Aris Fauzan, Aris
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Jl. Laksda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta.

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KONSEP INGSUN DALAM SASTRA SUFI JAWA: Analisis Terhadap Ingsun Siti Jenar Fauzan, Aris
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 10, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v10i1.745


Pembicaraan tentang Syekh Siti Jenar dan ungkapannya “Iya Ingsun iki Allah”menimbulkan polemic di kalangan masyarakat, hingga melahirkan kesimpulan bahwaSyekh Siti Jenar mengaku sebagai Tuhan, Allah. Namun membaca teks-teks sufismeJawa, tidak bisa hanya membaca dan memaknai secara harfiah suatu ungkapan yangterpisah. Begitu pula membaca pernyataan Syekh Siti Jenar “Iya Ingsun iki Allah.”Untuk memahaminya diperlukan rujukan lain seperti Suluk Acih, Serat SulukWalisana, dan tiga Serat Siti Jenar masing-masing karya Raden Sasrawijaya, RadenMas Ngabehi Mangunwijaya, dan Raden Mas Harjawijaya. Berdasarkan pada tigapembacaan terhadap teks-teks tersebut dengan menggunakan pendekatan integrasiinterkoneksitekstual, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ingsun mempunyai arti yang tidaktunggal. Dalam hal ini ingsun berarti, hakikat Tuhan, ingsun sebagai ungkapanpuncak rohani, ingsun sebagai representasi manusia sempurna, dan ingsun sebagaibentuk pembicaraan dua orang yang mempunyai derajat yang sama atau saling marah.Dijatuhkannya hukuman pada Syekh Siti Jenar atas pertimbangan social politiksemata. Karena pada kenyataannya para wali tidak menolak konsep-konsep ingsunyang ada dalam ajaran sufisme Siti Jenar.
Membaca Fenomena Shalat Sebagai Sebuah Tanda Fauzan, Aris
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jdk.v2i1.277


This paper attempts to read the phenomenon of prayer as a sign by placing prayer as a result of social construction. This is triggered by the emergence of the assumption that some people who try to simplify prayers by replacing them with other activities such as recall (in any condition) and do good. Furthermore the author asks the question as follows: What is the meaning of prayer in the religious tradition? How to understand prayer in the reading of dialectics-normative and social sign? To answer the question, the writer uses normative dialectic reading pattern and semiotic approach (signology). The results of the study of the authors do is: first, physically lahiriyah, prayer directs the perpetrators into a knot (an important point) on the universal website that unites between Muslims wherever they are and from whatever madhhab he embraces. Second, spiritually spiritual, prayer builds personal reinforcement that is in the primordial realiatation with the continuous reality of sharia. This continuity not only connects to the spiritual experience of fellow Muslims around the world, but also connects the experience of a Muslim with the spirituality of Abraham and Muhammad. Third, that shalat and shahadah are two things inseparable spiritually and physically, both in essence and sharia
Amuk: Sindrom Barat dan Pemberontakan Tak Sadar (Analisis Kritis Pergeseran Makna Amuk dalam Lintasan Sejarah) Fauzan, Aris
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v2i1.258


This article begins with the writers "disquiet" about the massively absorbed word amuk in English (Europe in general). Whereas the original amuk is a word in Javanese Kawi, which can also be found in Malay, Indonesian, and Tagalok. Starting from this background the author further attempts to reveal the meaning and spirit of the times used by society until the adoption of amuk in the European language. In this brief study the author reveals that: first, the amuk that comes from the Javanese kuno language is not merely means to act brutally and wildly unconsciously the culprit, but amuk can also be interpreted with mengunyak or war. Secondly, amuk is adapted in European language because Europeans can not reason when witnessing amuk acts committed by Malays. In the Mindanao region of the Philippines, amok - by Americans - is used to identify juromendo and sabil actions perpetrated by Moros. Third, in the development of amuk serve as a language of psychopathology for those who carry out brutal acts because of mental health. Fourth, wisely European scientists defend the actions of amuk by the Malays because they are depressed and humiliated by the invaders.
KONSEP INGSUN DALAM SASTRA SUFI JAWA: Analisis Terhadap Ingsun Siti Jenar Fauzan, Aris
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 10, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.986 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v10i1.745


Pembicaraan tentang Syekh Siti Jenar dan ungkapannya Iya Ingsun iki Allahmenimbulkan polemic di kalangan masyarakat, hingga melahirkan kesimpulan bahwaSyekh Siti Jenar mengaku sebagai Tuhan, Allah. Namun membaca teks-teks sufismeJawa, tidak bisa hanya membaca dan memaknai secara harfiah suatu ungkapan yangterpisah. Begitu pula membaca pernyataan Syekh Siti Jenar Iya Ingsun iki Allah.Untuk memahaminya diperlukan rujukan lain seperti Suluk Acih, Serat SulukWalisana, dan tiga Serat Siti Jenar masing-masing karya Raden Sasrawijaya, RadenMas Ngabehi Mangunwijaya, dan Raden Mas Harjawijaya. Berdasarkan pada tigapembacaan terhadap teks-teks tersebut dengan menggunakan pendekatan integrasiinterkoneksitekstual, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ingsun mempunyai arti yang tidaktunggal. Dalam hal ini ingsun berarti, hakikat Tuhan, ingsun sebagai ungkapanpuncak rohani, ingsun sebagai representasi manusia sempurna, dan ingsun sebagaibentuk pembicaraan dua orang yang mempunyai derajat yang sama atau saling marah.Dijatuhkannya hukuman pada Syekh Siti Jenar atas pertimbangan social politiksemata. Karena pada kenyataannya para wali tidak menolak konsep-konsep ingsunyang ada dalam ajaran sufisme Siti Jenar.
Al-Nabiy Al-Ummiy dalam Telaah Historis-Semiotik Fauzan, Aris
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STAIN Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v3i1.466


This article tries to reveal another meaning to the word al-nabiy al-ummiy in the context of historic-Sufistic. Among Indonesian mufassirs al-nabiy al-ummiy means less read and write, although there are other muslim scholars who understand that the Prophet Muhammad does not know how to read and write. Based on this latter view it becomes an apologetic argument that all the revelations revealed to the Prophet Muhammad are independently. There were not influenced by the previous traditions and religious cultures. To find the meaning beyond the conventional meaning above, the author tries to trace the historical background before and during Muhammad's time by using descriptive analytic-historical and sufistic. The result of this discussion of the author finds that beyond the common sense al-nabiy al-ummiy can be understood by: first, that Muhammad saw as the perfect person he became the source (babon), polecy (policy), and wisdom (wisdom) both vertical and horizontal among the people. Secondly, based on the historical reality of the proud Arab nation if it is attributed to the lineage of Mother's side, it affirms that the prophet Muhammad is an honorable man. Third, al-nabiy al-ummiy became one of the visions of Islam as a motherly religion that women should be honored and get their rights. Fourth, al-nabiy al-ummiy as proof that the prophet Muhammad gave strict laws against the mothers (of a husband) who can not be passed on to the children of his old wife.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 10, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.986 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v10i1.745


Pembicaraan tentang Syekh Siti Jenar dan ungkapannya Iya Ingsun iki Allahmenimbulkan polemic di kalangan masyarakat, hingga melahirkan kesimpulan bahwaSyekh Siti Jenar mengaku sebagai Tuhan, Allah. Namun membaca teks-teks sufismeJawa, tidak bisa hanya membaca dan memaknai secara harfiah suatu ungkapan yangterpisah. Begitu pula membaca pernyataan Syekh Siti Jenar Iya Ingsun iki Allah.Untuk memahaminya diperlukan rujukan lain seperti Suluk Acih, Serat SulukWalisana, dan tiga Serat Siti Jenar masing-masing karya Raden Sasrawijaya, RadenMas Ngabehi Mangunwijaya, dan Raden Mas Harjawijaya. Berdasarkan pada tigapembacaan terhadap teks-teks tersebut dengan menggunakan pendekatan integrasiinterkoneksitekstual, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ingsun mempunyai arti yang tidaktunggal. Dalam hal ini ingsun berarti, hakikat Tuhan, ingsun sebagai ungkapanpuncak rohani, ingsun sebagai representasi manusia sempurna, dan ingsun sebagaibentuk pembicaraan dua orang yang mempunyai derajat yang sama atau saling marah.Dijatuhkannya hukuman pada Syekh Siti Jenar atas pertimbangan social politiksemata. Karena pada kenyataannya para wali tidak menolak konsep-konsep ingsunyang ada dalam ajaran sufisme Siti Jenar.
Effect of Family Support, Learning Strategies, And Lecturer Professional Competence Through Self-Regulated Learning Mediator on Online Learning Motivation of FAI PTKIS Students Kopertais III Yogyakarta Khoiriyah, Siti; Khilmiyah, Akif; Fauzan, Aris
EDUKASIA Vol 16, No 2 (2021): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v16i2.11508


This study aims to determine the effect of family support, learning strategies and lecturers’ professional competence through self-regulated learning mediator on the online learning motivation of students of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) PTKIS III (UMY and UAD). The research analysis uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the assistance of AMOS program. The results show that there is a significant effect of family support, learning strategies and lecturers’ professional competence through self-regulated learning mediator on online learning motivation. Based on the results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), it is found that after the Modification Indices, the criteria of Goodness of Fit is met with a Chi-square value of 56,760, Sig-Probability 0,94, CMIN/DF 1,290, GFI 0,963, CFI 0,983, TLI 0,983, NFI 0,952, RMSEA 0.032 and RMR 0.124. From these results, it is indicated that the model is fit. The implication of this research for the community is to increase motivation to learn online, it requires family emotional support, learning strategies by creating a high and fun learning strategies and good learning programs.
Islamic Character Values in Ecological Education Practices at Sanggar Anak Alam (Salam), Nitiptayan-Bantul Anwiyah, Rifatul; Rahmatullah, Azam Syukur; Fauzan, Aris
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 9 No 2 (2021): Islamic Educational Studies
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36667/jppi.v9i2.751


The purpose of this study is to analyze the values ​​of Islamic character in the practice of ecological education in the non-formal school of Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM), Nitiptayan, Bantul by examining the problem how the environmental practices carried out by SALAM? the ecological practices carried out by Sanggar Anak Alam?, how is the process of instilling Islamic character values ​​in environmental practices at Sanggar Anak Alam? based on the results of the data obtained, namely the importance ​​of character education of Sanggar Anak Alam have a strong relationship with the substance of values ​​in Islamic teachings which are reflected in fundamental aspects and give meaning to Islam. This study describes the development of the environment is to maintain the balance of nature and the balance of the social atmosphere. This research also confirms that the community, which also gives meaning to the relationship of spirituality with a deeper appreciation of religion, tends to have a deep concern for environmental issues. The character education process from this ecological practice can be shown from the learning cycle, namely awareness, habituation, actual training, example and reflection.