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Analisis Level Kesiapan Warga Menghadapi Potensi Bencana Longsor Kota Semarang Susanto, Novie; Putranto, Thomas Triadi
TEKNIK Vol 37, No 2 (2016): (Desember 2016)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2601.18 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v37i2.9815


Semarang memiliki morfologi bervariasi yang berpotensi terhadap bencana tanah longsor. Daerah rawan longsor ini mengakibatkan kerugian yang tidak sedikit baik sisi ekonomi sosial seperti bangunan (vihara, talud, rumah dan sebagainya) maupun nyawa manusia. Dalam hal ini manusia banyak dirugikan meskipun aktivitas manusia juga terdeteksi sebagai salah satu penyebab utama terjadinya bencana longsor. Untuk mengurangi kerugian yang mungkin ditimbulkan oleh bencana longsor di Kota Semarang perlu diketahui status kesiapsiagaan warga sehingga prioritas sosialisasi dan intervensi dapat terarah dengan baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengukur indeks kesiapsiagaan warga di 19 lokasi titik penelitian rawan bencana longsor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum, kesiapsiagaan masyarakat Semarang masuk dalam kategori “Hampir Siap” dengan nilai indeks 55,74. Terdapat 2 lokasi yang memiliki indeks kesiapsiagaan “BelumSiap” yaitu Kembang Arum dan Manyaran. Daerah Mangunharjo berada dalam kategori indeks cukup siap. Ketiga daerah ini berada di daerah dengan tingkat kerawanan cukup tinggi sehingga diprioritaskan untuk mendapatkan sosialisasi dan intervensi yang diperlukan. [Title: Analysis of Citizens’ Preparedness Level toward Potency of Landslides Disaster in Semarang City] Semarang has different morphology and by doing so caused a high potential for landslides. This case resulted in the losses of the landslide-prone area both for the social economy such as buildings (temples, embankments, homes, etc.) and human lives. In this case, the man obtained many disadvantages although human activity is also detected as one of the main causes of the landslide. To reduce the losses, it is needed to know the status of citizens’ preparedness so that the priority of socialization and interventions can be targeted properly. The method used in this study is the measurement of the preparedness index of residents in 19 locations of landslides-prone areas. The results showed in general, the community preparedness Semarang in the category "Almost Ready" with an index value of 55.74. There are two locations that have an index of preparedness "Not Ready" namely Kembang Arum and Manyaran. Mangunharjo area is in the category of the index “Quite Ready”. Those areas are located in areas with fairly high degree of vulnerability. So they are prioritized for the socialization and the interventions.
Studi Kerentanan Air Tanah Terhadap Kontaminan Menggunakan Metode Drastic di Kota Pekalongan Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Widiarso, Dian Agus; Yuslihanu, Fatir
TEKNIK Vol 37, No 1 (2016): (Juli 2016)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.327 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v37i1.9637


Kota Pekalongan berada di Pulau Jawa bagian Utara. Jumlah penduduk kota pekalongan setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan. Tahun 2008 jumlah penduduk Kota Pekalongan sebanyak 271.990 jiwa kemudian menjadi 290.347 di Tahun 2012.. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air, peduduk Kota Pekalongan menggunakan sumur gali yang menyadap air dari akuifer bebas atau akuifer dangkal. Air tanah bebas sangat rentan terhadap pencemaran akibat pengaruh letaknya yang dangkal dan aktivitas manusia. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu kajian mengenai kerentanan air tanah terhadap kontaminan. Analisis dilakukan denganmenggunakan metode DRASTIC. Metode ini merupakan metode pombobotan berdasarkan beberapa parameter, yaitu: kedalaman muka air tanah (D), jumlah area recharge (R), litologi akuifer (A), jenis media tanah (S), topografi (T), jenis media zona tak jenuh air (I), dan konduktivitas hidrolika (C). Berdasarkan hasil analisis DRASTIC, terdapat tiga tingkat kerentanan yaitu: daerah tingkat kerentanan sedang dengan nilai DRASTIC Indeks (DI) 101-140, daerah tingkat kerentanan tinggi dengan nilai DI 141-180, dan daerah tingkat kerentanan sangat tinggi dengan nilai DI >180.[An Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability of Contaminant Using DRASTIC Method in Pekalongan City] Pekalongan city which located on the north of Java Island is growing fast, in particular in the population growth. In 2008, total population in Pekalongan city was 271.990 inhabitants increased then up to 290.347 inhabitants in 2012. To fill the water necessary, people in Pekalongan city are using dug wells which are abstracted groundwater from the unconfined aquifer or shallow aquifer. Shallow groundwater can be vulnerabe which are influenced by surface and human activities. Thus, it requires an assessment of the groundwater vulnerability and risk of contaminant. It was analyzed by DRASTIC method. The DRASTIC method is applied by using weighted of some parameters, i.e.: groundwater Depth (D), amount of Recharge (R), Aquifer type (A), Soil type (S), topography (T), Impact of unsatuated zone (I), and hydraulic Conductivity (C). DRASTIC Index (DI) results in three vulnerability levels which are medium with DI 101-140, high with DI around 141-180 and above 180 for high vulnerable of contaminant.
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 14, No 1 (2017): Maret 2017
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.252 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v14i1.15-23


Air tanah sebagai air bersih merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer manusia yang dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai kepentingan manusia serta untuk air minum. Airtanah memiliki kualitas dimana salah satu parameter fisiknya adalah daya hantar listrik (DHL). Dalam suatu Cekungan Airtanah (CAT), airtanah memiliki keberagaman nilai daya hantar listrik yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor infiltrasi dan lingkungan. Nilai DHL dapat dijadikan suatu acuan mengenai kelayakan suatu airtanah sebagai air minum. Sebagai salah satu sumber yang paling diminati masyarakat, maka masyarakat juga perlu untuk mengetahui kualitas dari airtanah tersebut melalui parameter daya hantar listrik sehingga peta daya hantar listrik daerah CAT Sumowono dapat menjadi suatu informasi bagi masyarakat yang menggunakan airtanah dari CAT Sumowono tersebut. Maka dari itu perlu adanya pembuatan peta daya hantar listrik daerah CAT Sumowono agar masyarakat merasa nyaman dan aman dalam memanfaatkan airtanah. Metode interpolasi data DHL menggunakan analisis geostatistik yang terdapat pada perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.3. Metode interpolasi yang digunakan adalah Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basis Functions (RBF) dan Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK). Dari keseluruhan data yang terinterpolasi, didapatkan dua kelas kualitas airtanah berdasarkan nilai DHL, yaitu Sangat Baik (<250 μS/cm) dan Baik (250-750 μS/cm). Metode interpolasi yang dinilai paling seimbang adalah metode RBF. Melalui peta DHL hasil interpolasi metode RBF diketahui persebaran daerah dengan kelas sangat baik pada daerah CAT Sumowono mencakup 52,8% dari luas CAT dan 47,2% masuk ke dalam kelas baik.
Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Winarno, Tri; Susanta, Axel Prima Agita
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224


DOI:10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224Salatiga Groundwater Basin (SGB) is located in Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, it covers Semarang Regency, Salatiga City, and Boyolali Regency. Industry and community use groundwater to fulfil their daily need. Increasing number of deep wells that extract groundwater will cause some environmental problems, such as lowering groundwater level and subsidence at SGB. Thus, there is a need to assess the adverse impacts of groundwater abstraction. Risk assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is the goal of this study. The research method was taking account of weighting of geological parameters, such as response characteristics of the aquifers, characteristics of aquifer storage, aquifer thickness, piezometric depth, and distance from the shoreline to conduct the groundwater vulnerability mapping. It was then overlaid on a map of regional spatial plan to develop the map of vulnerability risk due to abstraction. The groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is categorized in the medium level. After being overlaid by the land use map, the risk of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is classified into three kinds, which are low, medium, and high. Regions with a low class can be neglected. Areas with moderate risk require an exhaustive review of technical requirements of the use of borewell. Areas with high-risk need a comprehensive consideration to use artesian wells by monitoring wells with drill licenses, tightening the permit to add new production wells, and conducting periodic review of groundwater monitoring.
Pemetaan Hidrogeologi untuk Analisis Zona Konservasi Air Tanah di Cekungan Air Tanah (CAT) Sumowono, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Susanto, Novie; Pangestuti, Dina Rahayuning; Pranata, Mathias Andika Setya
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2746.25 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v17i2.154-168


Groundwater management at groundwater basins Sumowono needs to be done because of the increasing development of the area. This research is oriented to analyzing groundwater conditions, compiling groundwater conservation zones, and explaining conservation zones' suitability with spatial maps. The method used is mapping hydrogeological conditions such as surface observation of rock types, inventory of hydrogeological points of interest, knowing the patterns and directions of groundwater flow, groundwater utilization, and groundwater sampling to measure the degree of acidity and electrical conductivity. From the mapping results, it is found that the lithology is composed of tuffaceous sandstones and volcanic breccias. Based on the free groundwater table analysis, the free groundwater flow pattern follows the topographic slope, flowing from the high topography on the south and southeast sides to the low topography on the north side of the area. The utilization of groundwater is used for irrigation, domestic and fishery purposes. Measurement of groundwater samples' quality for the degree of acidity is between 5.32-7.98 while the electrical conductivity is between 36-550 µS / cm, and the level of damage due to groundwater utilization is included in the safe zone. The groundwater conservation zone consists of recharge areas and spring protection zones. The result of overlapping between the groundwater conservation zone and the spatial plan map shows suitability as a protection zone.
Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Winarno, Tri; Susanta, Axel Prima Agita
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3431.409 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224


DOI:10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224Salatiga Groundwater Basin (SGB) is located in Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, it covers Semarang Regency, Salatiga City, and Boyolali Regency. Industry and community use groundwater to fulfil their daily need. Increasing number of deep wells that extract groundwater will cause some environmental problems, such as lowering groundwater level and subsidence at SGB. Thus, there is a need to assess the adverse impacts of groundwater abstraction. Risk assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is the goal of this study. The research method was taking account of weighting of geological parameters, such as response characteristics of the aquifers, characteristics of aquifer storage, aquifer thickness, piezometric depth, and distance from the shoreline to conduct the groundwater vulnerability mapping. It was then overlaid on a map of regional spatial plan to develop the map of vulnerability risk due to abstraction. The groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is categorized in the medium level. After being overlaid by the land use map, the risk of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is classified into three kinds, which are low, medium, and high. Regions with a low class can be neglected. Areas with moderate risk require an exhaustive review of technical requirements of the use of borewell. Areas with high-risk need a comprehensive consideration to use artesian wells by monitoring wells with drill licenses, tightening the permit to add new production wells, and conducting periodic review of groundwater monitoring.
Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Winarno, Tri; Susanta, Axel Prima Agita
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224


DOI:10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224Salatiga Groundwater Basin (SGB) is located in Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, it covers Semarang Regency, Salatiga City, and Boyolali Regency. Industry and community use groundwater to fulfil their daily need. Increasing number of deep wells that extract groundwater will cause some environmental problems, such as lowering groundwater level and subsidence at SGB. Thus, there is a need to assess the adverse impacts of groundwater abstraction. Risk assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is the goal of this study. The research method was taking account of weighting of geological parameters, such as response characteristics of the aquifers, characteristics of aquifer storage, aquifer thickness, piezometric depth, and distance from the shoreline to conduct the groundwater vulnerability mapping. It was then overlaid on a map of regional spatial plan to develop the map of vulnerability risk due to abstraction. The groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is categorized in the medium level. After being overlaid by the land use map, the risk of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is classified into three kinds, which are low, medium, and high. Regions with a low class can be neglected. Areas with moderate risk require an exhaustive review of technical requirements of the use of borewell. Areas with high-risk need a comprehensive consideration to use artesian wells by monitoring wells with drill licenses, tightening the permit to add new production wells, and conducting periodic review of groundwater monitoring.
Publisher : BAPPEDA Kota Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1556.766 KB)


Population and socio-economic growth trigger changes in land use functions. Land use and climate change in line with the increase in the rate of surface water and a decrease in the quality of water infiltration into the soil. Decreasing water absorption triggers an abundance of water on the surface which leads to hydrometeorological disasters, one of them is flooding. The research study is in Pekalongan City which has a very flat topography a nd the estuary area of several rivers from the upstream area. The current condition of Pekalongan City has a huge potential for flood disaster. The purposes of this study are to measure the depth of the groundwater level, to delineate the flooding area, and to recommend the infiltration wells based on the Geographic Information System. The methods were hydrogeological mapping, including the measurement of the water table, collecting land use maps, delineating flooding zone, calculating impermeable zones, collecting hydrological data such as precipitation . The results show that the groundwater level at the research location is classified into 3 classes, namely 0 -1.5 meters, 1.5-3 meters, and > 3 meters. The need for infiltration wells in the flood-prone areas of Pekalongan City is 57,718 units. The needs for rainwater infiltration wells in areas outside flood -prone areas and groundwater depth> 1.5 meters are 227,416 units with a well's depth between 1.5 to 4 meters. Keywords: Infiltration well, hydrometeorological, disaster Pekalongan City
Penentuan Zona Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Airtanah Akuifer Bebas pada Cekungan Airtanah Pati-Rembang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Thomas Triadi Putranto; Daniel Setiawan
Publisher : Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/risetgeotam2019.v29.1025


Wilayah Cekungan Airtanah (CAT) Pati-Rembang berada di daerah Kabupaten Pati, Jepara, dan Rembang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk akan menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan air bersih. Salah satu sumber air bersih berasal dari airtanah dari akuifer bebas. Airtanah dimanfaatkan secara intensif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih. Pengambilan airtanah yang berlebihan berdampak menurunnya kuantitas dan kualitas dari airtanah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi hidrogeologi, mengetahui kualitas airtanah, mengetahui persebaran zona konservasi dan kesesuaian perencanaan tata ruang wilayah dengan peta zona konservasi daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dan metode analisis. Pemetaan hidrogeologi dan analisis hidrogeokimia digunakan untuk menentukan zona konservasi dan pemanfaatan airtanah akuifer bebas di daerah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan muka airtanah akuifer bebas memiliki pola aliran airtanah dari arah barat menuju utara dan timur daerah penelitian. Terdapat sampel airtanah yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk keperluan air minum. Hasil penyusunan zona konservasi airtanah pada CAT Pati-Rembang menunjukkan adanya dua zona yaitu zona perlindungan airtanah (sub zona imbuhan dan perlindungan mataair) dan zona pemanfaatan (sub zona aman, rawan, kritis dan rusak). Juga terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara zona konservasi airtanah dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah.Pati-Rembang Groundwater basin area is located in Pati Regency, Jepara Regency, and Rembang Regency, Central Java Province. Population growth will cause an increase in the need for clean water. One of the of clean water sources is the groundwater from the unconfined aquifers via dug wells. Excessive groundwater extraction would result in a decrease in both the quantity and quality of groundwater. The purpose of this study was to determine the hydrogeological conditions as well as its quality, to delineate the distribution of conservation zone and the suitability of regional spatial planning related to the groundwater conservation. Hydrogeological mapping and hydrogeochemical analysis were applied to determine the conservation zone and groundwater utilisation of the unconfined aquifer. The results showed that groundwater flows from the west to the north and the east of the study area. There are groundwater samples that unsuitable for consumption. We established 2 groundwater conservation zones: the groundwater protection zones (sub-zone of recharge zone and protection of springs) and the utilisation zones (secured, vulnerable, critical, and damaged). Moreover, we also found some inconsistency between the groundwater conservation zones and the regional spatial plans.
Pilot Implementation of Human-Centered Model in Disaster Management: A Report From Landslides Area in Semarang City Thomas Triadi Putranto; Novie Susanto
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 49, No 2 (2017): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2428.889 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.15943


Semarang has a high potential of landslides occurrences in its almost area that should be noted by the stakeholders. Consider this fact, human as the part of the system should be used as a center of the disaster management system to reduce the risk caused by the disaster. An adapted model of human factor toolkits is developed to represent a specific phase of human-centered disaster management. This model presents four phases including major disaster scenario, human error analysis, safety critical task and performance influence factors (PIFs). As the preliminary implementation, this study takes the pilot implementation of each phase of the model to examine the reliability of the concept in the landslide cases, especially in Semarang city. The result shows that there is quite a high deviation between expected and observed behavior of the community and the government institution regarding the awareness states of the system.