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EFFECT OF DEM RESOLUTION ON EROSION IN BATANG KURANJI WATERSHED Syofyan, Elvi Roza; -, Bambang Istijono; -, Amrizal Saidi; -, Revalin Herdianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 15, No 2 (2020): -
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21.654 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.15.2.163


Batang Kuranji Watershed is one of the region river at Indragiri - Akuaman with a total area of Watershed 224.7 km2 consisting of Batang Sungai Sapiah Sub Watershed, Batang Danau Limau Manih Sub Watershed, Batang Sungkai Sub Watershed, Batang Bukik Tindawan Sub Watershed and Batang Padang Janiah Sub Watershed. Batang Kuranji flows from upstream of the Bukit Barisan with the highest elevation + 1,605 meters above sea level at the peak of Bukit Tinjau Laut and empties into the Padang beach with a main river length of ± 32.41. DEM has an influence on the results of land erosion by affecting the slope accuracy. The higher the DEM resolution, the more precise the results of the soil erosion simulation. With the Musle method the rate of erosion occurs in the Batang Kuranji watershed, with DEM data of 8m and land cover in 2017, an erosion rate of 23.91 tons / ha / year is classified in hazard class II (light), DEM data of 30m erosion rate is 7. 70 tons / ha / year are classified in hazard class I (very mild), with DEM data of 90m erosion rate of 4.54 tons / ha / year classified in hazard I class (very light). It can be seen that the higher the DEM resolution, the more accurate the erosion rate calculation in the watershed.
Rang Teknik Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Vol. 3 No. 2 Juni 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (637.44 KB) | DOI: 10.31869/rtj.v3i2.1905


The aim of this research was to measure the level of customer satisfaction with the services of Payakumbuh PDAM after the construction of the Batang Agam Water Treatment Plant as one source of raw water. The result of this research explain that service of Payakumbuh PDAM after construction of Batang Agam Water Treatment Plant which analyzed using the Importance Performance Analysis method. There are 7 question attributes that become measurement points. In the first and second questions attribute about the smooth running of water at the peak hours of morning and evening whose value was in quadrant A where Payakumbuh PDAM should make an effort to improve customer satisfaction which means that these quality attributes need to be improved and improved continuously so that the quality attribute performance regarding smoothness at the peak hours in this quadrant increases and customer satisfaction can be achieved. Besides that, the attributes about water clarity, colorless water, tastes fresh, odorless water and normal temperature have reached quadrant B or known achievement priority. This position shows the quality of raw water product from Batang Agam Water Treatment Plant has been successfully carried out by Payakumbuh PDAM, so that, it must be maintained.
Model Hidrologi Terdistribusi untuk Analisis Debit Terserap pada Sumur Resapan, Lubang Biopori dan Kolam Retensi Syofyan, Elvi Roza; -, Bambang Istijono; -, Amrizal Saidi; -, Revalin Herdianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 15, No 2 (2020): -
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.368 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.15.2.171


Infiltration wells, biopore holes, retention ponds serve to collect surface water from rain and then seep into the ground to become ground water reserves. This study aims to look at the application of a distributed hydrological model for the analysis of absorbed discharges in infiltration wells, biopore holes and retention ponds in the Batang Kuranji watershed. Research methods the study was conducted using a survey method that is secondary data collection and primary data. In this study the techniques of rainfall data analysis, Batang Kuranji watershed land use, Runoff analysis using distributed hydrological models and absorbed discharges in infiltration wells, biopore holes, retention ponds in the Batang Kuranji watershed. By applying model 4 using 1 infiltration wells, 2 biopore holes and 4 retention ponds can reduce the runoff rate in the sub-watershed by 7.514% - 27.545%, for the watershed level can reduce the discharge of 15.297%, the more the number of absorption wells, biopori holes and retention ponds more effective in reducing runoff in the Batang Kuranji watershed.
Studi Alokasi Kebutuhan Air Pada Daerah Irigasi Batang Tingkarang Akibat Alih Fungsi Lahan Andrizky Andrizky; Bambang Istijono; Ahmad Junaidi
Jurnal Pembangunan Nagari Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian and Pengembangan (Balitbang), Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2096.33 KB) | DOI: 10.30559/jpn.v2i2.35


Batang Tingkarang Irrigation Area is an Irrigation Area authorized by West Sumatera province located in Kabupaten Pasaman with functional area of 1,419 Ha. In recent years there has been a tendency from farmers to turn their agicultural lands into fishponds. By the change of this function, hence the requirement of water will also increase, so that there is need to study about allocated water requirements at Batang Tingkarang Irrigation Area. Water demand analysis was done by comparing the dependable flow with its needs. The need for irrigation flow was analyzed by assumption that simultaneous planting season without rotation. The analysis used 8 planting alternatives and land use combinations, which were : rice-rice-rice (without fish pond), rice-rice-rice + fish, rice-rice-palawija + fish, and fish (without rice). As the results, the irrigation system was able to meet the water needs with rice-rice-rice cropping pattern if there was no land functional conversion. Excess water in this pattern can serve the land functional conversion into a fish pond with maximum of 47.99 Ha. When the cropping pattern was converted into rice-rice-palawija, the area of ​​the pond in to 169.48 Ha. By prioritizing the use of land to be converted into fish pond as much as possible, irrigation system could serve a maximum of 316.17 Ha of land functional conversion into fish ponds.
Perencanaan Sistem Drainase di Kawasan Sungai Anak Jaya Setia 1 Kabupaten Bungo Provinsi Jambi Ade Kurnia Putri; Junaidi Junaidi; Bambang Istijono
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v6i2.87


Sungai Anak Jaya Setia 1 yang terletak di Kabupaten Bungo sering mengalami banjir. Saluran drainase yang ada masih berupa saluran drainase alami. Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisa perhitungan saluran drainase di daerah Sungai Anak Jaya Setia 1 dengan debit banjir rencana 5 tahun untuk saluran sekunder, merencanakan Storage  sebagai pembuangan akhir dari saluran drainase, Membandingkan menggunakan Storage sebagai membuangan akhir dan tanpa Stoarge. Data-data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah  peta tata guna lahan untuk penentuan persentase impervious area, data hujan. Seri data hujan yang digunakan merupakan data hujan jam-jaman. Maka dari itu perlunya melakukan modifikasi pada data curah hujan, penentuan distribusi hujan jam-jaman dilakukan dengan mengubah lengkung Intensitas-Durasi-Frekuensi (IDF)  untuk periode ulang 5 tahun menjadi hyetograph hujan rencana dengan menggunakan Alternating Block Method (ABM). Setelah semua parameter input EPA SWMM 5.1 ditentukan dan diinputkan sehingga simulasi dapat dilakukan. Kualitas simulasi cukup baik apabila continuity error untuk limpasan permukaan dan penelusuran aliran < 10%. Simulasi yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 skenario. Dari 2 skenario yang dilakukan jumlah  titik banjir pada skenario 1 berjumlah 4 titik yang berada pada Junc 4, Junc 11, Junc 15 dan Junc 16. Sedangkan pada skenario 2 dengan di tambakannya Storage sebagai tempat penampungan air sementara sebelum di alirkan ke Outall terdapat 2 titik banjir yaitu pada Junc 12 dan Storage 2. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa menambahkan storage sebagai tempat pembuangan cukup membantu mengurangi titik banjir.
Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Konstruksi Pengendali Banjir di Kawasan Sungai Bungus Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung M Arifin; Taufika Ophiyandri; Bambang Istijono
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v5i1.55


Banjir adalah suatu kondisi dimana tidak tertampungnya air dalam saluran pembuang (palung sungai) atau terhambatnya aliran air di dalam saluran pembuang, sehingga meluap menggenangi daerah (dataran banjir) sekitarnya. Langkah yang dilakukan pemerintah adalah dengan pengadaan konstruksi pengendali banjir dengan tujuan mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan ancaman banjir tersebut. Konstruksi pengendali banjir yang sudah ada di sungai tersebut adalah normalisasi dan checkdam. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pengadaan konstruksi pengendali banjir di Sungai Bungus tepatnya pada Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung, Kota Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa manfaat dan kepuasan yang dirasakan masyarakat berbeda dari kedua konstruksi pengendali banjir yang ada di Sungai Bungus tersebut. Masyarakat merasa tidak puas dengan konstruksi normalisasi dan dirasakan belum bermanfaat. Namun, setelah adanya konstruksi checkdam masyarakat menjadi puas dan masyarakat secara keseluruhan sudah merasakan adanya manfaat dari konstruksi tersebut.
Simulasi Dengan Program EPA SWMM Versi 5.1 Untuk Mengendalikan Banjir pada Jaringan Drainase Kawasan Jati Yolla Fransiska; Junaidi Junaidi; Bambang Istijono
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v5i1.56


Salah satu wilayah di Kota Padang yang dilanda banjir adalah kawasan Jati Kota Padang. Berdasarkan data banjir 22 Maret 2016, indikasi permasalahan yang ada di kawasan Jati yaitu kurangnya kapasitas saluran drainase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mensimulasikan kemampuan Jaringan Drainase Kawasan Jati dengan menggunakan program EPA SWMM versi 5.1 dan menentukan alternatif penanganan masalah banjir yang tepat di kawasan tersebut. Model EPA SWMM 5.1 ini mampu  menghitung kuantitas dan kualitas limpasan permukaan dari setiap daerah tangkapan hujan, debit aliran, kedalaman aliran, dan kualitas air di setiap pipa dan saluran selama periode simulasi. Data-data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah peta tata guna lahan untuk penentuan persentase impervious area, data hujan dan data dimensi saluran drainase pada kawasan Jati. Seri data hujan yang digunakan merupakan data hujan jam-jaman, karena tidak adanya data hujan jam-jaman pada stasiun hujan di lokasi penelitian, maka penentuan distribusi hujan jam-jaman dilakukan dengan mengubah lengkung Intensitas-Durasi-Frekuensi (IDF) untuk periode ulang 5 tahun menjadi Hyetograph hujan rencana dengan menggunakan Alternating Block Method (ABM). Setelah semua parameter input EPA SWMM 5.1 ditentukan dan diinputkan, simulasi dapat dilakukan. Simulasi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi banjir di kawasan ini yaitu dengan 3 (tiga) skenario yaitu dengan mengubah dimensi saluran, perencanaan sumur resapan, dan mengubah arah aliran ke kanal banjir Jati. Dari 3 skenario simulasi yang dilakukan masih terdapat saluran yang meluap, tetapi dari 3 skenario ini, skenario yang lebih berpengaruh dalam mengatasi banjir di kawasan Jati adalah skenario 3.
Model Hidrologi Terdistribusi untuk Analisis Debit Terserap pada Sumur Resapan, Lubang Biopori dan Kolam Retensi Elvi Roza Syofyan; Bambang Istijono -; Amrizal Saidi -; Revalin Herdianto -
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 15, No 2 (2020): -
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.368 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.15.2.171


Infiltration wells, biopore holes, retention ponds serve to collect surface water from rain and then seep into the ground to become ground water reserves. This study aims to look at the application of a distributed hydrological model for the analysis of absorbed discharges in infiltration wells, biopore holes and retention ponds in the Batang Kuranji watershed. Research methods the study was conducted using a survey method that is secondary data collection and primary data. In this study the techniques of rainfall data analysis, Batang Kuranji watershed land use, Runoff analysis using distributed hydrological models and absorbed discharges in infiltration wells, biopore holes, retention ponds in the Batang Kuranji watershed. By applying model 4 using 1 infiltration wells, 2 biopore holes and 4 retention ponds can reduce the runoff rate in the sub-watershed by 7.514% - 27.545%, for the watershed level can reduce the discharge of 15.297%, the more the number of absorption wells, biopori holes and retention ponds more effective in reducing runoff in the Batang Kuranji watershed.
Kajian Model Hidrograf Akibat Perubahan Tataguna Lahan dengan Menggunakan Data Lapangan DAS Batang Air Dingin Elvi Roza Syofyan; Amrizal Saidi -; Bambang Istijono -; Revalin Herdianto -
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.422 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.12.1.33


Heavy rains on Monday, 21/3/2016, which flushed the city of Padang, West Sumatra, causing floods and submerged thousands of homes at local residents. This time called the flooding the worst experienced by the region in recent years. Head of Logistics Emergency and Disaster Management Agency said flooding in Padang city West Sumatra at this time was the worst, because it contributes to soak the areas that usually never flooded. The purpose of the study is to look at changes in land use and hydrograph models of Batang Air Dingin watershed using field data.The results shows the change of  land use of Batang Air Dingin Watershed can decreased 1.57%  from 2011 to 2015. It due to the opening of new land. While shrub rose rose 0.70%, because was due of changes of forests that have not done processing. For an others using of the land  the number increase 1.75%. It due to changes of forests and shrubs into failure land.. As the runoff coefficient (C) does not occur any significant change that is from 0.443 into 0.445. Peak discharge calculated by the Nakayasu method 179.274 m3 / dt, was greater by Snyder method of 177.150 m3 / dt is caused no difference in the approach used.
Model Hidrograf Akibat Perubahan Tataguna Lahan DAS Batang Kuranji (Studi Kasus Sub DAS Danau Limau Manis) Elvi Roza Syofyan; Amrizal Saidi -; Bambang Istijono -; Revalin Herdianto -
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.973 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.13.1.46


The purpose of the study is to look at changes in land use and hydrograph models of  Danau Limau Manis  Sub-watershed using  data 2011 until 2015.The results shows the change of  land use of Batang Kuranji Watershed,  Sub DAS Danau Limau Manis can decreased 3.03%  from 2011 to 2015. It due to the opening of new land. While shrub rose rose 0360%, because was due of changes of forests that have not done processing. For an others using of the land  the number increase 3.40%. It due to changes of forests and shrubs into failure land.. As the runoff coefficient (C) does not occur any significant change that is from 0.405 into 0.408. Peak discharge calculated by the Nakayasu method 128.02 m3 / dt, was greater by Rational method of 127,52  m3 / dt is caused no difference in the approach used.