Desak Made Sukma Widiyani, Desak Made Sukma
Dosen, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra, Bali

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Jurnal Anala Vol 2 No 2 (2014): ANALA
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.443 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/anala.2.2.188.%p


Sanur is one of Bali's tourism icon that has been known since 80 years ago. along with the increase of tourism development, in 1957 was built the first hotel in Sanur Village named Sindhu Beach Hotel, then continued with the construction of Bali Beach Hotel which began operating in 1966.Judging from the location theory, Sanur Tourism Regional development can be seen through the Growth Pole theory proposed by Perroux. Perroux's theory is based on the theory of innovation created by Shcumpeter, which focuses on the role of innovation (entrepreneurship) in increasing the growth/economic development.The purpose of this research to know and understand the meaning of Growth Pole Theory and aspects that surrounded it. The other purpose of this research is to find out more Sanur tourism area development until the present, and to know and understand the development of tourist areas of Sanur in terms of location theory Growth Center of Perroux.Keywords: Tourism, Sanur Village, Growth Pole, Development
Jurnal Anala Vol 4 No 2 (2016): ANALA
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1010.677 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/anala.4.2.477.%p


Bale Wantilan is a building that is open in all directions without being limited wall that has a roof bertumpang. Bale Wantilan referred to in this study is Bale wantilan who are still using the original patterns of traditional Balinese architecture. That is built on the principles enshrined in the palm and palm Asta Asta Kosala Kosali Bhumi. Generally set up Bale wantilan during set up and after the establishment of complete, followed by the process steps in line with the ceremonial work steps. After building completion ceremony "melaspas" and "Mendem Pedagingan" the largest in a series of other ceremonies. In subsequent ceremonies when the building suffered natural disasters or manmade disasters, buildings and grounds area was cleared wantilan Bale back in ritual after being repaired as necessary.This study aims to understand the changes in Bale wantilan, to find a clearer picture of the changes that occur in Bale wantilan complex "Parahyangan". Data collection methods used by survey method, ie, with survey data collection directly in the temple area, library research from various sources readings. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. The results of this study showed that for any changes-changes that occur in Bale wantilan this is no longer a building that is open in all directions. This is due to the use of the walls of a room divider as a result of the demand for space requirements therein. In addition, the function of the complex parahyangan Bale wantilan today not only as a place to support kegiataan religious ceremonies, but rather as a place for meetings, staging and sometimes functioned as a place to carry out the ceremony "Tabuh Rah". Bale shape Wantilan in complex parahyangan from time to time has undergone many changes, no longer square, but today many Bale wantilan rectangular. It, too, due to the demands of space. Ornaments that are adapted to the culture and the culture of the local environment, such as the joints decoration, pillars (columns), listplank, pemade etc. The use of materials and ornaments on Bale wantilan now starting to be simplifiedKeywords: Traditional architecture of Bali, Bale Wantilan, Changes
Jurnal Anala Vol 5 No 1 (2017): ANALA
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1494.865 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/anala.5.1.484.%p


Narmada Park is one of the cultural heritage sites that breathe Hinduism which is a historic relic of the entry of Hinduism on the island of Lombok. Narmada Park is also one of the tourist attraction with its main potential is the park, profane building which is a relic of Raja Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Karangasem and pond. The existence of Narmada Park is currently not widely known by the tourists who come to the island of Lombok, this causes the Park Narmada become one of the tourist attractions in Lombok with the number of visitors the smallest arrivals.The background of the small number of visitors who come to Narmada Park due to lack of visitor facilities, can be seen from the access of visitors who are not directed because many visitors who enter the area of Narmada Park through the entrance for the Hindus who will worship. Narmada Park tour route that has not been well arranged to cause visitors feel not directional when doing tours within the area of Narmada Park. The manager building that is not functioning properly causes maintenance of every area of the park is not maintained so that the beauty of the garden becomes reduced. This paper is a case study using the research method that is, the stage of formulating the initial idea, the initial idea maturation stage, the data collection phase through the literature study, field observation and interviews, the study area zoning stage, the data analysis phase, the data synthesis stage, and the design phase .The development of Narmada Park tourism facilities is expected to keep the heritage of the cultural heritage that has been, making Narmada become one of Lombok tourism destinations with facilities that can meet the needs of visitors, able to make visitors feel the feel of the kingdom as the former heyday, so that later can help improve the economy of local people .Keywords: facilities, cultural heritage, history, visitors, economy.
RUMAH SUSUN SEWA DI DENPASAR SELATAN Widiyani, Desak Made Sukma; Frysa Wiriantari
Jurnal Anala Vol 5 No 2 (2017): ANALA
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.957 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/anala.5.2.490.%p


Denpasar Selatan merupakan salah satu kecamatan di kota Denpasar. Denpasar Selatan memiliki beberapa wilayah sebagai Tempat wisata, Perbankan, Pendidikan, Perkantoran, Rumah sakit dan lain – lain, sehingga memiliki potensi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, yang mana akan berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan akan hunian, luas wilayah yang tetap dan tingkat hunian yang tinggi membuat harga lahan semakin tinggi, untuk itu perlu di ciptakan tempat hunian yang bisa menampung masyarakat khususnya yang berpenghasilan menengah kebawah tanpa menghilangkan nilai – nilai arsitektur tradisional Bali. Metode Penyusunan Landasan Konsepsual yang dipakai adalah metode pengumpulan data dengan cara studi pustaka, metode penarikan kesimpulan dengan metode analogi, observasi lapangan serta ke instansi terkait, kasus yang terkait adalah masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah perlu akan tempat hunian yang layak. Dengan adanya Rumah Susun untuk masyarakat ekonomi menengah kebawah terkait dengan tipe rumah susun yang dipakai terdapat 3 tipe sesuai dengan jumlah dari anggota keluarga per kepala keluarga, selain rumah susun diperlukan juga fasilitas penunjang seperti : tempat pendidikan, pasar dan tempat serbaguna sebagai tempat berkumpul/diskusi untuk para penghuninya. Dengan di bangunnya Rumah Susun ini diharapkan para Penghuni mendapat hunian yang layak serta bisa memperbaiki taraf hidupnya. Kata Kunci : Rusun, Densel , Denpasar
NILAI FILOSOFIS DAN TATA CARA PEMBANGUNAN "PELINGGIH GEDONG SAREN" Suardana, I Nyoman Gde; Aryawan, I Wayan; Widiyani, Desak Made Sukma
Jurnal Anala Vol 6 No 1 (2018): ANALA
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.054 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/anala.6.1.585.53-72


The concept of Bali Building is still a tourist attraction not only for tourists but also various researchers who want to explore the meaning and function of the building. It can not be denied that the beauty of Balinese buildings is one of the factors that make up the natural beauty of Bali including the religious atmosphere in it. The house as the most dominant building in a residential area, also has its own characteristics in Bali. Rumah Bali can certainly have a place / means of worship commonly called Sanggah / Merajan. Even according to the Hindu concept, Sanggah / Merajan is the most important building in a house / residence. Pelinggih Gedong Saren is one part of Sanggah / Merajan. This building is an ancestral heritage that needs to be developed and preserved. Until now, the manuscripts that talk about Pelinggih Gedong Saren in particular are quite rare. So it is very necessary to conduct a special study on Pelinggih Gedong Saren so that later can be used as a consideration in the planning or making Pelinggih Gedong Saren in a Merajan or Sanggah. There are still many secrets and uniqueness in Pelinggih Gedong Saren, which notabena is an important building in the holy place of Hindu family. This research is a descriptive reasearch, which is intended for exploration and clarification of a phenomenon or social reality, by describing a number of variables concerning the problem and the unit under investigation. This type of research is not intended to attract a generation that causes a symptom or a social reality. Therefore, this study does not use and do not perform hypothesis testing because it is not intended to build and develop theory treasury. This study uses two types of data, namely primary and secondary. Primary data obtained from the results of research into the object (field) obtained directly through interview / interview and also observation. While the secondary data obtained from the study of literature, literature and lontar associated with this research. Furthermore, the analysis is done by descriptive analysis method that is a technique that try to describe and describe a problem (research variable) to be an analysis that able to explain each problem (research variable) is clear. In the future, the development of tourism will depend on the Spirit of Tourism itself. For Bali, known as the world's best destination, culture, customs, as well as the uniqueness of Bali that breathes Hinduism is the spirit of tourism itself. Understanding the meaning of each building that is a supporter of beauty and has an important function in the religious life of society is the long-term goal of this research. Keywords: philosophical values, development, gedong saren.
TIPOLOGI DAN KONSEP TATA LETAK SANGGAH PADA KARANG UMAH DI DESA ADAT BAYUNG GEDE Yulianasari, Anak Agung Ayu Sri Ratih; Wiriantari, Frysa; Widiyani, Desak Made Sukma; Wijaatmaja, Arya Bagus Mahadwijati
Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Vol. 3 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Oktober 2020
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v3i3.27875


Abstract: Sanggah is a shrine to worship the source of life, namely God Almighty for Balinese Hindu. In general, sanggah is positioned at sacred zone namely:hulu and/or Utama Mandala/Kaja Kangin. Unique layout of sanggah can be found at the settlement of Desa Adat (customary village) of Bayung Gede, one of Bali Aga (Ancient Bali) villages at Bangli Regency. This unique phenomenon raises questions about tipology of sanggah layout at Desa Adat Bayung Gede and the background concept of this phenomenon. The research had been done by field observation and interview with the locals and the elders of the community. Literature had been done as well as reference. The data was analyzed with descriptive-qualitative method. The conclusions of this research are: sanggah position in a house is influenced by the position of rurung (lane) as teben (profan) indicator in each housing unit. There are 3 (three) type of sanggah: (a) sanggah which is at east side of housing unit with rurung at west side of the housing unit; (b) sanggah which is at west side of housing unit with rurung at east side of the housng unit; and (c) sanggah which is at north side of the housing unit with rurung at south side of the housing unit.Keywords: the layout of sanggah, tradisional settlement, Architecture of Bali Aga. Abstrak: Sanggah merupakan tempat pemujaan kepada sumber kehidupan yaitu Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bagi umat Hindu Bali. Secara umum sanggah terletak pada zona sakral, yaitu: zona hulu dan/atau zona Utama Mandala/Kaja Kangin. Keunikan tata letak sanggah dapat ditemui pada permukiman Desa Adat Bayung Gede, salah satu desa Bali Aga (Bali Kuno) di Kabupaten Bangli. Fenomena ini menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana tipologi tata letak sanggah Desa Adat Bayung Gede dan konsep apa yang melatarbelakangi hal itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi ke lapangan dan interview dengan beberapa tokoh masyarakat serta penduduk setempat, serta review literatur sebagai referensi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah letak sanggah dalam pekarangan rumah Desa Adat Bayung Gede dipengaruhi oleh letak rurung (jalan perumahan) sebagai indikator teben (profan) dalam setiap pekarangan rumah. Terdapat tiga tipe sanggah: (a) Sanggah berada di sebelah timur dengan rurung berada di sebelah barat pekarangan rumah; (b) Sanggah berada di sebelah barat dengan rurung berada di sebelah timur; (c) Sanggah berada di sebelah utara dengan rurung berada di sebelah selatanKata Kunci: tata letak sanggah, permukiman tradisional, Arsitektur Bali Aga.
Karakteristik Bangunan “Bale Piyasan” Serta Proses Pembangunannya Prayatna, Agus Eru; Widiyani, Desak Made Sukma
Jurnal Anala Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46650/anala.8.1.938.67-74


Bale Piyasan is one type of sacred building for the Hindu community, especially in Bali as an ancestral heritage that needs to be developed and preserved, so we need to know the background of the Bale Piyasan design and at the same time to know the historical and cultural values contained therein. At the same time as a comparison between the opinions of the sources and the reality in accordance with the conditions in the field, case studies which have different characteristics are carried out, both in terms of function, layout and shape of the sacred building. Based on this description, the purpose of this research is to find the meaning of the philosophy of the Bale Piyasan building, to find the process of self-reliance and physical, the rituals in constructing the Bale Piyasan and to determine the layout of the Bale Piyasan building as well. This research is a comparative descriptive study, where physical and non-physical data are collected, both library and field data. From the results of the analysis and comparison, they are reviewed and concluded to obtain a recommendation. There are 2 (two) types of data used in this study, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through (1) surveys and observations, namely making direct observations to objects and carrying out documentation, (2) interviews, which are conducted with people who are competent and can be trusted in this matter. Secondary data includes literature studies conducted to find information about research through information sources such as books, reports, the internet. From the results of literature and factual studies and analysis results, it can be concluded that Bale Piyasan is a rectangular elongated building with 4 (four) poles as a place to decorate or assemble symbols before being distributed to the sacred building and the place where the ceremony will be offered. Bale Piyasan functions as a place to decorate or arrange symbols, such as Daksina Pelinggih or Arca. The layout of Bale Piyasan is on the west side facing south. We can find Bale Piyasan in the innards of the temple. The Bale Piyasan design uses elbows or traditional Balinese measurements. The establishment of Bale Piyasan must follow the processes and ceremonies in accordance with the rules of traditional Balinese architecture.