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Publisher : Fisip UNTAG Semarang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan (critical successfactors) sistem informasi akuntansi bank di kota Semarang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primerdengan menggunakan kuesioner dari responden. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan ada 4 Bank,dengan responden sebanyak 100 orang karyawan dari perusahaan yang digunakan sebagai sampel.Berdasarkan pertimbangan waktu dan biaya maka penarikan sampel dilakukan secara quotasampling. Teknik quota sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menetapkan jumlahtertentu sebagai target yang harus dipenuhi dalam pengambilan sampel dari populasi. Alat analisisyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis faktor, dan analisis regresi. Untuk mengetahuihasil dari penelitian digunakan uji normalitas data, uji asumsi klasik dan analisis koefisiendeterminasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas akuntansi dan kualitas sistem(informasi) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap sistem informasi akuntansi yang digunakan olehbank di kota Semarang. Faktor-faktor yang dominan dalam keberhasilan Sistem InformasiAkuntansi yang digunakan oleh Bank di Kota Semarang adalah Kepatuhan teknis dan peraturaneksternal serta kebutuhan pelaporan; Kontrol standar biaya ukuran kinerja akuntansi; Dukungankompetitif penyediaan jasa keuangan untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan; Konsep kualitassistem atas kemampuan perangkat sistem dan prosedur sistem informasi; Keuntungan perusahaanmerupakan pengaruh keberadaan dan pemakaian sistem informasi terhadap kualitas kerja;Kepercayaan terhadap sistem yang digunakan; Pendidikan dan pelatihan yang efektif bagi staf untukmendapat informasi yang berkualitas; Hubungan karyawan yang efektif untuk menghasilkanpekerjaan yang berkualitas tinggi; Lingkungan kerja fisik yang menyenangkan; Pengendalianinternal kontrol proses, sistem kontrol, kontrol akses manusia. Penelitian yang akan datangdiharapkan dengan topik yang sama pada sektor usaha lainnya, seperti perusahaan manufaktur atauyang lainnya; sehingga akan diketahui kesamaan dan perbedaan faktor-faktor yang mendukungkeberhasilan pemanfaatan sistem informasi akuntansi.Kata Kunci : Critical Success Factors, Kualitas Akuntansi, Kualitas Sistem, Sistem InformasiAkuntansi, BankAbstractThis study is to analyze the critical success factors of bank accounting information system in thecity of Semarang. The data used are primary data using questionnaires from respondents. Thesamples were four Banks, with respondents as many as 100 employees of the company. Thesampling carried out by quota sampling was based on consideration of the time and cost of. Quotasampling technique is a sampling technique to assign a certain number as a target to be met in thesampling of the population. The analytical tool used in this study is factor analysis, and regressionanalysis. To know the results of the research used data normality test, the classic assumption testand coefficient of determination. The results showed that the quality of accounting and qualitysystem (information) significant positive effect on the accounting information systems used by thebank in Semarang. The dominant factors in the success of accounting information system used bythe Bank in the city of Semarang is technical and external regulatory compliance and reportingrequirements; Standard control cost accounting performance measures; Support competitiveprovision of financial services to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises; The concept of qualityof the system on the device capability information systems and procedures; The companys profit isthe effect of the existence and use of the information system on the quality of work; Confidence inthe system is used; Effective education and training for the staff to get quality information;Employee relations effective to produce high-quality work; Physical working environment that ispleasant; Internal control process control, control systems, access control human. Expected futurestudies on the same topic in other business sectors, such as manufacturing companies or otherwise;so they will know the similarities and differences in the factors that support the successful use of theaccounting information system. Keywords: Critical Success Factors, Accounting Quality, QualitySystem, Accounting Information Systems, Bank.
Government Strategy in Political Education as Public Participation Improvement to Reach Democracy System in Semarang City Suparno, Suparno; Karmanis, Karmanis; Sunaryo, Alexius
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Democracy and Citizenship in Post 2019 Election
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3920.839 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v5i1.23793


Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country which means all matters in the country must be based on the wishes of the people. Successful democracy in a country can be judged by the implementation of direct, general, free, and secret elections. The people have the right to determine their government so that people have valuable values in a democratic country. In this study, researchers formulated the government strategy in political education as an effort to increase public participation in realizing a democratic system in Semarang City. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in Semarang City, Central Java. The implementation of a political education by the Semarang City government has not been maximized. Based on the results of the research, the provision of information for the implementation of public political participation, especially the young age grouphas not been running optimally. Second, the Media (political parties) as an aggregation of the public interests, must be more active in building communication systems, one of which is by gathering public aspirations in public consultation forums. Third, the implementation of political activities are in various methods, such as social activities, seminars, studies, socialization and training, and coaching, those implementations are determined according to the right conditions, scheduled and routine, but do not rule out the possibility of activities adapted to existing conditions. 
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol 1, No 02 (2020): Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (29.701 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v1i02.1567


AbstractNational Development is carried out in the context of fulfilling the mandate for the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, which is in the public interest by increasing the number of residents accompanied by increasing prosperity. This requires a variety of public facilities such as: network / transportation, educational facilities, worship, sports facilities, communication facilities, public safety facilities and so on.The development, requires land as a container, but the problem is land is a natural resource that is limited in nature, and has never expanded in size. Many available land has been clamped with rights (land rights), and state land has very limited supply. Likewise, Green Open Space is a necessity for each regional area, where each regency / city area is expected to meet the percentage of green space that is 30% divided into 20% public and 10% private (Law 26/2007). Based on the background of the problem, the author examines About Land Procurement for Public Interest in the City of Semarang, using descriptive qualitative research methods.The results of the study: In the context of land acquisition for the implementation of development in the public interest carried out by the Semarang City Government, namely: Land Procurement for the Construction of the Batang - Semarang II Toll Road, Construction of the Pekalongan - Semarang Double Track Crossroad; Development of the Semarang-Bojonegoro Cross Track Double Track; Development and Widening of Kartini - Jolotundo - Gajah Road; Land Procurement for the Normalization of Kali DevelopmentLand Procurement stipulated in approval of the Determination of the construction site in Semarang City is in accordance with Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2008, Regarding National Spatial Planning, Regional Regulation of Central Java Province Number 6 of 2010 Concerning Spatial Planning for Central Java Province 2009 - 2029 and Semarang City Regional Regulation Number 14 of 2011 concerning Semarang City Regional Spatial Planning 2011 - 2031 Article 18 concerning the planning of primary and secondary road systems in the form of expressways by developing expressways. Land acquisition has been successfully implemented because there is an effort to prioritize the principles of agreement, expediency, justice, certainty, openness, participation, equality and minimize the impact of land acquisition. Keywords: Land Procurement, Public Interest and Open Space AbstrakPembangunan Nasional dilaksanakan dalam rangka memenuhi amanat Pembukaan UUD 1945 yaitu untuk kepentingan umum dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk yang disertai semakin meningkatnya kemakmurannya. Hal ini membutuhkan berbagai fasilitas umum seperti: jaringan/transportasi, fasilitas pendidikan, peribadatan, sarana olah raga, fasilitas komunikasi, fasilitas keselamatan umum dan sebagainya.    Pembangunan tersebut, memerlukan tanah sebagai wadahnya, akan tetapi persoalannya tanah merupakan sumberdaya alam yang sifatnya terbatas, dan tidak pernah bertambah luasnya. Tanah yang tersedia sudah banyak yang dilekati dengan hak (tanah hak), dan tanah negara sudah sangat terbatas persediaannya. Begitu juga Ruang Terbuka Hijau merupakan suatu kebutuhan setiap wilayah daerah, dimana Setiap daerah kabupaten/kota diharapkan dapat memenuhi prosentase luasan RTH yakni 30% yang terbagi menjadi 20% publik dan 10% privat. (UU 26/2007). Berdasarkan latarbelakang masalah tersebut, Penulis meneliti Tentang Pengadaan Tanah untuk kepentingan Publik di Kota Semarang, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.Hasil penelitian: Dalam rangka pengadaan tanah untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang, yaitu: Pengadaan Tanah untuk Pembangunan Jalan Tol Batang – Semarang II, Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Kereta Api (Double Track) Lintas Pekalongan – Semarang; Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Kereta Api (Double Track) Lintas Semarang – Bojonegoro; Pembangunan dan Pelebaran Jalan Kartini – Jolotundo – Gajah; Pengadaan Tanah untuk Pembangunan Normalisasi Kali. Pengadaan Tanah yang ditetapkan dalam persetujuan Penetapan lokasi pembangunan di Kota Semarang telah sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun 2008, Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Nasional, Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Nomor 6 tahun 2010 Tentang rencana tata ruang wilayah provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2009 – 2029 dan Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Semarang Tahun 2011 – 2031 Pasal 18 mengenai rencana sistem jalan primer dan sekunder berupa jalan bebas hambatan dengan mengembangan jalan bebas hambatan. Pengadaan Tanah telah berhasil dilaksanakan karena ada upaya mengedepankan asas kesepakatan, kemanfaatan, keadilan, kepastian, keterbukaan, partisipasi, kesetaraan dan meminimalisir dampak pengadaan tanah.Kata Kunci: Pengadaan Tanah, Kepentingan Publik Dan Ruang Terbuka
Government Strategy in Political Education as Public Participation Improvement to Reach Democracy System in Semarang City Suparno, Suparno; Karmanis, Karmanis; Sunaryo, Alexius
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Democracy and Citizenship in Post 2019 Election
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v5i1.23793


Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country which means all matters in the country must be based on the wishes of the people. Successful democracy in a country can be judged by the implementation of direct, general, free, and secret elections. The people have the right to determine their government so that people have valuable values in a democratic country. In this study, researchers formulated the government strategy in political education as an effort to increase public participation in realizing a democratic system in Semarang City. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in Semarang City, Central Java. The implementation of a political education by the Semarang City government has not been maximized. Based on the results of the research, the provision of information for the implementation of public political participation, especially the young age grouphas not been running optimally. Second, the Media (political parties) as an aggregation of the public interests, must be more active in building communication systems, one of which is by gathering public aspirations in public consultation forums. Third, the implementation of political activities are in various methods, such as social activities, seminars, studies, socialization and training, and coaching, those implementations are determined according to the right conditions, scheduled and routine, but do not rule out the possibility of activities adapted to existing conditions. 
Serat Acitya Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Perjuangan untuk Perbaikan
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.943 KB)


In the 1970s,Indonesiais one of thepoorest countries inAsia. In 1976, 54million people in Indonesia(40% of the population) belong to the categoryof poor. In1980-1990anperiodis a period ofhigh economic growth. High economicgrowthis closely linkedwithpoverty reductiondrasticallywhere the numberof poor peoplefell by almost50% from40millionto 22million peoplein 1981s/d1996.In the year2010 the numberof poor peopleamounted to31.02 million people, or about 13:33% andthe poverty ratein March2009 amounted to32.53million, or about 14:15% (BPS). LastBPS dataperSeptember 2013shows that there are28.59millionor11.66% ofthe totalpopulationinIndonesia.PovertyinIndonesia hasdecreasedsignificantlysincethe reformera. Acceleration ofpoverty reductionprogramsinIndonesiais donewithgoodsynergywork programsatnational and local levels. Poverty reduction programscurrently dividedinseveralclusters: Cluster(1) Direct AidSociety(BLM). Thisclusterincludes theSchool Operational Assistance(BOS), Community Health Insurance(Assurance), Ricefor the Poor(Raskin), Family Hope Program(PKH). Cluster1goalistoreducepovertyandimprove thequality ofhuman resources, especiallythe poor.Cluster (2) is the national community empowerment Program (PNPM) independently. The purpose of PNPM Mandiri is to increase prosperity and employment opportunities of the poor independently. Cluster (3) people's business credit (KUR) is a people's business credit is given to the poor without collateral to the community a certain amount. Purpose to provide and strengthening economic access for businessmen of small and micro-scale. An important aspect in strengthening is giving them freely to access of the poor to be able to try and improve the quality of life.In 2011 the Government carry out a Cluster of clusters of four. This Cluster includes: (1) the provision of the House very cheap, (2) a cheap public transport Vehicles, (3) clean water to the people, (4) enhancement of Life for fishermen, (5) improvement of Urban Edge Community Life. The 4 Cluster in the framework of poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), so the expected goal of the Millennium Development Goals (the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 is reached. As it known that the millennium development goals (the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is an attempt to meet the basic needs of the rights of man through a joint commitment between the 189 UN Member States to implement the 8 (eight) Millennium development goals, namely (1) tackling poverty and hunger, (2) achieve primary education for all, (3) encourage gender equality and the empowerment of women, (4) reduce child mortality, (5) improve maternal health, (6) fight against spread of HIVAIDS, malaria and other contagious diseases, (7) Living and Sustainability (8) global partnership in development. Eight of these targets as measurable goals for a single package of development and poverty reduction.In September 2000, the United Nations Millennium Summit, where world leaders agreed on eight development goals that are specific and measurable global called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The first seven goals focus on eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality; In September 2000, the United Nations improve maternal health, combat HIV-AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Whereas the eighth goal calls for the establishment of a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, trade and debt relief.However approach the year 2015, global world will experience the transformation of the global development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The shifting of the MDGs to the SDGs doesn't mean the goal contained in the MDGs fail is reached. Quite the contrary, many world records that reveal the success in various countries, there is a remarkable improvement experienced by the poor countries in the ranking of HDI (human development index) the lowest. In the last 40 years, the State- countries that are in the lowest rank of 25 percent experienced improved HDI to 82. The IMF report in the 2013 Global Monitoring Report also explain the positive trend in the achievement of the MDGs. reduction of half of the world's poor population, reduction of half of the population without access to clean water, the Elimination of gender inequality in primary education in 2015, and the improvement of life in a hundred million slums by 2020 was reached more quickly, i.e. in 2010. ADB, a number of countries in Asia also experienced progress in achieving the millennium development goals. The number of poor population has decreased significantly in Malaysia, Viet Nam and China. In Thailand and Malaysia, long-term policies to overcome poverty coupled with their concern for the environment has made the countries that are in the lowest rank of 25 percent experienced improved HDI to 82. The IMF report, these countries are on a sustainable growth path. But not so the case with Indonesia, a country with a diversity of biodiversity in forests is raining but the risorsis contained therein are not managed sustainably and fairly.Programme of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be forwarded to Suistanable Development Goals (SDGs). The MDGs will expire in 2015, but until now there has been no final draft which will forward the MDGs program. to that end, scientists and many quarters trying to deepen the concept of SDGs as successor to the MDGs. Keywords: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), primary education, maternal health, clean water.
ELECTRONIC-VOTING (E-VOTING) DAN PEMILIHAN UMUM (Studi Komparasi di Indonesia, Brazil, India, Swiss dan Australia) Karmanis Karmanis
Mimbar Administrasi Vol 18, No 2 (2021): MIMBAR ADMINISTRASI FISIP UNTAG Semarang
Publisher : FISIP UNTAG Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.883 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/mia.v18i2.2526


AbstrakIndonesia sebagai negara demokrasi sudah menggunakan metode E-Voting sebagai sarana demokrasi, walaupun baru diterapkan di tingkat pemilihan kepala dusun dan kepala desa. Sistem pemungutan suara elektronik (e-voting) harus diseriusi dan menjamin transparansi, kepastian, keamanan akuntabilitas, dan akurasi. Selain kesiapan teknologi, tentunya harus didukung dengan kesiapan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan sistem e-voting ini ke depannya. Ketidaksiapan dan kurangnya sosialisasi pemerintah terhadap e-voting juga dapat menjadi faktor pemicu kegagalan dalam penerapan sistem ini. Sejak pandemi Covid-19 yang menyebar diseluruh dunia, melumpuhkan kegiatan manusia khusus di Indonesia. Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Indonesia yang diselenggarakan pada 9 Desember 2020 mengalami polemik  physical distancing ditengah pandemi Covid-19. Penerapan sistem E-Voting telah dilakukan oleh beberapa negara misalkan di Brajil, India, Swiss dan Australia mendapatkan respon positif dalam masyarakat, namun juga terdapat kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Metode penelitian diskriptif kwalitatif  dengan pendekatan perbandingan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini, sistem E-Voting dalam Pemilihan Umum dapat meningkatkan nilai demokrasi khusus peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dan memberikan keefektivan serta keefesienan dalam proses pemilihan berlangsung. Namun, penerapan sistem E-Voting masih terkendala dengan adanya hacker yang bisa membobol sistem serta kesiapan pemerintah dalam penggunaan E-Voting. Kata kunci: E-Voting, Pemilu, Dan Demokrasi                                                               AbstractIndonesia as a democratic country has used the E-Voting method as a means of democracy, even though it has only been implemented at the level of election of hamlet heads and village heads. Electronic voting systems must be taken seriously and ensure transparency, certainty, security, accountability and accuracy. In addition to technological readiness, of course, it must be supported by the readiness of the community to implement this e-voting system in the future. The government's unpreparedness and lack of socialization of e-voting can also be a trigger factor for failure in implementing this system. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, which has spread throughout the world, has paralyzed human activities, especially in Indonesia. The Regional Head Election in Indonesia which was held on December 9, 2020 experienced a polemic of Physical Distancing amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. The implementation of the E-Voting system has been carried out by several countries, for example in Brazil, India, Switzerland and Australia, getting a positive response in the community, but there are also shortcomings in its implementation. Qualitative descriptive research method using a comparative approach using secondary data.The results of this study, the E-Voting system in General Elections can increase the value of democracy, especially increasing public participation and providing effectiveness and efficiency in the electoral process. However, the implementation of the E-Voting system is still constrained by the presence of hackers who can break into the system and the government's readiness to use E-Voting. Keywords: E-Voting, Election, and Democracy 
Mimbar Administrasi Vol 17, No 1 (2020): MIMBAR ADMINISTRASI
Publisher : FISIP UNTAG Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (52.3 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/mia.v17i1.1453


ABSTRACTThe Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country, all practices of implementing state power must be based on the will of the people. The success of a country in holding elections that are direct, general, free and confidential will be a measure of the value of the success of the implementation of democracy, the voice of the people in a democratic country is a very valuable value because the people determine the government itself. In this study, researchers formulated how the strategy of applying political education as an effort to increase public participation in realizing a democratic system in the city of Semarang. By using descriptive qualitative research methods. This research was conducted in the city of Semarang, Central Java.The results of the study: First, the implementation of political education conducted by the Semarang City government has not yet run optimally. This is indicated in the results of research that show the role is not yet optimal in providing the information needed for the implementation of public political participation, especially the political participation of young people in political activities. Second, the Media (political parties), as an aggregation of the interests of the people, have to work even harder to build a communication system, one of which is when gathering public aspirations in public consultation forums. Because the public consultation forum is a media meeting between the legislature and the public directly to be expected to become a medium to build real communication about the problems that occur in the community. Third, the implementation of political education, carried out using various methods and strategies including: training and coaching activities, seminars, studies, outreach and social activities. Implementation is determined according to the right conditions, scheduled and routine, but does not rule out the possibility of activities adapted to existing conditions.Recommendations: First, the quality of the organizer especially at the ad hoc committee level needs to be maximized. There are still people who do not vote because of technical problems. KPU's dissemination to the public needs to be intensified as well. Many did not vote because they were not registered in the DPT or did not get clear information related to voter obligations. Second, E-Vote. In the context of direct elections the concept of E-Vote is very likely to be applied, especially in regions or regions which are in sufficient resources. This can support the realization of effective and efficient direct elections, and minimize the potential for manipulation of vote counting. Keywords: Political Education, Participation, DemocracyAbstrakRepublik Indonesia merupakan negara demokrasi, segala praktek penyelenggaraan kekuasaan negara haruslah berdasarkan pada kehendak rakyat. Keberhasilan sebuah negara dalam menyelenggarakan pemilu yang bersifat langsung, umum, bebas dan rahasia akan menjadi tolak ukur nilai kesuksesan penyelenggaraan demokrasi, suara rakyat dalam sebuah negara demokrasi merupakan nilai yang sangat berharga sebab rakyat yang menentukan pemerintahan itu sendiri. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti merumuskan bagaimana strategi penerapan pendidikan politik sebagai upaya peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan sistem demokrasi di kota semarang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah.Hasil penelitian: Pertama, Pelaksanaan Pendidikan politik yang dilakukan pemerintah Kota Semarang, belum berjalan secara maksimal. Hal ini terindikasi pada hasil penelitian yang menunjukan belum maksimalnya peranannya dalam menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan bagi pelaksanaan partisipasi politik masyarakat, khususnya partisipasi politik generasi muda pada aktifitas politik. Kedua, Media (partai politik) sebagai agregasi kepentingan masyarakat, harus lebih keras lagi membangun sistem komunikasi, salah satunya pada saat penjaringan aspirasi publik dalam forum konsultasi publik. Karena forum konsultasi publik merupakan media pertemuan antara legislatif dan masyarakat langsung untuk diharapkan dapat menjadi media untuk membangun komunikasi riil tentang masalah-masalah yang terjadi di masyarakat. Ketiga, Pelaksanaan pendidikan politik, dilaksanakan menggunakan berbagai metode dan strategi antara lain: kegiatan pelatihan dan pembinaan, seminar, kajian-kajian, sosialisasi dan kegiatan sosial. Pelaksanaannya ditentukan menurut kondisi yang tepat, terjadwal dan rutin, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan kegiatan disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang ada.Rekomendasi: Pertama, Kualitas penyelenggara terutama ditingkat panitia ad hoc perlu dimaksimalkan. Masih terdapat masyarakat yang tidak memberikan suara karena masalah-masalah teknis. Sosialisasi KPU kepada masyarakat perlu digiatkan pula. Banyak yang tidak memilih karena tidak terdaftar dalam DPT atau tidak mendapat informasi yang jelas terkait kewajiban pemilih. Kedua, E-Vote. Dalam konteks Pemilu langsung konsep E-Vote sangat mungkin diterapkan, khususnya daerah atau wilayah-wilayah yang secara sumber daya sudah memadai. Hal ini dapat mendukung terwujudnya Pemilu langsung yang efektif, dan efisien, serta meminimalisir potensi manipulasi penghitungan suara.
Mimbar Administrasi Vol 19, No 1 (2022): MIMBAR ADMINISTRASI
Publisher : FISIP UNTAG Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.084 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/mia.v19i1.2967


AbstrakDemokrasi mengamanatkan adanya persamaan akses dan peranserta penuh bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan, atas dasar prinsip persamaan derajat, dalam semua wilayah dan tataran kehidupan publik, terutama dalam posisi-posisi pengambilan keputusan. Platform Aksi Beijing dan Konvensi tentang Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Perempuan (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women atau CEDAW) merekomendasikan agar semua pemerintah di dunia agar memberlakukan kuota sebagai langkah khusus yang bersifat sementara untuk meningkatkan jumlah perempuan di dalam jabatan-jabatan appointif (berdasarkan penunjukan/pengangkatan) maupun elektif (berdasarkan hasil pemilihan) pada tingkat pemerintahan lokal dan nasional. Kajian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif,  Analisis data yakni: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penerikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data: derajat kepercayaan, keteralihan, ketergantungan, kepastian. Hasil kajian, Organisasi-organisasi intrernasional yang berkecimpung dalam urusan perempuan di dunia politik. Salah satu organisasi adalah Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) yang telah menjadi perintis upaya menggali informasi komparatif tentang perempuan yang terjun di dunia politik. Meskipun banyak tempat jumlah mereka sangat kecil, sesungguhnya para anggota parlemen perempuan dapat bekerja secara efektif dan menghasilkan dampak yang nyata. Perlu ada upaya meningkatkan jumlah perempuan di parlemen menuju strategi-strategi untuk memperkuat kemampuan mereka dalam membuat keputusan di parlemen. Kuota merupakan salah satu mekanisme yang paling efektif untuk menjamin akses perempuan menuju kekuasaan politik. Negara-negara yang memiliki massa kritis kaum perempuan (30 persen) di parlemen, dewan-dewan legislatif, membuktikan adanya pemberlakuan sistem kuota itu, baik yang diterapkan secara sukarela oleh partai-partai politik maupun yang digariskan oleh undang-undang. Kata Kunci: Keterwakilan, Perempuan, Parlemen. AbstractDemocracy mandates equal access and full participation for men and women, on the basis of the principle of equality, in all areas and levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions. The Beijing Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) recommend that all governments around the world adopt quotas as a special temporary measure to increase the number of women in office. appointive (based on appointment/appointment) and elective (based on election results) at the local and national government levels. This study uses a qualitative approach, data analysis, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity: degree of trustworthiness, transferability, dependability, certainty. The results of the study, international organizations that are involved in women's affairs in the world of politics. One such organization is the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which has pioneered efforts to gather comparative information about women who are involved in politics. Even though in many places they are very small in number, women MPs can actually work effectively and make a real impact. There needs to be an effort to increase the number of women in parliament towards strategies to strengthen their ability to make decisions in parliament. Quotas are one of the most effective mechanisms to ensure women's access to political power. Countries that have a critical mass of women (30 percent) in parliament, legislative assemblies, prove the existence of the quota system, whether implemented voluntarily by political parties or as outlined by law. Keywords: Representation, Women, Parliament.
Dialogue : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/dialogue.v2i2.9805


Indonesia as a democratic country has entered the era of the millennium in the implementation of general elections simultaneously, it is necessary to utilize computer technology using the Electronic-Voting (E-Voting) method. Several regions in Indonesia have used the E-Voting method as a means of democracy which is applied at the hamlet and village head election levels. Village Head election policy with E-Voting as a new means of democracy through a touch of the monitor screen and E-Verification through voters' E-KTP. For example: Pemalang Regency (Ujunggede Village), Jembrana Regency in Bali (Mendoyo Dangin Tukad Village). Elections through e-voting must be designed as best as possible to realize the principles of direct elections, namely direct, general, free, secret (overflow) and honest and fair (fair) in direct elections. Electronic voting systems (e-voting) must be taken seriously and ensure transparency, certainty, security, accountability, and accuracy. In addition to technology readiness, of course, it must be supported by the readiness of the community in implementing this e-voting system in the future. The government's unpreparedness and lack of socialization of e-voting can also be a factor triggering failure in implementing this system.
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 01 (2022): Public Sercive and Governance Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.294 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v3i01.2787


ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi mempengaruhi berbagai lini kehidupan, termasuk perkembangan sistem pemerintahan. Saat ini pemerintah pusat maupun daerah gencar menggunakan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sebagai sarana publik, tuntutan terhadap keterbukaan informasi yang menyeluruh, serta layanan publik berbasis internet akan mempengaruhi sistem birokrasi yang akan datang. Pelayanan publik yang selama ini dilakukan dengan beinteraksi secara langsung harus dibatasi bahkan harus beralih kepada pelayanan secara online.  Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji urgensi refornasi administrasi dalam citizen-centric dan e-government di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kwalitatif. Penulis menemukan bahwa penggunaan e-government di Indonesia masih perlu ditingkatkan. Indonesia perlu mengoptimalkan penggunaan model integrasi vertikal dan integrasi horizontal yang menghadirkan network service layanan satu pintu yang membutuhkan transformasi pelayanan publik dari model Old Administration Public menuju New Public Service. Hal ini perlu juga ditunjang dengan adanya reformasi regulasi di bidang Administrasi Publik untuk meningkatkan sinergitas dan harmonisasi antar lembaga pemerintah, agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih kewenangan dan konflik antar lembaga yang dapat menghambat pemberian layanan kepada masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Refornasi Administrasi; Citizen-Centric, dan E-GovernmentABSTRACT The development of information and communication technology affects various lines of life, including the development of the government system. Currently, the central and regional governments are intensively using information and communication technology media as public facilities, the demands for comprehensive information disclosure, and internet-based public services will affect the future bureaucratic system. Public services that have been carried out by direct interaction must be limited and even have to switch to online services. This study aims to examine the urgency of administrative reform in citizen-centric and e-government in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method. The author finds that the use of e-government in Indonesia still needs to be improved. Indonesia needs to optimize the use of vertical integration and horizontal integration models that provide a one-stop service network that requires the transformation of public services from the Old Administration Public model to the New Public Service. This also needs to be supported by regulatory reforms in the field of State Administration to increase synergy and harmonization between government institutions, so that there is no overlapping of authorities and conflicts between institutions that can hinder the delivery of services to the community. Keywords: Administrative Reform; Citizen-Centric, and E-Government.