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Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 25 No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The research has aim to examine the aspect validity of literary competance on the instrument test of the odd semester final examination in academic year 2012/2013 grade VII of the state junior high school in West Ngawi Region. The research was descriptive qualitative research, which related to the validity test of the instrument test item in the final examination. The data ceollected then analized of its validity by using the four language competence i.e. listening, speaking, reading, dan writing, and also analized based on its accordance level to the literary basic competence. The validity type which used on the research was the content validity which did not involve the statistic calculation at all except the rational analysis. The result data of the validity test was the qualitative data, i.e. the description of validity test to the odd semester final instrument test of state junior high school grade VII in academic year 2012/2013. The result of the research showed that the literary instrument test were more dominant on the writing competance aspect. It is proof on the presence of tendency to include the other competence (such as listening competence) in the writing activity. Furthermore, on the writing basic competence, the ways to demonstrate to the students were more efficient and varies so that the instrument was appropriate to be applied. On the literary aspect of instrument test, there was one of the basic competence which did not included to the instrument test, i.e. basic competence of 8.2 rewrite the fairytale using the own language of the fairytale which had ever read or listened. As the research forward, this basic competence do not listed on the literary aspect of the instrument test.
Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada 20 Paket Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMP 2012/2013 Rahmawati, Laili Etika; Kartikasari, Fitri; Sukoco, Yudha Wahyu Try
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 26 No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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This study aimed to analyze the language error on the Bahasa Indonesia National Examination instrument test of the Junior High School in 2012/2013 academic year. The research were qualitative descriptive research. The data analyzed the twenty packets of Bahasa Indonesia National Examination instrument test Secondary School Examination in 2012/2013. Twenty packages National Secondary School Examination in 2012/2013 were qualitative data. Data were collected from a package about twenty National Exams then was analyzed by using the language errors. The types of errors found in language packages about twenty Bahasa Indonesia National Examination in 2012/2013 were faults field of phonology, morphology and syntax. The results showed that language errors that occur in twenty packets Discuss Indonesian National Examination in 2013 as many as 58 data. Data analysis results was presented in accordance with the type of language errors that indicate an error in the twenty language packs Indonesian National Examination in 2013, both in the areas of phonology, morphology, and syntax.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 13, No 2: Agustus, 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The aims of the research were (1) to apply the collaborative method to improve the academic writing skills of the students; and (2) to improve the academic writing skills of the students through the collaborative method. The type of the research were Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research activity started with the real problems faced by the lecturer in the teaching and learning process followed by the real actions which were measurable. The subjects of the research were the students of S1 Physiotherapy program, Health Science Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in the first semester of the academic year 2012/2013 who were taking the Indonesian subject. The result of the action research shows that by applying the collaborative method, the academic writing skills of the students were improved. This could be seen from their active participation in the classroom and their awareness of the importance of writing skill. The test result indicates the average score was 74, 43, with the maximum score was 97 and the minimum score was 47. The average score of the academic writing before given the actions was 53, 82 with the maximum score was 89 and the minimum score was 25. The average score after the actions increased significantly. It was concluded that the academic writing skills of the students were improved after taught using collaborative method.
Pengembangan Model Penilaian Autentik Kompetensi Berbicara Rahmawati, Laili Etika; Fatimah, Nuraini
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 26 No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The first year research has aim to: (1) describe the learning assessment process of the speaking theory subject and (2) design the theorethic model of authentic assessment in speaking competence. The method used in the research is Research and Development method, i.e. the research method is used to produce certain product, and to test the effectiveness of the product. The results of the research are: (1) the assessment activity of the students’ speaking competence who takes the speaking theory subject have the characteristics of authentic assessment. It is based on the result of the curriculum review which has impact to the syllabus adjustment in directing to the teachers’ need at school. Therefore, the speaking competence assessment which focuses on the speaking ability, nowadays its academic competence focus is broading. In addition, the audiences’ affective respon is used as the assessment consideration; (2) the theoretic model of speaking competence assessment can be described that the speaking competence assessment is divided as two step categories, they are the process and the result assessment. The portofolio assessment is the most theorithic assessment tecnique which considered as it appropriate to gain the students’ speaking competence development. The result of the assessment is divided into two tests, i.e the middle semester test and the final semester test. The middle semester test is used to know the student’s competence which has closed relation to the speaking theories because the students have to mastery the speaking competence in order to practice the speaking competence, the students’ must also have to teach it. The final semester test is conducted to know the students’ competence in the speaking practice which can be conducted by the three techniques, they are group, peer, and individual technique. The tehcniques can be applied based on the needs and the characteristic of the tested competence.
WARTA WARTA Volume 18, Nomor 2, September 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The society service has aimed at accompanying the teachers on understanding and conducting the program of sustainable professionalism development (PKB) based on curriculum 2013. When the society service program has finished conducted, it is expected to acquire the four goals as follow: (1) the emergence of a professional teacher group and acquire the teaching competence by implementing the active learning strategy with scientific approach based on curriculum 2013; (2) the learning devices based on curriculum 2013; (3) the research proposal is classroom action research; and (4) the scientific publication article. The method applied in the society service program was conducted with the same model as the PLPG program conducted but the program implementation was simpler or could be called as mini PLPG. The program activity was beginned by deepening of material activity which related to the concept of PKB and the concept of curriculum 2013. The concept of PKB emphasized on three points that should be developed by the teachers, they were the self development, scientific publication, and innovative work. The concept of curriculum 2013 has priority on the changing understanding of the paradigm and the basic concept of curriculum structure, the prominent were about the core and the basic competences. After the deepening materials which conducted in the first phase has finished, the activity then continued by the workshop of the learning devices which emphasized on the concept of scientific approach, the active learning, and the authentic assessment which followed by peer teaching activity. The worshop activity of learning devices was conducted by facilitating the teachers in arranging the learning scenario based on the materials determined. The peer teaching activity was conducted by divide the participants into some groups to conduct the teaching practice by turns and apply the scientific approach. The third phase was the arranging the academic writing, and it has the priority on the arranging of classroom action research (PTK). The teachers were assigned to propose the classroom action research title based on the problem emerged on their classroom. After the teachers have determined the title, the society service team divisible the job to accompany the teachers in arranging the classroom action research. The strategy used in conducting the third phase, the society servicec team acted as the consultant. By the strategies applied, it is expected that the teachers would be more directed in writing and arranging the classroom action research in order to produce the quality academic writing.
WARTA WARTA Volume 18, Nomor 1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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This public service has aim to give knowledge for the MIM’s teachers in Matesih subregency about the curriculum of 2013 paradigm, continued profession development, and the lesson plan development based on the curriculum of 2013. The strategies used to pursue the goals were: (1) discussion: in the beginning of the activities, all ofthe  participants were  seated in  a room  to get  the knowledge  of curriculum  2013 paradigm and the continued profession development. After the presentation delivered by the speaker has finished, the participants conducted the discussion with the speaker related to the knowledge which had not been understood yet; (2) the lesson planworkshop: after the discussion finished, the participants were divided into two groups. The division of the groups  based on the class grade, they were class  1, 2, and 3 belonging to the first group while the class 4, 5, and 6 were belonging to the second group. Every group was guided by an instructure to give gudance for the participantsto understand the lesson plan format based on the curriculum of 2013 and asked to practice  the  lesson  plaan arranging.  The result  of  the  competitive social  service program (PAKOM) for the MIM’s teachers in Matesih subregency can be stated as successful. The indication was the target reached e.i. 100% of the teachers couldconstruct the lesson plan based on the curriculum of 2013.
WARTA WARTA Volume 18, Nomor 1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The aims of service on social through the on air broadcast of RRI Surakarta were to: (1) improve the understanding of teachers of Bahasa Indonesia toward the Bahasa Indonesia learning program based on texts; (2) enrich the knowledge of the listeners, especially for the students in which the learning of bahasa Indonesia based on the curriculum 2013; (3) create the close work relation of institution between the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and the government instituion i.e. Radio of Indonesian  Republic  of  Surakarta. The  soacial  service  was conducted  in RRI  of Surakarta, in the form of lecturing in an on-air broadcast, based on the paper which had been prepared  before. The on-air broadcast activities were  conducted by the recording before broadcasted. The recording process used the facilities in RRI of Surakarta guided by workers of RRI of Surakarta, both the responsibility and the recording process. The activities were conducted by on-air broaadcast. Every time the on-air broadcast was conducted by the speaker in which the topics were varies but, they were still on one theme. The on-air broadcast theme on the next three month is “The Improvement of Understanding the Learning of Bahasa Indonesia based on Texts of the Curriculum 2013 through the guiding on-air broadcast of Bahasa Indonesia in RRI of Surakarta”. The six times on-air broadcast activities which planned for three months, could be conducted six times of the new on-air broadcast.
WARTA WARTA Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The aim of the society services through the air broadcast in Radio of Indonesian Republic of Surakarta were: (1) to improve the society’s motivation, especially for them who were students in order to appreciate the literature; (2) to improve the society’s concerns, especially for those who students in improving their literature appreciation ability in order to attain the man who has wise character because the literature have the education values which could be the basic consideration in conducting the behaviour; (3) to enlarge the listeners’  knowledge, especilly for the students who need the knowledge of linguistics, literature, and its teaching; (4) to create the institution cooperation between the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and the government institution i.e. Radio of Indonesian Republic o f Surakarta. The social service was conducted in RRI Surakarta, in the form of speech broadcast, based on the paper prepared before. The broadcast activity is conducted by recording before its on air. The recording process used the facility of RRI Surakarta by the guidance of RRI Surakarta staff as the responsible or the recording section. The broadcast is delivered by a speaker with the different topics but in the same theme. The broadcast theme of the three months is “Improving the Ability of Literature Appreciation through the Broadcast Guidance of Bahasa Indonsia in RRI Surakarta”. The six times broadcast activity planned for three months can be conducted four times of new broadcast and twice of recorded broadcast.
WARTA WARTA Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.946 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v19i1.1981


The aim of the society services through the air broadcast in Radio of Indonesian Republic of Surakarta were: (1) to improve the society’s motivation, especially for them who were students in order to appreciate the literature; (2) to improve the society’s concerns, especially for those who students in improving their literature appreciation ability in order to attain the man who has wise character because the literature have the education values which could be the basic consideration in conducting the behaviour; (3) to enlarge the listeners’  knowledge, especilly for the students who need the knowledge of linguistics, literature, and its teaching; (4) to create the institution cooperation between the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and the government institution i.e. Radio of Indonesian Republic o f Surakarta. The social service was conducted in RRI Surakarta, in the form of speech broadcast, based on the paper prepared before. The broadcast activity is conducted by recording before its on air. The recording process used the facility of RRI Surakarta by the guidance of RRI Surakarta staff as the responsible or the recording section. The broadcast is delivered by a speaker with the different topics but in the same theme. The broadcast theme of the three months is “Improving the Ability of Literature Appreciation through the Broadcast Guidance of Bahasa Indonsia in RRI Surakarta”. The six times broadcast activity planned for three months can be conducted four times of new broadcast and twice of recorded broadcast.
The Politeness Comments on The Indonesian President Jokowi Instagram Official Account Viewed From Politico Pragmatics and The Character Education Orientation in The Disruption Era Prayitno, Harun Joko; Kusmanto, Hari; Nasucha, Yakub; Rahmawati, Laili Etika; Jamaluddin, Norliza; Samsuddin, Samsuddin; Ilma, Awla Akbar
Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (IJOLAE) Vol 1, No. 2, July 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.591 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/ijolae.v1i2.8785


Politeness of expression and character education are both crucial aspects, in the current era of disruption, especially concerning sociopragmatic political purposes. The realization of politeness acts of language in the context of communication and global communication has now penetrated without limits on social distance, time, and goals. The problem is the act of language in electronic media, especially Instagram, giving space to the user to be more open in expressing his goals and objectives, including to the president in relation to specific goals and politics. This study aims to identify the forms of positive politeness acts of followers' comments on President Jokowi's official Instagram account and describe the intent of politico pragmatic power of positive politeness of followers of Jokowi's Instagram accounts. The data source of this study was the speech of followers on the official Instagram account of Indonesian President Jokowi #MenujuIndonesiaMaju managed by the President's Digital Communication Team for the period October-November 2018. The study data were in the form of comments from Jokowi's Instagram account followers who had positive politico pragmatic politeness. The data collection technique was carried out using documentation, note-taking techniques, and continued with heuristic listening techniques. Data analysis was performed with an intralingual equivalent technique which was strengthened by an extra lingual equivalent and sharpened with Levinson's politeness analysis technique based on the principle of harmony in Javanese culture. The results of the study showed that the form of positive politeness acts that were most used by followers was by giving attention to the speech partners. Political propaganda power of dominant followers’ comments was in the form of the power to ask and support rather than the power of praise, the power of influence, the power of motivation, and the power of suggestion. It shows that Instagram account followers have an optimistic attitude towards Jokowi's leadership. Jokowi's managerial, and leadership performance has a positive face among followers. This power of praise, motivation, and advice is an essential component in the formation of children's character education in the current era of disruption of education.
Co-Authors Abd Kadir Mahamad Abdul Ngali Abdul Ngalim Achmad Fathoni Aditya Rini Kusumaningpuri Agus Budi Wahyudi Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Muhibbin Ahmad Yunus Aisyah Nur Fadhilah Aji Wasito Aldila Nur Rohmah Ali Imron Al-Ma’ruf Ali Imron Al-Ma’ruf Ali Ma'shum Fuadi Alif Lutfi Ghozali Amin Lestari Amrih Mulat Arif Asriyanto Anam Sutopo Anang Ma'ruf Anang Anatri Desstya Andi Haris Prabawa Andra Kurniawan Andra Kurniawan Angga Eko Novanto Anisa Alfiolia Anisa Yuli Rahma Fitriani Anita Zanjabiila Anita Zanjabila Annisa Febriasari Annisa Tiara Kusuma Aprin Wahyani Ardiansyah Widya Pahlevi Arfiki Rochadiana Arif Utsman Arif Wiyat Purnanto Arif Wiyat Purnanto Arif Wiyat Purnanto Arum Susilowati Atiqa Sabardila Awla Akbar Ilma Bambang Sumardjoko Bana Handaga Beauty, Melati Bekti Ningsih Budi Murtiyasa Cahyaning Fitria Prihutami Choiriyah Choiriyah Widyasari Christina Purbawati Cita Raras Nindya Pangesti Cyntia Tri Kristianti Dani Anwar Hadi Dawid Michal Gajewski Deffita Indah Permata Sari Desy Anggraini Dhimas Arsyad Arrajiv Diah Fitriani Dian Lukiana Dicki Yustika Nurleli Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi Dipa Nugraha Djalal Fuadi Djalal fuadi Dwijayati, Cidenty Dea Crismonia Dyah Ayu Utami eko purnomo Eko Purnomo Eko Purnomo Eko Supriyanto Endah Cahyaningsih Endang Fauziati Ermira Nilansari Putri Ermira Nilansari Putri Erni Styaningsih Evatias Nirmala Fahrizal Lalang Sitoro Fairly Fabiola Hendrik Fernanda Fera Diah Ayu Fernanda, Fairly Fabiola Hendrik Fika Ayu Sukma Fitri Itut Rahayu Fitri Kartikasari Fitri Kartikasari, Fitri Fitri Puji Rahmawati Hafiza Sana Mansoor Hafiza Sana Mansoor Handayani, Liza Tri Hanifah Monika Sulistyowati Hari Kusmanto Hari Kusmanto Kusmanto Harun Joko Prayitno Helen Mandasari Hesti Afril Ningtyas Hizbi Naufal Azis Husni Thamrin Ihdy Khafida Zahra Ilma, Awla Akbar Indah Prihatin Indra Nur Rahman Irsha Oktavimadani Putri Isnaini Safitri Jamaluddin, Norliza Joko Santosa Joko Santosa, Joko Kartini Kartini Koesoemo Ratih Ku-Ares Tawandorloh Kusmanto, Hari Kusuma, Annisa Tiara Laily Rahmatika Lalu Muhammad Ilham Fajri Laras Widi Anggraini Larasati Siti Maryam Lathifah Nurul Hidayah Lathifah Nurul Hidayah Liza Tri Handayani Liza Tri Handayani Lupita Sari Pitra Wardani Lupita Sari Pitra Wardani M. Banuri Bata Main Sufanti Main Sufanti Markhamah Maryam Sri Muhaimini Maudi Julia nasya Meitri Setiyaningsih Melati Beauty Melati Beauty Melati Beauty Mentari Deka Handayani Miftah Asyrofi Muhtar Miftahul Arifah B. B Miftakhul Huda Miftakhul Huda Miftakhul Huda Minsih Moh Suryo Hardiyat Muh Ali Barokah Muhammad Anwar Syihab Musthafa - Muhammad Zulfa Irfansyah Muhroji Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Nabila Alfiarini Mutiara Primasti Nadia Puji Ayu Najma Thalia Najma Thalia, Najma Nanda Yulianti Niko Indriyani Noer Hayati Norliza Jamaluddin Nur Indah Tri Ramadhani Nuraini Fatimah Nuraini Fatimah, Nuraini Nur’aini, Risma Nurman Mirmanto Nurul Hidayat Puji Purwati Putri Haryanti Putri Meinita Triana Putri Nurhidayati PUTRI OCVTAVIANI Putri, Irsha Oktavimadani Rahma Eka Septiana Rahmadani Indria Fatikhasari Rasidi, Rasidi Ratna Latifa Ratna Latifa Riana Kristina Suminar Ricky Darmawan Rifiana Febriyanti Rina Untari Rina Untari, Rina Risma Nur’aini Ristika Dwi Pramutya Riyani Eka Arnumasari Rizka Rahma Pradana Rizka Rahma Pradana, Rizka Rahma Rizqi Ardi Fadli Roid Ismail Ardho Ruis Udin Sabar Narimo Samsuddin Samsuddin Samsuddin Samsuddin Sarwiji Suwandi Sekar Chandra Sulistyowati Selvi Florenta Septiana, Rahma Eka Setiyaningsih, Meitri Setyo Eko Wahyu Addin Nugroho Sharifah Saon Sinta Tri Noviana Siska Novia Anggara Siti Atitah Siti Zubaidah Sri Arfiah Sri Kuspini Sri Waljinah Sulistia Ellsa Sulistyo Aji Sumardi Sumardi Sumardi Sundari Sundari Sutama Tegar Wijiarko Tety Bekti Sulistyorini Tiara Surya Madani Tri Santoso Tyas Wahyuningsih Umi Atun Sholikhah umi fadlilah Utami, Dyah Ayu Fajar Vitria Indriyani Setyaningsih Vitria Indriyani Setyaningsih Wahyu Nurul Mubarokah Wahyuni Wahyuni Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo Widi Astuti Widya Puteri Kusumawati Widya Puteri Kusumawati, Widya Puteri Winda Dwi Lestari Wisnu Cahyo Laksono Wiwik Ariesta Yakub Nasucha Yasinta Silviana Yenny Prastiwi Yeny Prastiwi Yeyen Syafitri Yudha Wahyu Try Sukoco Yudha Wahyu Try Sukoco, Yudha Wahyu Try Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati Yulina Puspitasari Yunita Mandasari Zulfa Destia Isnaini