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Informasi Sebaran Titik Panas Berbasis WebGIS untuk Pemantauan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Indonesia Hidayat, Taufik; Priyatna, Muhammad; Sutanto, Ahmad; Alkhudri, Aby; Khomarudin, Rokhis
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 20 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.551 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v20i1.2961


ABSTRACTThe Remote Sensing Application Center – LAPAN has resulted in information on hotspot spreading. Availability of information monitoring the distribution of hotspots latest rapid, precise and accurate can improve the remote sensing application to support the management of forest resources and establish a monitoring system that is accountable and can be a reference in the organization of activities of forest fire control and land at the same time participate in managing, maintaining safety as well as the preservation of Indonesia’s natural resources is sustainable. Given the importance of information and communication in disaster crisis management, efforts to facilitate the implementation of dissemination of hotspots distribution information to the wider community should properly be realized. One application is to develop a Web-based dissemination system Geographic Information System with Geonode application. The method used in this research is a prototype with open technology. Geonode can integrate that information to the layers with web mapping systems and the internet. The opensource geoportal system is built, the result of a combination of Django framework and Python programming language that is capable of providing dynamic spatial visualization interactively and connected to other electronic information networks. This Dissemination System can be used for decision makers in preparation of planning, development, monitoring, and response to an emergency disaster of forest and land fires in Indonesia, as well as a reference in the field of innovative technology and application of Geospatial information.Keyword: hotspots, forest fires, emergency response, Geonode, dissemination, web applications  ABSTRAKPusat Pemanfaatan Pengideraan Jauh-LAPAN telah menghasilkan informasi sebaran titik panas. Ketersediaan informasi pemantauan sebaran titik panas terkini yang cepat, tepat dan akurat dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan penginderaan jauh untuk mendukung pengelolaan sumber daya kehutanan dan membangun sistem pemantauan yang akuntabel dan dapat menjadi acuan dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan sekaligus ikut serta dalam pengelolaan, menjaga keselamatan serta kelestarian sumber daya alam Indonesia yang berkelanjutan. Mengingat pentingnya informasi dan komunikasi dalam penanggulangan krisis akibat  bencana, maka upaya memudahkan pelaksanaan penyebarluasan informasi sebaran titik panas masyarakat luas dengan baik perlu diwujudkan. Salah satu pengaplikasiannya adalah dengan mengembangkan sistem diseminasi berbasis Web Sistem Informasi Geografis dengan aplikasi Geonode. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purwarupa dengan teknologi terbuka. Geonode dapat mengintegrasikan informasi tersebut dalam layer-layer sistem pemetaan web dan internet. Geonode merupakan sebuah sistem geoportal opensource gabungan antaran framework Django dan bahasa pemograman Python yang mampu menyajikan visualisasi spasial dinamis secara interaktif dan terhubung ke jaringan informasi elektronik lainnya. Sistem diseminasi ini dapat dipakai untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam persiapan perencanaan, pembangunan, pengawasan, dan respon terhadap keadaan darurat bencana kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesia, serta sebagai referensi dibidang teknologi inovatif dan penerapan informasi Geopasial.Kata kunci: titik panas, kebakaran hutan, tanggap darurat, Geonode, diseminasi, aplikasi web  
Strategy Formulation for Value Added Distributor in Information and Communication Technology Case of PT HDI Sutanto, Ahmad; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract - Business role in the ICT industry can be divided into three categories, the manufacturer of the ICT product, distributor who distributed hardware from manufacturer to the reseller or end-user, and the service integrator who deliver ICT product to the end-user. In its development, the distributor is not only distributed the product but also adding value to its product. Some of the value are educated the reseller or end user about the product, doing market research, and providing after sales services to manage user satisfaction. That type of distributor is called Value Added Distributor (VAD). VAD play significant role in the development of ICT Industry. From the manufacturer perspective VAD can boost the product penetration because it is cut the cost of marketing. From the reseller perspective it gives them focus to the existing product to serve and rely to VAD for new product development. From the user perspective it can cut the delivery time because the VAD provide some stock. There are lots of VAD that operate and competing in Indonesia, one of them is PT Helios Distributor Indonesia (HDI). As a new company that established in 2012, HDI facing though condition from the existing VAD. Therefore HDI must formulize the business strategy in order to grow and win the competition. From the research analysis base on PEST writer found that Indonesia still has opportunity for VAD to operate in Indonesia, since the requirement and the regulation of Indonesian government that supporting ICT industry. Focus differentiation for the new product and focus cost differentiation for the mature product is the business level strategy that writer propose for HDI. In term of core competency writer propose 3 core competencies: core competency in term of ability to provide total solution for the customer, ability to build strategic alliance, and ability to analyst market requirement and technology trend forecasting.  Keyword: value added distributor, business level strategy, core competencyÂ