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Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmieb.v3i1.3415


Makalah ini berisi tinjauan komprehensif terhadap literatur tentang dampak kejadian terorisme terhadap performa IHSG. Terorisme merupakan suatu kejadian yang dilakukan oleh individu atau kelompok untuk melakukan serangan-serangan yang telah terkoordinasi dan bertujuan membangkitkan perasaan takut atau cemas terhadap sekelompok masyarakat yang mengakibatkan kerugian di suatu Negara. Dalam melakukan aksinya, pelaku terorisme seringkali menggunakan cara kekerasan ataupun militer untuk menyebarkan ketakutan atau teror pada masyarakat atau suatu Negara. Terjadinya serangan terorisme akan memberi dampak pada sektor investasi dan perekonomian di suatu Negara. Karena setelah terjadinya serangan terorisme tersebut, akan muncul ketidakstabilan politik dan keamanan di Negara tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau hubungan terjadinya bencana dengan dampaknya terhadap performa nilai tukar terutama nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat dan performa pasar modal yang diwakili oleh IHSG. Makalah ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dan pendekatannya menggunakan literature review. Pada berbagai literatur menyebutkan aksi terorisme memiliki dampak ekonomi yang cukup luas terutama di Indonesia yang berdasarkan data Global Terorism Index 2017, skala dampak terorisme di Indonesia berada di level menengah dengan skor 4,55 dari skor tertinggi 10. Hasil review ini menunjukkan bahwa dari seluruh kejadian terorisme yang terjadi di Indonesia, hampir seluruhnya memberikan dampak negatif pada performa Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap mata uang asing. This paper contains a comprehensive review of the literature on the impact of terrorism incidents on CSPI performance. Terrorism is an event carried out by individuals or groups to carry out attacks that have been coordinated and aim to arouse feelings of fear or anxiety towards a group of people that result in losses in a country. In carrying out its actions, terrorists often use violence or the military to spread fear or terror to the community or a State. The occurrence of terrorist attacks will have an impact on the investment sector and the economy in a country. Because after the terrorist attacks, political and security instability in the country will emerge. This study aims to review the relationship between the occurrence of disasters and their impact on the performance of the exchange rate, especially the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar and the capital market performance represented by the CSPI. This paper uses descriptive research and its approach uses literature review. In various literatures mention terrorism has quite a broad economic impact especially in Indonesia which based on 2017 Global Terorism Index data, the scale of the impact of terrorism in Indonesia is at the middle level with a score of 4.55 from the highest score of 10. The results of this review indicate that of all incidents terrorism that occurred in Indonesia, almost all had a negative impact on the performance of the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) and the exchange rate of the rupiah against foreign currencies. 
Factors Remaining Business Results on the Quality of Savings and Loan Cooperative Financing in Subang Regency Hendiarto, R. Susanto; Widajatun, Vincentia Wahju
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.74 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/jiap.v10i1.13569


Profit is not the main goal of the cooperative business, but the business that is managed by the cooperative must obtain the remaining business results that are feasible so that the cooperative can maintain its survival and improve the ability of its business. This study aims to determine the effect of the number of members, own capital, external capital, business valves, and assets owned to the remaining results of business (Indonesian terms: Sisa Hasil Usaha/SHU) savings and loan cooperatives in Subang district. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling so as many as 14 cooperatives were selected. Data analysis used in this study is classical assumption analysis and then panel data analysis is carried out, determination of test coefficients (R2), F statistical tests, t statistical tests. Based on the results of research that has been carried out simultaneously known all independent variables significantly influence the residual business results. However, the partial test shows that only the variables of business capital, business volume, and assets owned by cooperatives have an effect on the residual results of operations, while the variable number of members and external capital has no effect on the residual results of operations.
HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR BUSINESS FACING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 (MENGUBAH PETAKA MENJADI PELUANG) PADA UMKM BINAAN KADIN PROVINSI JAWA BARAT Neneng Susanti; Tanti Irawati Mukhlis; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun; Nugi Muhammad Nugraha; Muhammad Bayu Aji Sumantri; Supardi Supardi
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JPDL (Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v3i2.8801


ABSTRAK                                                                                                                Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan menggerakkan masyarakat agar berusaha lagi mencari peluang dalam siatusi pandemik ini sehingga bisa bertahan dalam perekonomian dengan menciptakan inovasi baru. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian dengan mengadakan penyuluhan, sistem pemaparan secara online, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Dalam materi penyuluhan diberikan gambaran mengenai cara mencari peluang pada masa pandemik inidenga harapan  memberikan wawasan baru bagi parapelaku usaha yang nantinya dapat diterapkan dan ditularkan ke masyarakat luas.Target materi pada kegiatan penyuluhan PKM tercapai dengan cukup baik, dapat dilihat dari hasil pemahamana dari  materipenyuluhan. Untuk menerapkan hasil dari penyuluhan masih diperlukan kepercayaan masyarkakat untk menggunakan media aplikasi, meskipunbanyak  keuntungan yang ditawarkan cara belanja online. Beberapa langkah untuk dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya di pasar di era digital seperti, refokus pelanggan  dan industri rethinking, merancang strategi sosial dan digital dan mengembangkan kapabilitas organisasi. Kata Kunci : Pelatihan, UMKM, Online
Tax Planning (Insentif Pajak) Sebagai Strategi UMKM Binaan KADIN Jawa Barat Dalam Menghadapi Dampak Covid-19 Neneng Susanti; Ivan Gumilar Sambas Putra; Muhammad Bayu Aji Sumantri; Nugi Muhammad Nugraha; Supardi Supardi; Tanti Irawati Mukhlis; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun
Jurnal PADMA: Pengabdian Dharma Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2021): PADMA
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jpdm.v1i2.10643


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat diselenggaran dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kebijakan pemerintah dalam pemberian insentif pajak; pemahaman atas masa pembayaran, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak; dan perhitungan atas pph (pajak penghasilan).Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, tutorial, dan diskusi. Materi kegiatan mengenai Tax Planning (insentif pajak) sebagai strategi UMKM dalam menghadapi dampak COVID-19 dengan harapan  memberikan pemahaman bagi UMKM yang nantinya dapat diterapkan dan ditularkan ke masyarakat luas. Target materi pada kegiatan penyuluhan PKM tercapai dengan cukup baik, dapat dilihat dari hasil pemahaman dari materi kegiatan. Untuk menerapkan hasil dari kegiatan masih diperlukan UMKM binaan KADIN di sektor kuliner dan fashion dapat melaksanakan pengadministrasian keuangan yang baik, merencanakan strategi keuangan yang baik dan perencanaan perpajakan tepat guna dan tertib administrasi.Kata Kunci : Tax planning, insentif pajak, Covid 19,  UMKM Community service activities are held with the aim of providing an understanding of government policies in providing tax incentives; understanding of the payment period, deposit and tax reporting; and calculation of pph (income tax). The implementation of community service activities is carried out by means of lectures, tutorials, and discussions. Activity material regarding Tax Planning (tax incentives) as a strategy for MSMEs in dealing with the impact of COVID-19 with the hope of providing understanding for MSMEs which can later be applied and transmitted to the wider community. The target material in PKM extension activities was achieved quite well, it can be seen from the results of the understanding of the activity material. To implement the results of these activities, KADIN-assisted MSMEs in the culinary and fashion sectors are still required to carry out good financial administration, plan a good financial strategy and plan taxation in an efficient and orderly manner.Keywords: Tax planning, tax incentives, Covid 19, UMKM
Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepuasan Konsumen di Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta Ida Nuraida; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun; Lilian Danil
Research Report - Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Report - Humanities and Social Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1886.367 KB)


  The role of airports as a meeting place between the users of air transportation ( passenger ) and air transportation providers (airlines) is very important. Satisfaction of the passengers is an important part of the service at the airport. An independent, agency Skytrax, conducted a survey on customer satisfaction to the passengers from the international airport in the world, and the results of customer satisfaction index to Soekarno-Hatta international airport is still not satisfactory. Researchers try to find out whether the passenger’s perception of service quality related to satisfaction of Soekarno-Hatta airport. Benchmarking of service quality of Soekarno–Hatta, with Changi and Hongkong, were intended to facilitate analysis and give solution for PT Angkasa Pura. This research using qualitative and quantitative method. Data collected from observation, interviews and questionnaires. Data from questionnaires has been processed with confirmatory analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. Keyword: service quality, airport, customers satisfaction 
The Effect of Regional Financial Supervision, Accountability and Transparency of Regional Financial Management on Local Government Performance Vincentia Wahju Widajatun; Francisca Kristiastuti
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v3i4.1319


This study aims to determine the effect of regional financial supervision on local government performance, the effect of regional financial management accountability on regional government performance, to determine the effect of transparency in regional financial management on regional government performance, and the effect of regional financial supervision, accountability and transparency of regional financial management on performance. Regional government. This research was conducted in West Bandung Regency. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling techniques so that the samples in this study were 34 people. The type of data used in this research is quantitative and qualitative data, while the data source is the primary data source. The method of data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS 24.0 program. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously regional financial supervision, accountability and financial management transparency have a significant effect on the performance of local governments. Regional Financial Supervision has no significant effect on Local Government performance, financial management accountability has a significant effect on Local Government performance, financial management transparency has a significant effect on Local Government performance.
Dampak Aksi Terorisme Dan Upaya Deradikalisasi Penanganan Atas Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Nugi Mohammad Nugraha; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun; Abdul Rozak
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Industri Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Industri (JTMI)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri S2 ITN Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/jtmi.v5i1.262


Pemerintah dan masyarakat meyakini bahwa fenomena terorisme belum akan hilang dengan begitu mudahnya. Perlu upaya dalam menangani permasalahan ini secara sistematis dan komprehensif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan, faktor faktor tersebut adalah pergerakan nilai tukar mata uang rupiah terhadap mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat dan inflasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pergerakan nilai tukar, inflasi dan IHSG pada bulan terjadinya aksi terorisme tahun 2000 hingga 2018. Analisis data dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda.Nilai tukar mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan inflasi tidak mempunyai pengaruh.
MSMEs Understanding of Taxation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Neneng Susanti; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v2i1.3689


This paper based on a community service activities held with the aim of providing an understanding of government policies in providing tax incentives; understanding of the period of payment, deposit and tax reporting; and calculation of PPh (income tax). The implementation of the community service was carried out using lecture, tutorial, and discussion methods. Activity material prepared regarding the introduction of taxes during pandemic in order to help MSMEs in dealing with the impact of COVID-19 with hope of providing understanding for MSMEs which can later be applied and transmitted to the wider community. The target of PKM counselling activities, those who participated, understood the material provided. Their understanding were quite good, it was seen from the questions asked and discussions quality of the participants. By understanding the material from this information dissemination activity, it is expected that MSMEs assisted by KADIN in the culinary and fashion sectors can do better planning in terms of financial strategies related to taxation policies during the pandemic.
Kiat - Kiat Berinvestasi Di Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia Neneng Susanti; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun; Muhammad Bayu Aji Sumantri; Tanti Irawati Mukhlis; Ivan Sambas Putra
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol 5, No 1 (2022): JPDL (Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v5i1.23432


Perkembangan pasar modal suatu negara, memiliki pengaruh yang berbanding lurus dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara berkembang yang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia. Namun, perkembangan pasar modal di Indonesia sejauh ini masih dapat dikatakan sangat lambat ketika dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara berkembang lainnya. Salah satu hambatan yang dihadapi adalah masih rendahnya literasi dan inklusi di industry pasar modal Indonesia. Masih rendahnya tingkat literasi dan inklusi di industry pasar modal Indonesia mengakibatkan rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat pada pasar modal. Selain itu, sebagai salah satu negara muslim terbesar di dunia, negara Indonesia tidak dapat memandang sebelah mata potensi yang dapat diberikan oleh pasar modal syariah. Sehingga, Indonesia perlu untuk meningkatkan literasi dan inklusi bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang beragama Islam sehingga dengan meningkatnya tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan investasi di pasar modal syariah, maka pasar modal Indonesia secara keseluruhan dapat berkembang sesuai dengan potensinya.
Pengaruh Kebijakan Dividen Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Lq-45) Reva Yuliani; Vincentia Wahju Widajatun
Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Manajemen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei : Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.196 KB) | DOI: 10.59581/jrim-widyakarya.v1i2.950


Dividend distribution by companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is a consideration of investors in making investments. Dividend policy considers how much dividends will be paid, the frequency of dividend payments, and the method of dividend payments, both in cash and in the form of stock dividends. The decisions of these investors affect the price of shares on the stock exchange. The market price of a company's shares formed between buyers and sellers during a transaction is called the company's market value, because the price on the stock exchange is considered a reflection of the real value of the company's assets. The stock price in the market shows the performance of the company. This study shows the relationship between dividend policy and PBV which reflects company performance. By using quantitative research methods. It can be concluded that dividend policy affects PBV..