Wahyudi, Wahyudi;
Rubiono, Gatut;
Mujianto, Haris
ROTOR Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ROTOR
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Aerodynamic is a branch of science which study the effect of wind to an object. Transport vehicle (truck) is one of the object in this field. A deflector is use to direct the wind for aerodynamics aspect. The research is conduct in a small scale wind tunnel with 40 cm x 40 cm cross section and 300 cm length. A truck model is varied without deflector, flat deflector, convex deflector and concave delector. The wind speed is varied at 1,9; 2,31 and 3,23 m/s by a fan. U type manometers with 30o inclination are used to measure height difference (Dh) of the water column at 3 pointsabove the deflector. The data are used to count the wind pressure and the wind speed.Aerodynamic performance is described as a capability to maintain the wind speed at measurement points.The research result shows that the deflector has effect due to aerodynamics characteristic of truck model. Convex deflector has the best performance. Flat and concave deflectors are next. Â Keywords: aerodynamics, truck, deflector
Suwondo, Joko;
Bunawi, Bunawi;
Rubiono, Gatut
ROTOR Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : ROTOR
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Fuel temperature has effect due to engine performance. This research is aimed to get the effect of cross section heating area with radiator heat due to performance of gasoline engine. The experiments are conduct in Toyota Kijang 5K gasoline engine. The radiator heat is use to raise the fuel temperature by 8 mm diameter copper pipe. The pipe is varied as round, oval and nearly flat. Fuel flow channel is place in the heat pipe with 900 mm of length which placed at upper tank of the radiator. The engine rotation speed is varied as 750, 1250, 1750 and 2250 rpm. Unheated fuel is use as a control. The research result shows the agreement that fuel temperature has effect due to fuel consumption. The result also shows that oval pipe has the lowest fuel consumption.  Keywords: fuel temperature, copper pipe, fuel consumption, radiatorâs upper tank
Putra, Toni Dwi;
Finahari, Nurida;
Rubiono, Gatut
WIDYA TEKNIKA Vol 22, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Widyateknika
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang
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 Penyakit jantung merupakan penyakit pembunuh peringkat pertama yang terus meningkat dengan laju sekitar 1% per tahun. Salah satu pemicu sakit jantung yang menyebabkan kematian mendadak adalah tromboembolisme akibat aterosklerosis. Metode diagnosis dan pengobatan aterosklerosis melibatkan obat-obatan kimia, bersifat invasif dan memerlukan pembiayaan yang mahal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan peralatan terapi pencegah perkembangan aterosklerosis dengan memanfaatkan karakteristik aliran fluida pada medan listrik pelat paralel. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro (di luar tubuh) dan masih bersifat pemodelan. Saluran darah aterosklerotik dimodelkan sebagai pipa tembus pandang yang dilapisi lemak sapi. Digunakan darah sapi yang diberi cairan anti-koagulan sebagai model aliran darah. Medan listrik yang diaplikasikan berjenis arus kontinyu dengan tegangan rendah yang divariasikan pada rentang 10-50 volt. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peluang untuk memanfaatkan plat elektrik paralel tegangan rendah sebagai sarana terapi aterosklerosis meskipun masih memerlukan verifikasi lebih lanjut, berkaitan dengan karakteristik darah yang heterogen.  KataKunci: Aterosklerosis, Plat Elektrik, Aliran Darah
Wijayanti, Erma;
Rubiono, Gatut;
Mujianto, Haris
ROTOR Vol 8, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : ROTOR
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Automotive charging system provide vehicleâs electricity consumption and battery charging. Common regulator has unstable voltage output. This research is aimed to compare the performance of common and electronic regulator. Electronic regulator designed with an AVR ATMega8 microcontroller and 16 x 2 matrix LCD. The devices are tested in the charging system of Toyota Kijang 5K automotive engine by measuring alternator voltage output using voltmeter. The engine is running at 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 rpm. The measurements are taken three times for 300 seconds with 30 second interval. The result shows that the average voltage output of electronic regulator increase faster at 0 until 30 second measurement period. The result also shows that electronic regulator has more stable voltage output which is 14,45 Volt. The overall comparison study shows that electronic regulator has better performance than common regulator.
The Effect of Foot Angle in Soccer Ball Kick Due to Ball Trajectory
Rubiono, Gatut Rubiono
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 5, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes)
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DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v5i2.16190
This study is aims to get the influence of the foot angle in soccer kick on the motion of the ball. The research was carried out by making a leg swing device such as an impact test on material testing. The independent variables include foot angle: 0o (straight to the ball), 25o, and 35o (inner and outer legs) and the angle of swing arm: 45o, 60o, and 75o. The dependent variable is the ball path observed and recorded with the camera. Experimental data was carried out on a cement floor with a length of 5 meters. Five times repetition data collection are done to get the average value. Analysis is carried out to obtain the trajectory characteristics in the form of angles of spherical trajectories. The distance of the trajectory and the time indicated on the recording data is used to calculate the ball velocity. Swing angle data is used to calculate the amount of kick force with the equation of impact energy. The results show that the angle of the foot in the kick of football affects the trajectory of the ball motion. The angle of the foot affects the angle of the ball deviation, the velocity of motion and the energy absorbed by the ball.
Batik Banyuwangi: Aesthetic and Technical Comparison of Coastal Batik
Qiram, Ikhwanul;
-, Buhani;
Rubiono, Gatut
Lekesan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asia Pacific Arts Vol 1 No 2 (2018): October
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
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DOI: 10.31091/lekesan.v1i2.407
Banyuwangi, a district located in eastern end of Java island has batik as cultural herritage. Batik Banyuwangi as well as other batik has own characteristic according to the origin of the region. In the other side, Banyuwangi has a ethnics origin which is Osing ethnic with own character and local wisdom. Batik Banyuwangi is a kind of batik Pesisiran as batik from coastal region. Batik Pesisiran has a specificity in terms of material and method. Batik Banyuwangi has an interesting spesificity and become distinguishing identity of batik from other area. This research is aimed to compare batik Banyuwangi characteristic with other batik Pesisiran by literature study method. The result shows that batik banyuwangi has own aesthetics (motive and meaning) comparing with other batik Pesisiran. From technical aspect (material and method), batik Banyuwangi have in common with other batik Pesisiran.
Identifikasi Pengetahuan Manajemen Peralatan dan Prosedur Kerja di Bengkel Mobil di Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Rubiono, Gatut;
Qiram, Ikhwanul;
Putra, Adi Pratama
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 2 (2017): JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Forum Dosen Indonesia JATIM
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DOI: 10.36339/je.v1i2.47
Management has important role in automotive workshop. Small scale workshops usually have a lack ofbusiness knowledge. This activity is aimed to identify tool and working procedure management knowledge in automotiveworkshops in Banyuwangi district. The identification is done by direct survey and interview to 3 workshop owners. Theresult shows that workshops have not applied business management properly. The workshops need practical managementknowledge which easy to apply for the business
Sosialisasi Manajemen Limbah Oli Bengkel Mobil: Pengabdian Masyarakat di Desa Pesucen Kecamatan Kalipuro Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Rubiono, Gatut;
Yasi, Ratna Mustika
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Forum Dosen Indonesia JATIM
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DOI: 10.36339/je.v1i1.11
Manajemen limbah oli sangat penting dilakukan oleh bengkel mobil untuk menghindari pencemaran lingkungan. Beberapa limbah termasuk dalam kategori Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3).Mayoritas bengkel tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan tidak melaksanakan manajemen ini. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi pengusaha bengkel. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan survey awal sebagai bahan penyusunan materi sosialisasi. Materi sosialisasi antara lain meliputi gambaran umum manajemen limbah dan dampak lingkungan. Materi juga memberikan pengenalan separator air oli, alat peniris oli dan wadah corong oli. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi langsung kepada pemilik bengkel di tempat kerja. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa pemilik bengkel kurang memahami manajemen pengelolaan limbah, khususnya limbah oli. Sosialisasi materi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan baik. Pemilik dapat menerapkan aplikasi-aplikasi sederhana karena kebutuhan biaya yang relatif murah.
The relevance of racquet angel and Shuttlecock releasing on badminton
Triaiditya, Bayu Septa Martaviano;
Santoso, Danang Ari;
Rubiono, Gatut
Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
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DOI: 10.29407/js_unpgri.v6i1.13875
Pemain bulu tangkis menggunakan berbagai teknik dan strategi dalam permainan. Salah satu tekniknya adalah membangun sudut kemiringan raket yang tepat untuk melepaskan kok. Teknik ini bergantung pada sudut kedatangan shuutlecock yang akan memengaruhi pantulan pada string raket dan lintasan setelah memantul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan efek sudut raket terhadap pantulan shuttlecock bulu tangkis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan eksperimen memantulkan kok. Jarak awal jatuh bebas bervariasi 100, 125, dan 150 cm. Raket dengan tegangan tali 25 lb diposisikan pada mekanisme penjepitan yang diatur oleh sudut tertentu. Mekanisme ini dipasang di dinding yang dilengkapi dengan pengukur (meteran) untuk mengamati pantulan. Kamera diposisikan 2 meter dari dinding. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan 5 kali. Data yang ada pada formulir video diubah dalam bentuk foto. Foto-foto ini kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Kinovea 0.8.15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemiringan sudut raket berdampak pada pelepasan shuttlecock.
Susanto, Agustinus;
Rubiono, Gatut;
Bunawi, Bunawi
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
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This  research  is  aimed  to  get  the  effect  of  electrode  surface  area  and  electrolyteconcentration due to gas volume flow rate of water electrolysis. The surface area is varied as19.264 mm2, 38.528 mm2 and 57.792 mm2. The KOH electrolyte concentration is varied as 5 gram,10 gram, 15 gram, 20 gram, and 25 gram in a litre aquades. The experiment is conduct in an electrolyzer. HHO gas is flowed pass trough an orifice for volume flow rate measurement. The research shows that the increase surface area and electrolyte concentration tend to increase gasvolume flow rate. The maximum gas volume flow rate happened at 57792 mm2 surface area and25 gram KOH electrolyte concentration which is 0,00123 m3/det. The minimum gas volume flow rate happened at 19264 mm2  surface area and 5 gram KOH electrolyte concentration 0,00045 m3/det.