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Pengembangan Four-Tier Multiple Choice Test untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Multirepresentasi Siswa pada Materi Gerak Harmonik Sederhana Janah, Anisa Furtakhul; Mindyarto, Budi Naini; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
JPFT (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Tadulako Online) Vol 8, No 3 (2020): E-Jurnal Pend. Fisika Tadulako
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Most of the evaluation tools available in high schools still prioritize mathematical analysis, and give less attention to the students. As a result, it causes mathematics anxiety among students. A multi-representation based four-tier multiple choice test can help students with mathematics anxiety to use other representational abilities, such as pictures, verbal, graphs and tables.The research objective was to develop an evaluation tool that was used to determine the characteristics of the instrument, the quality of the instrument, and to measure the multirepresentasis abilities of students on simple harmonic motion material. This research was a Research and Development (R & D) type. Sampling was carried out at three SMAN 1 in Tegal Regency, with a total of 315 students as respondents. The four-tier multiple choice test consists of 27 items covering four representations, namely mathematics, tables, verbal and pictures/graphics. The average result of validity by experts is 86.21% with very good category. The reliability value in the field test were 0.890 at SMAN 1 ); 0.885 at SMAN 1 Q; and 0.887 at SMAN 1 R. The distinguishing power test showed that 74.08% of the items were accepted (SMAN 1 P); 59.26% of questions were accepted (SMAN 1 Q); and 66.67% of the questions were accepted (SMAN 1 R). The difficulty level of the questions shows that 14.81% of the questions are difficult; 66.67% medium questions; and 18.52% easy questions. If the questions used table representations, 52.44% of students were able to convert them to graphs. Meanwhile questions with verbal representations found that most students were able to convert them to tables (52.85%). However, for questions with image representations, most students were able to convert them to verbal with 53.23% and questions with mathematical representations, so most students were able to convert them to verbal, with 49.84%.
Analisis Pemahaman Konsep dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Konsep Rangka Manusia Berbantuan Media Interaktif Berbasis Android Muslichatun, Muslichatun; Ellianawati, Ellianawati; Wardani, Sri
widiyanto Vol 7, No 1 (2021): JPK, Jurnal Profesi Keguruan
Publisher : LP3 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpk.v7i1.29330


Pembelajaran dengan sistem jarak jauh pada masa wabah Covid-19 menimbulkan kendala, salah satunya guru kesulitan dalam memberikan penjelasan ataupun pemahaman terkait materi pelajaran yang membutuhkan penggunaan media sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran. Keterbatasan inilah yang mendorong terciptanya Media Interaktif Berbasis Android yang dapat di akses mandiri sebagai media dan sumber belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan media interaktif berbasis android terhadap pemahaman konsep dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran (Mixed Methods) dalam bentuk Convergent Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD yang ada di Kecamatan Bulu, Kabupaten Temanggung. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri Wonosari dan SD Negeri 3 Wonotirto. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi dan tes tertulis kepada para siswa. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, uji t-test dan uji N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut: (1) Terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran berbantuan media interaktif berbasis android terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi konsep rangka manusia dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran menggunakan media video powerpoint pada aplikasi whatsapp (presentase ketuntasan kelas eksperimen yang meningkat sebanyak 77,78% dibandingkan kelas kontrol yang hanya sebesar 66,66%). (2) terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara pemahaman konsep siswa dengan hasil belajar siswa, setelah diterapkan media interaktif berbasis android (berdasarkan perhitungan koefisien determinan atau R square, pemahaman konsep dapat memberikan pengaruh sebesar 35,5% terhadap kenaikan hasil belajar siswa). Skor di kelas eksperimen dengan penggunaan media interaktif berbasis android lebih tinggi daripada skor di kelas kontrol yang menggunakan media pembelajaran video powerpoint.Abstract Learning with a remote system during the Covid-19 outbreak caused obstacles, one of which was the difficulty of teachers in providing explanations or understanding regarding subject matter that required the use of media as a learning aid. This limitation has led to the creation of Android-based Interactive Media that can be accessed independently as a medium and learning resource for students. This study aims to analyze the effect of using Android-based interactive media on conceptual understanding and student learning outcomes. This study uses a mixed research method (Mixed Methods) in the form of Convergent Design. The population in this study were elementary school students in Bulu District, Temanggung Regency. The sample of this research was the fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Wonosari and SD Negeri 3 Wonotirto. The research data were collected by observing and writing tests to the students. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test and N-gain test. The results showed the following: (1) There was an effect of the application of the learning model assisted by interactive media based on android on students' conceptual understanding of the human skeleton concept material compared to learning using video PowerPoint media in the WhatsApp application (the percentage of completeness of the experimental class increased by 77.78% compared to the control class which was only 66.66%). (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between students' conceptual understanding and student learning outcomes, after implementing Android-based interactive media (based on the calculation of the determinant coefficient or R square, understanding the concept can have an effect of 35.5% on the increase in student learning outcomes). The scores in the experimental class using Android-based interactive media were higher than the scores in the control class using PowerPoint video learning media.
Peningkatan Literasi Sains Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Bermuatan Etnosains Masfufah, Febri Heni; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 9 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v9i2.41918


The results of early observation at SMP N 3 Karanglewas show that the average scientific literacy of students is still relatively low, so an innovative learning approach is needed to train students' scientific literacy. This research aims to determine the effect of CTL implementation contained with ethnoscience on physics learning on student’s scientific literacy and determine its enhancement. This type of research is pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. Sampling technique in this research used purposive sampling at SMP N 3 Karanglewas. The sample in this study was class VIII C, amounting to 30 students. Aspects of scientific literacy in this research knowledge, context, competencies, and attitudes. The instruments used were student response questionnaires, observation sheets, learning devices, pretest and posttest. The results of the data obtained were analyzed using the normality test, t test, N-gain test, and calculation of the average aspects. The results showed that the average value of scientific literacy in the sample class was 77,57. The implementation of the CTL approach with ethnoscience on physics learning is able to increase student literacy skills by 0.583 which are in the medium category. So it can be concluded that the implementation of the approach to contextual teaching and learning (CTL) with ethnoscience on physics learning can increase students' scientific literacy skills.
Pengembangan Mobile Module Fisika Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Materi Suhu dan Pemuaian di SMK Afrian, Zain; Ellianawati, Ellianawati; Susilo, Susilo
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 9 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v9i3.45866


This study aims to produce a Physics Mobile Module (Moba MOP) based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) which is feasible on the topic of temperature and expansion. The method used is research and development (R&D) with the 4D model, consisting of the stages of define, design, develop and dessiminate. In this research, only up to the develop stage. The resulting product is Moba MOP learning media in the form of an android application which is presented with the stages of a problem-based learning model. The results showed that the Moba MOP application based on problem-based learning was feasible based on the validation results of 3 experts by obtaining an average score with good criteria in terms of content, language, presentation and graphic aspects.
Berpikir Kreatif dan analisis Peserta Didik Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Posing ditinjau dari Skimming and Mind Mapping Gelombang Mekanik Febriani, Marosyana Ayu; Ellianawati, Ellianawati; Wahyuni, Siti; Nurbaiti, Upik
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v10i1.46652


Creative and analyzing thingking is a competence that students need in studying physics on the subject of mechanical waves by developing ideas with the result that they can be analyzed through examples of everyday life. The competence of creative thinking and analyzing of class XI students in SMA Negeri 1 Dempet, Demak Regency when studying physics is less optimal and feels bored faster. This is because students still depend on the formulas used without knowing the concept, and they are passive in participating in learning activities by only paying attention to the teacher's explanation. Learning that is suitable for developing creative thinking and analytical skills is to use the Problem Posing learning model in terms of skimming and mind mapping, with the aim of research to determine the effectiveness and describe the competence to think creatively and analyze. This study used a mixed methods and the sample was selected through purposive sampling technique so that the experimental class and control class were obtained. In the experimental class, the treatment was given to the Problem Posing learning model in terms of skimming and mind mapping, while the control class was given treatment of the Problem Based Learning learning model. The results showed that the more students follow the learning using Problem Posing through skimming and mind mapping techniques, the better the final competence test results for creative thinking and analyzing. This is shown based on triangulation in each category of skimming and mind mapping observations with the final ability of creative thinking and analysis
Implementation of Science Virtual Class Based Schoology in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skill Budhiman, Arief; Ellianawati, Ellianawati; Wahyuni, Siti
Journal of Innovative Science Education Article In Press
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v9i3.43533


Implementing appropriate strategies in learning so that students acquire 21st century skills is an important thing for teachers to do. These skills will equip students to adapt to the needs of their era. One of the skills is critical thinking. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, all educational institutions were encouraged to carry out online learning to prevent massive transmission of the corona virus. In science learning, it emphasizes students to learn independently by providing clear instructions from the teachers to practice critical thinking. One of the media that can bridge the needs of students to learn independently in practicing critical thinking is Schoology. The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of schoology virtual science-based learning in improving critical thinking of students. The study was a quasi-experimental design. The sample of this research were 64 students taken through purposive sampling. The improvement of students' critical thinking skills was identified from the essay test given. The results showed that the size impact (d) reached high category (1.85). It means that the schoology virtual science-based learning have a high influence in improving students' critical thinking skill. Furthermore, the t-test showed a sig value. 0.000 and N-Gain in the experimental class reached 0.50 while the control class reached 0.27. It indicates that the implementation of schoology virtual science-based learning can improve students' critical thinking skill.
Implementation of Project -Based Learning Model (PjBL) Using STREAM-Based Approach in Elementary Schools Azizah, Wulan Aulia; Sarwi, Sarwi; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
Journal of Primary Education Vol 9 No 3 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v9i3.39950


Learning in 21st Century focuses on the development of students learning activities in order to increase their creativity through creative products. This study aims to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning model using STREAM-based approach (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) on students learning activities and the results of creative products made by students. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. The data source was chosen using purposive sampling technique. The research subjects are 3 elementary schools in Banjarmasin city, amounting to 80 students. Data collection techniques were done through observation and product assesment. The results showed that the implementation of the PjBL model using STREAM-based approach had an effect on increasing the result of students learning up to 92.1 (very good), and their activeness in learning activities made them become more creative in designing an interesting product. In this study there were 4 creative products created by the students namely drip irrigation, water cycle, water quality test, and religious-based picture story booklets. The implication of this research is a great opportunity for teachers in elementary schools to use PjBL model using STREAM-based approach in order to increase students’ interest, creativity, and social attitudes in learning.
Flash Interactive Media to Improve the Mastery of Light Properties Concept Widyaningsih, Mitasari; Samsudi, Samsudi; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
Journal of Primary Education Vol 9 No 5 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v9i5.42991


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of flash interactive media in improving students' understanding of concepts in elementary schools. This type of research was mixed methods with an embedded experimental model design. Quantitative data analysis techniques on the variable understanding of the concept, namely the results of the analysis of the students' pretest and posttest questions by using paired sample t-test. The results of the analysis are then triangulated with the qualitative Focus Group Discussion (FGD) data and the results of the interviews. This study involved 54 students who were selected by using the nonprobability sampling technique: purposive sampling. The population consists of 31 public schools and 13 private schools. The results of this study show a significant increase in the concept of understanding in the form of an increase in the average score understanding of concepts by 17.82%. According to questionnaire data that has been distributed, teachers and students respond very well to learning using the flash interactive media. Students' motivation to learn accompanies an increase in their understanding of concepts. It appears that the application of flash interactive media in science learning has a positive impact on increasing motivation that has an impact on increasing students' conceptual understanding.
The Implementation of Project-Based Learning With Integrated STEM in Distance Learning Baihaqi, Muhammad Arifin; Sarwi, Sarwi; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
Educational Management Vol 9 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Educational Management

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This study aimed to analyze the improvement of communication skills through project-based learning with integrated STEM in distance learning. The research method was a type of quantitative experiment using Pre-Test Post-Test in one group. The research sample was fifth grade students from A-Elementary School, B-Elementary School, C-Elementary School, D-Elementary School in Magelang City with a total of 78 students. Data obtained through tests collected on google forms. Communication skills were analyzed using the N-gain test. The relationship between written and oral communication was analyzed using the correlation test. Final results showed that the ability of oral and written communication increased by an average of 0.67 and 0.57 with the moderate category. The results of the N-gain showed that project-based learning with integrated STEM can improve oral and written communication of each student in the moderate category. The relationship between collaboration and communication skills showed a positive direction, which mean that the better oral communication skills, the better written communication skills will be
The Use of Video as Teaching Media to Improve SMPN 1 Wonosalam Student Understanding on The Topic of Simple Machine Millah, Isna Lukluil; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
Physics Communication Vol 4, No 1 (2020): February 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/physcomm.v4i1.11789


The purpose of this research is to investigate the understanding of physics concept on the topic of simple machine through the application of learning media assisted discovery model. This pre- experimental study used pre-test – post-test. The sample of the research is the students of class VIIIG SMP Negeri 1 Wonosalam Demak academic year 2019/2020. The concept comprehension test results were analyzed using the n-gain test of the mean score and interview questionnaire. The average value of pretest 54 and the average post-test score increased to 87. The gain test results showed the high category. It was concluded that discovery-assisted learning model of video media teaching materials improved the student’s understanding of the concept of simple machine topic.
Co-Authors A Rusli A. Sopyan, A. Achmad Sopyan Aditya Marianti Afrian, Zain Agung Tri Prasetya Agus Suprianto Agus Yulianto Agus Yulianto Aldi Ihsandi Ali Djamhuri Alvian, Alvian Alvian, Alvian Ani Rusilowati Anisa Setiyani Ardi Soesilo Wibowo Ariati, Theodora Prahereni Novi Arief Budhiman Arik Pujiyanti Aryani, Nila Prasetya Aryono Adhi Azizah, Wulan Aulia B. Subali Baihaqi, Muhammad Arifin Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Subali Basyaruddin, Irfan Belita Yoan Intania Budi Naini Mindyarto, Budi Naini Cholila, M. D Rusdiana D. Rusdiana Darmahastuti, H. Darsono, Teguh Desianna, Ika Devi Meiarti Didik Setiawan Dyah Rini Indriyanti Edy Cahyono Effendy, Suhardi Effendy, Suhardi Eresa Putri Meilanie Erlina Puspita Wahyuningtyas Esty Setyo Utaminingsih Faikotun Nikmah Fazyudi Ahmad Nadzri Febriani, Marosyana Ayu Felia Oktaviana Sekarningtias Fianti Fianti, Fianti Fitria Wulandari Fitroh, Ummi Nuzulul Frisca Amedia Ghaida Nisa Gita Ayu Permatasari H. Firman Hanik Aida Hartono, Rudi Helina Pancawardhani Hidayat, Praba Wahyu Ian Yulianti, Ian Ida Kaniawati Idammatussilmi Indah Beti Lestari Indah Beti Lestari Indra Kartika Sari Isdaryanti, Barokah Isnaedi, Wiwi Isti Hidayah Isti Nur Hayanah Izza Melati Sukma J Sabandar Janah, Anisa Furtakhul Katrina Ramadhani Lestari, Indah Beti Marantika, Anisa Aulia Maria Ayu Puspita Masfufah, Febri Heni Merdhenita Restuti Miftakhul Jannah MIFTAKHUL JANNAH Milah, Isna Lukluil Millah, Isna Lukluil Mohamad Sidiq Mohammad Agus Prayitno Mohammad Mubarrak bin Mohd Yusof Mosik - Mufiatunnikmah, Siti Muhammad An’im Arravi Muslichatun, Muslichatun Nanik Wijayati Niken Tri Widayati Nindy Ulqia Norasikin Yahya Nuni Widiarti Nur Fitri Asih Nur Khasanah Nur Wahyudi Nurahman, Nurul Iman Nurhasan Ropii Pakungwati, Intan Fauziyyah Pontus, Theresia Avila Praptiwi, Ucca Swasti Putri Handayani Putri Handayani Putut Marwoto Qori Agussuryani Rachma Afifah Ramadhani, Katrina Restuti, Merdhenita Rofita Istiqomah Rohim, Ahmad Minanur Rosnah Zakaria Ryzka Cahyaningrum S. N. Khotimah, S. N. S. Wahyuni Samsudi . Sarwi - Sarwi Sarwi Sayang Mohd Deni Sekarini, Assa Prima Setiani, Yuniar Setiyadi, Hafid Setyaningsih, Natalia Erna Shabrina Caesharah Aulia Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris Sigit Saptono Sismanto Sismanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siti Fairuz Dalim Siti Mufiatunnikmah Siti Wahyuni Slamet Firdaus Sopyan, Achmad Sri Haryani Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sri Sumartiningsih SRI WARDANI Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Suharto Linuwih Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Suryanto, Wiwit Susilo Susilo Sutikno Madnasri Syir' Anatut Taqiyyah Sylvia Ervina Safitri Teoh Sian Hoon Theresia Avila Pontus Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Maria Wea Ucca Swasti Praptiwi Ucca Swasti Praptiwi Ulfa, Cinta Rahmalia Upik Nurbaiti W. Wiyanto Wahyu Hardyanto Wahyu Listiagfiroh Wahyudi Wahyudi Widyaningsih, Mitasari Wiwi Isnaedi Wiwi Isnaeni Wiyanto - Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Woro Sumarni Wulan Aulia Azizah Yeni Rima Liana Yuniarti, Nenik Zahidah, Nila Zahro, Unes Satuz Zulfatul Faizah