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MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SINTAKSIS DI PERGURUAN TINGGI DI JATENG DAN DIY Markhamah, Markhamah; Ngalim, Abdul; Basri, Muhammad Muinudinillah; Mursiah, Tatik; Prasetyo, Ari; Prasetyo, Thomas
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 13, No 1: Februari, 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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A research on Syntax learning model in university is needed because such research is barely available for reference yet. Existing research on learning models are commonly carried out in high and middle schools, not university. This research aims to expose Syntax learning model in universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta.As object of research, two departments of Indonesian Language and Literature in Yogyakarta, one department of Indonesian language and Literature in Central Java, and one department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in Central Java are chosen to be analyzed. The model includes: existence of lecture plan (RPP/RMP), teaching material, lecturer methods/strategy, learning media, and evaluation method. Data of research is collected through interview and document analysis, which is done quantitatively us- ing interactive and comparative models. This research reaches five conclusions. First, all departments in the research have both RPP (lecture plan) and RMP (lecture quality plan), even though with slight differences in names and details. Second, the departments have similarities and differences in term of teaching material. As a similarity, teaching material based on lecturer research is not found. Third, the departments have similarities and differences in term of teaching methods. Interestingly, some departments use unique learning method that synergizes with ideology of the particular university. Fourth, learning media between the departments is varied. Not every department is familiar with multimedia technology though some lecturers smartly use games as learning media to cover the lack of multimedia technology. Fifth, the departments use different evaluation method with different components. Some departments uses UKD (base competence test) while some are using UAS (end semester test).
Pengaruh Metode Penilaian Persediaan dan Gross Profit Margin Terhadap Nilai Pasar (Studi Pada Perusahaan Dagang Yang Terdaftar Di Daftar Efek Syariah Periode 2009-2014) Maulana, Kinan Bahuweda; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 2, No 8 (2015): Agustus-2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research attempt to know the influence of inventory valuation methods and gross profit margin againts market value of trading company that listed on Daftar Efek Syariah from 2009 through 2014. The independent variable was inventory valuation methods and gross profit margin, the dependent variable was market value. The analysis techniques used is multiple linear regression with variable dummy and the equation is FIFO method Ymv = 10,694 - 0,385 (0) + 0,127 (GPM)= 10,694 + 0,127 (GPM) and Average method Ymv = 10,694 - 0,385 (1) + 0,127 (GPM) = 10,309 + 0,127 (GPM).Based on the results of t-test, the inventory valuation methods has not a significant influence. Similarly, the gross profit margin partially has not significant influence to market value. The result of simultaneous test showed that inventory valuation methods, gross profit margin has significant effect to against market value of trading company.
Pengaruh Etos Kerja Islam Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada Waroeng Steak and Shake Surabaya Saputro, Harjanto; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 3 (2014): Maret-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of Islamic work ethics to the employee Satisfaction on Waroeng Steak & Shake in Surabaya. This study used questionnaires in primary data collection and quantitative approaches. Experiments were done using simple linear regression, where the dependent variable (Y) is the employee work satisfaction and the independent variable (X) is Islamic work ethics. The research sample were taken by census. The research sample was 33 employees working in Waroeng Steak & Shake Surabaya.Based on the findings, it obtained simple linear regression equation : Y = 0,929 + 0,684X. The magnitude of the influence of Islamic work ethics to the employees work satisfaction on Waroeng Steak & Shake in Surabaya is the R2 value of 0,423 (42,3%). The result show that employee work satisfaction on Waroeng Steak & Shake in Surabaya significantly affect by Islamic work ethics.
Pengaruh Gaya Hidup Konsumen Muslim Terhadap Adopsi Smartphone Apple (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga) Rahmadi, Indra; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 2, No 3 (2015): Maret-2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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The purpose of this research is testing the influence of moslem consumer lifestyle to Apple smartphone adoption by students of Economics and Business Faculty of Airlangga University. This research uses quantitative approach and questionnaire for primary data collecting. The test was done using simple linear regression, where endogen variable (Y) is apple smartphone adoption and exogen variable (X) is moslem consumer lifestyle. Samples of this research was chosen using nonprobability sampling technique combined with accidentalsampling and purposive sampling. Samples in this research are 100 students of Economics and Business Faculty of Airlangga University.Based on the result of this research linear regression equation obtained is Y = 0.787 + 0.840 X. The measurenment of the influence of moslem consumer lifestyle to Apple smartphone adoption by students of Economics and Business Faculty of Airlangga University has 0.290 (29%) R2 value. The result of this research shows that moslem consumer lifestyle has a significant influence with Apple smartphone adoption by students of Economics and Business Faculty of Airlangga University.
Motivasi Kerja Islam dan Etos Kerja Islam Karyawan Bank Jatim Syariah Cabang Surabaya Anoraga, Bhirawa; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 2, No 7 (2015): Juli-2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of Islamic work motivation to the employee Islamic work ethics on Jatim Sharia Bank Branch Surabaya. This study used questionnaires in primary data collection and quantitative approaches. Experiments were done using simple linear regression, where the dependent variable (Y) is the employee Islamic work ethics and the independent variable (X) is Islamic work motivation. The research sample were taken by census. The research sample was 54 employees working in Jatim Sharia Bank Branch Surabaya.Based on the findings, it obtained simple linear regression equation : Y = 2,739 + 0,353X. The magnitude of the influence of Islamic work ethics to the employees Islamic work ethics on Jatim Sharia Branch Surabaya is the R2 value of 0,446 (44,6%). The result show that employee Islamic work ethics on Jatim Sharia Bank Branch Surabaya significantly affect by Islamic work motivation.
Pengaruh Etos Kerja Islam Terhadap Komitmen Kerja Karyawan Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Surabaya Pratama, Novandi Arif; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 8 (2014): Agustus-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of Islamic work ethics to the organizational commitment on Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah in Surabaya. This study used questionnaires in primary data collection and quantitative approaches. Experiments were done using simple linear regression, where the dependent variable (Y) is the organizational commitment and the independent variable (X) is Islamic work ethics. The research sample were taken by nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling method. The research sample was 58 employees work in Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Surabaya.Based on the findings, it obtained simple linear regression equation : Y = 5,908+0,452X. The magnitude of the influence of Islamic work ethics to the organizational commitment on Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Surabaya. According to the final summaries of description data analysis from Islamic work ethic variable, that is have a resolute stand and got no effect (X1.3) has the lowest mean value, Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah be expected to capable of keeping and increasing the human resources, in shaping employees resolute and not easily influenced, so as toimprove the islamic work ethic. For the next research can be done with distinguish the permanent employees and not-permanent employees which later result from the study willbe compared to find out the influence of Islamic work ethic to deeper Organizational Commitment.
Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Terhadap Niat Muzakki Membayar Dana Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah Pada Yayasan Nurul Hayat Cabang Tuban Fiqhyany, Milla Rahma; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 11 (2014): November-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This study aimed to find out the effect of integrated marketing communication which consist of advertising, public relation, direct marketing, and personal selling to muzakki’s intention paying zakah, infaq, shadaqah funds at Nurul Hayat Foundation Branch Tuban. Primary data of this research is taken by questionnaires with samples are 98 respondent is taken by simple random sampling. This research uses quantitative approach with multiple linear regresion analysis.The result of this research showed that integrated marketing communication(advertising, public relation, direct marketing, and personal selling) simultaneously influence muzakki’s intention. While partially, only two variables that are advertising and public relation have influence to muzakki’s intention. And exogenous variables which is the most dominant influence endogenous is public relation.Nurul Hayat Foundation branch Tuban should give more attention to each kind ofintegrated marketing communication, especially personal selling. Beside that, they should give more motivation and training for their employees which work as zakah advisor. For further research, it can be research about marketing mix is done by a kind of the other institution, with the result that will find out more extensive research about factors that influence muzakki pay or distribute zakah, infaq, shadaqah funds at zakah institution.
Penerapan Strategic Marketing Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Jemur Handayani Surabaya Ramadhani, Aprilia Kinasih Putri; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 12 (2014): Desember-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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Islamic Banking in Indonesia are developing rapidly. it can be seen by the number of offices that increase from year to year. This development of islamic banking can make a competition between the islamic banking. Therefore, to face the tight competition, islamic banking needs the right strategic marketing that compatible with sharia principle. The strategic marketing consists of three components. They are segmenting, targeting, and positioning. This research aims to know how the application of strategic marketing in Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office of Jemur Handayani Surabaya.This research is using qulitative approach with case study strategy. The datacollecting method is using direct interview with Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office of Jemur Handayani’s office workers. The data analysis method is using descriptive qualitative approach.The result of this research shows that strategic marketing which is applied in Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office of Jemur Handayani are compatible with sharia principle. Market segments in Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office of Jemur Handayani are from lending and funding. For targeting, Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office of Jemur Handayani is using the full market coverage pattern. And the positioning is done by raising the quality of service.
Motivasi Kerja dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Islam Karyawan BRI Syariah KCI Surabaya Gubeng Putri, Wednesdayanti Angelia; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 6 (2014): Juni-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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Basically BRISyariah’s employee have different job motivations. Working on an Islamic environment certainly at least a little or a lot will affected their job motives, so that finnaly, it can be shown the Islamic performance employee. The aim of this research was to examine job motivation of BRISyariah KCI Surabaya Gubeng’s employee influance on their Islamic performance whether the Islamic performance assessment was affected by their motivations.This research is quantitative research and uses linier regression analysis as analysis model. The sample in this research was obtained by purposive sampling method. Based on this method, there were 44 employees in accordance with the criteria of this research’s sample that was determined with a minimum work term of 3 months. The performance assessment was rated by each department manager where they were placed. Data collected by distributing questionnaires about their job motivation to employees and performance appraisal sheet to the manager.The results of the research indicate that job motivation influence on the Islamic performance of BRISyariah KCI Surabaya Gubeng’s employee.
Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Petani Bawang Merah Tidak Memilih Pembiayaan Pada Bank Syariah di Nganjuk Pratiwi, Anantika Hanum; Prasetyo, Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 1, No 7 (2014): Juli-2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research purposes to determine the factors that affect onion farmers not choose financing in Sharia Banking in Nganjuk. Right now, in Sharia Banking showed rapid development but not matched by the number of customers, especially financing customers the onion farmers in Nganjuk.This research uses a quantitative approach using exploratory factor analysis. Population characteristics of this research are the onion farmers in the Ngrami village and Sukomoro Subdistrict. The number of samples during the preliminary test by conducting a written interview on 10 respondents and to the main test required 100 respondents also. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Results of this research showed that there are four factors affected onion farmers not to choose financing in Sharia Banking in Nganjuk. Four those factors as a result of reduction of processing factor analysis. The four factors are named with the recommendations of other factors, another competitor, locations, and popularity. Suggestion for Sharia Bank are to socialize, provide products financing in the form of seasonal for farmers, by proactive services to potential customers, and services through a car arround in a place easily accessible public. Factors that are formed in this research also can be used to further research for influence the other variables, the decision did not choose to become sharia banking customers as a whole, not only on financing customers. In addition to further research the SUbject of research is expected to wider scope.
Co-Authors Abdul Hafid B Abdul Ngalim Achmad Nur Iman Achmad Zaini Al Mustofa, Muhammad Ubaidillah Alfina Taswirul Fanni Amanda Maulidiyah Firdaus Anantika Hanum Pratiwi Anantika Hanum Pratiwi, Anantika Hanum Angga Bayu Pradhana Angga Bayu Pradhana, Angga Bayu Angga Dharmawan Anggraeni Dwi Briliantini Anugrahadi, Yoga Dwi Aprilia Kinasih Putri Ramadhani Aprilia Kinasih Putri Ramadhani, Aprilia Kinasih Putri Ari Prasetyo Arief Sabda Pietra Mukti Sutikno Armeita Maya Shanty Auliya Walidani Syafitri Bhirawa Anoraga Bhirawa Anoraga, Bhirawa Dea Yovita Purnomo Dhedi Widihartanto Diah Ayu Legowati Dody Ariawan Dynoviar Nirbita Muhammad Elnissa Hanifah Onggrasari Ferdian Dwi Krismonicha Halimatussa'idah Halimatussa'idah Hamid Abdillah Hanifa Nurhidayati Harjanto Saputro Harjanto Saputro, Harjanto Harsito, Catur Hinanda Tomi Adikoro Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Ibnu Jauzi Imron Mawardi Indra Rahmadi Indra Rahmadi, Indra Intan Kusuma Pratiwi Iwan junaedi Jati, Raditya Prawita Kinan Bahuweda Maulana Kinan Bahuweda Maulana, Kinan Bahuweda Lidia Ralina Majid, Imam Abdul Markhamah Markhamah Mega Ayuning Tyas Mega Ayuning Tyas, Mega Ayuning Milla Rahma Fiqhyany Milla Rahma Fiqhyany, Milla Rahma Muhammad Muinudinillah Basri, Muhammad Muinudinillah Muhammad Nurul Qomaruddin Nanda Shelia Nimas Anggita Iddo Driantami Novandi Arif Pratama Novandi Arif Pratama, Novandi Arif Novita Andriana Nur Shofa Barkhiyyah Nurkaromah Dwidayati, Nurkaromah Nurul Muhayat Qoidah Weka Aristawati Qomaruddin, Muhammad Nurul Raditya Prawita Jati Reynanda A.R Risky Okta Dwi Putra Rizky Aprilian Kusuma Dewi Robertus Bellarminus Krisna Wijaya Sarah Aulia Rahma Shanty, Armeita Maya Shinta Puspitasari Hidayat Soraya Rizky Widyanti Syamsul Hadi Tatik Mursiah, Tatik Thomas Prasetyo, Thomas Tika Widiastuti Tisof Amri Izar Aminulloh Titis Srimuda Pitana, Titis Srimuda Tuwanku Aria Auliandri Virda Yusniawati Wahyu Maulana Ibrahim Wednesdayanti Angelia Putri Wednesdayanti Angelia Putri, Wednesdayanti Angelia Widihartanto, Dhedi Widyanti, Soraya Rizky Yanti Andiani Yoga Dwi Anugrahadi Yoga Dwi Anugrahadi