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Pengaruh Motivasi, Kompetensi, Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Anam, Chairul
Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.513 KB) | DOI: 10.26594/dirasat.v4i1.1196


This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, competence, leadership, work environment and work discipline on teacher performance. After testing, it is concluded that motivation, competence, leadership, work environment have a significant effect on teacher performance. While the work discipline has no significant effect on teacher performance. It is simultaneously known that there is a significant influence between motivation, competence, leadership, work environment and work discipline collectively on teacher performance. Based on statistical test, adjusted R square (R2) is 0,736 or 73,6% indicating that 73,6% change of teacher performance variable can be explained by motivation, competence, leadership, work environment and work discipline, while the rest 26,4% explained by other variables outside the model. The result of 0.736 shows the correlation between the independent variables simultaneously to the employee performance variable has a strong correlation. While in each independent variable affect the performance of teachers are as follows: Y = 1.616 + 0.463 X1 + 0.352 X2 + 0.373 X3 + 0.635 X4 + 0.250 X5, meaning constants. Based on T test, it is found that for competence and performance variables have no effect on teacher performance, and other variables have an effect. For F test obtained the result that together independent variable influence on teacher performance at SMK NU Mojoagung Superior Jombang.
Entrepreneur Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Entrepreneur
Publisher : Entrepreneur

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Abstract Enduring polemic on the relationship between education and ketenagakarjaan is a specific for developing countries. Because in the early stages of development these countries, the growth of industry and the private sector is still limited, then the labor problems embraced by the education sector. Thus education is responsible for the quality of training and employment, or in other words by themselves the problem of unemployment is the responsibility of educational institutions. In line with pembengunan countries that then the government sector or formal sector is a container holding a graduate education system, however, in line with its speed of development and development results, the government sector the longer experience boredom, while the private sector can not be met by the educational system that exist. In addressing the gap between the education system with the demands of labor, need to be reformulated duties and responsibilities of each sector. If not the case in each sector will allege that the other sectors did not meet their own needs, while the education sector be the butt of the lack of skills of the workforce required to meet. Keywords: Level Of Education, Work And Achievement Abstrak Polemik abadi tentang hubungan antara pendidikan dan ketenagakarjaan adalah khusus untuk negara-negara berkembang. Karena dalam tahap awal pengembangan negara ini, pertumbuhan industri dan sektor swasta masih terbatas, maka masalah ketenagakerjaan yang dianut oleh sektor pendidikan. Dengan demikian pendidikan bertanggung jawab atas kualitas pelatihan dan pekerjaan, atau dengan kata lain sendiri masalah pengangguran merupakan tanggung jawab lembaga pendidikan. Sejalan dengan negara-negara pembengunan yang kemudian sektor pemerintah atau sektor formal adalah wadah memegang sistem pendidikan pascasarjana, namun, sejalan dengan lajunya pembangunan dan pengembangan hasil, sektor pemerintah lagi pengalaman kebosanan, sementara sektor swasta tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh sistem pendidikan yang ada. Dalam mengatasi kesenjangan antara sistem pendidikan dengan tuntutan kerja, harus tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing sektor dirumuskan. Jika tidak terjadi di masing-masing sektor akan menyatakan bahwa sektor-sektor lain tidak memenuhi kebutuhan mereka sendiri, sedangkan sektor pendidikan menjadi bulan-bulanan kurangnya keterampilan tenaga kerja yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi. Kata kunci: Tingkat Pendidikan, Kerja Dan Prestasi
Jurnal Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Universitas Tanjungpura Vol 5, No 2 (2018): JURNAL MAHASISWA TEKNIK SIPIL EDISI JUNI 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Universitas Tanjungpura

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Jalan memegang peranan penting dalam kegiatan transportasi dan mobilitas penduduk. Jalan Khatulistiwa merupakan salah satu jalan di Kota Pontianak yang menuju pusat-pusat kegiatan ekonomi, perdagangan, industri, pendidikan dan pusat pelayanan masyarakat yang memiliki arus lalu lintas yang cukup tinggi. Tingginya aktivitas di simpang Jalan Khatulistiwa – Jalan Budi Utomo yang menyebabkan terjadinya konflik arus lalu lintas. Sehingga diperlukan analisa kinerja simpang Jalan Khatulistiwa – Jalan Budi Utomo sebagai dasar untuk melakukan penataan dan memberikan perbaikan pada masalah simpang yang ada saat ini maupun yang akan datang.Pada penelitian ini pengambilan data primer berupa survei volume lalu lintas simpang dan geometrik simpang pada hari sabtu, minggu, dan senin jam 06.00 – 18.00 serta data sekunder yaitu peta lokasi, jumlah penduduk dan kendaraan Kota Pontianak. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan  menghitung volume lalu lintas simpang, kapasitas simpang dan derajat kejenuhan untuk simpang tak bersinyal dan bersinyal. Bedasarkan  hasil  penelitian  yang  telah dilakukan, di dapat Kinerja simpang Jalan Khatulistiwa – Jalan Budi Utomo volumenya sudah melebihi kapasitas dengan  derajat kejenuhan  (DS) = 0,86 > 0,75 (derajat kejenuhan untuk simpang tak bersinyal harus < 0,75). Sehingga untuk simpang Jalan Khatulistiwa – Jalan Budi Utomo dibutuhkan  penanganan ataupun alternatif perbaikan terhadap simpang tersebut guna memberikan kenyamanan sebagai prasarana transportasi. Alternatif pertama, dicoba dengan  pengaturan menggunakan lampu lalu lintas dan didapat derajat kejenuhan (DS) = 1,06 > 0,85 (derajat kejenuhan untuk simpang bersinyal harus <0,85). Alternatif kedua, dilakukan pemasangan lampu lalu lintas disertai perubahan geometrik simpang dan didapat derajat kejenuhan (DS) =  0,84. Alternatif ketiga, alternatif yang dilakukan yaitu mengatur pola pergerakan arus lalu lintas, dimana Jalan Budi Utomo yang awalnya dua arah diubah menjadi satu arah diperoleh derajat kejenuhannya (DS) = 0,60 < 0,85 dengan tundaan selama 6,8 det/smp, sehingga alternatif ketiga dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan (< 0,85) . Setelah dilakukan pengujian kelayakan simpang untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang, ternyata simpang yang direncanakan  pada alternatif ketiga masih memenuhi persyaratan dengan DS = 0.65 < 0,85  dan tundaan selama 7,37 det/smp dan tingkat kinerja simpang (B) dan arus lalu lintas cukup baik. Kata Kunci : Jalan Khatulistiwa, Derajat Kejenuhan, Kinerja Simpang, Lampu Lalu Lintas
Experimental Study on The Effect of Cross Feed of Surface Grinding on the Vibration and the Surface Roughness of Hardened Tool Steel OCR12VM Anam, Chairul; Muzaka, Khairul; Pamuji, Dian Ridlo
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 11, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2020.011.03.2


The grinding process is a machining process to obtain qualified surface roughness levels and high dimensional accuracy. There are two types of processes in the grinding process, namely the roughening and finishing processes. The vibration effect of the roughing process can damage and shorten the life of the tool/machine, while in the finishing process, the effect of vibration will reduce the dimensional accuracy, shape, and surface smoothness of the workpiece. This study aims to determine the effect of crossfeed on the amplitude of vibration and surface roughness of the workpiece on the surface grinding process. The materials used are hardened tool steel OCR12VM with a variety of grinding stone types A46QV and A80LV made of aluminum oxide. The Variables of process parameters are crossfeed (mm / step) and depth of cut (mm). The measurement of vibrations uses an accelerometer, which is processed by the math CAD program in the form of amplitude and frequency. For surface roughness measurements, it is used the MT-301 surface test with 5 sample points and a sample length of 0.8 mm. The results show that the greater the cross-feed value, the bigger the amplitude of the vibration level and the surface roughness of the workpiece. The magnitude of the amplitude of the vibration on the acceleration that occurs in the grinding stone type A46QV starts from 6,7369 -18.7525 g.rms, while the grinding stone type A80LV starts from 5.0904 g.rms to 18.2821 g.rms. The surface roughness achieved in both grit 46 and grit 80 is from N3 to N5.
Entrepreneur Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Entrepreneur
Publisher : Entrepreneur

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Abstract Enduring polemic on the relationship between education and ketenagakarjaan is a specific for developing countries. Because in the early stages of development these countries, the growth of industry and the private sector is still limited, then the labor problems embraced by the education sector. Thus education is responsible for the quality of training and employment, or in other words by themselves the problem of unemployment is the responsibility of educational institutions. In line with pembengunan countries that then the government sector or formal sector is a container holding a graduate education system, however, in line with its speed of development and development results, the government sector the longer experience boredom, while the private sector can not be met by the educational system that exist. In addressing the gap between the education system with the demands of labor, need to be reformulated duties and responsibilities of each sector. If not the case in each sector will allege that the other sectors did not meet their own needs, while the education sector be the butt of the lack of skills of the workforce required to meet. Keywords: Level Of Education, Work And Achievement Abstrak Polemik abadi tentang hubungan antara pendidikan dan ketenagakarjaan adalah khusus untuk negara-negara berkembang. Karena dalam tahap awal pengembangan negara ini, pertumbuhan industri dan sektor swasta masih terbatas, maka masalah ketenagakerjaan yang dianut oleh sektor pendidikan. Dengan demikian pendidikan bertanggung jawab atas kualitas pelatihan dan pekerjaan, atau dengan kata lain sendiri masalah pengangguran merupakan tanggung jawab lembaga pendidikan. Sejalan dengan negara-negara pembengunan yang kemudian sektor pemerintah atau sektor formal adalah wadah memegang sistem pendidikan pascasarjana, namun, sejalan dengan lajunya pembangunan dan pengembangan hasil, sektor pemerintah lagi pengalaman kebosanan, sementara sektor swasta tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh sistem pendidikan yang ada. Dalam mengatasi kesenjangan antara sistem pendidikan dengan tuntutan kerja, harus tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing sektor dirumuskan. Jika tidak terjadi di masing-masing sektor akan menyatakan bahwa sektor-sektor lain tidak memenuhi kebutuhan mereka sendiri, sedangkan sektor pendidikan menjadi bulan-bulanan kurangnya keterampilan tenaga kerja yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi. Kata kunci: Tingkat Pendidikan, Kerja Dan Prestasi
Local Wisdom of Kandri People in Conserving Water Resources Gunungpati Semarang Anam, Chairul; Banowati, Eva; Juhadi, Juhadi
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The availability of water in Gunungpati Subdistrict and its surroundings is generally declining, while the need for water continues to increase, so that conflicts over water use will occur. But in Kandri Village, there are springs that have large discharge and are maintained by the presence of local wisdom of the local community. The technique of data collection techniques interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using qualitative description. The results showed that the public perception towards spring, namely spring water as God-given gift, supernatural creatures, dwelling place of haunted, Holy places, and bring blessings to the citizens. Other forms of local wisdom consists of events nyadran kali conducted on Thursday kliwon Jumadil Akhir month of Islamic calendar, Matirto Suci Dewi Kandri dance a meaningful phrasing gratitude and norms in the form of recommendations as well as the prohibition of should not be denounced water, kitchen appliances, washing is prohibited should not take water directly from springs and if want to use must request a permit a meaningful tribute to against springs and nature around, protect the eyes from water pollution, keeping the output water sustainability and avoid the use of undue hardship. Efforts to preserve local wisdom, namely carrying out events nyadran kali on a regular basis, the modification of ritual nyadran kali are adjusted with the times, strengthening the community spirit and tradition of the religion, and make the village Kandri village Tour. This research is expected to provide information on knowledge of spring water conservation based on local wisdom to the community.