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Safety Equipment on Slerek in Pengambengan Nusantara Fishing Port, Jembrana, Regency, Bali Adi Guna santara, Adi; Fis Purwangka, Fis; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar, Budhi
Journal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Journal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan

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Fishing is one of the most challenging activities in the world. It is about 80% of ship accidents due to human error. The availability and proper use of safety equipment can minimize the risk. This study aims to identify the suitability of safety equipment used on Slerek boat in PPN Pengambengan, Bali in accordance with international and national standards, and describes the role of relevant institutions to increase the fishermen safety. In this study, we used a survey method, in which focussed on three main aspects including  the types of safety equipment, numbers of safety equipment, and the suitability of equipment which must be taken. The lack of equipment and awareness about safety, and do not comply with the national standards for boat less than 24 meters length will directly affect the fishermen safety. The lack of regulations on the small boat safety showed that the fishermen safety in fishing activities in Indonesia have not been considered and there is no clear policy from local and central government.
Peralatan Keselamatan Kerja Pada Perahu Slerek di PPN Pengambengan, Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali Santara, Adi Guna; Purwangka, Fis; Iskandar, Budhi Hascaryo
Jurnal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan

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Fishing is one of the most challenging activities in the world. It is about 80% of ship accidents due to human error. The availability and proper use of safety equipment can minimize the risk. This study aims to identify the suitability of safety equipment used on Slerek boat in PPN Pengambengan, Bali in accordance with international and national standards, and describes the role of relevant institutions to increase the fishermen safety. In this study, we used a survey method, in which focussed on three main aspects including  the types of safety equipment, numbers of safety equipment, and the suitability of equipment which must be taken. The lack of equipment and awareness about safety, and do not comply with the national standards for boat less than 24 meters length will directly affect the fishermen safety. The lack of regulations on the small boat safety showed that the fishermen safety in fishing activities in Indonesia have not been considered and there is no clear policy from local and central government.  
HIV Infection: Immunopathogenesis and Risk Factor to Fishermen Budiarti, Retno
Oceana Biomedicina Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Oceana Biomedicina Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.405 KB) | DOI: 10.30649/obj.v1i1.4


Infeksi primer terjadi bila virion HIV dalam darah, semen, atau cairan tubuh lainnya dari seseorang masuk ke dalam sel orang lain melalui fusi yang diperantarai oleh reseptor gp120 atau gp41. Tergantung dari tempat masuknya virus, sel T CD4+ dan monosit di darah, atau sel T CD4+ dan makrofag di jaringan mukosa merupakan sel yang pertama terkena. Sel dendrit di epitel tempat masuknya virus akan menangkap virus kemudian bermigrasi ke kelenjar getah bening. Sel dendrit mengekspresikan protein yang berperan dalam pengikatan envelope HIV, sehingga sel dendrit berperan besar dalam penyebaran HIV ke jaringan limfoid. Di jaringan limfoid, sel dendrit dapat menularkan HIV ke sel T CD4+ melalui kontak langsung antar sel.
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 27, No 5 (2015): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.878 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v27i5.797


ABSTRAKPelabuhan Makassar merupakan salah satu pelabuhan utama di Indonesia yang berfungsi sebagai salah satu mata rantai yang ada dalam jaringan distribusi barang untuk menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia Timur dengan memfasilitasi perdagangan antar pulau hingga kegiatan ekspor dan impor. Peningkatan produktifitas pelabuhan perlu diimbangi dengan upaya peningkatan pelayanan, salah satu diantaranya adalah pelayanan dokumen untuk kapal dan barang melalui teknologi informasi. Inaportnet merupakan sebuah portal online yang mampu melayani pengajuan dan pengolahan data serta informasi, pengambilan keputusan penyelesaian dokumen kepabeanan, dan kepelabuhanan secara terpadu dengan prinsip kesatuan, kecepatan pelayanan, konsisten, sederhana, transparan, efisien dan berkelanjutan. Sebagai sebuah proyek yang berskala besar, Inaportnet perlu dinilai kelayakannya karena sebuah studi kelayakan bukan hanya merupakan sebuah dasar pengambilan keputusan terhadap kelanjutan proyek tetapi juga merupakan sebuah persyaratan kelengkapan secara administratif. Kajian ini berfungsi untuk menilai kelayakan penggunaan Inaportnet di Pelabuhan Makassar dari berbagai perspektif serta merumuskan strategi pengembangan e-business di pelabuhan Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif melalui analisis TELOS untuk menentukan kelayakan proyek dan dilanjutkan dengan SWOT untuk perumusan strategi penerapan e-business. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum bahwa Inaportnet layak untuk diterapkan meskipun terdapat beberapa hambatan terutama dari aspek teknis, ekonomi,  legal, operasional, dan penjadwalan. Strategi pengembangan e-business di Pelabuhan Makassar dilakukan melalui konsep Port Community System.
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 29, No 1 (2017): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.864 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v29i1.315


ABSTRAK: Pertamina sebagai badan usaha milik negara dipercaya untuk mendistribusikan BBM dan mengangkut minyak mentah ke seluruh pelosok Indonesia dengan mengoperasikan kapal-kapal tanker menurut tipe dan muatan yang diangkut.Kinerja kapal-kapal tanker penting diketahui karena tuntutan efisiensi biaya pengapalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja kecepatan kapal tertinggi (13,2940 knot) ditunjukkan oleh kapal tipe GP, sedangkan dan kinerja kecepatan kapal terburuk (10,5233 knot) ditunjukkan oleh kapal tipe MR masing-masing sebagai angkutan minyak mentah. Kinerja susut muatan terbaik (0,02683%) ditunjukkan oleh kapal tipe MR angkutan minyak mentah, dan terburuk (0,05669%) ditunjukkan oleh kapal tipe GP angkutan komponen BBM. MANOVA digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara variabel bebas tipe kapal dan muatan yang diangkut terhadap variabel kinerja kecepatan kapal dan susut muatan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai F untuk Pillai?s Trace, Wilks? Lambda, Hotelling?s Trace, dan Roy?s Largest Root memiliki signifikansi lebih kecil dari 0,01 artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan untuk kinerja kecepatan kapal dan susut muatan menurut tipe kapal dan kargo yang diangkut. Dari hasil tests of between subjects effects, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tipe kapal dan kargo yang diangkut berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecepatan kapal yang ditunjukkan pada nilai F dengan signifikansi 0,001, tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap susut muatan, sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada nilai F dengan signifikansi 0,997.ABSTRACT : Pertamina as a state-owned enterprise was trusted to transport product oil and crude oil to all corners of Indonesia by operating oil tankers according to type and cargo transported. Tankers? performance were important to know due to efficiency in shipping cost. Results of this study showed that the fastest speed performance (13.2940 knots) was shown by the type of vessel GP, while the slowest performance (10.5233 knots) was indicated by the type of vessel MR, both of them carried crude oil. While the best performance of transportation loss was demonstrated by the type of vessel MR with cargo crude oil that was 0.02683%, and the worst was indicated by the type of vessel GP with cargo intermediate that was 0.05669%. MANOVA was used to analyse influences independent variables the type of vessel and the cargo transported on the dependent variables the performance of speed and transportation loss. The result expressed that F value of Pillai's Trace, Wilks' Lambda, Hotelling's Trace, and Roy's Largest Root was significant, smaller than 0.01. It was meant that there was a significant difference to the performance of the speed and the transportation lossses according to the type of vessel and the cargo transported. Hence, the results of the tests of between subjects effects indicated that the type of vessel and the cargo transported significantly effected on the speed as indicated by the F value with significance value 0.001, but no significant effect on the transportation loss, as indicated on the F value with significance value 0.997.
Buletin PSP Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Directorate Fisheries Business License is a regulator for fishing business license of fishing vessel more than 30 GT and/or 90 HP machine power and over 12 mils sea operations area. The implementation of fishing business license based on the decree of Minister of Marine Affairs Fisheries number PER.05/MEN/2008 and number PER.12/MEN/2009. These regulations are a tool to fullfill fishing business necessity. Therefore, it is important to design a development performance strategy of fisheries business license. The design, using Balanced Scorecard approach, based on 4 perspectives, there are learning and growth, internal business processes, financial and customers (Kaplan and Norton 2000, Gaspersz 2002, Niven 2003). Those strategies are expected to be long term objectives. These objectives divided into 4 perspectives. All the objectives have cause and effect linkages and designed into strategic map for Directorate Fisheries Business License. Each of these objectives has standards, targets and initiatives in order to achieve the objectives and targets too.
REKAYASA TANGKI MINI BERARUS (MINI FLUME TANK) UNTUK PENELITIAN TINGKAH LAKU RENANG IKAN Wazir Mawardi; Ari Purbayanto; Daniel R. Monintja; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar
Buletin PSP Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This research was carried out to construct mini flume tank that is reliable and ideal used for fish swimming behavior research through a series testing the flume tank technical performance. The mini flume tank has a maximum water velocity 85 cm/s (1.7 knots), with dimensions of 250 x 135 x 55 cm, and water capacity 155 litres. Based on observation, the field observation is clearly visible due to minimal air bubbles in the water velocity. Observations can be conducted from the two view fields (top and side) that allow observation of swimming endurance and fish tail flick easily. The water velocity is in laminar category at each level of the tested speeds.The rpm of engines is relatively stable for more than 200 minutes. Engine temperature is below 60 oC at frequency of 10 to 40 Hz. At frequency of 50 Hz the temperature reached 60 °C in 25 minutes and stable at 73oC after an hour. Water temperature changes during the test for more than 200 minutes at different speeds which have differences of 0.2 to 1.8 oC. The test result showed that the mini flume tank performance was reliable and ideal used for fish swimming behavior research.
STABILITAS STATIS KAPAL PURSE SEINE MUNCAR (Studi Kasus Pada Salah Satu Kapal Purse Seine di Muncar) Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Rika Ike Rahayu
Buletin PSP Vol. 17 No. 2 (2008): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This paper discusses on static stability of Muncar purse seiner. The purse seiner data was obtained from the previous research which discussed on its design and constructions. A case study method was applied in this research. The objective of the research is to determine stability static quality of Muncar purse seiner.Some analysis was applied in this research such as, ratio dimension analysis, hydrostatic analysis and static stability value of the ship. The result showed that, ratio dimension of the ship (L/B, L/D, B/D) followed general range of Indonesian purse seiner, its coeffisien of fineness were within a range of purse seiner in Indonsia as well. Based on static stability analysis with 7 (seven) operational conditions taken into account, showed that the ship had good stability and suitable for non-extrem waters operationed.
Buletin PSP Vol. 17 No. 1 (2008): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This is a continuation from previous paper with the title of The Authority of some State-Institutions in Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang Central Java. This paper discusses about the staregy to implement Indonesian National Single Window (NSW) concept in Indonesia especialy in Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang. The SWOT and AHP were used in the data analysis. The result shows that there are five strategies to implement NSW in Indonesia especialy in Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang.
KEWENANGAN BERBAGAI INSTANSI DI PELABUHAN TANJUNG EMAS, SEMARANG JAWA TENGAH Harun Al Martohandoyo; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; John Haluan; M. Fedi A. Sondita; Hasjim Djalal
Buletin PSP Vol. 16 No. 3 (2007): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Tanjung Emas Port of Semarang Central Java is one of international ports in Indonesia. Some state-institutions play role as hold of authority in this port. This paper describes about the authorities of the institutions in the port. Based on the descriptive analysis, it is showed some overlapping in authorities among the institution in the port. This fact arises some unclear condition among stake holders, especially enterpreuner who run the buiseness engaged with the port
Co-Authors . Diniah Abdi Kurniawan Abdul Rouf Sam Adhiguna Wahyu Nugroho Adi Adi Guna santara, Adi Adi Guna Santara Adi Guna Santara, Adi Guna Adi Susanto Al Hafidz Maulana Aldin Muhammad Alfin Yuwana Putra Amril Syahputra Rangkuti Ari Purbayanto Arif Satria Bambang Murdiyanto Bambang Murdiyanto Bastian Putrayadi Silalahi Berbudi Wibowo Budy Wiryawan Daniel R. Monintja Dede Soedharma Deni Achmad Soeboer Deni Achmad Soeboer Deni Achmad Soeboer Deni Achmad Soeboer Deni Achmad Soeboer Deni Achmad Soeboer Dinda Ayu Lestari Dudi Firmansyah Dwi Putra Yuwandana Dwi Putra Yuwandana Eko Sri Wiyono Eko Sulkhani Yulianto Erlin Nur Yustikaningsih Ernani Lubis Etika Ariyanti Hidayat Fedi A. Sondita Fedi Alfian Sondita Firda Aulya Syamani Fis Purwangka Fuad Gina Almirani Wahyudi Gina Almirani Wahyudi Gun Gumelar Somantri Hamba Ainul Mubarok Harnoli Rahman Harun Al Martohandoyo Harun Al Rasyid Martohandoyo Hasjim Djalal Hasjimdo Djalal Hery Sutrawan Nurdin Iin Solihin Iman Anugerah Bintoro Indra Jaya Indra Jaya Ismajaya . Izza Mahdiana Apriliani John Haluan John Haluan John Haluan Julius Anthon Nicolas Masrikat Kirbandoko . Kudang Boro Seminar Kurniawan, Abdi Kusnul Hidayat La Anadi Lukman M. Baga M. Fedi A. Sondita M. Imron Maria Putri Widhyasari Marjoni Marjoni Moch. Ricky Dariansyah Mochammad Riyanto Mohammad Imron Muh. Arkam Azi Muh. Arkam Azis Muhamad Rizki Riantoro Muhamad Yogi Prayoga Muhammad Fedi Alfiadi Sondita Muhammad Najib Islam Muhammad Patria Laksono Muhammad Romli Mulyono S. Baskoro Muth Mainnah Nasution, Syahrial Nurul Faizatil Jannah Prabowo Prabowo Pringgo Kusuma Dwi Noor Yadi Putra Prori Vitaliano Latief Puti Lenggo Geni Ray Octa Firdaus Retno Muninggar Riana Citra Dewi Ridwan Maulana Nugraha Ridwan Maulana Nugraha Rika Ike Rahayu Ryan Suryadi Putra Santi Febrianti Shinta Yuniarta Singgih Prihadi Aji Sugeng H. Wisudo Suhendra Suhendra Syafril Fauzi Syafril Mayu Dinata Syahrial Nasution Tri Nanda Citra Bangun Tri Wiji Nurani Viceriani Siampa Rumbino Vita Rumanti K. Vita Rumanti Kurniawati Wazir Mawardi Wienda Justitia Ardiyani Wienda Justitia Ardiyani Wilma Amiruddin Winarto, Catur Yandra Arkeman Yaser Krisnafi Yoga Yuniadi Yohanes DBR Minggo Yopi Novita