.1(1) April, pp.99-108. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, APAKSI Bandung, and KEMENPORA RI Jakarta, ISSN 2407-7348. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (January 8, 2015); Revised (March 6, 2015); and Published (April 21, 2015).